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19305027 No.19305027 [Reply] [Original]

>George Orwell wrote in 1944 that "the word 'Fascism' is almost entirely meaningless. ... almost any English person would accept 'bully' as a synonym for 'Fascist,'" and in 1946 that "...'Fascism' has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies something not desirable."

>> No.19305060

Yes obviously

>> No.19305331

Yeah that's about right for people who don't know anything about the movement and use the word indiscriminately. It obviously has a positive meaning for National Socialists

>> No.19305344

Fascism derives from "bundle of sticks" so etymologically speaking it's not wrong to draw an equivalence between fascist and bully

I'm not sure that national socialists consider themselves fascist

>> No.19305355

I thought they did. Not sure now. But modern NatSocs definitely do however.

>> No.19305365

I've seen plenty of modern natsocs insist that fascism is not national socialism, and not just in a "it's a different colour" way. National socialism, for one, is way more racial than Mussolini's fascism

>> No.19305371

Today is usually used to descrive someone who supposedly is trying to get power through racism
All context about Nazis has been taken away and they are now only known for being anti semitic. Italian fascism is mostly ignored

>> No.19305380

Yes, same goes for the word Nazi and incel and every other in-vogue insult.

>> No.19305402

I feel that way about most ideological identifiers. It's best in a conversation to start by asking the other person to clarify their definition, and then work within their framework. I don't mind talking to someone whose usage of "fascist" seems obviously wrong to me as long as I know what they do mean by it.