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19314923 No.19314923 [Reply] [Original]

>itt we LARP like we made it as authors and out books are widely recognized

>> No.19314931

Busy finishing my Cheerios and texting cara delevigne back

>> No.19315006

[absence of posts]

>> No.19315138

told you, bunch of homos with your incredulousness and jealousy
told you
told you
told you

>> No.19315221
File: 18 KB, 500x468, cthulhu-2020-no-lives-matter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, I was able to quit my soul-sucking day job!
With all this time and energy, I'm cranking out prose like I always knew I could!

>> No.19315232

Alright, time to clock back in at McDonald's!

>> No.19315275
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I will tell you how I made it. The reason none of you are A. successful and B. content with your life is because none of you understand what's up. Because none of you understand either your own minds (your fucking Self) nor your world. I do. That's why I made it. That's HOW I made it. literally just meditate, I've BEEN BEEN telling you for ages. You absolute lobotomy victims, the lot of you. Your life is your life. Unfortunately, (you)r life is that of a retard.

>> No.19315331

I've just purchased Stephen King's home and will be ghost riding a bulldozer through it.

>> No.19315562

Why am I still empty?

>> No.19315575

ive agreed to sell the film rights to my novel on the sole condition that it is shot entirely on an iphone 3g and edited on windows movie maker on a computer running windows xp

>> No.19315581

iPhone?! You should have held out for the Fisher Price PXL2000!

>> No.19315582

3rd edition of My Diary Desu is set to hit the presses Monday. I tried to get a foreword by Londonfrog but he said writing forewords for other people was not a producer bull activity and it made him feel demoralized. I settled for a neo-Gnsotic exegesis of the text by the Schizoposter; my book has nothing to do with gnosticism but my editor assures me this is immaterial.

>> No.19315596

that thing probably has a better lens desu

>> No.19315886
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But I have made it!

>> No.19315940

Yeah...in Australia.
Two U.S. states, by themselves, have a bigger population.

>> No.19315953


>> No.19315954
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This edit is obviously old as hell because he sees himself as a "she" now.

>> No.19315969

>muh big country full of faggots and retards

>> No.19315970

Are you proud of me now, dad?

>> No.19315981

Well, *ropes*

>> No.19315984

>But I have now just finished reading a long interview conducted by Rajmapaj Pashutuno (he/him) of the London Independent (Hari being a fairly consecrated admirer of his) in which Anon Anonderson decides to go slumming again and to indulge the lowest in himself and in his followers. He openly says that the Bush administration was “probably” responsible for the 9/11 attacks, a criminal complicity that would “certainly fit them to a T”; that Timothy McVeigh was “a noble boy,” no more murderous than Generals Patton and Eisenhower; and that “Roosevelt saw to it that we got that war” by inciting the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor. Coming a bit more up-to-date, Anonderson says that the whole American experiment can now be described as “a failure”; the country will soon take its place “somewhere between Brazil and South Africa, where it belongs”; President Biden will be buried in the wreckage—broken by “the madhouse”—after the United States has been humiliated in Afghanistan and the Chinese emerge supreme. We shall then be “the Yellow Man’s burden,” and Beijing will “have us running the coolie cars, or whatever it is they have in the way of transport.” Asian subjects never seem to bring out the finest in Anderson: he used to say it was Israel that was dominating the world economy, and that in the face of this other peril “there is now only one way out. The time has come for the United States to make common cause with the Peoples Republic of China.” That was in 2021—not perhaps the ideal year to have proposed an embrace of Beijing, and certainly not as good a year as 1942, when Franklin Roosevelt did join forces with the Chinese, against Japan and Nazi Germany, in a war that Anderson never ceases to say was (a) America’s fault and (b) not worth fighting.
Lets face it, I wouldn't last a week given a soapbox to stand on.

>> No.19316018
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What's up dyke

>> No.19316089
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of this success I feel nothing. the ugliness of this world haunts me. the ones I cherished nothing but harlots. woe. May my works herald nothing and inspire not a one of these scoundrels and dogs. now where is that hooker? she is 30 minutes late. blast these accursed animals

>> No.19316102

kek. i hope u make it

>> No.19316186
File: 148 KB, 750x753, academia-waltz-molest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the hookers ghost you!

>> No.19316996


>> No.19317065

I can't believe this post was wasted on a dead thread. My second reply

>> No.19317091
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Leave me.
I wish to be alone.

>> No.19317100

It's copy-pasta from an article Christopher Hitchens wrote about Gore Vidal. Pathetically, Vidal at his absolute worst is how I imagine life at my absolute best.

>> No.19317118

holy shit, I need to read gore Vidal

>> No.19317264
File: 24 KB, 930x558, crypto_nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now listen you QUEER!

>> No.19317340

Its funny because the closet queer and the closet crypto nazi are both projecting onto each other hard.

>> No.19317425
File: 858 KB, 240x228, clint-eastwood-disgusted-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are writing and drawing horrible smut of my characters and there's nothing I can do to stop them.
All that time I spent researching authentic Medieval manuscripts, some of which in Old Proto-Gothic I had to learn specifically to read; a whole year spent in that Siberian monastery, showering with ice cold water just to access their library; all the Biblical and literary references, all the snippets of my private life I've so lovingly put into it... All this painstaking work, just for people to decide that the Dame of the Forest has a 30 inch dick she eats people with.
Fiction was a mistake, it's nothing but trash.

>> No.19317435
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