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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.42 MB, 1545x2000, cover010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19323990 No.19323990 [Reply] [Original]

TO TRICK OR NOT TO TREAT; or, A Distinct Lack of Poe Edition,
NOTWITHSTANDING (Up to and including):
>illegit Sp0oks
>Brackish Cognitocharms
> BustaYarnZ
> Art Hoes (+)
>QuickS&, m80!

>it can't be
>tell me it's not true
>it's true
>good god get me out of here

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>> No.19324005
File: 28 KB, 773x1000, cover010lite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one might look better

>> No.19324020

First for a very spooky halloween.

>> No.19324045
File: 2.15 MB, 2304x3072, 51443406485_347e5e305a_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP &ampBy/lit/
no jews allowed

>> No.19324049

i mean only jews allowed

>> No.19324063

what is this login shit?

>> No.19324068
File: 774 KB, 800x1200, 0 (8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exclusive online content not available in print

>> No.19324098
File: 88 KB, 184x217, 1561000759639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this graphic design is pretty good

>> No.19324107

why does that remind me of the 5e D&D logo?

>> No.19324139
File: 687 KB, 800x1200, 0 (10).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o shit eulogy for the west has its name covered up in the toc fuck sakes

>> No.19324232

Enjoyed Bumbus, just Bumbus.

>> No.19324283
File: 289 KB, 512x512, 0 (41).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shid i didnt tag that one either wow im kms

>> No.19324338
File: 48 KB, 640x784, Lar9xKEQEIoBMoCAXqX3UBjS8SGTGT9YFg9gteue2ds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf? You missed my poetic contribution:

Lord Mixner, don't you know who I am? I love girls just like any man! well...any man that's a man that is...any man except sam, you dig?
Lord Mixner, won't you let me be? I am me for eternity―but not much longer, see―cause everything has it's end, everything including you my friend.
Lord Mixner, won't you suck my cock? I'll even give you some shiny rocks―but no more than two―cause last night you left me blue, and I don't forgive or forget―yet.
Lord Mixner, you seen me cry? I don't care cause soon I'll die, and shame don't follow you to the grave, far's I know anyway...but what do I know? save I'm gonna die some day.
Lord Mixner, can you tell me how? now came from then, but it's always now into now? I saw the old lady killing that hen or was it the other way around? I wouldn't know anyhow so why don't you tell me friend?
Lord Mixner, you seen me get shot? that vaccine gets me hot but my arm was numb so it felt like another hand...you mind giving me one sam? or do you think no-one knows you're not a man?
Lord Mixner, I must say good-bye and I'm sure you know just why is why, for you got me shot and let me be, you knew me friend and sucked my D., you told me how and saw me cry, and now I gotta say goodbye.
Goodnight my friend we'll meet again soon :)

>> No.19324375
File: 1.23 MB, 720x960, 85F0ACEF-A0B6-43DE-AD24-1187B80663C9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg it was even in the pasta file too. i always miss something when it’s posted in the thread. I’ll make sure it goes in the next one. I accidentally repeated a photograph too. what a shlemiel!

>> No.19324384

I'll look into it. The Pandemic was so weird last year and I spent so much time feeling pushed off my usual tilt that I started writing again.

>> No.19324494

I also liked that one.
The one about humor was well written as well.

>> No.19324503

SayLavee I spoze. The last version had errors in it anyway, so use this friend. Thanks.

>> No.19324673

Design is very good. Like the 1 page poems. Very luxurious.

>> No.19324717
File: 46 KB, 631x486, death_-_spiritual_healing.mp3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, I was published

Thank you, Editor Anon. My 30 minute effort writing this piece of schizo rambling was not in vain.

>> No.19325184
File: 1.84 MB, 1488x967, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this cut deep editor-san

>> No.19325256


>> No.19325416


>> No.19325430

There's a lot of filler pages in this with no writing on them, but it's a nice mag

>> No.19325893

Is that a slide extended down from the neighbor's back deck?

>> No.19325983
File: 67 KB, 500x593, went101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I submit a story, should I send it as a plain text or do I need to edit the pages? (format, fonts, pictures and so on...)

Cause I can write, but I am a shitty designer at best.

>> No.19326004
File: 793 KB, 1080x1080, BADAA960-7688-4EFC-BBC7-CAA131FD4241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The filler is the best part.
Jk. The more anons submit, the less Botox needs to go in.
Submit words in any format, we’ll do the rest.

>> No.19326457


>> No.19326806

ty bby. I liked the name so much i just kept repeating it in the story lol.

>> No.19326846

I don't mind some of the filler, but the dolls and shit was low res and dumb. Also the ad for a drug site at the end is funny, but also cringe (20% off when you pay in crypto!!!@#!!!@#! fuckin fag nerds).

>> No.19326929
File: 156 KB, 644x362, 7C05228A-BC52-41E3-923F-1FB89B2969CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which page anon

>> No.19327068

Wasn't a fan of stuff like the dolls either. Should have just made a thread saying there weren't enough submissions and either people rush in with a few extra stories or essays, or you roll it over to November, to be honest.

>> No.19327073

You were late for Halloween. Not sure if I'll be able to forgive you anon

>> No.19327077

>The more anons submit, the less Botox needs to go in.
Just reduce the page count lol

>> No.19327274

Nice'ne, anones!

>> No.19327572
File: 1.40 MB, 1265x811, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the everloving fuck is this shit

>> No.19328044

What do you mean?
They were on time. At least where I live they were(PST).

>> No.19328383

best issue yet boys. honestly my fave is
>the majority of jazz isnt for everyone
cos it got me in the halloween spirit

>> No.19328416

exactly what i would expect to see in a 4chan literary magazine

>> No.19328438
File: 26 KB, 747x411, gawd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

88, 90 on pdf.

"Off the boy, Satan"
A bit disappointed the story wasn't formatted but I'm happy it was published nonetheless.
It means it's legible.

>> No.19328467

that ending slapped.good shit

>> No.19328753

>Like the 1 page poems
Which one did you like the most?

>> No.19328761
File: 122 KB, 800x1258, d9837iq597o51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys accept edits? or just want raw writing/art/photos/3d shit?

>> No.19328807

Thanks, buddy.
I'm still learning how to write.

>> No.19328847


>> No.19328855

damn this jibaku shit got me wildin

>> No.19328875
File: 2.65 MB, 1920x1080, pg58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flipping through it and like the art direction quite a bit. This one resonated with me. Thanks anons.

>> No.19328884

Thanks for putting me in there, anon.

>> No.19329331

>do you guys accept edits? or just want raw writing/art/photos/3d shit?
I don't think they have a preference. IDK. Just send it to them and see what they say.

>> No.19329373

Liked the anti-laughter article. Was autistic and unique. Can the author link his original post where people called him retarded?

>> No.19330502

You liked the filler?

>> No.19330896

not that anon but i thought the filler was hilarious

>> No.19331097

Alright guys, I wrote a story for the November edition. It will be very /x/ themed. I won't publish it now because I need to annex some pics, but by the 15th you should have it.
(You) WILL read my story and (You) WILL become a schizo.

I hope people start producing content fast for this edition.

Today I'll start reading this month's issue

>> No.19331662

Why do all the issues have such low resolution images?

>> No.19331966


Just read that.
Ironically, it made me laugh. And I cannot tell if it was the goal of the message was to make me laugh or if anon was deadly serious.
Either way, mine was an interesting reaction to such eassy.

>> No.19332636


>> No.19332688
File: 15 KB, 381x500, 31gX5yAUSkL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you making money with unlicensed texts again, my friend?

>> No.19333077

Not op but...
The magazine is copyleft and available for free.
One can purchase a physical copy in order to assist the project. They already do a good editing job and pay for a domain, so it's nothing but fair.

>> No.19333302

This looks absolutely incredible guys. I'm going to buy a copy and read some of the actual content - any interest in the dubs philosophy guy contributing?

>> No.19333451
File: 88 KB, 532x668, Wokek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found it lol, here you go I was there.

>> No.19333684

p. 10 was my favorite, i wanted to write something like that but was too edgy. P.36 was very good too

>> No.19333832

edge is good. i live for the edgy submissions

>> No.19333893

Nice work. You've gone the extra step.

>> No.19334001

You might just motivate me

>> No.19334124

To the editor: Just opened it up and it appears that you attributed my Agelastian Awakening article to "Anonymous"―and called it an Anonymous Diatribe―despite my name-fagging use of a pseudonym; I also just assumed that you would turn the parenthetical clauses marked "footnote:" into footnotes but it appears I was mistake.
I apologise, I should have asked especially for that to be done. I appreciate that you were having a bit of trouble getting this edition into print and really, it was a wonderful job, thank you. I'm just glad to see the movement spreading.
> Liked the anti-laughter article.
Glad to hear it, spread the word.
> Was autistic
There's that word again
> and unique.
Well I strive to be.
> Can the author link his original post where people called him retarded?
This anon >>19333451 appears to have found it; for a while I couldn't find it either but now I have it so I'm very thankful for that.
Thank you.
> Ironically, it made me laugh.
I cannot stress enough how depressing this is to hear.
>Either way, mine was an interesting reaction to such eassy.
there is nothing interesting about your reaction―regardless of how antithetical it is to my aim―as the indoctrinated one's natural inclination is to be hostile to criticism or to perceive it as mere absurdity, and perceived absurdity becomes laughter. Put simply: the lover of laughter cannot conceive that someone can be against laughter, so they laugh.
Even so, I wasn't ready to hear that, to tell you the truth, and I am quite horrified at the idea. I will work harder to be taken seriously.

>> No.19334241

>Even so, I wasn't ready to hear that, to tell you the truth, and I am quite horrified at the idea. I will work harder to be taken seriously.
I don't think it's a relationship to you but a relationship to the act of spiritual distancing that humour is.

>> No.19334271
File: 1.55 MB, 1242x1868, C7D3C2E4-1F05-461C-AEFF-11BB5958C0E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you aware that three stars means that it's the editor's least favorite entry in the issue? the notation came about in the third issue when addressing complaints of those who had made submissions that were not included in the final release.
i've followed these editors' works with such faith that seeing the date on the lower right half of my computer screen creep to the late 20s was enough to make me smile like a kid on christmas eve, but seeing your article marked like that, echoing the curt, reflexive responses to your posts in >>1933345, troubled me deeply, as someone haunted by past attempts to maintain counterproductive friendships through thoughtless laughter and whose guilt and lonesomeness following the decision to cut all ties with them following high school graduation to instead wander suburbia with an old, digital camera on a rusted bicycle that summer before my first semester at a university on the other side of the country being quite literally evaporated from my conscience after watching your thread develop over the course of a scant few hours

>> No.19334331

thoughts on Kierkegaard's Trophonean cave anecdote?
>The same thing happened to me that, according to legend, happened to Parmeniscus, who in the Trophonean cave lost the ability to laugh but acquired it again on the island of Delos upon seeing a shapeless block that was said to be the image of the goddess Leto. When I was very young, I forgot in the Trophonean cave how to laugh; when I became an adult, when I opened my eyes and saw actuality, then I started to laugh and have never stopped laughing since that time. I saw that the meaning of life was to make a living, its goal to be- come a councilor, that the rich delight oflove was to acquire a well-to-do girl, that the blessedness of friendship was to help each other in financial difficulties, that wisdom was whatever the majority assumed it to be, that enthusiasm was to give a speech, that courage was to risk being fined ten dollars, that cordiality was to say "May it do you good" after a meal, that piety was to go to communion once a year. This I saw, and I laughed.
I think he'd say, yes, he's laughing because he "cannot conceive" that people could behave this way, it's absurd (like Democritus, "the laughing philosopher", laughs due to the absurdity of the human condition).

>Put simply: the lover of laughter cannot conceive that someone can be against laughter, so they laugh.
my issue with this is, not just that i don't think it's out of my conception that someone can be against laughter (although being THIS against it that you are horrified at someone finding your work funny does come across as absurdity, which is funny, you are right), but that it's just so convenient that everyone that laughs at you is indoctrinated. how could you even know what you said isn't funny? just like determining whether or not a work of art is good, there is no other test as to whether or not something is funny than indexing to majority opinion. i don't think i'm hostile to your viewpoint because i don't even think there is an objectively correct viewpoint here

>> No.19334369

I also want to add that, in fact, I found the idea of someone being against laughter funny originally because (however ironically) of how convincing the argument was. That one anon (you?) that said,
>Go ahead and laugh idiot. Can I stopping you? No. So go ahead and smile, push the fat of your cheeks into your eyes and crease the surrounding skin, expose your gums, and stick out your tongue; go ahead and exhale violently, wheeze, bellow, thunder, and convulse; go ahead and go about slapping your knees, flailing around, slumping over, hugging yourself, snickering, covering your face, snorting and coughing; make a show of it too, so that other idiots can see you and join in.
He did skillfully manage to make laughter look extremely grotesque and absurd, which is not something I had thought of before. And I found THAT realization funny. Which is basically the opposite of laughing to antagonize you

>> No.19334448

>it's just so convenient that everyone that laughs at you is indoctrinated
agreement would take the form of silently cringing and disagreement would entail partaking in the behavior parodized by him; how would responding to the quote in >>19334369 with laughter be considered anything but?

>> No.19334660

I don’t understand the question. Either way my original laughing was not because I’m “hostile to criticism” or because I thought what was said was absurd (but because he made laughing seem absurd, and absurdity is funny).

>> No.19334806

Kierkegaard indulges in an act of extremely absurdity in laughing, since laughter is itself simply absurdity indulging in absurdity; he surrenders, whereas he should fight (which I think he does ably with his philosophy for the most part).
> it's just so convenient that everyone that laughs at you is indoctrinated
Laughter is a reaction arising from apprehension of the absurd or of the pathetic; anyone who could apprehend this immediately in the doctrine I here propound has not, as yet, manage to show me my error; you say that it is because hilarity is something one must sense to understand―and that it were as if, I take it, one was to try and describe color to the blind―but if this sense is especially for the apprehension of the absurd or pathetic, then the faculty of reason should be just as adequate a detector; so that even a humorless man could understand why there should be anything to laugh at (though he may miss out on the qualia of perceiving something as funny) but again I have not been challenged on the logic so much of my claims which leads me to suspect that there is no reason behind why my doctrine is being taken to be either absurd or pathetic, just that it is, which seems to me to be indicative of a high level of indoctrination.
> I don't even think there is an objectively correct viewpoint here
I think, without any malice intended to you, that your laughter betrays you; but at any rate, if you are indeed telling the truth, I should be very sorry for you indeed.
Yes that was me. I'm annoyed at the grammatical mistakes I made there in my haste and I think it would have been more effective had there not been any. I'm glad that you saw something in it but I shall have to rewrite it.
Anyway, again you find what I say funny and I must say, if you are being sincere, it saddens me very deeply and I find myself, again, frustrated. I am not a comedian and I have never *intentionally* made anyone laugh; I admit, with shame, that, out of curiosity, I have attempted to joke before but my attempts, to memory, have not been very successful.
That laughter is grotesque is my point; that you have reacted with laughter, perhaps, is because of how apparently unlikely this observation is to you―despite it's clear truth now that you have thought on it―but it only seems unlikely because it is against your conception of laughter as good and natural, whereas laughter serves no unique purpose and is too much of a vice to be a net boon; again, this is indicative of a warped sense of reality, which is why the mentally disturbed are often seen cackling about, seemingly, nothing. Laughter can only make reality seem absurd.

>> No.19334901

> color (sic)
> humorless (sic)
For fuck's sake, I should just correct this myself.

>> No.19334937

I really like it anon. the sounds are very aesthetic.
you a good poet
would you publish OC virgin-chad memes or are you too good for that

>> No.19335643
File: 84 KB, 886x480, Screenshot_20211103-032542_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffee and chili was my fave

>> No.19335667

I hope they are.

>> No.19335734

Thanks a lot bro :)
I didn't take it seriously but I sort of tried to make it flow nice and I'm glad it turned out okay.

>> No.19335956

>Put simply: the lover of laughter cannot conceive that someone can be against laugh

Well, or maybe the so called "lover of laughter" doesn't care if there are other people around the world that consider laughter an immoral act.
I can't even help, as Baudelaire would say, the laughter is daemonic and that the goal of the comedian is to look inferior to the laughing subject, for a laughter is released only when the person has a feeling of superiority (maybe that's why in highschool, often the funniest class clown is also an underdog)
I don't care you might think, the laughter was released. It's not immoral to laugh.

>Even so, I wasn't ready to hear that, to tell you the truth, and I am quite horrified at the idea. I will work harder to be taken seriously.

You cannot control how people will take your arguments. The text was well constructed, tho it simply did not convince me.

Accept the world and the diversity of people as it is.
How silly it would be to take a crusade against laughter, sounds even stranger than fiction.

>> No.19337157

>OC virgin-chad memes

>> No.19337200
File: 386 KB, 1400x933, mammon worship holiday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am reading the magazine slowly. Just read **PACE MACHINE**
It was very, good anon. Quite entertaining.
I like weird things, it reminded me of Calhoun's "Behavioral Sink" experiment.

>> No.19337467

Good lord this post and its replies.
Idea for a new recurring segment for the magazine: "The 7th Paragraph of My Current Draft" where people submit as the title suggests, without providing any context to see if their tone, style, and diction is informative and engaging enough.

>> No.19338392

thank you bby, it was a slight rewrite of a very vivid dream I had. just read about calhoun's experiment, very strange and interesting.

>> No.19338645

a photo I posted on /p/ made the cover, cool.

has anybody ordered a physical copy?

if so, that means I'm a published photographer. (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง

>> No.19339775


>> No.19340889
File: 495 KB, 1600x881, 1609385807778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked. i have to finish the year up with the hundred page luxury periodicals then going forward the style will be much looser. people hated the dolls kek my bad.
poetry that was submitted. good stuff right.
that one's called Trumpeters, man i didn't put the title in a few of them hey.
you know what's weird is that my aesthetic taste has found its way to raw document formats. Your story was one of my favorites and it deserved perfect design or zero design. submit for next month and we'll make it shine.
there are no rules. send anything and everything.
i'm still learning how to not be trash.
checked yes canva hasn't caught on yet.
thanks buddy. i do the whole thing in a crazy caffeine fueled weekend just before deadline. i make a lot of mistakes and there is nobody to edit the editor that way the shittiness is super authentic and reflects my work ethic.
i apologize for the sloppy editing lol. i have no excuses. i clearly don't care anymore which makes it more fun for me. i promise to do better going forward.

Okay so two more issues this year. November is going to be a photo issue. submit your photos. also i'll be driving extra hard throughout november and december for submissions so that there's no botox. i'd like to really make the final 2021 issue as proper as possible.
2022 will mark a shift in &amp in that i plan to experiment with the page count and release schedule so that we can avoid trash that is worthless to anons and keep the trash that is worthwhile. i know it sucks having shit published with errors or lame shit. maybe every month we can have anons submit covers. covers are fun. i'm open. whatever makes it fun again.

>> No.19340924


>> No.19341653

What's the proper wait if we were published in previous issue? 12 months? 18 months?

>> No.19341684

No wait brother. Submit often. Submit early.

>> No.19342229

>Okay so two more issues this year. November is going to be a photo issue. submit your photos. also i'll be driving extra hard throughout november and december for submissions so that there's no botox. i'd like to really make the final 2021 issue as proper as possible.

Alright, thanks for letting me know.
Then there won't be short stories in November, right?

Actually I am working in two stories at once, and I was planning to submit one for November and another one for December.

The one I was planning for November would be an /x/ inspired dark commedy, it is basically written and all I need is to annex some pictures of vandalized publich bathroom mirrors (yes, it is part of the story and I already had some ideas on how to do that).

And the one I was writing for December edition is Christmas themed, so if it has any quality and worth a publish, I would like the Christmas themed story to be published in December.

So, the question is, should I send you this story I was writing for November only in January?
You approved one of my stories in the current edition and you said you liked, now I am giving more effort in these other stories and see if I can write quality stuff for each and every month.

>> No.19342733

Thanks. Will send another piece after an edit.

>> No.19342774

Honestly anon, I was skeptical at first, but the impulsive thrown-together aesthetic works very well. Other lit mags that were done more professionally never lasted because they obviously required too much committment from the editors. A place for raw output has better legs.

Rest assured, I'll submit some gay poetry, and photos as well.

>> No.19343648
File: 181 KB, 363x468, lampbylit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i have to play it by ear. the reason i wasn't going to make a literary issue for november is because i didn't want to have to use any mechanically separated chicken or modified milk ingredients when making it. i figured that if i waited until december it would help guarantee enough subs to fill a whole issue. normally i would just write like 7k words and stretch the design to fill the pages but i didn't have the time this edition so i took content from the recently launched instameme page but the low rez images were a mistake. so instead of killing myself i want to improve so that idea was just a tactic in that effort.

we could compromise and make a photo-heavy issue and use whatever subs we DO get in november (and now that I think of it, using /p/ to fill empty pages instead of malnutritious bunk is a decent idea).
for now i would suggest sending my your november piece in january. if something changes, and 3Ditor feels like doing november, i'll let you know. anons reading this feel free to send all things all the time.
thanks. it would be nice if i didn't repeat stuff tho and there are actual errors that will last for all of history so it IS worth it putting the extra time in. i'm just better at forgiving myself for being shitty rather than giving myself permission to be great. kek.
the truth is i'm not really much of an editor. i love to read but, like most people, i love to read to my taste. i much prefer to write. it is a lot of work to make &amp but it doesnt take a lot of effort, if you know what I mean. i've skimmed content and just thrown it in, knowing that i'm not actually going to read it until the physical is in my hands. i've gone without even bothering to design some pieces, like the last piece in 010. it's a one man show and the only checks to my power happen in these threads in the form of anons losing interest in the project because i'm a low-effort faggot.
2021 has been without a doubt the most absolutely tragic and fucking bananas year of my entire life. making the magazine, the website, the social media, it's helped me and it's hurt me. at this point i'm probably trauma-bonded to the project in ways that will likely suffer the same conclusions that much of my romantic and work relationships have, an emotionally violent and lifechanging catalyst for the next developmental stage of my spirit. i do admit that sometimes i'd rather just take the easy way out. thank god for this shithole or else in my darkest hour i'd have literally nobody.

>> No.19343693

also updating the online submission form now to actually work again, and post immediately so that there will only be retroactive content editing for online slush subs.

>> No.19343953
File: 556 KB, 741x922, 1631728810728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah okay use the online submission form now for immediate online publication

>> No.19343962

>i love to read to my taste
what r u reading right now

>> No.19343975

How do I buy this magazine in the UK?

>> No.19343991
File: 706 KB, 587x885, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a quickie, let me know if you'd like the full size file or not

>> No.19344073


>> No.19344102
File: 1.56 MB, 3024x4032, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>binging DFW pic related
yes please. also send more in that format; i think you might be onto something.

>> No.19344980
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>> No.19345317

dirty whores be gone

>> No.19345515
File: 294 KB, 457x284, Screen Shot 2021-11-04 at 10.06.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just submitted this.

Grandfather Gear (Read at 60 BPM)
Up and down, sands merge together
Left and right, pendulums tether
Around and around all the wheels turn forever
From the onset of time ‘till the last
Fibres of destiny weathered so fast
The carrion, the profits, and a grave
Pedomorphosis happened tonight
A cowardly soul with ambition and greed
Cut meiosis by proving might
Like a child with a costume, confidence grew
Science of nonsense at last at,
The afterlife dimmed as the soul lived again
Changed by his freakish reincarnation, memory disdained
But the atavistic prison of his soul discarded
The Golem shall care for his nation, the realization
Polluted his memory which now has delayed
Arhythmic rhymes
Fourteen past afternoon glowed lovingly on the corpse
The corpse whose mind still had control walked the Earth unseen
Determined to find the past, reverse death as he could cheat it
Scourge of the universe aspires to be like Vishnu, seek orbs
Woven gown on a growth without past
Wakes machines
Minute 60
And so it stopped to see his hubris go unpunished
Find that which he had lost in the divorce regained
Protecting his one child through crises and thus gain
A newfound sense of immortality
Going beyond, the nominality of his wish
How science and the occult bide each other
That a driven man give shape to his own body
As a ghost with iron skin onto his legacy
That now among ghouls he was once revered
And now lives on as God and saviour
By indignant covens was this fire’s fate to meet overseers
And so the mind forgot
To see himself a mech fighting wars,
Blocking threats on every generation
The centuries now flashed before him
What shall they eat? Robot stock?
His force increased as every minute
Spelled technologic innovation
Every circle on the clock
Spiralling, the genius admits his madness
Every century, his massive killing capacity
Enslaved the planet with his weapons
Even Mephistopheles bowed before the Godhead
Elapsed until he was devoured was when,
With his own strength could no longer fight the sadness
The descent of the sterile machine, annihilated
His gonadal grey-goo devoured itself and now in retrospect accepted destiny as the
omega forever estranged from the alpha
Now alone in the universe, with his body fulfilling destiny
Loving and forcing his dynasty’s bloodline, the wielder of doomsday inverted the
prophecy, asymptotically approaching perfection
In the end there is nothing forevermore
Talk, singularity

>> No.19345524

>the reason i wasn't going to make a literary issue for november is because i didn't want to have to use any mechanically separated chicken or modified milk ingredients when making it. i figured that if i waited until december it would help guarantee enough subs to fill a whole issue. normally i would just write like 7k words and stretch the design to fill the pages

Why don't you make every edition a /p/ + /lit/ edition?

you post two or three /p/ictures for each /lit/ piece.

This way you can debut about 5 stories and some poems per edition without having to put much effort in submissions

>for now i would suggest sending my your november piece in january. if something changes, and 3Ditor feels like doing november, i'll let you know. anons reading this feel free to send all things all the time.
Well, it is up to you, if you are going to publish something in November, my story could be ready, although I tell it will be a wacky story and you may feel like not publishing it at all.

And in any case, January is far and by then I will have a story for that month (in case this one is not published)

I am working on a KDP anthology of stories and I will scrap some of them out, I could send them here

>> No.19345786
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Everything in your poem will happen, but your rhythm is so off that your shitty protagonist will become the next Godhead before ANYONE publishes this garbage. Pic related

>> No.19345840
File: 474 KB, 1024x1024, asemic writing giacottino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>binging DFW pic related
wolf of wallace street


>> No.19345884

Direct Frankenstein ripoff lmao please don't write anymore

Cool! What's the most difficult part of keeping the issues steady so far?

>> No.19345919
File: 107 KB, 336x356, 1624996048772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks liberal
>so artsy and rebel

>> No.19346047
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you are controlled opposition

>> No.19346761
File: 46 KB, 800x444, IMG_1753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thank god for this shithole or else in my darkest hour i'd have literally nobody.

>> No.19347368

Ur a faggot for not reading. 009 has an Antelope Hill book review in it.

>> No.19347831

>Cool! What's the most difficult part of keeping the issues steady so far?
I think they are not getting enough quality submissions, therefore they are filling the pages with memes.

>> No.19349291

Still going through the magazine. Just read ComplicIT.
Very good story.

Almost finishing this month's issue, it's not so bad, the stories are quite entertaining. I'm enjoying it.

>> No.19349538
File: 33 KB, 773x1000, coverkindle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a good idea, using /p/ to round out what /lit/ can't fill.
why don't we consider trying your idea for 011. if it comes down to the wire and you're the only submission i have, then we can address that at the time. in the meantime i will drive submissions and with your strategy i believe we can put together something good. i have some stupid obsession with standardizing the format and like, adhering to some rigidity; it doesn't matter how many photo issues come out in a year and whether or not it's the same as the year before. let's go in your direction. i'm confident it's a solid plan.
sure buddy. sieg heil i guess
probably the hardest parts of making it happen every month are that often the submissions are low (which shouldn't be a huge deal (Prussia got pretty creative by sourcing archive.org for cool shit like Egomet)) and that it usually takes around 72 hours to read, design, compile, and compose and edit. that's not a huge deal anymore as i'm no longer a rehab cave dweller. also there is a growing group of potential editors that i believe can take the project to new and fun places in the new year.
i've learned my lesson. maybe if the memes were actually funny it might have hit different but the images were shit so the idea didn't land. good times tho. &amp is all about taking risks and wetting the bed. i'm proud of every issue but i want anons to feel the same way so, what i think i will do going forward, is ask a clever and keen anon to review the issue before it drops. that's a good idea.
but was it spooky? it could have been spookier. also, leaving out Steal These Stories, and the Classifieds was a stupid idea that i won't repeat.
what did you think of the opening letter? is it not composed gorgeously?

>> No.19350073

>if it comes down to the wire and you're the only submission i have, then we can address that at the time. in the meantime i will drive submissions and with your strategy i believe we can put together something good.

Okay, so I will keep working in this wacky story I am crafting rn (it can hardly be considered a story, more like a faux-CIA leak document) and send you around the 15th and see if you like it.

Meanwhile I just sent you a flash fiction story on your email just now.
In case you still do a /p/ edition for lack of submissions, I think a flash story wouldn't do any harm.

You should have it on your email by now

>takes around 72 hours to read, design, compile, and compose and edit. that's not a huge deal anymore as i'm no longer a rehab cave dweller

72 hours a month, that's a lot of toil imo, almost 2 working weeks
I would find it stressing

>i've learned my lesson. maybe if the memes were actually funny it might have hit different but the images were shit so the idea didn't land.

I think it is not an entirely bad idea, but I don't know, better when they are community generated

why don't you guys consider taking more than poetry, fiction and essays? you could take book reviews, maybe a section about music. (one book review and one album recommendation per issue, it is just a random idea I'm throwing at you)

>leaving out Steal These Stories, and the Classifieds was a stupid idea that i won't repeat.

Oh, I really missed it, glad it will be back

>but was it spooky? it could have been spookier.
I found it humorous because it reminded me of the Burgerpunk Genre.

>what did you think of the opening letter? is it not composed gorgeously?
You mean the Marlowe one?
It was very good. To a point that it seems it was taken from some Victorian horror book.

>> No.19350325

ty bby ;) I wanted to write a burgerpunk version of the IT opening. other guys right tho, prolly coudve made it spookier, had some people read it out for me and they all found it humerous while I was sitting there feeling the tension that obviously didn't exist on paper lol.

>> No.19350427
File: 196 KB, 333x323, Screen Shot 2021-11-05 at 6.57.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Will you publish >>19345515 ?

or do you agree with me and everyone else that has common sense that this guy >>19345840 is easy to impress lmao

>> No.19350511
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Samefag. I wrote the poem, I'm samefagging I admit it won't do it again. Better to not have anything hidden heh. I'ma stop dunking on myself.

>> No.19350549
File: 29 KB, 696x441, mountains of madness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main character is called bumbus.

I mean, bumbus.

It came to my mind this average American weighting a ton, wearing a Nascar™ baseball hat and a white Wrangler™ shirt stained with ketchup. As I was reading, for some reason his lines with the voice of Ben Kissel coming to my head.

Yes, I got the spooky idea, but for some reason, fiction hardly ever gets me spooked, I find Lovecraft risible.
I mean, he compare some of his monsters as cucumber shaped sponges. Creepy, but the image in my clownish mind looks rather funny.

>> No.19350652

Bumbus was a fat ole black guy for me, I made it vague cause i assume everyone has a big ole nice feller in they head they can go to lol. cool to hear how you imagined him.

>> No.19350926

Oh, can't be unseen now.

I'm sure I'll get to see him on the telly as a black man when Netflix purchases the rights to adapt the story.

>> No.19351670


>> No.19351671
File: 106 KB, 800x666, Gotoh_Pointing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, anon.

>> No.19351693

you must be at least 18 years old to post here

>> No.19351738

I have read The Sun Seeker, twice. And still didn't get it.

what does it mean? wth is a non-entity?
why the president wanted to build a zoo in the middle of nowhere?

>> No.19351886

For the anti-humor anon, I have a question: how do you feel about the prevalence of erotica in 4chan discussions? I personally find it invigorating and alluring, and believe it is very useful for getting replies to a question that would otherwise provoke little discussion. As the quality of discourse on 4chan begins to degrade more each and every day, those of us interested in frank, serious discussion on imminent matters cannot afford to overlook any advantage. Don't you agree?

>> No.19352518

72 hours is like idk, maybe a stretch. Most submission come in the final week of the month so the work usually has to be done around then. I spend about four sleepless days going ham on it at the last minute. It shows. That’s what being the boss is all about: fucking it up and taking responsibility.
Your sub has been received. And I must say the lifeblood of the project has always been enthusiastic anons. I’m having fun again.
Prussia actually suggested to me to consider merging the project with more /biz/, in an effort to generate financial interest. Prussia was probably the best thing to happen to &amp. I hope he’s reading this. Absolute mensch. But my position has always been be open anything and everything. I would love more dedicated structure but when it comes to submissions, we get what we get. I can’t announce that the next issue will have any theme, because anons just send me what they have.
I have to be more cognizant of how it feels to submit something and then have it printed with an error, or some blemish. It’s really worth it to do good. Writing is my passion, but editing and designing is my job here; it would serve me to remember that.
I actually asked the anon about it a little. That submission was from a totally new anon. I asked whether they were actually flying into the sun. Haven’t heard back from her.

>> No.19352547

There is so much text content on this website, soo much. If you spent all of your time lurking the best boards and compiling a magazine, it would be phenomenal. It’s more than one man’s work though, unless it was all you did.

>> No.19353191

You’re a badass editor anon.

>> No.19353349

how do i submit an essay

>> No.19353862
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>> No.19355397
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>> No.19355419

You can email it, or you can use the new and improved submission form on the site: lampbylit.com/magazine/submit/
If you submit through the site, it makes it very easy to format it for print, plus it goes online instantly. Of course don’t do this if you don’t want anons reading your piece before print publication.
The project is pretty badass. I’m actual an enormous flail. Thanks.

>> No.19355432
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>> No.19355513
File: 942 KB, 1050x484, 1633478622847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put this in

Working food service
I am in Hell
Hire me, 7-Eleven
Or maybe Shell

>> No.19356224


>> No.19356538

big ole tits
gotta take a shit
consider this bad post
my attempt to submit

>> No.19356763

the new $$AMP is out!!!! bros!!!

>> No.19357221

Steal These Stories

>a day in a life of a quality analyst in an industrual frog slaughterhouse in rural france.

>an american wakes up in an alternate reality where burguers were never invented, the world is now a perfect leaderless utopia.

>the script of an episode from 'I Love Lucy' that was written by Alfred Hitchcock

>lovecraftian horror story, where the cosmic beast drives people insane for it looks like either a duck or a rabbit depending on how you see it

>an extraterrestrial radio signal is traced by the SETI observatory, the contents of the message is the word "sneed" said repeatedly. World's best linguists gather together, trying to decodify the message.

>Pygmalion retold in a contemporary setting, where Galatea is a luxurious japanese sex doll

>> No.19357702


>> No.19358246

>not about the horrors of working tech support
what's the deal anon

>> No.19359912

just correct my grammar if you publish it
I was sleepy and my english is fucked up.

>> No.19360778

Sent you an essay where I killed feminism.

>> No.19360999

eldritch grandma can't send email, you must die helping her, and for what? An email to her grandson saying "Send this email to 5 other people if you really love chtululu, ignore if you love jesus."

>> No.19362448

bump just for the fuck of it

>> No.19362477

you cant kill an idea, im th inking about feminism riight now and how right it is, try and stop me

>> No.19362704

I'm assuming you can publish using pseudonyms ?

>> No.19362834

>you cant kill an idea
Why not?

>> No.19362847
File: 124 KB, 540x810, library train car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pseudonyms and anonymously
not sure if you can publish with your own name, check with the editor.

>> No.19363019

Because it’s not alive. I guess if you killed humanity but that doesn’t seem likely