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/lit/ - Literature

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1940854 No.1940854 [Reply] [Original]

Other than the obvious ones like Dan Brown, etc.

F Scott Fitzgerald
Alice Munro
Alastair Reynolds
Banana Yoshimoto
Ryu Murakami
Gabriel Garcia Marquez

>> No.1940865


Why would you do that?

>> No.1940861

Can I count you as a writer?

>> No.1940869


>> No.1940874

Well I guess your threads are a form of text?

>> No.1940875


This won't end well.

>> No.1940891

>Entirety of Islam (+Cat Stevens) couldn't kill that guy
>Fool just won't rush-die

>> No.1940895

>This won't end well.
...said the guy who admitted he doesn't like Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

>> No.1940913

Of authors I've read, the only one I can genuinely say I didn't enjoy much was Haruki Murakami. And that's probably just because I hate his reputation/fans. Leonardo Sciascia maybe, but I'm giving him another few tries first.

>> No.1940934

Tao Lin
Ayn Rand

I know that sounds really typical of an e/lit/ist, but those two are the only ones I can think of.

>> No.1942497

Daniel Quinn

>> No.1942499

He is the most overrated author of all time.

>> No.1942516

Raymond Carver
Jack Kerouk

I dislike many more authors such as Vonnegut, but at the very least I see some thoughtful input in his works.

These three writers though, they need to be completely removed from the literary scene.

>> No.1942517

says who?

>> No.1942520

Cormac McCarthy
Friederich Nietzsche
Chuck Palaniuk

>> No.1942522


>> No.1942526

>F Scott Fitzgerald

explain yourself

>> No.1942524
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I don't hate or love any authors. I feel varying degrees of "okay" about them.

Your mention of Dan Brown reminds me of an awkward moment in my life, however.

>be a senior in high school
>talking to freshman year English teacher
>she recommends Dan Brown
>says she really enjoys his books
>I've read them
>say they were entertaining
>but as for merit or accuracy they are "Bullshit"
>the look on her face will haunt my dreams forever
>laugh awkwardly

I was a little more impassioned about it then, hence the uncontrolled strong language in school. Ah, to be young again...

>> No.1942531


Oh god, that reminds me.

> take lit course
> instructor tells us to read The Kite Runner
> say I liked the imagery in the beginning, but everything after was extremely trite and overwrought
> She writes "I didn't think that at all."
> B- on paper
> okay.jpg

>> No.1944397

Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
I've read "Chronicle of a Death Foretold", boring and poorly written.

>> No.1944442

You read it in spanish, nice Job !

>> No.1944457


In less you have read some these writers in the original language they have written don't be talking bullshit. The great qualities of prose can sometimes get lost in translations.

>> No.1944517

I've read it in french.

>> No.1944521

I read it in spanish. Es basura irredimible, inconcebiblemente mediocre y aberrantemente sobrevalorado.

>> No.1944540
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>> No.1944545

Adolf Hitler
Ann Coulter
Those "disciples" that wrote the bible
Stephanie Meyer (if you can call her an author)

>> No.1944576


>Stop liking what I don't like

Aunque honestamente a mi nunca me han atraido las novelas de GG Marquez. Sus cuentos cortos, in the other hand.....

>> No.1944582

James Jones.

>> No.1944583

Ayn Rand
Ernest Hemingway (well, his novels... I actually love his short stories)
Stephenie Meyer

(That's all that really comes to mind, and Hemingway... I just don't enjoy his longer works. I wouldn't really consider even his worst as bad as the other two.)

>> No.1944596

Across the River and Into the Trees was pretty shitty.

>> No.1944599

threads about stuff that sucks don't go anywhere and produce no interesting discussion

>> No.1944613

Lois Lowery
Richard Adams
Herman Hesse
William Golding

the last two especially, since they won Nobel Prizes for their shitty works

>> No.1944617

Nathaniel Hawthorne. Fuck that guy, and his house of seven gables.
I've gotten to a point where I can't even stand reading R.A. Salvatore. I don't think I'll even finish the Hunters Blades trilogy.
H.P. Lovecraft is overrated. He knows to not do dialogue (because he's not very good at it), but he's really not all that people make him out to be.
While I enjoy Villiers de l'Isle-Adam's critique of emergence and dominance of technology in 'Tomorrow's Eve', he's really nothing more than an upset, upper-class French Catholic man.
Ayn Rand. Fuck her too, and John Galt.
Stephanie Meyer for ruining vampires. And my generation. I was a senior in high school when that shit hit, and damn did it hit hard.