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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 97 KB, 1300x821, young-man-lounge-chair-reading-book-shirtless-drying-off-hot-sun-muscular-wearing-bathing-suit-sunbathing-beach-120807697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19416298 No.19416298 [Reply] [Original]

Every day you don't read at least a 100 pages is a day you wasted.

Remember that.

>> No.19416312
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How can I force myself to read 100 pages per day? Procrastination gets in the way of doing that.

>> No.19416322

Make your attention span not shit. Be active so sitting around and reading doesn't make you sleepy. Idk what else helps

>> No.19416332

>Make your attention span not shit.
And how do I do that?

>> No.19416333

No time is wasted, no matter what you do. In fact, time isn't real; but that's a discussion for another time

>> No.19416354

if you're particularly young it gets better as you get older. Also turning off your phone/computer when you don't want to be on it helps.

The main thing though is to find things that you like reading. Stuff that has value, but isn't going entirely above your head either. You can slowly build yourself up to challenging books as it does get better with practice.

>> No.19416386
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Reminds me of this pic by Brouwer

>> No.19416445

I do 50 a day at the moment

>> No.19416447

Please elaborate or recommend readings. Thank you kind ma'am.

>> No.19416491

That's like 3 hours. Every day. Ain't nobody got time for that.

>> No.19416535

>25 minutes commute to work
>1 hour lunch at work
>1 hour of free time at work cause lmao who the fuck works full shifts
>25 minutes commute from work
Aw shit would you look at that I got a hundred before even coming back home

>> No.19416555

>t. bus wanker

>> No.19416900

>1 hour lunch at work
I talk to my co-workers during lunch.

>> No.19416987

>reads 100 pages of yiff erotica or Dan Brown
>day not wasted
>doesn't read anything, not even trash
>day wasted
Shut the fuck up OP

>> No.19417140

you're supposed to read things you like to read

>> No.19417182
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>2 hours commuting to and from work
>work 6/8 hours every weekday
>7 hours sleep
>1 hour cooking and cleaning
>1 hour piano practice
>miscellaneous chores and activities like food shopping topping off at 2 hours a day
i get an hour or maybe two of free time most days, usually around 8pm, and by then I'm tired and running down from daily activities
i don't think people were made to really endure 40 hour work weeks alongside doing all the household chores and be expected to indulge in intense reading.
that being said, im wasting my little spare time procrastinating here so maybe you have a point.

>> No.19417501

Discipline. Less time in the internet or video games.

>> No.19417507

Fuck you, I read however much I want

>> No.19417651

kek, you're like one of those filmtards who think it's accomplishment that you watched a 5-hour arthouse film.

The problem is that you're an absolute pseud, so it doesn't matter how many pages you fucking read lol. You're still gonna be a pathetic pseud midwit with no gf.

Now seethe, nigger.

>> No.19417665
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>Only read 99 pages today

>> No.19417676
File: 54 KB, 620x879, Take the L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You claim to be "reading" but you're literally just going through the motions.
If you read more than 5 pages a day then you're not actually reading. You must read a few pages, meditate on them, write notes. Actually study the content.
Only absolute plebs think that reading is about scanning their eyes across the the page, yes you can do hundreds of pages a day and get the mere gist of the writing. But real reading which clearly you're incapable of is about the studying, the digestion, the reflection on what is written. Not darting your eyes from side to side like any five year old can

>> No.19417708

How the fuck do you read that quickly? 100 pages would take a whole day for me.

>> No.19417730

procrastination is composed of 4 parts:
the cue
your response to the cue
the reward you get from procrastinating
the belief

For instance you might find yourself web surfing after searching for something about your schoolwork online

You 1st need to minimize the cue, usually they're phones, electronics and internet. So turn them off, hide them somewhere, find a quiet place to read and work

Tackling your response to the cue 1st is counter-productive because you waste a lot of energy and will power to resist responding to the cue. So after you shut down all the cues, it will take less will power to change your habit

Reward yourself for doing productive things and delay the rewards until you finishes some work. It's like training a dog but this dog is yourself

Believe in yourself that you can and will beat procrastination. Because you will fail from the start with a defeatist mindset

For a start, use the pomodoro technique. Everytime you're procrastinating, get a pomodoro session going and just do a task, any task. Once you done then momentum and appetite to work just naturally build up because our brains are wired like that when there are no cues(distractions)

>> No.19418019
File: 8 KB, 255x400, michelstaedter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i read the first page of pic related recently and i was so gobsmacked by its genius that i haven't been able to continue reading ever since. i keep thinking about that one page daily.

>> No.19418043

sometimes you have to force yourself to pick up a better habit than watching porn all day for example.

>> No.19419291

taking notes is the most psued thing

>> No.19419335

Leave your home and go somewhere else to read. Don't bring your phone. When you have nothing else to do, it will be easy to read.

Alternately, get rid of your TV, phone, and internet, and you will find yourself wanting to read purely for the entertainment it provides.

>> No.19419369

Oh man. I knew I should have stayed unemployed

>> No.19420127

Go to a library or park with only your home keys and a book. There won't be distractions so you will be forced to read.

>> No.19420151

How do you know which stuff has value? Is it the top 100 lists?

>> No.19420156

>Every day you don't read at least a 100 pages is a day you wasted.

>> No.19420277

How do I read actual good books /lit/? I struggle reading stuff like Dostoevsky but a Japanese Light Novel,Fuck yes I get that shit done in 3-5 hours.

>> No.19420287

I only read on ereaders, how do I count pages on them

>> No.19420322

How do I read faster bros? I read IJ earlier this year and it took me two months reading 4+ hours a lot of days.