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/lit/ - Literature

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19424445 No.19424445 [Reply] [Original]

Hahahahahahahahahahaahahahaha look at this dork

>> No.19424466
File: 26 KB, 640x640, glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do NOT, disrespect my grandpa like that, baka.

>> No.19424499

He's nothing more than a reddit author.

>> No.19424507

I read The Road many years ago out of interest when the movie came out. I thought it was absolute dogshit.

>> No.19424512 [DELETED] 

>aynpnymuth thpeaques!
>’e ith nao nuthing buhtt reddith garbbidj!!

>> No.19424514

>aynonymuth thpeaques!
>’e ith nao nuthing buhtt reddith garbbidj!!

>> No.19424547
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Shut up.

>> No.19424557

You can't talk like that about Jordan Peterson, he's been through a lot.

>> No.19424569

you’re not the original butterfly, who you make look like an original mind. Shut the fuck up

>> No.19424598
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>> No.19424657

I read about three sentences from Blood Meridian before ascertaining it was complete drivel

>> No.19424683

You seriously want to encourage the schizo trolls to tear down everything not adhering to their stupid cults?

>> No.19424721

Has anyone noticed that posts hating on Corncob are often reddit-spaced? Seems as if a redditor coping with his web heritage by calling him reddit.

>> No.19424808

are you seriously talking about "reddit spacing" on /lit/? cringe. they're called paragraphs. lmao. you must be from /pol/; only they were retarded enough to come up with an insult that betrayed their own stupidity.

>> No.19424832

Shut the fuck up redditor.
>retard calls space after greentexting a ((((paragraph))))

>> No.19424840

poltard detected. ;) let me guess, you're afraid of my superior Jewish IQ? that's what I thought. scurry off to the gulag now adolf; the big boy race is discussing literature here.

>> No.19424863

>redditor retard is a jew
LMAO! No wonder CM bothers the fuck out of your rat race.
>using poltard
Oooooohhhh! looks like they really hyped up that place on whatever subreddit shithole you crossed over from.
Hahahahaha. Step cautiously dumbass, the way you are moving you are going to be very easy to pick apart.

>> No.19424912

This retard>>19424808>>19424840 proved you right Lol. When will these amateurs learn? Newfags MUST not incessantly dog if they wish to pretend like they aren't one.

>> No.19424968

step cautiously? what are you gonna do? reach through your monitor and shove me into an oven?

HAHAHAHA you gentiles are powerless. there is nothing you can do that could ever harm me. even now my allies are roasting your subhuman race over a metaphorical spit. your mongrel minds are insufficient to usurp our overwhelming genetic power. the same imbecility that makes you wrong on McCarthy makes you helpless in argument, and in all things, really. do you think it a coincidence you find it impossible to accumulate generational wealth? the reason is simple: your IQ is too low. you are even below asians. your fate is sealed, and with it the pathetic scrawlings you have the adorable audacity to call "literature."

anyway, come and get me, gentile. oh wait - you cannot. and your compatriot McCarthy still cannot tell a story.

>> No.19424980

>what are you gonna do? reach through your monitor and shove me into an oven?
Pretty much.

>> No.19424985

Did you copy this from r/israel?

>> No.19425079


>> No.19425105

>screams poltard
>/pol/ posts
It looks you got the short end of the stick in ((IQ)). No wonder you dislike CM.

>> No.19425118
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>> No.19425281


'This' is a paragraph break btw. Where to start with this embarrassment? The fact that you are using 'Big boy' literature unironically is already siren-sounding, but you double down upon it by giving us this. This is your "big boy" discussion? Lmao! The fact that you are unaware how untenable your position on "muh plot" is, is another sign. If only you knew /lit/'s opinion on "plot", the big boys no less. To make matters worse, you are doing the equivalent of bellyaching about the absence of "da buddha" in Tolstoy's obviously Christian work. BM doesn't have a story, just like the account it is based upon doesn't have one. For 'plot McCarthy', there is No country and All the pretty horses. This is written in every review of the book and perhaps even on the blurb. Guess there cannot much be done against general ineptitude.

*para break*

The fact that you were complaining about /pol/tards, yet your longest post is basically a /pol/ post once again makes me question your mental capacity. How unaware can one boy be? Anyone who reads and is above 21 should be immune to such dumbness. You hate CM because he is American. You cannot write anything on his work that wouldn't reveal your ignorance with it; if that isn't enough proof for your low intelligence then idk what is. Hide behind you "race" however, and their supposed superiority (LOL). Doesn't take a genius to know how stupid that sounds.
The worst, however, is your transition from posting like a redditor to posting like a redditor's idea of a 4chan post. The tryhardiness is palpable as stone.
Collect the few "based"s that the abused housewives in every McCarthy thread will throw at you.
Then fuck off.

>> No.19425335

>palpable as stone

why is a board ostensibly dedicated to literature chock-full of illiterates? would any other mongrel like to challenge me? my superiority is wasted here.

>BM doesn't have a story

ah, yet even insophisticates can recognize the obvious truth. a ray of hope in an intellectual ghetto.

>> No.19425369

Hopefully you are being ironic. Looking dumb either way.
Bloating yourself up with your farts won't defuse the situation. Nor will it make you more than a troglodyte in anyone's eye. Just like redditspacing over and over in your pathetic cope for "muh dignity" won't suddenly stop being hilarious. As for the illiterates, if you follow my advice we will have one less of them.

>> No.19425441

you're ESL, right? please tell me spanish is your first language.

>> No.19425455

Try something else, Israeli.

>> No.19425463

I wasn't the one filtered by McCarthy, ESL jew.

>> No.19425555

Every. Single. Time...
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you jews and your conniving race?

>> No.19425676

samefagging again? spare the board your pathetic display of powerlessness.

holy FUCK nice quads though. g-d throws gentiles a bone every now and then.

>> No.19425699

Keep your schizo breakdowns to yourself, jew. Everyone (that is more than one) sees you for the clown that you are.

>> No.19425707
File: 333 KB, 1080x1190, 20211119_124409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regular old kike deflection or are you ashkenazi schizo?

>> No.19425711

checked, and it's seriously embarrassing for you to pretend to be more than one person. you know jews see through that, right? we invented that shit. your brainpower is insufficient.

>> No.19425722

who taught a mutt like you to use photoshop? there is no way your spatial intelligence is high enough for that. did you pay one of my brethren to help you with it?

>> No.19425723

Why can you bring nothing but hate and destruction to this world? What divine power would curse you like this?

>> No.19425744

I think the Larper isn't jewish. He is just hiding behind a persona.

>> No.19425769
File: 65 KB, 785x731, f1076f182f1b8f5af1818afc296676ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why can you bring nothing but hate and destruction to this world

>> No.19426953

See you can't even utter a thing about this enslaver that put your race where it is today and shit like that just slides off without a thought when your nature is revealed. I just want to know more about this djinn that cursed David or Moses or some shit like that.