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/lit/ - Literature

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19454205 No.19454205[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's some good anti-gun literature? I just want to read someone who's able to articulate what I've been feeling for a long time really well.

>> No.19454249

What's some good anti-sword literature? I'm a huge pussy swayed by propaganda stories btw

>> No.19454258

I wish we had guns in my country. Anti-gun Americans are fucking faggots.

>> No.19454261

America doesn’t have a gun problem, America has a demographics problem

>> No.19454266

OP you are glowing

>> No.19454297

Do you like taking cocks up your ass OP?

>> No.19454304

Wtf? If you aren't going to contribute don't post in this thread assholes. I'm not going to take your fucking b8 so fuck off back to /k/ or /pol/.
America has a gun problem whether you like it or not. There are negative rights and there are positive rights. While taking away muh gunz will infringe upon a negative right it is worth doing so for a civil society and it actually INCREASES your freedom in the end. You don't need a military-grade weapon to hunt and if you don't hunt chances are that you don't need a gun. Gun control works too. Fuck, I don't fucking need this right now, I get enough of this shit at the fucking thanksgiving table, just recommend me a fucking book like I asked.

>> No.19454313


>> No.19454316

> I wish we had school-shootings in my country. Anti-school-shooting Americans are fucking faggots.

>> No.19454321

michael moore had some good ones if i remember my 2000s history well enough

>> No.19454328

Military-grade weapons are illegal for civilians, faggot. And shit you want is not even literature, so fuck off back to twitter.

>> No.19454337

The Turner Diaries

>> No.19454338

look at the thing about latour in this article: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/artifact/#ThinActiArti
seems anti-gun to some extent

>> No.19454350

"nooooo other opinionsss ahhhhhhh" look man I get that you want a book so that way you'll have some ebin arguments to pwn your rightoid family members with but you are acting like a massive faggot. The true freedom of the working class from the bougwazie will never be achieved without an armed proletariat blah blah blah... etc...

Your country will forever and will always be a shithole. If you nuked chicago and new orleans off the face of the earth your murder per capita would drop substantially to the point that we wouldn't even be having this discussion, both cities with some of the most extreme gun control policies in your retarded nation btw. shouldn't even stop at those two cities, nuke every inch of your country so you'll stop shitting up every board you touch. for an actual answer to your question though, go read Hillary Clintons book, got some anti gun stuff that should be right up your alley.

>> No.19454356

You're a fag my guy, stick a shotgun in your mouth and squeeze

>> No.19454359

I'm asking about anti-gun literature written from philosophical, sociological, and jurisprudential perspective―how is that not literature? because you don't like it? fuck off. Also I don't use twitter so seethe and cope.
I never took him seriously but if it's good I will check it out. Is it?

>> No.19454365

What the fuck does military grade mean? Those fuckers use cheap, dinged up bullshit that is constantly falling apart. My personal truck is technically "terrorist grade" due to Afghanistan's love for it. My rifle can shoot further than an AR-15. What a load of horseshit.

>> No.19454368

I don’t like guns. I don’t own one, never will own one and have only been out shooting twice in my life.
…And even I think you’re a gigantic fucking loser. Go cry somewhere else about your freedoms as an American, faggot.

>> No.19454371
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>Disarming the populace actually increases freedom! Why doesn't anyone understand!
You're wrong, your perspective is dumb, and reading books written by other morons about your dumb opinion will only make you dumber. This website is doing you a favor by giving you shit.

>> No.19454373

You're asking for blatant political propaganda, not literature, not art. And you are a twitterfag in spirit whether you like it or not.

>> No.19454376

You have a sick and twisted conception of freedom. You're a beaten down, brainwashed, servile, sick man. People like you should be imprisoned in Chuck E. Cheese ballpits so you can enjoy "freedom" without messing up society for the rest of us.

>> No.19454430

stop being such a contrarian rebel bitch. are you 15? youre probably mad at your conservative family for not liking homos like you

>> No.19454437

Wow, that was incredibly illuminating; I mean even without the gun subject it was a very interesting read. I'll read more into it, thanks anon!

>> No.19454460

weak b8

>> No.19454461
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go ask in gun control subreddit retard

>> No.19454494

Why the fuck is every jerk off here so passionate about guns? Is 4chan being funded by the NRA or something? I literally just asked for a book recommendation on the book board and this is how you all react...
No, the solution isn't to destroy society to preserve """rights""", it's to eject """"rights""" to preserve society. I don't understand how anyone who doesn't suffer from some Antisocial personality disorder like psychopathy could come to any other conclusion.
>go read Hillary Clintons book
Which one? Also I don't like her as a person so I'm probably not going to like her book.
Not an argument, who's scared of other opinions now?
I'm not a Redditor faggot.

>> No.19454529

>You're asking for blatant political propaganda
Oh fuck off! I'm asking for a book which articulates a political perspective.
So it's fine to discuss Das Kapital on /lit/ or Evola or Hayek or books against debt, that are racist or sexist, or books against planned economies, but try to discuss the gun issue and you've done a fucking no-no? I'm sorry but that's just fucking bullshit. Fuck you.

>> No.19454540

>So it's fine to discuss Das Kapital on /lit/ or Evola or Hayek or books against debt
It's not fine. Mods are just retards sometimes.
>Fuck you
Fuck you, too, kid.

>> No.19454616

Oh don't you dare come to my fucking thread on your fucking high horse and pretend like the only goddamned thing you're allowed to discuss on /lit/ is fucking fiction when philosophy―and even political philosophy in particular―has long been a staple here. You're being disingenuous as fuck and it's fucking sickening. Stop derailing the thread asshole.
Oh and
> F
> C

> Y
> U

> B
> D
> Y

>> No.19454632
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>> No.19454636

>No, the solution isn't to destroy society to preserve """rights""", it's to eject """"rights""" to preserve society.

Now that's a yikes moment.

>> No.19454667

op no need to read books. this are the arguments you'll use

A big chunk of americans have a mix of psychotic tendencies with paranoia and schizophrenia.
Of course this happens all over the world but in the us it is fueled by a lack of morality, transcendental consciousness, culture and a sense of community. All diseases caused by the dominance of the market-establishment.

The average American has a psyche immature in its nature. The pleasure for weapons does not come from feelings of power but from the memory you have as a child. The inner child springs from the lack of awareness of the human condition that leads to the decline of vital maturation. Also the lack of meaning supports the consumption of objects that give a zest to life.

The argument that guns are necessary in the event of a tyrannical government is the greatest stupidity of the constitution. The only dictatorship in america is the one that reigns today and has done since the independence. The presidents are only puppets.

Industries that form concentrated groups of power with easy access to manipulation of the market and political life.

>> No.19454668

>Now that's a yikes moment.
Wtf? are you trolling? the other guy literally said his solution was to nuke everything!
Fuck, the fact that I literally can't tell right now whether you're joking or not (Poe's Law) shows how insane your side is.
When the fuck did /lit/ lose so many braincells?

>> No.19454711

Guns dont kill people, niggers do.

>> No.19454721

got the moe greene special

>> No.19454724
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Thanks anon, I actually really like your points. I don't know if their true but they seem to map well with the reality I've experienced so far. I also think the "gotta stob da ebil gubmend won day" is a retarded argument as well.
I still want to read some books on the subject though. I really think a book length (or several book lengths) exposition would be very enlightening on this subject.

>> No.19454730
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>> No.19454836

So why does every single civilized European nation bother with gun-control? They are whiter than us but they obviously have better outcomes because of gun control so what gives? idiot...

>> No.19454844
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>> No.19454852

See the last sentence here dickhead: >>19454494

>> No.19454856

white americans commit gun crimes at the same rate as european nations

>> No.19454955
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OP is absolutely butt-blasted.

>> No.19454962
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>What's some good anti-gun literature? I just want to read someone who's able to articulate what I've been feeling for a long time really well.

>> No.19454967

Your entire country was FOUNDED on the right for private citizens to keep and bear arms.

>> No.19454982
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None exists.

>> No.19454997

do you have an accredited source for that claim? (and no, an infographic doesn't count as a source, I want to see studies)

>> No.19455001

WHy are they cute

>> No.19455057
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>do you have an accredited source for that claim? (and no, an infographic doesn't count as a source, I want to see studies)

>> No.19455139
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>What's some good anti-gun literature? I just want to read someone who's able to articulate what I've been feeling for a long time really well.

>> No.19455146
File: 6 KB, 221x250, 1628989973312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op no need to read books. this are the arguments you'll use
>A big chunk of americans have a mix of psychotic tendencies with paranoia and schizophrenia.
>Of course this happens all over the world but in the us it is fueled by a lack of morality, transcendental consciousness, culture and a sense of community. All diseases caused by the dominance of the market-establishment.
>The average American has a psyche immature in its nature. The pleasure for weapons does not come from feelings of power but from the memory you have as a child. The inner child springs from the lack of awareness of the human condition that leads to the decline of vital maturation. Also the lack of meaning supports the consumption of objects that give a zest to life.
>The argument that guns are necessary in the event of a tyrannical government is the greatest stupidity of the constitution. The only dictatorship in america is the one that reigns today and has done since the independence. The presidents are only puppets.
>Industries that form concentrated groups of power with easy access to manipulation of the market and political life.

>> No.19455153
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>Wtf? If you aren't going to contribute don't post in this thread assholes. I'm not going to take your fucking b8 so fuck off back to /k/ or /pol/.
>America has a gun problem whether you like it or not. There are negative rights and there are positive rights. While taking away muh gunz will infringe upon a negative right it is worth doing so for a civil society and it actually INCREASES your freedom in the end. You don't need a military-grade weapon to hunt and if you don't hunt chances are that you don't need a gun. Gun control works too. Fuck, I don't fucking need this right now, I get enough of this shit at the fucking thanksgiving table, just recommend me a fucking book like I asked.

>> No.19455157

The Rifle by Gary Paulsen

>> No.19455159

If it's not fiction or poetry, it's not Literature. Take your whining to the twittersphere.

>> No.19455164

"Stopping the government" is the most retarded argument these dumbfucks have, they're just in denial of their gun fetish and curse every day for not being able to share how many loads they've busted inside their guns
You don't have to stop anyone if you don't vote for the obviously bad choice

>> No.19455170

So the problem is not the guns, the problem is mental healthcare.

>> No.19455176
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>You don't have to stop anyone if you don't vote for the obviously bad choice

>> No.19455188

I honestly dont believe you are this naive

>> No.19455189

Dangerously based

>> No.19455193

Anti-war you mean? Making guns illegal accomplishes nothing except take away firearms from citizens and invites a totalitarian state to trample all over the rest of their right, which the now unarmed citizenry can't defend.
A farewell to arms by Hemingway

Btw third worlder here I just finished my pistol training as part of bodyguard certification, OP you can suck my PP

>> No.19455199

do you have autism? i'm genuinely concerned for your mental health and well being
do you have friends? need a therapist? father issues?

>> No.19455201

Pretty much this. It's imposible to disarm the US at this point. How many guns are there in circulation? Millions. All that gun banning will create is a black market for these products.

>> No.19455205

fuck off back to what's left of >>>/qa/
Definitely not what I was looking for but intriguing nonetheless...Oh, and I think you are actually the first person in this thread to actually recommend a book too so congratz on that anon! this is apparently a first for /lit/!
I don't especially like YA but I have been looking for some lite reading so I guess I might give it a shot.

>> No.19455215

Read Johnny Got His Fun and Rage as well as the poem Jane & Her Mission by Helen Blackwater

>> No.19455217 [DELETED] 
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>>>19455057 (You)
>>>19455139 (You)
>>>19455146 (You)
>>>19455153 (You)
>fuck off back to what's left of >>>/qa/
>Definitely not what I was looking for but intriguing nonetheless...Oh, and I think you are actually the first person in this thread to actually recommend a book too so congratz on that anon! this is apparently a first for /lit/!
>I don't especially like YA but I have been looking for some lite reading so I guess I might give it a shot.

>> No.19455222

>America has a gun problem whether you like it or not
Guns aren't correlated with crime whether you like it or not.

>> No.19455223 [DELETED] 

Guns are for pussies who are too weak and scared to fight.

>> No.19455224

Read The Gun by Chivers.

While not really Anti-gun youll realize why gun control even exists as a massive reaction to automatic arms coming into existence. He also has a bit towards the end where especially in "hot" zones getting rid of guns is nearly impossible just because there is barely a good record of how many are even out there. Thank commies for that one

>> No.19455229

For real. Banning guns at this point would quite literally ensure only criminals have access to it. Not to mention, assault rifles have been banned in America once already in 1994, something that never gets mentioned. It didn't work, everyone just claimed the guns they had fell into a river and it started a mini-black market like you mentioned. Gun control is only going to work on a country that started banning them in the early 20th century.

>> No.19455249

the pic related is genuinely fucking retarded and doesn’t accurately represent the gun culture. Where’s the cancel culture to be found when we need them most?

>> No.19455258

>be canadian
>never even seen a gun
>virtually zero gun violence anywhere here
>laugh as americans debate over how many ar-15s their 4 year old should get for xmas
>laugh as americans eyes glaze over with confused pikachu expressions after their 10th mass school shooting this week
hows that freedom going for you. at least if you get shot your medical bill will only be 3 million dollars

>> No.19455276

>literal cuck country
Canadians have no room to talk about anything. You are the worst of every american nation. You suck off the tit of burgerland while larping as "basically" european.

>> No.19455280

Doesnt toronto have constant shootings

>> No.19455285

A gun buy-back program seem like a good bet for dealing with that; throw in a universal background check, making gun dealers accountable, a national gun registry, closure of loop-holes, limiting the number of guns people can have (no, you DON'T NEED 500 guns, schizo), banning bump stocks and certain guns, and boosting our mental and normal healthcare institutions and we might actually get close to being a first world nation.

>> No.19455298

I'm not arguing with you, I'm telling you you're wrong.

>> No.19455304

Do you really want to know why Americans has more gun shootings? The answer is not terribly PC

>> No.19455305
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>> No.19455308

Not a single country is, was or will ever be as cucked as America.
Your entire country is a sham by the elite and the people are divided between those who say that it's actually a good thing and those who are too weak and cowardly to change it.
Also, LARPing about how you are going to use your guns to defend your inalienable rights was cute before the three letter agencies was allowed to monitor you jacking off at home and before the police would drive around in military vehicles to neutralize public indignation.

>> No.19455309

I honestly really admire Canada a lot; I've lived and enjoyed my time there and a lot of my family is from there as well but my folks kind of inherited a lot of the midwestern boomer mentality and it fucking makes my brain melt whenever I have to talk to them about this shit.

>> No.19455310

>A gun buy-back program seem like a good bet for dealing with that
ATF already tried that in 1994. Didn't work.
>throw in a universal background check
Already happens.
>making gun dealers accountable
Already happens.
>a national gun registry
Already happens.
>closure of loop-holes
You need to elaborate.
>limiting the number of guns people can have
>banning bump stocks
This wouldn't make a negligible difference at best in mass-shootings.
>and certain guns
I'm going to guess you mean assault rifles.
>boosting our mental and normal healthcare institutions
Irrelevant to guns. Crazy people who want to kill are going to kill.

>> No.19455312

Was mass shootings this much of an issue in the 50's and early 60's? What changed?

>> No.19455313
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Crime stats by race are consistent all over the world. Pic any country and the rate that a picked demographic commits crime will be more or less similiar. Asians are the least violent followed by whites, most violent crime is commited by browns followed by blacks.

>> No.19455321

Sorry, I can't understand you. I don't speak retarded canuck.

>> No.19455325

10/10 bait. This was so convincing lmfao.

>> No.19455329
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You could just be a chad and live in Alberta. I own 16 firearms.

M590 best girl.

>> No.19455332

"constant" in toronto is roughly 30-40 a year

isnt that the dayrate in chicago?

>> No.19455342

I've been to plenty of ethnically diverse countries that don't have America's public shooting problem. Maybe it's not such a bright idea to allow idiots who stuff their faces with poisonous food until they're 300 lbs to own lethal weapons. Maybe my freedom from them owning guns is more important than their freedom to own them.

>> No.19455351

Still no source...nice pic though bro :)

>> No.19455361

Not true btw

>> No.19455365

End of the day im way more likely to be shot in chicago then by some fat redneck retard in the midwest, so its largely targetting the wrong people if its actually about reducing shootings

>> No.19455382

le well travelled man of reddit, clearly you haven't been in europe in modern times because subsaharan niggers and arabs, pajeetlikes are the major cause of violent crimes regardless which population they're mixed with.
You have no freedom to speak of, you have your muzzle and 3 times per week covid test if you wanna keep your work.

>> No.19455390

Man I wish I could get military-grade weapons, all I got is my civilian-grade beretta and civilian-grade MDR ;(

>> No.19455404

Who were some /lit/ gun owners?

Burroughs and Hemingway are obvious ones

>> No.19455411
