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File: 42 KB, 700x360, og-theodor-w-adorno-2996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19487703 No.19487703 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Adorno get such a bad rap among right-wingers? He despised a lot of the youth movements of his day. He hated almost all forms of modern art in his day. He seems pretty right-wing to me. It feels like people who dislike him from the right haven't actually read him.

>> No.19487709

people on 4chan now think being right-wing just means being out of touch with contemporaries kek

>> No.19487713

Cuz most ppl dont rly get the left-right dichotomy and I think a lot of right wingers would be surprised how often do they problematoze similar things to thinkers auch as Adorno for example

>> No.19487721

I only know he hated jazz

>> No.19487724


Because at bottom he was a European jew now affiliated with "cultural Marxism". American boomer conservatives couldn't be fucked to parse all that commie gobblydegook, especially during the period of peak Pax Americana, the Moon landings etc (Vietnam notwithstanding).

It just isn't that interesting to the winners to parse the detailed arguments among the losers. Winners aren't losers.

>> No.19487729

Adorno gets a bad rap from right-wingers because of his association with the Frankfurt School which was instrumental in the creation and spread of critical theory which attacked the fundamental pillars of American/European society.

>> No.19487731

Because /pol/tard right wingers don't read or are particularly educated?

They fell for the "cultural marxism" meme.

>> No.19487735

>the Frankfurt School which was instrumental in the creation and spread of critical theory which attacked the fundamental pillars of American/European society.
I don't even like a lot of Adorno' stuff (Authoritarian Personality) but wtf does this mean

>> No.19487742

begging you to look up the concepts of base and superstructure

>> No.19487768

You can't criticize capital accumulation and the power imbalances it causes because the bourgeosie lobby spooks it up as "anti-European".

>> No.19487822

he shat on js bach, misrepresented him and händel, claimed anybody who listened to baroque music was a masochist. he also shat on everybody after beethoven, elevated him to this weird unreachable genius singularity. basically he took the pre-existing german genius cult and pushed it into ultra-pessimist "lost paradise" mode, disconnecting germans from their geniuses. he wanted classic music to be an elite phenomenon, dogmatically opposed all forms of mass appreciation, whether its classic music radio or public open air concerts by travelling orchestras and pianists.

his criticism of jazz was that it wasn't "liberated" enough. his problem were not the drug addicted nigger soloists we associate with jazz nowadays but the "safe" studio big band stuff which was broadcasted to american radios during 1940s.

he prevented golo mann from becoming a professor, because mann was about to challenge the "irrational antisemitism virus" model which frankfurt school wanted to keep in place. frankfurt school mafia functioned as gatekeepers who could veto anybody and only let through the most pozzed loyal jew-cucks into academic posts. sloterdijk: "we didnt even suspect their methods behind the scenes."

he functioned as an "expert" in court to defend obscene writers in germany during 1950s.

he did everything in his power to stoke the fire of student movements, with his lectures, weekly radio shows and even tv shows. when eventually some naked bitch attacked him, he was just disgusted that she was so grug and didnt even recognize him as her "father". instance of revolutionary getting eaten by his children. i think even in his last known letter he wrote positively about 68ers.

he was surrounded his whole life by marxist jews like walter benjamin or brecht and bemoaned the fact that media wasn't leftwing but apolitical (in his view there was no such thing as apolitcal, anything that didn't actively support his cause was by definition the enemy. that included cooking shows and folk music. so he supported a gramsci-tier trench warfare view of social life, "everything is political". together with althusser and others he is the father of SJWs and other identity shit that subverts government and non-government institutions.

>> No.19487838

>he prevented golo mann from becoming a professor, because mann was about to challenge the "irrational antisemitism virus" model which frankfurt school wanted to keep in place. frankfurt school mafia functioned as gatekeepers who could veto anybody and only let through the most pozzed loyal jew-cucks into academic posts. sloterdijk: "we didnt even suspect their methods behind the scenes."
Damn, didn't know about this lol.
>he functioned as an "expert" in court to defend obscene writers in germany during 1950s.
Nothing wrong with that

>> No.19487841

Why are you asking this question? You know the answer already. Right-wingers don't actually read so they have no idea what Adorno actually believed.

>> No.19487885

Schoenberg dunking on him in Style & Idea is pretty great.

>> No.19487890

He tried to subvert the west with postmodernism and trannies until one day he croocked from drinking too much onions. That's all I need to know.

>> No.19487896


>> No.19487957

His work on authoritarianism was used to factually dismiss any kind of right wing sentiment that wasn't a neocon one, and by itself it was completely biased and retarded.

>> No.19487960

His methods can be used to marxify identity politics (which is actually anti-marxist and revisionist). Marx was about capital. Adorno was about using Marxist dialectic in intercultural critique.
People like him got shot in the soviet union because they are class enemies.

>> No.19487973

People like him got shot in the soviet union because the nomenklatura and party were anti-worker and so had to hang onto state power through using ideology and retarding praxis.

In FULL COMMUNISM retards like Adorno are housed in special communities called "Universities" where they can intellectually masturbate each other with no social outcome.

>> No.19488006

In true communism anybody who tries to undermine solidarity and woker culture is put in gulag.

>> No.19488135
File: 88 KB, 600x341, AEFBE4F0867C86368B5DC5BF2E0_2EA26701_17DBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He sounds more based the more I read about him. Like, this nutty little Jewish professor in Germany cooked up some witch's brew in his pot to destroy western civilization and that meme about him not liking jazz wasn't actually true, he just wanted to push it to the maxx. Anyways there was a similar pathology on the left a few years ago about Jordan Peterson being this malevolent force responsible for various ills, which is easy to believe, but maybe he was just a professor.


>> No.19488164

>right wingers don't read or are particularly educated
Pretty much this.

>> No.19488179

He doesn't get a bad rap from all right-wingers though, just the anti-semitic paranoiac kind.

>> No.19488185

Yeah, like Tucker Carlson or Jordan Peterson.

>> No.19488191

Because he was a Marxist and Jewish which means he must be bad

>> No.19488230

Yeah right lol. None of them are anti-semitic.

>> No.19488278

Europe is and always has thrived on power imbalances you fucking pleb, it's just that now the power is in the wrong hands.

>> No.19488297

The true reason why he is hates is because he is a part of the european enlightenment project. A well defined piece in the puzzle of modern nihilism.
His critique of enlightenment is a part of enlightenment.

Of course is he right by modern standarts. Even Marx is.

I personally dislike him because, c'mon, it's fucking dialectical schizo ramblings

>> No.19488324

That's wrong though. He might be hated for that reason by people who have actually read him, but the people who associate him with some kind of "cultural marxist" conspiracy haven't read a word he has written.

>> No.19488327

OP is a fag, Modern art IS right-wing, what the fuck. Maybe lurk more or read up on wtf you're gonna post about

and not to mention, the Adorno controversy with heidegger, the fact that heidegger never read adorno's criticism of him screams based

>> No.19488329

filtered by the word "conspiracy" get a grip and realize no one but you think like that

>> No.19488346

Anon, people like Adorno and the Frankfurt School in general are the subject of crazy antisemitic paranoiac fantasies by the extreme right, that's just a fact.

>> No.19488347

Have you even read The Authoritarian Personality?
Adorno claims that if you’re proud of yourself, your country and respect your parents you are pathologically suppressing aggression and are a fascist and an antisemite.

>> No.19488360

>implying he's wrong

>> No.19488365

>the people who associate him with some kind of "cultural marxist" conspiracy haven't read a word he has written.
This might be true
However, there are Marx-supporters who haven't worked a day in their life.
This makes us even.

>> No.19488378

The guy literally hated jazz because it was disorganized and meaningless, this is literally just 1 logical step away from calling it degenerate negro music.

>> No.19488385

Uh oh, looks like it's time to go back to twitter.
stop oogling 4chan, that's enough internet for today, girls

>> No.19488389

filtered, it's like 8 steps away lmao. adorno was a well-renowned niggerlover

>> No.19488394

kiked out the wazoo.
get a grip and start thinking for yourself.
youre own paranoid tendencies are showing by the simple fact that you characterized those ideas in terms of conspiracy, fantasy, anti-semitic, and "fact," get a grip, and quit pretending that everyone for all time agrees with you.
over a quarter of lit believes in thos conspiracies.

>> No.19488397

Cope more retard. Adorno has more in common with you natsoc losers than you're willing to admit.

>> No.19488399

It doesn't really matter.
Most people nowadays misinterpret most writers.
Look at Nietzsche - turns out he was a fascist and eugenecist. Wow.

>> No.19488401

Lol yeah... this anon's right, desu.
You should probably lurk more, anti-semitism is pretty common here, idk how long you've been on here but if you're not willing to take a leap and see things in the other party's view, then it's probably going to be hard for you to be a sympathetic reader, or even to come on 4chan lol

>> No.19488406

>over a quarter of lit believes in thos conspiracies.

That's because over a quarter of /lit/ are actually /pol/goloids who just can't stay in their hugbox.

>> No.19488409

No? nuance and context is crucial to public discourse and opinion, LMAO at the fact that you think because someone held a generic opinion about jazz in the 50s that they are automatically a nazi.

Let me ask you this, anon, how the fuck can a jew be a nazi?

>> No.19488415


>> No.19488419

This anon is right lol, no matter how much he's seething rn.

>> No.19488424

Because right wingers only believe white people.

>> No.19488426
File: 36 KB, 281x320, 6876415494_b469dbb087_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>le gay sissy
>wearing sister's lyotard
>help i cannot swim!
>black lifeguard on duty
European sex tourist in Namibia, 101.
Oldest trick in the book, not one bit precocious or original. Pitiful.

>> No.19488431

>nuance and context is crucial to public discourse and opinion

Only if you're a dumb liberal.

>> No.19488444

>kike has inane kike opinion
>anon 80 years later thinks that it means he's a nazi.
i can't

>> No.19488457

I never called Adorno a Nazi. I said he had more in common with Nazis than both he himself and Nazis are willing to admit.

>> No.19488469
File: 109 KB, 1136x852, 6136c6c6a1e5e7001996eef8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that book was pretty accurate at describing the "pseudoconservative" who is resentful and rebellious but in a pseudo-rebellious way because they're still psychologically dependent on authority. It's like the guys who join the Proud Boys. The leaders dress up like cops and soldiers and private-military-contractor LARPers and traditional male authority figures, and they thumb their nose at "the authorities" or "the feds" which is an outlet for the followers to get back at their paternal authority figures who they were never allowed to challenge when they were little kids. They'll rebel against the "king" but never the "crown." They're angry because they feel the rightful "crown" has been usurped by a false "king." But that's what makes them the perfect marks and dupes to be led around and manipulated by the leaders of the organization who are literal FBI informants who eventually set them up and betray them.

>> No.19488504

The problem comes when you frame it down a one-way street. Lipset pointed out to Adorno that his lamentations in Authoritarian Personality can be levied against numerous extreme Left-wing persons.

Ressentiment is not Left or Right; and once you succumb to thinking it affects only one direction, you've lost the plot.

>> No.19488512

Had you asked Thomas Carlyle about changing the king instead of taking crown he would be perfectly fine with that. However you're in the world of Marxist social thought so for you there's only taking down the crown as a solution.

There's a more important problem to the extremists and Adorno basically wrote a political attack on the right wing that wasn't just bunch of people who get upset over swearing and so forth - as in - any rw groups that aren't pushovers(not that proud boys aren't exactly that)

>> No.19488586

Sure. But I think it's very common on the American right.

Well, they'll just never be truly rebellious. They'll be rebellious in a way that's ultimately submissive to authority. They can't truly criticize the patriarch so they project their rebellious, resentful impulses onto some outgroup.

American right-wingers can even recognize that the people who are truly in charge of the society are just the executive boards and shareholders of major corporations. They don't have problem with people like that being in charge per se. It's the "woke" stuff that has crept in. So they rebel against the woke people, but not the businessmen. But we live in a regime of globalized finance capital that is centered in the United States but has no interest in partitioning up the world like in the 1930s. That is what "America First" looks like with the U.S. situated at the top and that regime wants the entire world to be open to its own movement so you can go on consuming 25% of the world's resources while having 5% of the population.

>> No.19488598

You can try it out for yourself right now - go to /pol/, lurk an anti-vax thread, and count how many of them do not understand a concept as simple as per capita. For every high IQ with schizophrenic tendencies on /pol/, there is 99 mouthbreathers who are barely above animal consciousness.

>> No.19488604

Dumb faggots

>> No.19488647

>This is the condition of England, according to Carlyle. An idle landowning aristocracy which “have not yet learned even to sit still and do no mischief", a working aristocracy submerged in Mammonism, who, when they ought to be collectively the leaders of labour, “captains of industry", are just a gang of industrial buccaneers and pirates. A Parliament elected by bribery, a philosophy of simply looking on, of doing nothing, of laissezfaire, a wornout, crumbling religion, a total disappearance of all general human interests, a universal despair of truth and humanity, and in consequence a universal isolation of men in their own “brute individuality", a chaotic, savage confusion of all aspects of life, a war of all against all, a general death of the spirit, a dearth of “soul", that is, of truly human consciousness: a disproportionately strong working class, in intolerable oppression and wretchedness, in furious discontent and rebellion against the old social order, and hence a threatening, irresistibly advancing democracy – everywhere chaos, disorder, anarchy, dissolution of the old ties of society, everywhere intellectual insipidity, frivolity, and debility. – That is the condition of England. Thus far, if we discount a few expressions that have derived from Carlyle’s particular standpoint, we must allow the truth of all he says. He, alone of the “respectable” class, has kept his eyes open at least towards the facts, he has at least correctly apprehended the immediate present, and that is indeed a very great deal for an “educated” Englishman.

-- Engels

>> No.19488658
File: 202 KB, 933x933, broker apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what was the name again of that right wing philosopher, who put everything masculine under general suspicion and said that you should just destroy stuff, without planning what to do afterwards? ...yeah i know, but apparently when you truly read him, after being educated, he is right wing.

>> No.19488715
File: 544 KB, 1920x2560, adrorno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wanted to put people in reeducation camps based on the results of an Authoritarian personality quiz which included how anti-Semitic, fascist, Ethnocentric, and Conservative you were. He wanted this implemented across the country and you wonder why we don't like him lol

>> No.19488728
File: 16 KB, 399x400, 1502388952154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Intolerance of ambiguity is the mark of an authoritarian personality"
>"Fuck jazz, it has no system or logic, it is hatred of art"

>> No.19488753
File: 23 KB, 334x434, Ef9uSuOWsAAUjYt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a Jewish homo is a real no no for me