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19499877 No.19499877 [Reply] [Original]

Would you recommend reading pic related:
>The Portable Nietzsche includes Kaufmann’s definitive translations of the complete and unabridged texts of Nietzsche’s four major works: Twilight of the Idols, The Antichrist, Nietzsche Contra Wagner and Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

I've read Modern Library's "Basic Writings of" which consists of
>The Birth of Tragedy, Beyond Good and Evil, On the Genealogy of Morals, The Case of Wagner, and Ecce Homo.

>> No.19499883

be careful to not get filtered. Neech is a notoriously misunderstood guy.

>> No.19499887

Kauffman apologizes for Nietzsche's mean tweets

>> No.19499898


>> No.19499938

No, I would go for earlier translations from Oscar Levy's N. edition. The writing is better and conveys the spirit of N.'s prose. Later translations are stiff and uninspiring.

>> No.19499971

Not as a first read. "Portable" editions like that are handy for academics who have already done the reading and want something more compact than several books that they can carry around with them, but it arranges things according to that function and leaves too many things out to be a thorough introduction to his work.

>> No.19499991

It doesn't leave out stuff it's all the complete text. It's just in one volume for the same reasons you mentioned.

ToB, BGE, GoM, GS are required readings but idols, TA and even the posthumous Will to Power can be skipped unless one wants more Nietzsche.

>> No.19500497

I have the Clancy Martin Zarathustra and I like it. Lots of annotations and the intro goes over what Levy bastardized.

>> No.19500560

Nice. I'm waiting for mine but I thought maybe I could read Twilight,Antichrist and Contra from the Portable Nietzsche volume and then just go read Martin's for Zarathustra.

>> No.19500711

People seem to like the compilation here, I only have bgae and zarathustra

>> No.19500747
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>> No.19500776


>> No.19500781

The only good post you've ever made

>> No.19500785

Wait, you're actually into Nietzsche? Huh, I thought he was on the no-fly list for insufferable femoid progressives

>> No.19500797

>It doesn't leave out stuff it's all the complete text
I have that exact book, and while it contains several complete works, it also includes tons of selections from works that it does not include.

>> No.19500803

You mean like Dawn, etc
That's fine I think since one can get those in individual volumes instead though gotta find it with Kauffman's.

>> No.19500855

I’m an anarchist, not an AOC.
And Nietzsche’s Übermensch is a cross between an “anarchist and an aristocrat” according to Nietzsche. Hence the Übermensch can only come about in a state of communism (statelessness)

>> No.19500862

You’re retarded

>> No.19500869

No. Certifiably not.

>> No.19500885

Kaufmann for Zarathustra, Gay Science, "Will to Power;" use the Stanford volumes 8 and 9 for his later works, other stuff don't have much opinion on. I have Hollingdale for Untimely Meditations but would not recommend him for Zarathustra. Renders ubermensch as Superman which is rather jarring.

>> No.19500899
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Yes. My German professor who specializes in existentialist philosophy recommended this, even to us as German students. Kaufmann is based. Also check out "living with nietzsche" by robert salomon. It's pretty unknown but my professor recommended this as well for beginners.

>> No.19500905


>> No.19501061

What a fucking idiot you are, the Übermensch is into the aristocrats not through commies, neech wasn't liberal he was a proto national socialist

>> No.19501169

thanks anon, looks comfy.

>> No.19501197

Italian Fascism/ National Conservativism fits Nietzsche more than Hitler. Nietzsche didn't have the same autistic obsession with Jews as Hitler.

>> No.19501252

Right, but Hitler used neech inverted philosophy to his ideas

>> No.19501266

>price point good
>notes serviceable, just be suspicious of them
There are better translations, but it's fine for that much material all in one.

>> No.19501268

if you aren't reading the stanford university press editions, you're a pleb. plain and simple.

>> No.19501528

This is what I did and I think it was an alright way to go about things, definitely better to have read the modern library anthology before Portable and leave zarathustra as one of the last ones to get to, also look at some other translations after the fact

>> No.19501644

>no guys, my ressentiment drenched post-Christian ideology will totally make the ubermensch, not just a bunch of last men waiting for their comforts to arrive (especially not comforts to their conscience)! The ubermensch would LOVE my ideal society!
The fact you've been around so long and actually believe this is humorous

>> No.19501698

Yes, it's good. I'm reading it currently. Make sure you read the introduction, it provides some important context.

>> No.19502381

Can't go wrong with Kaufmann.

>> No.19503270

If you're not reading him in German, you're a pleb. Plain and simple.

>> No.19503580

Sorry I won't support a university doing mandates.

Surprised the swabians/serbs didn't use Nietzsche's anti-german nationalist sentiments as core for the serbian nationalist movement building up til ww1 considering Nietzsche praised them a lot

>> No.19503721

>notes serviceable, just be suspicious of them
Like how Kauffman says "oy gevalt don't misinterpret this line, here's what N mean..." usually forget about that and one should trust own's (bad or good) instinct.