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19565713 No.19565713 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19565716

Are you / is that the guy who was posting here about original mishima translations?

>> No.19565719

Doesn't exist.

>> No.19565779
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>Fanatical racemixing enthusiast. Specialist in barbarization and Japanese-style counter-revolution.

>> No.19565961


>Masaki was active in the internal political factions within the Japanese Army. He was an early member of the radical Imperial Way Faction led by Sadao Araki. With Heisuke Yanagawa and Hideyoshi Obata, the group merged with the rival Tōseiha faction under Kazushige Ugaki to dominate the Japanese army throughout the 1930s until World War II. A supporter of the Nazi Germany, Masaki continued his involvement with the Imperial Way Faction until his forced retirement though political maneuvers by General Tetsuzan Nagata. Dissatisfaction with Masaki's forced retirement resulted in the assassination of Nagata the following year which, in turn, led to the February 26 Incident of 1936. He returned to his native Saga Prefecture to serve on the Prefectural Board of Education in 1941.

>> No.19566607

I found a talk on Mishima, wondered if some of you might be interested. the audio could be better.

>> No.19566723

less soi talk also with bad audio

>> No.19566732
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He was a big time fruit so obviously, he despised women because he saw in them his own flaws.

>> No.19567828


>> No.19568078

>there will surely appear women who will twist my words and take pity on me as an unfortunate man who has never met a truly intelligent woman. They may assert as much. However, such women, that is, women who live constantly in the illusion that they are individual exceptions to the rule, are in fact representative of foolish women.
Femoids BTFO

>> No.19568650

>The meaningless vestiges of the chivalric spirit earn frowns from Japanese travelers everywhere in the West, but that such tendencies are spreading in Japan as well spurs on the sincerity of my patriotic concern for Japan's future3. Even I open doors for women, allow them to enter cars first, and lend them an arm when crossing the street as a compromise with the world, but inside I am telling them to eat shit.

Holy kek

>> No.19568721

To be far he was still a young man here and probably had never had sex with a woman.

>> No.19568756
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>The redemption of woman into participation in the nature of man is the outcome of christian-Germanic evolution. The Greek remained in ignorance of the psychic process of the ennobling of woman to the rank of man, To him everything appeared under its direct, unmediated aspect,—woman to him was woman, and man was man; and thus at the point where his love to woman was satisfied in accordance with nature, arose the spiritual demand for man.
>the process of the emancipation of women goes ahead only amid ecstatic convulsions. Love—tragedy.

>> No.19568810

I hold doors open for everyone behind me if I'm to be the first to open it. Just makes things run smoothly. You'd think Japs would know better.

>> No.19568835


I'm sure the essay is great and all, but Japanese women aren't like women elsewhere. The whole nation is full of stupid women giggling into their hands.

>> No.19568851


>The meaningless vestiges of the chivalric spirit earn frowns from Japanese travelers everywhere in the West, but that such tendencies are spreading in Japan as well spurs on the sincerity of my patriotic concern for Japan's future3. Even I open doors for women, allow them to enter cars first, and lend them an arm when crossing the street as a compromise with the world, but inside I am telling them to eat shit.


Fuck women, metaphorically and literally

>> No.19568858


If you're an American in America, holy doors open for people or any intentional politeness makes you seem like a weak pussy. Especially if done in view of women

>> No.19568942

I was under the impression that americans hold doors open? Is there a regional divide in this practice?

>> No.19568965


No lol, nobody has any manners here. In the only lib arts class I had to take in university (transferring from community college), the last day of class was a big degenerate freakshow where everybody was giggling and bleeting about smoking weed all the time. I hate marijuana! I was asked by some faggot "why I talk so seriously all the time" aka why do I talk without AAVE / socmedia speak. Like dude. "Americans I hear are polite to women, and there's I hear some regional divisions, in the midwest they're even more polite!". Nobody in that class could write either, most people here are fucking animals. And not in a way which is funny or noble in its cruelty. Talking to most people gives the same feeling of talking to a dog, be brief and either command or entertain

>> No.19569050
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This is where I must confess something to you: I've lived in America and am well aware of this tendency, and merely probed you to get a deeper perspective from a native. I felt as though many Americans were not aware of these facts that you've described, or at least they do not state their views of each other openly.
I apologise for responding with the cliché which you've also addressed.

>> No.19569059

>Men are left alone. In the wake of pleasure, without the premonition of pregnancy, and without the hope of raising children, they are left alone. This solitude was the womb of productive culture. Consequently women are incapable of tasting the original experience of art and culture more broadly. In tandem with the progress of culture, those who bore innately this consciousness of solitude are born as artists and become specialists in art. When I meet women aspiring artists, particularly actresses and singers, I cannot but wrack my brain over why they do not notice that in women, genius is theoretically impossible.

Could not have said it better myself.

>> No.19569061


American society is a vast mob of subhuman niggercattle with a minority of increasingly brooding, and terrible aristocrats waiting to kill as many people as possible. And the difference is growing larger and larger. Between those seeking conformity and those seeking personal distinction. Who knows where it will lead. I think eventually manly and intelligent men will either give in to debauchery or fucking kill themselves

>> No.19569097

This graph is fucking depressive. Do you have one for Europe?

>> No.19569100


are you stupid?

>> No.19569102

>"We do not involve ourselves in political struggles with impunity; it is to the cult of which the young were the object that our age owes its bloodthirsty aspect; the century's convulsions emanate from them, from their readiness to espouse an aberration and to translate it into action, give them the hope or the occasion of a massacre, they will follow you blindly."

Cioran, History and Utopia

>> No.19569114


Cioran seems like a loser given his effeminate obsession with "suffering". Especially in the gay, cosmopolitan form. Liberal ennui. Being cute and complaining about shit. He has never written anything funny or profound, and those are distinct classes

>> No.19569119
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He was a literal fascist in his youth

>> No.19569121


Lots of cool people were fascists. And uncool people. It was a mass movement with good and bad qualities

>> No.19569135

Which books you have read by him which made you say that he haven't written anything profound or funny?

>> No.19569143


Quotes on 4chan. If I have a bad impression I am unlikely to read something. Especially if I have to read in translation lol

>> No.19569144

Winning isn't something fascists are known for. I'm not going to debate if that's for the better or for the worse.
>He has never written anything funny
I don't know much about Cioran, but it's not necessarily effeminate to find no humour in the world. On top of that, one man's humour can be another's suffering and vice versa.

>> No.19569148

Extremely retarded, if you're interested in history and politics then at least read History and Utopia or Tears and Saints if you wanna know his aesthetics.

>> No.19569151


will do once I'm done with my current reading

>> No.19570282

Will watch later, thanks.

>> No.19570300

Women are even worse in the West than in Japan

>> No.19570306

We do, only rude people don’t

>> No.19570320

based and bowden pilled

>> No.19570417

Could you link where you got this graph from? I am very interested in learning more about this.

>> No.19570431

>"However, such women, that is, women who live constantly in the illusion that they are individual exceptions to the rule, are in fact representative of foolish women."
Holy fucking based

>> No.19570443
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>Woman is... le bad

>> No.19570470

>"The day that women themselves notice that, just as there is only slight difference between sadism and masochism, so is there only slight difference gallantry toward women and misogyny is surely still distant."
Did Mishima predict incels?

>> No.19570471
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>> No.19570482


>One must make choice between loving women and knowing them; there is no middle course.


>> No.19571222


Knowing women just makes me laugh. Still horny sorry. Such a stupid European sentiment. Pretending there's some profound Platonic ideal needed to draw men to appreciate women! But oh! Then lust!!! How tragic!!! You understand that "European" (French, German, English, Italian) culture largely consists in assholes pretending to be thoughtful - proceeding from mass literacy and access to literature they're too stupid to understand




Ah yes, ty Karen. How true that is!

Affection for women is mediated by animal lust and physical touch. Like cuddling with a dog or the natural paternal warmth towards kids. Stop pretending like women are something serious and formidable. That's typical European style stupidity you never see in the East

>> No.19571889

Is there a publisher still actively printing Mishima's works that were only printed in French?

>> No.19571911

Are you really trying to imply Western women are better, reddit spacing guy?

>> No.19572002 [DELETED] 
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never trust a man who can't even do something as basic as enjoying pussy

>> No.19572027 [DELETED] 
File: 501 KB, 2000x2996, 22524ac480dc448518660a84f6e4b2cf (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He got stuck in a pre-heterosexual Freudian stage of development and took it out on womxn instead.

>> No.19572960

That wouldn't be surprising. Mishima once said that he hated Dazai because he thought he was too feminine. And in an interview, he said that his friends would tell him that he was a lot like Dazai, and that made him really mad, and whenever he read Dazai, he felt a sense of danger, and he had to tell himself that if he ended up liking his work, he would up just like him.

>> No.19572979

it's the exact OPPOSITE,
women in Japan are the smartest in the world, which is precisely why the nation is so odd.

>> No.19573032

Japanese women play at being complete idiots. Its the fashion there.
American women play at being competent through manipulation, but are also complete idiots.
The biggest difference is that American women are propped up by a massively advantaged social system and will openly flaunt that advantage, while Japanese society is so soul-crushing that even the most stupid woman does not try to stand out from the crowd.

>> No.19573086

What's the deal with Substack? Seems like a lot of based stuff ends up on there. Is it just a paywalled form of blogging? Are writers discoverable from the the main site?

>> No.19573095

It's like a newsletter system, Nick Lang's is permanently free

>> No.19573099

>self-hating white or (((white))) outs himself as a dimwit

>> No.19573114

Kinkakuji is THE incel novel. Captures the psychology of a mass killer perfectly.

>> No.19574412

swaddling clothes was a glimpse into women read it.

>> No.19574423

Mishima was a step up from Hemmingway when it comes down to thier cultures and societies and how they both commited suicide.

>> No.19576079

That seems more like basic hierarchy of needs creeping through. Hard to focus on philosophy and introspection when you're crunched for time and money.

>> No.19576104

Thank you. I'm glad someone's finally translating this stuff

>> No.19577798

kek, Mishima only gets more keyed

>> No.19577810

>I hate marijuana!
lol ok grandma

>> No.19578059

>In general, even going by average life expectancy, women necessarily live longer than men, and it is strange that short-lived human beings must take care of long-lived human beings.
This fucking bugs me. Women are fragile butterflies compared to men, so why do they live longer?

>> No.19578155

>Women are fragile butterflies compared to men, so why do they live longer?
they don't do intense physical jobs throughout their lives

>> No.19579363

Suming up this article. All woman are good for is fucking their holes and that's why men approach them. But when you're so deep into homosexuality, you wonder if men can be both masculine and take a dick in the ass. Why did god created women in the first place?