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File: 109 KB, 273x420, How-To-Be-an-Antiracist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19657686 No.19657686[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: books that would singlehandedly fix an issue if everyone read them.
State the issue

>> No.19657699
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race denial

>> No.19657702
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back to where you belong

>> No.19657704

kek i read that as "third world edition" for a second

>> No.19657712

>final exit by derek humphry
will finally end the OP menace

>> No.19657714
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>> No.19657719
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>> No.19657723
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>> No.19657727

Top left is unironically the best looking and will also breed the best looking males

>> No.19657749

>Europeans live in Europe
>It's a nice place
>Africans life in Africa
>It's a shithole
>Europeans go to Africa
>Make it a nice place
>Africans flock to these new European settlements
>They make it a shithole
>Europeans leave
>It gets even worse
>Africans then go to Europe and America
>Those places become shitholes

>> No.19657788

>how to tell everyone you're American without telling them you're American

>> No.19657900
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US not being #1 in education

>> No.19657911
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poor people staying poor

>> No.19657918
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>> No.19657922
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>> No.19657944

Everyone knows this. I've seen more american media than local mock their own educational system. 2 years ago it was a big meme, and the "do americans know geography" videos from Late Night Show channels on YT exploded in views.
If this fact is not clear to you yet you're probably a drooling boomer.

>> No.19658031
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>> No.19658061

>>Europeans go to Africa
>>Make it a nice place
ah yeah totally

>> No.19658083
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>> No.19658348

It's not Leopold's fault that the Africans wouldn't stop cutting each other's hands off.

>> No.19658359

Marginalized people should not have to defend their basic humanity against their oppresors. Are you denying science are you denying white supremacy and structural racism are a thing are you denying the queer community's right to exist?

Marginalized folks have every reason to trust progressive bourgeoisie and managerial strata over fascist white settlers who want them dead.we have every right to deplatform fascists and reactionaries and class reductionists and science deniers and ensure safety for marginalized and vulnerable members of our communities. We have every right to demand the destigmatization and normalization of sex work and mental illness, decolonization prison abolition family abolition the sexual enmancipation of children and an end to white supremacy and the gender binary.

>> No.19658422

offensively weak bait but
>class reductionists
literally the worst thing to be against if you actually care about humanity but CIA psyop breadtubers have convinced you it's actually the same as fascism

>> No.19658429

far too on the nose

>> No.19658449

But the transgender identity is based on science arent you being anti scienc e?

>> No.19658453

I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free

>> No.19658466

If the CIA is for science and trans rights and against white supremacy and for POC representation in media while russia is promoting white supremacy and antiscience conspiracy theories and persecuting lgbt people and sex workers then why should the marginalized side with your political bloc

>> No.19658475

You don’t have a firm enough grasp of subtlety to baitpost, anon

>> No.19658478

deboonked by cofnas.

>> No.19658481

I bet you think trans women arent real women and all lives matter

>> No.19658488

The heterosexual nuclear family is a tool of patriarchal oppression, as such it must be dismantled children should be liberated from judeochristian gender norms and sexual repression through a process of decolonization led by HIV positive BIPOC sex workers and decolonial feminist gender pedagogues in every public school and media outlet regardless of the reactionary opinions of their white settler parents

>> No.19658507

(you) suck at this. 3.5/10
trannies are neither men nor women. they're trannies. and blm is a retarded movement that gets nothing done. police are still the lowest creatures on earth and 100% targeting blacks

>> No.19658511

This is what I imagine a GPT-3 model trained solely on leftist propaganda would produce.

>> No.19658515

>US whites are smarter than almost all of EU
uh, yuropoors?

>> No.19658525

thanks for the rec

>> No.19658549

almost didn't read, but...

yeah pretty based

>> No.19658589

Anon why you gotta be doin this. At least have the decency to flame /pol/ with this shit.

>police are still the lowest creatures on earth and 100% targeting blacks
This depends so fucking much on where you live. Compare Cincinnati's based as fuck police breaking up black people who just won't stop trying to do the drug war thing vs Chicago where the police force is blatantly a terrorist organization and literally hires open KKK extremists with the goal of "I wanna kill black people."

>> No.19658597
File: 14 KB, 195x285, Huntercover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19658604

Wait why the fuck did I engage with this shit? this is A LITERATURE BOARD.

>> No.19658618

Debunked by MacDonald


>> No.19658687


hi this is ur sociology prof u used every buzzword good job a+

>> No.19658892

Ya, if you were back in Africa you would have a much harder life.

>> No.19658894
File: 33 KB, 450x450, pear_of_anguish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is it African's fault European's wouldn't stop shoving this up their asses?

>> No.19658902

Retard detected

>> No.19658911

They made it a lot better than it was, many more africans have access to clean water, clothes and can even use the internet (the smart ones at least)

>> No.19658932

Those poor bucks...

>> No.19658946

someone built those railroads
its all so tiresome

>> No.19658966

Don't waste energy over it. Always remember that you are dealing with somebody less competent than the average white 10 year old. It is like getting riled up over someone with a mental disability. You should show them kindness and charity...but don't let it go too far, that's what our ancestors did.

>> No.19658984

Clean water was more common across the world before industrialization and overpopulation.
Industrialization, science, and secular values have made the world a worse place for everyone including Europeans.
Blaming any single group of people for the failures of post-industrial world is disingenuous. I do blame individuals who have positive views on scientific "progress" though.

>> No.19658991

>This depends so fucking much on where you live
i loathe all currently existing versions of police forces. none of them get an ounce of sympathy from me. in the most literal and total sense, the only good cop is a dead cop

>> No.19659009

Dumbass. Have fun with the MKultra'd serial killers on the loose. In the past, CIA had to engineer them; now they don't have to bother as the media does the work.

>> No.19659011

The popularization of jazz and blues music has done more harm to society than the most violent and malicious police force ever could.
That being said, reforming them would still be a good thing.

>> No.19659017



>> No.19659019

Anti-racism is codeword for anti-White.

>> No.19659034

And Africa was always a primitive shithole full of savage retards. I admit, not a whole lot has changed, but presumably them having clothes and actual buildings and transportation is a good thing? I guess that is what the Europeans thought as well, but they probably should have just totally conquered them and kept them as slaves like the ancient Egyptians for all the good it's done. Some people are not meant to be civilised.

>> No.19659040

High school nigger detected. Go back to Africa, without cops your people would be in even more squalor.

>> No.19659043

Based and redpilled.

>> No.19659045

They say they're anti-racist, what they mean is anti-white.

>> No.19659066

wtf I'm anti racist now

>> No.19659158

The only people who try to sell out things such as "Antiracism", or "Tolerance", are people who want to genocide you.

>> No.19659169

If i see a tranny on the street instead of yelling faggot at them ill yell woah so tolerant so diverse and progressive! Yas kween slay!