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19670499 No.19670499[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is with this obsession with making women warriors and acting like men? I don't understand why dudes like doing this shit.

>> No.19670506

Got dam I’ll have some of that woman warrior please

>> No.19670519

YES please. come into my hermit cabin and allow me to tend to your wounds madame....

>> No.19670544
File: 37 KB, 709x432, 31AFEA6B-3CB7-4BA6-BDA7-0227DA7F72BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? What time capsule did you crawl out of?

>> No.19670547

Ever heard of amazons anon?

>> No.19670551

It's a fetish that has existed since at least Ancient Greeks, though the idea behind it has been muddied a bit with rest crop of coomers. Original Greeks loved Aesthetics and a sculptured human body, but unfortunately most women back then were fat baby machines so they were objectively uglier to look at than a fit twink. But from time to time you could stumble upon some poorman's daughter who got fit because she had to work in the field, and to a greek mind that's kinda hot. Add into the account, Scythians who taught their women self defence because they were surrounded by sub-humans who practiced "wife-stealing", and you get a perfect inspiration for an "Amazon".

Today's coomers are just nerds who project fit, tall, strong mommy girlfriend who will protect their weakass body. At least when Frazetta was big people were more into "Fit people are awesome", than "I have issues I'm projecting into Big Titty Mommy GF".

>> No.19670556

When it comes to women warriors in fantasy, I like to think women in general would rely on modified bows and crossbows, as well as spears and the like. Most women warriors would be outclasses by male warriors in strength, so close-range combat would be unwise.

>> No.19670561

i hate this dyke so much

she tried to make sartre jealous by banging other dudes, but he didn't give a shit about her kek

>> No.19670567
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>who will protect their weakass body
I ask not for protection, but for permission to lick lick lick all over her bodymmmmmmm yum yumyum

>> No.19670578

Proof that anything she said applies to the real world?

>> No.19670579

As irrelevant as it is erroneous. Why are you derailing the thread?

>> No.19670589

Yes, they were a Greek myth.
They would have to be heavily modified. Anyone who has ever fired a bow before will tell you that the average woman is not capable of it. The Japanese yumi are an exception.
You were the one attempting to derail the thread.

>> No.19670596


>> No.19670602

>there is nothing masculine about fighting and war
How fucking detached from reality can you be? 99% of 'warriors' throughout history have been men. Even if you're a feminist who believes men and women are psychologically identical from birth, the undeniable truth of sexual dimorphism means that men are better suited to combat

>> No.19670611

>Even if you're a feminist who believes men and women are psychologically identical from birth, the undeniable truth of sexual dimorphism means that men are better suited to combat

>> No.19670622

I point again to the relevant thread stopper. Respond to it. Or rather the words in it. Not the personal life of the speaker or what you’d do to her in bed, the WORDS >>19670544

Idiot. Narrow headed non-thinker. “Drrrr it’s traditchinal to have only males fightin and shiit. Derefor, you is rong”

>> No.19670630
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No one even said that. You both need to hit the books, because you don’t understand a thing about the arguments ITT

>> No.19670646

Women warrior myths are just Ancient Greek. They exist nearly everywhere in the world.

>> No.19670647

> the WORDS
Of which the onus is on you to prove their veracity.
> “Drrrr it’s traditchinal to have only males fightin and shiit. Derefor, you is rong”
Not even what he was saying. This makes you the idiot.
>No one even said that.
Congrats, you've proven OP's point. This was a thread about women being warriors. You posted a strawman argument. "When women act like human beings, they are accused of acting like men."
Nobody says this. Women are accused of acting like men for acting like men.

>> No.19670650

I'm already aware, now answer my question.
>What is with this obsession with making women warriors and acting like men?

>> No.19670654

I'm not citing 'tradition', you quinquagenarian wench. I'm citing the entirety of human history, in which societies logically placed those with greater physical strength (i.e. tall men) in the role of fighting. To do otherwise would be to accept their own conquest. The cultural tradition of the masculine warrior is a product of human physiology, not vice versa. Do you also think the fact that women breastfeed is a result of 'tradition'?

>> No.19670655

Because Athena is cute!

>> No.19670689 [DELETED] 

>continues to not understand what’s going on
>you r de idiot now.

I’m not citing tradition, I’m citing traditions.
About the breastfeeding point. Swords do not come from your cock or anywhere else.
Did you know women can fight too? I don’t care if they’re not crazy enough to become mass murderers and wage wars or serial killers, like 99% of males of the sort are. That’s not the point. Women get just as angry, and are quite capable of killing. And when they do they’re seen in an extra horrible light than males when they kill. Hmm? Read the book.

>> No.19670692

>continues to not understand what’s going on
>you r de idiot now.

>I’m not citing tradition, I’m citing traditions.
About the breastfeeding point. Swords do not come from your cock or anywhere else.
Did you know women can fight too? I don’t care if they’re not crazy enough to become mass murderers and wage wars or serial killers, like 99% of males of the sort are. That’s not the point. Women get just as angry, and are quite capable of killing. And when they do they’re seen in an extra horrible light than males when they kill. Hmm? Read the book.

>> No.19670698


> Beyond the feminist world of words and micro-aggressions, there are women--who may or may not identify themselves as feminists--who are not just verbally, but physically and aggressively challenging gender roles and overcoming sex differences.
>These women are becoming more like men--physically, emotionally and in many cases, chemically. In the process, these manly women are distorting our perception of what women are, and what men should want from them. They are female fighters, lifters, soldiers, Crossfitters, bodybuilders, competitive athletes, movie stars, and the countless women who flock to trainers trying to emulate them.
>Feminists will claim and celebrate the successes of these manly women, but it is often men--masculine and hierarchically-oriented men--who are coaching and pushing these women to become more masculine.
>Check out the photos in this article about women and lifting from women’s blog XOVain [no longer online]. Notice who’s spotting her? Behind every strong woman, there’s some guy telling her she’s a strong woman.
>From regular gym-bros and NRA members to prominent trainers, fitness writers, and successful athletes, the guys most likely to complain about the pussification of men consistently pole-vault over each other to promote, defend, and generally fawn over any woman willing to handle a barbell, a ball, or a rifle.
>Why are so many guys who are disgusted by effeminate men so supportive of masculine women?

>> No.19670713

>Men are judging women as if women were men.
>Guys have been taught from an early age, thanks to the scolding of feminist educators, that there are no “male” virtues, only human virtues. Men are naturally drawn to the old masculine virtues of strength, courage and mastery. They place a high value on traits and behaviors that men have always valued in each other. So, instead of letting women be women and appreciating the differences between the sexes, men are imposing their own idea of what is good on the women in their lives.
>Radical feminists would, somewhat ironically, call this sexist and oppressive, because it is men telling women how to behave based on their own preferences and biases.
>Why is a woman only a good woman if she acts like a man? That’s the patriarchy talking!
>Men who appreciate manly excellence are doubly impressed when a female shows interest or aptitude in a manly sport or pastime. It’s not uncommon to see some alpha male type overlook 100 guys working just as hard and performing better to fawn over a female marksman, lifter or fighter because, well…“isn’t she something?”
>It’s also easier to give a woman special attention, because you don’t have to deal with man drama--that whole push/pull, dick-measuring thing men do as they perpetually work out their chimpanzee hierarchies.

>> No.19670717

> A dirty secret about men is that a lot of them don’t really like women. They like looking at women naked and they like having sex with women and they may even fall in love with women, but for the most part, they don’t really like women.
>I’ve had a lot of heterosexual men tell me that they almost wish they were homosexual, because they find most women irritating and they feel like they have almost nothing in common with them. This actually seems to be the case more frequently with extremely masculine men, and it makes sense that they would have less in common with women. A male psychotherapist who works primarily with men in the military called me recently to talk about men and masculinity, and he mentioned hearing this from a lot of his clients too.
>Actually, as I was writing this, a buddy of mine was texting me about this girl he was trying to talk into having sex with him. He was pretending she was interesting, but the truth is he just thought she was hot. Men do this all the time. His last text read, “I think I already hate her.” He went on a date with her later that week.
>Feminists would call this “misogyny,” but I’d call it “normal.” It’s normal to want to hang out with people who are more like you, who have the same kinds of aspirations and who have similar interests. So it seems like when a lot of these guys fantasize about a perfect woman, they fantasize about some kickass chick who likes sports and guns, who won’t ask them to watch chick flicks or talk about the last episode of The Bachelor or say that everything is “amazing.”

>> No.19670721

>continues to not understand what’s going on
>Did you know women can fight too?
Not well.
>I don’t care if they’re not crazy enough to become mass murderers and wage wars or serial killers, like 99% of males of the sort are.
Are you aware of how many female murderers and serial killers there are?
>And when they do they’re seen in an extra horrible light than males when they kill.
Two sentences ago you portrayed the male capacity for violence as expected,
>I don’t care if they’re not crazy enough to become mass murderers and wage wars or serial killers, like 99% of males of the sort are.
Let me educate you. People see women killers as worse because it's not usual. It's abnormal.
How can you lack this self-awareness?

>> No.19670729

> Even as progressive Hollywood writes a tough-talking, man-tossing supermodel superhero into almost every action movie, and Marvel makes Thor a woman, much of the far right is also fapping away to fantasies of bosomy blonde Valkyries and sexy shieldmaidens. It’s difficult to tell how prominent a role women warriors played in Germanic cultures, but some scattered information is being played up to flatter women and encourage an absurdly modern feminist inclusiveness among so-called radical traditionalists. There have always been tales of female warriors, but they have generally been exceptions to the rule, and the women who fought successfully alongside men probably looked more like Brienne of Tarth than a sword-wielding succubus from a Heavy Metal magazine cover.
>If men really want a co-ed warrior caste of eugenically bred, chemically enhanced, man-jawed super-persons to transcend the human condition and prepare our race for interstellar war with the Klingons, then they need to be more honest about that, and work out some of the contradictions and inconsistencies in their worldviews.
>I’ll admit I’ve toyed with the seemingly eugenic notion that it would be better for everyone to be terrifyingly strong, fast, smart, and aggressive.
>Leave it to a man to think up something like that.
>It has some merit and appeal, but like all utopian dreams, it seems likely to decay rapidly when exposed to human nature. As with today’s military, the newspapers would get their carefully curated success stories even as internal morale and brotherhood failed, and women would hide behind sterile double-standards as they used sex to manipulate their male peers. The idea that women would be better and better off if they were encouraged to become mentally and physically more like men--but with men with shapely breasts and tight round asses--is just more sci-fi male solipsism.
>Something in men tells them that might is right, and something lower tells them that women are hot, so I guess it makes sense that a lot of young men would decide that hot ‘n mighty women are the pinnacle of human perfection. I’d like to blame this on a post-feminist world of sexual confusion, or even ronery Asian animators, but Robert E. Howard was writing sword-swinging chicks into Conan stories back in the 1930s. The sexy warrior woman is an ancient archetype that’s long held a place in the pornographic pantheon of male fantasy. We’re just at a patch in history where it’s easy to lose perspective and imagine the exotic anomaly as a new norm.

>> No.19670738

> The strong men who stand up for their “strong women” are usually also the first guys to complain about the way American society is promoting effeminate men. They’re the first ones to mock the pajama boys and the Justin Biebers and limp-wristed hipsters. They’ll happily scoff at flamboyant feather boa-ed fruitcakes, metrosexuals, goths, and emo-kids. They’ll call other men “pussies” and “vaginas” all day long.
>These guys think that men should act like men and women should act like women...until it comes time to pander to their female audience, or they need a gimmick to make a little extra money, or someone calls them sexists or misogynists--which is like being called a racist, only slightly less terrifying. Then suddenly strong is the new skinny, and no one should tell a woman where she should be or what she can do. Girl power!
>Most of these jocks and tough-guys would object to being called feminists, and dismiss them as fat, ugly, whiny bitches.

>> No.19670740

Hilary Clinton and Aileen Wuornos are rarities, as I already pointed out. “Not well!” The point is moot.
> it's not usual. It's abnormal.
And shut the fuck up from here on out till you’ve read the damn book.

>> No.19670742

> The guys who I’m talking about would be the first ones to make fun of the male feminists in the “I need feminism” photos.
>If it’s not OK for men to act like bitches, why is it applause-worthy when bitches act like men? Applauding masculinity in women is just the flip side of the feminist project to encourage effeminacy in men. The net effect is the same: the progressive negation of sex roles.
>This glaring hypocrisy is something men need to think about honestly.

>> No.19670753

I'm not gonna read this cunt's book.
Somebody post that pic of her ass though, I'm in the mood.

>> No.19670766

True femoid thought, equates the act of defending your country and family from an external threat to getting 'angry' and becoming a serial killer. There is a reason we don't have mixed-gender MMA, and it's not because le horrible men are scared that they will be beaten by women. Quite the opposite, in fact. The same goes for archery, fencing, etc. I know this is hard for you to understand as you likely don't practise any sports, but if your limbs are longer and your muscles are stronger, this will give you a significant advantage.

P.S. I'm not reading your book, not because I'm averse to dissenting thought, but because nothing you've said seems even slightly credible and if these are the arguments it contains then it would be a waste of my time.

>> No.19670781

Stop derailing the thread and just answer the OP question.

>> No.19670786
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Not just better suited, but also more replaceable.

>> No.19670787

I have been arguing the point, fool. Why do some men prefer their women to be humans rather than cattle? They’re superior males.

>> No.19670796

Quick scan of the thread:

>read the book
This is a useful citation. Am I in the correct timeline? Whatever timeline I'm in, I'll just...
>...read the book. I have a feeling that it will help.

>> No.19670807 [DELETED] 
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>Why do some men prefer their women to be humans rather than cattle? They’re superior males.
>Also complains about women being considered inferior just for being women
Jesus Christ, I'm just going to assume you're trolling now

>> No.19670867

What's this from Anon?

>> No.19670964

LOL coming from the person he pretends to read books.

>> No.19671025

Jack Donovan’s essay “Beauties in Beast Mode”

>> No.19671053

>Between the lines of her fiction and what are in effect six volumes of autobiography, it is also evident that De Beauvoir suffered deeply from jealousy.


>> No.19671068

Off topic bros, but what levels of female jealousy have you witnessed?

>> No.19671158

>I don't understand why dudes like doing this shit.
Basically, men like to fantasize about competent, effective women the way women like to fantasize about rich, powerful men who do everything for them so the woman can just sit there and be a lazy faggot.

Equality of the sexes in general is a male fantasy, that's why women's idea of feminism/liberation is for men to do everything for them and be obedient slaves.

>> No.19671173
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French live with such passions and often act upon them. She made out alright.

>> No.19671350
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It’s basically a fetish, so my question is why do you guys care so much about this character archetype? It’s something you see in fantasy and fiction, yet I keep seeing anons bring up real life and history as if that matters at all to a story about a fake woman in a fake world with fake rules that is separate from reality.
>hurr durr women didn’t fight in wars
yeah so? If I was making a historical piece then maybe that matters, but if the story has dragons and magic shit going on then why does this specific part (warrior women) need to conform to reality?

>> No.19671354

You have a long way to go, lad.

>> No.19671416

It's 100% aesthetics, though I suppose you can make a case that it's rather rare, especially in our sedentary society, which increases it's alure. Fit bodies are works of beauty and are pleasing to the eye no matter the gender. Evolutionary speaking it's also a signal of fitness.

As for why it is popular - or at least used to be, it's because western beauty standards were dominant, and oldschool westerners believed that a woman needed to be strong. This paradigm has shifted towards nigger aesthetics with pseudo-fat women, but I will argue that niggers are being framed, and that our sedementary lifestyle in tandem with fastfood mafia taking over has made the world fatter, and they needed a cope - and nigger aesthetics of african origin was the easiest way out.

In general it goes like this:

Asian chinks = smol body = hot
non-chink Asians/meds = feminine
Whites = masculine (wahmen needed to pull their weight in northern hemisphere)
Niggers = fat or pseudo fat because that's a luxuary in Africa

Obvious exceptinos exist, but this is the general shtick

>> No.19671419

>hurr durr women didn’t fight in wars
That was in response to the dense tripfag's assertation that being a warrior is not a masculine trait (it is). That doesn't necessarily mean that there's anything wrong with women having masculine traits, whether fictional or in reality.

>> No.19671435

modern amazon/tomboy fetishes come from wanting a woman who isnt a worthless sack of shit expecting everything just because she has a pussy.

>> No.19671444

Another thread derailed by niggerfly

>> No.19671457

snu snu is high test, simple as

>> No.19671465

>modern amazon/tomboy fetishes come from wanting a woman who isnt a worthless sack of shit expecting everything just because she has a pussy.
>the only way a persom can not be a "worthless sack of shit" is by being a warrior
Are you fucking retarded? You want a useful woman, so you pick the one thing they are physiologically incapable of, strength?

>> No.19671470

I’ll accept that, and I don’t really disagree as well

>> No.19671476

You are so post/modern it never occurred to you that your mate should be capable of doing manual labor.

>> No.19671573

I just want all women to be fit :( - why is this world so cruel broskies.

>> No.19671640

>Did you know women can fight too?
So can small children. Just not very well.

>> No.19671671

it's basically men wanting their own men

>> No.19671683

>finishes thread

>> No.19671823

>pseudo-fat women
What do you mean?

>> No.19671845

Because they wanna fuck their bros and they're ashamed of it so they get around it by attaching vaginas to them

>> No.19671874

No one wants you here. Go away.

>> No.19672459

>turns thread into another episode of niggerfly attentionwhores and prevents independent discussion
Kill yourself niggerfly.

>> No.19672585

Don't see any reason to disagree with this.

>> No.19672626

Because that's hot, and women with women personality are actually pretty boring.

Also, can someone go over here >>19672482 and help an anon out to pick some books for this year?


>> No.19672660

shitty writing, that's all there is to it, most women written nowadays are just butch lesbians with the exact same "toxic masculinity" traits that women complain about. It's shit, embarrassing and reeks of insecurity

>> No.19672664

Oh no! I've been comprehensively and thoroughly rebutted!

>> No.19672665

indeed, so let men go to war and eventually rape and pillage you since you've come to agree, that we are genetically predisposed for war.

>> No.19672673

You are a fucking retard, have you been in a fight with another man? there was a stat that showed that even the weakest of men compared to the strongest of natural women were still mildly above them in strength. Most men would crush you in combat, even if you were to say train in combat sports, the best you could do is to stop a basedboy for a little bit.
This is coming from someone who boxes

>> No.19672679

that's because women are inferior, theres no winning for you. when women act like men it's because most of them are insecure or angsty dykes, sometimes there's the offchance where they are a based tomboy, but that's a rare sight

>> No.19672696
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Men like stories of warriors. Men also like sexy/cute women. Why not combine the two?

Any other explanation is overthinking it

>> No.19672709

So, your argument is that upper body strength means women have to remain in perpetual second class status. No education, no rights, and must take being made fun of for being inferior livestock.

>> No.19672712

When men act like men, they are accused of being toxic. When men act like human beings, they are accused of behaving like women.

>> No.19672748

Do you actually think upper body strength is the only difference? 2 genders exist for a reason neither are useless, it’s just that men are able to exert and conquer better, inevitably they will always come in control of things unless they are socialized to not do so, like how it is today

>> No.19672757

Excellent quote sequence, Anon.

>> No.19672786

>making women warriors and acting like men?
Well, there's always xeno scifi or fantasy female warriors where verisimilitude may be found wanting. Nothing like some sex crazed XCom Viper abductors or a pack of ungodly lewd "Skaven" girl slave raiders to spice up a story, right?

>> No.19673067

uhh… yeah… women warriors are too manly haha…. maybe you could send more pics of women warriors haha…

>> No.19674820


>> No.19674824


>> No.19674826

Beta boi loser mindset

For me it's the sidekick loyal woman who does everything the man does only awww cute small dainty version.


>> No.19674839

shut up low test nigga

>> No.19674850

You didn't really answer his question doe

>> No.19674859
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he did

>> No.19674870

Not really. Also, women aren't all like that and many men are also retarded to the point where it's not even an exception.

>> No.19674874


If they're not going to accept the fact that men and women are different and it causes them to engage in the world in different ways and different degrees of efficiency for different things, there's zero point in arguing

>> No.19674879

>quoting a fr*nch pedophile

>> No.19674880


>> No.19674887


>theres no exception for men but there are exceptions for women because uuuuhhhh

>> No.19674892


All women are exactly like that to the point where it's not even an exception.

>> No.19674893

The question was not that my autistic friend. But whether that is reason enough to perpetually mock women and treat them horrendously.

>> No.19674902

Reading comprehension check. There are so many men that are not-excellent and quite dumb to the point where THEY(the non-excellent) are not an exception.

>> No.19674906
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Men and women excel in different areas. How is that mockery exactly?

>> No.19674909


>can't reading comprehension a greentext

And the same isn't true of the average women because?

>> No.19674911


>> No.19674916

you just described 99% of women

>> No.19674923

And 99% of men as well. This homo egalitarianism is really tiring.
I was implying that aswell you illiterate subhuman troglodyte
I disagree

>> No.19674937

It's not. Well, if that's the only thing you ever say then I guess there's nothing more to talk about

>> No.19674938
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>And 99% of men as well
60% at best if we're being generous. And the fact of the matter is that nearly 90% of men have the innate genetic potential to excel at something and stop being fags
women don't

>> No.19674939

Conclusion: women aren't human beings.

>> No.19674950

Six pack abs on a woman is a hindrance to the womb's flexibility. A woman's breasts are milked easier if she doesn't have tight pectorals keeping the milk glands from dangling and bouncing. You're pants on head degenerate and retarded wanting a woman to deadlift more than you. What to want her to have a bigger dick and moustache and paycheck too? Of course you do. Because you're gay like that.

>> No.19674954

I never said anything disputing that

>> No.19674957

>60% at best if we're being generous.
More like if you are cutting them some slack. Most of the time when they "stop being fags" they just replace their faggotry with a new form of cope which they try to rationalize after the fact. But does that mean we should treat them with contempt? I don't think so.

>> No.19674960

Good. Retreat and retreat to soft boobies not tomboy abs.
Reject Tomboy Abs Embrace 9 mo pregnant milkers

>> No.19674961


>> No.19674965

>Six pack abs on a woman is a hindrance to the womb's flexibility
Yeah, that's actually not true. Varg is a retard.
>inb4 nobody brought up Varg MEDS!
Yeah, I did, because his retardation cope is amusing to me and I remember him saying exactly this

>> No.19674966

Cope, no eggs. Barren vagina hahahaha

>> No.19674970

I'm a man. But I assume a woman with those traits would qualify as being more manly than you
Trolololololol le problem?

>> No.19674972
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Near as I can tell you're only argument is "men are stinky and mean to women" or something. Log off and head back to re*dit or wherever it is you're from thanks.

>> No.19674978

At least these two understand that their job is to suck dick rather than scientifically investigate the nature of matter. It's the ones who don't get it that are the real problem.

>> No.19674989

My argument was simple. Most people are not smart/reasonable or excellent. This applies to men as much as women. I just don't think you should constantly mock them. Perhaps more moderately.

>> No.19674996

>Most men are not smart/reasonable or excellent
>therefore we should treat women like humans
this us how you sound

>> No.19674997

Varg or no Varg, the man has a point. Preferring this sort of overtly masculine traits in a woman seems suspiciously like not... actually... liking women.

>> No.19675008

No, young men who arrested or paused their development for some reason, feel deficient or inferior, and often develop the desire to bind themselves permanently to a strong woman (warrior) that takes over much of his responsibilities (acting like a man). Some never grow out of it. Well developed healthy men especially in their prime (28 to 35) have no such desires. They might be up for a quick tumble with such a women but will ultimately always look for the homely wholesome woman that submits to his leadership.

>> No.19675017
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dangerously redpilled

>> No.19675027

>>Most men are not smart/reasonable or excellent
This is me trying to regulate your romanticism of males
>>therefore we should treat women like humans
There is no "therefore" I just don't think we should generally treat women or men with pure resentment
He doesn't really have any point. He just pathologizes like a leftist because he's retarded.

>> No.19675032

Not him, but that sounds great. Do that.

>> No.19675035

you will never be a man

>> No.19675037


Yes those are the definitions of average and excellent. What is it you hoped to achieve in this thread exactly?

>> No.19675055

>He doesn't really have any point.
Yes he does. Stay salty.

>> No.19675065

But I am a man; by birth. Nothing can change that

>> No.19675071

Its not an obsession but conscious and coordinated effort by the globalist oligarchy acting through intermediaries like woke media and academia to undermine both masculinity and feminity among western population and force artificial equality in the area of life that had not is not and wont be equal, barring complete overhaul of human psychology and biology, which, by the way is a goal of transhumanists.
And many of the globalist oligarchs do believe in transhumanism and expect wonders out of it, likely for their own benefit. To achieve their goals of global domination and change they strive to weaken traditional concepts of sex and gender, blurry the lines between reality and fiction and weaken those they deem to be reactionary or adverse to their plans - males and females of conservative or even moderate worldview, established religions, any ambitious elements of the society, workers and middle class alike. They deem us obsolete and dangerous, and likely despise us.

>> No.19675075

It’s hot. No further explanation needed.

>> No.19675077

Nope. Stay Sneedy
My ultimate goal is to rid the world of autism

>> No.19675106

Does literature have any good warrior women?

All the good ones I can think of seem to be from other mediums.

>> No.19675111

no, because women have no worth beyond how they look

>> No.19675120


>> No.19675138

at least you admit she's a fictional character

>> No.19675153

butthurt shitskin hands typed this post

>> No.19675156

Male roles are traditionally accorded more respect and prestige so if you want women to have more of those things, an obvious way to achieve that is to depict them in traditionally male roles. However this only reinforces the notion that traditional male behaviour is worthy of praise and admiration while the female equivalent is not. So it's a little contradictory, unless you believe feminine behaviour is entirely socially imposed and does not derive from biology at all.

>> No.19675157

amazon warriors are a greek fairytale

>> No.19675159

Just seems like a covert way of expressing homosexual desires.

>> No.19675172

They amazons were the mythicized greek perception of the eastern cultures that had warrior women, as evidenced by female burial sites that resembled the typical male warrior sites (war like ornaments, weapons, shields, etc)

>> No.19675187

See >>19675172

>> No.19675189

It's kink for those who appreciate muscular aesthetics and most of its alure comes from the fact that fit women are a rarity. Most chicks are frumpy plain Jane types who get gigamogged by these specimens. Insecure men who also get gigamogged are kinda in the same boat.

Supposedly shitskins hate this aesthetics, but most shitskins I've met - Kurds, Persians and Churkas - seemed to appreciate that kind of thing, granted they're the "white" type of arab so maybe it's different the less white you become.

>> No.19675192

>yeah bro warrior women are real because...uhhh histoians said so
>just ignore everything you know about female physiology and all the experience you have with women

>> No.19675214

They still think that it was real. It was probably some head-honcho's daughter who was allowed to LARP a warrior all the way to her grave, and now feminists are gigacoping by trying to promote "SEE! SEE! THE WERE WARRIOR WOMEN 100% CONFIRMED". That or men who despised weakness and who were unlucky enough to not roll any single son after nailing their wives for decades decided to project male sensibilities onto their daughters, which is also quite possible because to this very day every single asian culture considers a son as a "hit" and a daughter as a "miss".


>> No.19675215


>> No.19675218

Humans have hard wired metrics of attraction. Even as a novelty masculine traits shouldn't be seen as attractive in women by those standards. Thus it seeming like a homosexual desire.

>> No.19675219

if you've met even a single woman who can overpower you that sounds like a (You) problem

>> No.19675229

No, it doesn't prove that at all, it only proves that those cultures valorized male virtues and that some women qualified to be buried with associated marks of respect. Get back to us when you have a solid number of graves of women with wargear *and* significant wounds as of combat. AFAIK not a single such grave is known.

>> No.19675239
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No, they're a Greek understanding of Hittite priestesses who used weapons as tools in rituals.
>eastern cultures that had warrior women
>b-b-but equal rights and-
Pic related. There you go. The Amazons literally come from, where? Anatolia.
>b-b-but scyth-
They moved to Scythia from Anatolia.

We know that the Pre-IE Anatolians certainly didn't have "warrior women". We know that the IE-Anatolians didn't have "warrior women". So, who did? The Semites? The four foot tall greasy brown sand gremlins who literally chain up their women because they can't be trusted? THEY gave their women arms and armor and let them fight? Give me a fucking break.

>> No.19675288

>but will ultimately always look for the homely wholesome woman that submits to his leadership.
I'd rather become gay or settle for paying for sex than tend to an adult child for the rest of my life desu

>> No.19675292
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>The warrior women known to ancient Greek authors as Amazons were long thought to be creatures of myth. Now 50 ancient burial mounds near the town of Pokrovka, Russia, near the Kazakhstan border, have yielded skeletons of women buried with weapons, suggesting the Greek tales may have had some basis in fact. Nomads known as the Sauromatians buried their dead here beginning ca. 600 B.C.; according to Herodotus the Sauromatians were descendants of the Amazons and the Scythians, who lived north of the Sea of Azov. After ca. 400 B.C. the Pokrovka mounds were reused by the Sarmatians, another nomadic tribe possibly related to the Sauromatians. In general, females were buried with a wider variety and larger quantity of artifacts than males, and seven female graves contained iron swords or daggers, bronze arrowheads, and whetstones to sharpen the weapons. Some scholars have argued that weapons found in female burials served a purely ritual purpose, but the bones tell a different story. The bowed leg bones of one 13- or 14-year-old girl attest a life on horseback, and a bent arrowhead found in the body cavity of another woman suggested that she had been killed in battle.
Four female warriors buried around 2,500 years ago with weapons and finery that grave robbers failed to filch have been discovered in western Russia. Technically, the women were identified as Scythian nomads and were interred inside one of 19 barrows discovered during an archaeological survey by the village of Devitsa, in the Ostrogozhsky District of the Voronezh region a decade ago. During the last 10 years, their expedition has discovered about 11 burials of young armed women, Guliaev says.
>Just this November, Armenian researchers reported in the International Journal of Osteoarchaeology on the remains of a woman found in 2017, who died in her 20s about 2,500 years ago and who had been, according to analysis of her skeleton, as muscular in the torso and glutes as a man. She had an arrowhead buried in her leg and other scars indicative of battle, and was buried with jewelry – all indicative of a high-status, horse-riding combatant. She was the second female warrior burial found in Armenia.

>> No.19675301
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You sound like you're either a frumpy plane Jane or a weakass chud, who both seethe at the fact that beautiful specimen gigamogs you to a point where you become invisible.

>> No.19675302

4 women, ok
but 100000000000000000 men
still nigger

>> No.19675313

>About 20% of the warrior graves on the lower Don and lower Volga contained women dressed for battle similar to how men dress... Armed women accounted for up to 25% of Sarmatian military burials.
From the horse, the wheel and language

>> No.19675321

Ok at this stage it has got to be a bot or a shill or something. He/she/it is purposefully ignoring so many factors whilst also faking the statistics to make it seem like these things were a norm.

GTFO glownigger bot. Nobody likes your brainwashed ass.

>> No.19675327

So, a 13 year old girl was murdered, and given a bunch of wealth in her tomb. Therefore, she was a "warrior woman"? She was 13. Of course she rode animals, she was a fucking Indo-Iranian nomad.
>b-b-but the only way a woman can die violently is if she's a professional soldier!
SPOILER: None of them are professional soldiers.

>> No.19675330

>women were buried with wealth

>> No.19675334

Attacking the masculinity of another man is also a feminine trait which is line with the rest of my assessment. You're entitled to your opinion.

>> No.19675335

hmm ok this actually does make it better. i changed my mind.
still, dykes who work as bouncers and talk in a challenging way are cringe.

>> No.19675338
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>> No.19675343
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>> No.19675344

>everywhere else on the planet
Warrior women are hot/cool and they’re great.

Misogynistic seething over the mere suggestion of their existence.

Aren’t you fags capable of enjoying things for once?

>> No.19675350

If you're afraid of getting mogged by fit women, who despite all their gains will still be weaker than a healthy teenagers that DOESN'T EVEN LIFT, then I got bad news for your masculinity friend - you never had it in the first place.

>> No.19675361
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>as muscular in the torso and glutes as a man.
now you know you're shitting
did they also find aliens?

>> No.19675369

>everywhere else on the planet
I don't think that's a god description of your mom's basement

>> No.19675370

If you say so.

>> No.19675374


>> No.19675387

> woman that submits to his leadership.

>> No.19675393

Cope nigger
Why do you ignore the examples of adult females buried with war ornaments, weapons, and probably injured in battle?
That plus the stuff mentioned above, it is most likely the case that at least some of them were warriors
That would be cool

>> No.19675396
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>> No.19675410
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>roastie gets murdered/executed/killed during an argument
>gets buried with random assorted wealth
you should just kys at this point

>> No.19675425

dial 8

>> No.19675489

Is she implying that women are not human beings? Maybe it's a bad translation?

>> No.19675498

>who had been, according to analysis of her skeleton, as muscular in the torso and glutes as a man
You do understand that this is physiologically impossible, right? Quoting a thing like this puts all the other claims into question.