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19715589 No.19715589 [Reply] [Original]

Who's the best Modern Catholic writer?

>> No.19715999

for me it's fr. romano guardini

>> No.19716043

>romano guardini

will check him out, thanks.

>> No.19716138

E. Michael Jones

>> No.19716152

F Gardner

>> No.19716154

Benedict XVI

>> No.19716206
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Archbishop Fulton Sheen. Read the Life of Christ and the World's First Love.

>> No.19717377


>> No.19717402

E Michael Jones

>> No.19717408

I really like emj and his work but his protestation to tlm is cringe.

>> No.19717712

Honestly a good answer

>> No.19717961

Luisa Piccarreta

>> No.19719473

Evelyn Waugh

GK Chesterton also acceptable

>> No.19719723

Robert Barron's introduction to Catholicism was well written. You definitely get the sense that he is evangelising a culture and way of life alongside a doctrine.

>> No.19720522
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>Who's the best Modern Church of Satan writer?

>> No.19720528
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>>Who's the best Modern Church of Satan writer?

>> No.19720618

>t. demiurgos

>> No.19720638

Catholicism is pretty good but you'd have to annul V2 and bring back universal TLM to have any chance. The Jews won

Walker Percy

>> No.19720996

>you'd have to annul V2
Explain the changes, I'll know if you used wiki btw.

>> No.19722130

Someone should make a Fulton Sheen reading chart...

>> No.19722163

This is actually not a bad question (I'm not the same guy btw). I guess where I'd begin is with the literature that was distributed at the council itself, and one book in particular -- a tome rather -- that revised catholic tradition (myths, lives of saints, miracles, etc.) in order to be 'up to date' with modernity. I can't find the title at the moment. But the author was funnily enough a Jewish convert and by all accounts a devout boy, raised in Rome I believe. How much this is true is quickly doubted the moment you begin to read his thousand page volume where he dissects tradition like only an atheist could.

>> No.19722509

It's hard to say who's the best, but here's a few random Catholic authors off the top of my head whose work I enjoy:
>Shūsaku Endō
>Graham Greene
>Muriel Spark
>Cormac McCarthy (was raised catholic)
>Walker Percy
also a good pick

>> No.19722791

>want to be catholic for the aesthetic
>believe the pope is the anti-christ
what do

>> No.19722800


>> No.19722813

pope being the antichrist is something only heard in USA due to baptists and methodists

>> No.19722849

I've been on this shit for like a decade dude, yeah, I briefly went TradCat, yeah, I can do my rosary with daily mysteries from memory

the big problems are the pussy-ass interpretations of 1. extra ecclesiam nulla salus and 2. collective Jewish responsibility for Christ's death

I realize they did not explicitly reverse these teachings because they can't for all time. They're infallible. But the council did everything they could to give the impression that they reversed them.

Now, that's not the guidance of the Holy Spirit, fren. They should have some nuts and be unambiguous. Also, V2 involved NO dogmatic definitions or anathemas--a "pastoral council" just giving good advice or some shit.

Entire councils have been thrown out before, and after Bergoglio punches his ticket for hell V2 should be

>> No.19722955

sedevacantist catholic

>> No.19722985

Idaho panhandle or bust

>> No.19723207

why would anyone touch V2? 6 popes have presided over a Vatican 2 church is francis really the only thing holding it together

>> No.19723227

people didn't realize how serious the evil in our world is. they were stuck in cold war Finkle think. now that we're "supporting trans kids" it's obvious the world can't afford a poz Church

>> No.19723278

pretty sure mutilating young children for political trends is something Jesus would flip over tables for.

>> No.19723339

High-church Confessional Lutheran or sedevacantist "Catholic". Potato, potato.

>> No.19723420

Slave morality. Read The Will to Power, this version:


If not this, then Kaufman's.

>> No.19723425

Nice! Thank you both

>> No.19723475

If you're Catholic why do you use such filthy language?

>> No.19723480

R.C Waldun

>> No.19723601

God you're piece of shit
Pode Francis is not going to hell but you are, you and your blasphemy infected fingers

>> No.19724474

ok but where is this reflected in the clergy? how is what you're saying any different from random trad caths on the internet?

>> No.19724512

"Catholic writer" is hard to pin down because it can mean fiction/poet, theologian or just philosopher/social theorist.

Anyway for me it's Jacques Maritain and Hans Urs von Balthasar.

>> No.19724527

Meme answer: join a weird Sedevacantist/Mariavite cult that has the same aesthetic as Catholicism but doesn't accept the papacy as legitimate.

Legit answer: just become Catholic and stop falling for /pol/ memes about Francis.

>> No.19724542
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Walter M. Miller jr.

>> No.19724553

Vatican II is fine when you actually sit down and read the Council documents. The reforms called for in Sacrosanctum Concilium are sensible and circumspect. The problem was with the implementation of it and the rise of an overly-sentimental ecumenism. But Vatican II was a valid ecumenical council and radical traditionalists who reject it are no better than Protestants.

>> No.19724561

This guy seems interesting but at the same time I'm reluctant to get into him because
>he wrote a sequel that is considered dogshit
>he an hero'd and therefore presumably died in a state of sin

>> No.19724583

Best way to discern between Orthodox and Catholic?
I'm not sure what is more important the primacy of Peter or the traditions of church service

>> No.19724614
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His suicide only adds to the tragedy of his life story. A WWII bomber who participated in the bombing of the oldest monastery in all of Europe, Monte Cassino, who converted to catholicism following the war and wrote the book as a way of working through his guilt over bombing the monastery. He then became extremely depressed following Vatican II (hell, he'd probably agree with all the "Vatican II was heresy!!!111" types in this thread, and when his wife died he finally committed suicide. A tragic story, but it makes him and the stories he wrote all the more fascinating for me. Check out The Will and Crucifixius Etiam first if you're a little unsure of him.

>> No.19724627

Personally I think the arguments for the papacy are overwhelming. From scripture, history, and even common sense you can see that the Church needs to have a head.

Ultimately though, the difference between Catholics and Orthodox is extremely minimal. Some fanatics on both sides try to exaggerate it, but really the only difference is whether the Pope has universal jurisdiction or not. Stuff like purgatory, the immaculate conception, the filioque, and other things people bring up are resolvable. On most of these issues, Catholics and Orthodox believe the same thing, they just have different terminology for it.

If you like the Divine Liturgy, you can always join an Eastern Catholic parish. They have the same rites and devotions as the Orthodox, but they are in communion with Rome.

>> No.19724638

what are your thoughts on this i wrote it

Deny me my sins, father, I will
never forgive you for this will
The calm tranquility, the setting
sun, Julia allied hallejuah but
never burnt, down to ember gum
I can’t decide whether to starve
myself of your love or to break
a mirror and throw it into the
garbage, amongst empty cansI
there lies your setting sun.

>> No.19724722

I never knew that was the story behind it, though i've seen the novel posted here a few times it's still on my to-read queue. man, that's sad.

>> No.19724799

I'll share the advice that a good friend and a veteran RCIA teacher gave me; if you try and engage with the Orthodox Church in real life, you are going to run into problems. Yeah, it may look cooler than the current Catholic Church, but much of that appeal hinges on the fact that it is exotic and alien to the West. What would likely happen if we're to make a serious effort to embed yourself in the community of your local parish? Suddenly you would be the alien. The mass is 3 times as long either the current liturgy Catholic Church, and it's in a language that may be native to the congregation, but will be incomprehensible to you. The majority of the community will not be like minded 20 something traditionalists but babushkas who have never read a tweet in their lives. The Orthodox Churches are not Universal, they are ethnic and national churches and are subject to all of the petty grievances that such a weakness entails. Trust me, you want to be attending the Mass in your language and with your neighbors, and the Orthodox Church is too wounded to even be able to give that option.

>> No.19724810

Oh also I am very confused that no one had answered G.K. Chesterton yet. His political system is crap but his prose is some of the best in the language, period.

>> No.19724822

>Denying /manipulating the word of GOD and leading millions of people astray won't send you to Hell but using mean words on the internet will

>> No.19725162

What is he saying about tlm?

>> No.19725174

Is there any Catholic version of theosis (ripped off Plotinian henosis)? Are there any initiatic lineages in the Church still, or was Guenon 100% right? Where did the influence of the Neoplatonists go in Catholicism? Augustine was a Platonist, but others like Eriugena were viewed as borderline heretics. Is Meister Eckart still viewed with suspicion?

Beside that, is it true Catholics/Christians hate esotericism/initiation by default? If true, looks like it's Islam for me!

>> No.19725188

Also, why are there no saints anymore really in the Catholic world? It's like Christianity had its heyday in the high Middle Ages and died finally in the 15th century. Meanwhile the Islamic world has a thriving sacred culture that produces a flowing stream of awliya and miracles.

>> No.19725211

Become the next Mel Gibson

>> No.19725221

Obviously the vast majority of Orthodox Churches are ethnic and I agree with your larger point that joining it as an Anglo-American is a pretty...alien thing to do. That said I do believe there is a small but growing American "sect" of Orthodoxy. Obviously it's not something you're just going to find down the street you'd probably have to move to where these sorts of parishes specifically exist, but it is out there. Not that I endorse this though, it makes more sense imo for Americans to become Catholic, and the most sense to just find one of the numerous schismatic traditionalist Protestant churches scattered across the country. Pretty much every major Protestant denomination in America has either already split in two between traditionalists and gay feminist rainbow shit, or is about to.

>> No.19725343

>Legit answer: just become Catholic and stop falling for /pol/ memes about Francis.
Pretty much. Schismatic attitudes are only going to result in more problems for the Catholic church.
This is the time to be together.