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19775906 No.19775906[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good books that describe the experience of being isolated? Stories from prisoners who were in solitary confinement for extended periods of time?

>The United Nations considers solitary confinement exceeding 15 days to be torture.

>> No.19775943

I think I'd starve in there. A lack toilet/shower would also be pretty bad.

>> No.19775964

Finally I can start my push-up routine.

>> No.19776008

Assuming someone would bring food and water and that the temperature was fine, I’d do it. Create a routine through yoga and body weight exercise, meditate, and create a comprehensive plan of how to manage $30 billion. It would be brutal but it’s nothing for $30 billion

>> No.19776015

my diary desu

>> No.19776032

If they bring food and water, my life already looks that way pretty much.

>> No.19776049

I think that's the sentiment most people would have at the thought of it... But why do so many people consider this easy/doable?
A beginners questions should be 'can you spend 24 hours in your bathroom without a phone/computer?'

>> No.19776060

Not /lit/

>> No.19776102

if I at least had something to write or draw with then maybe, otherwise fuck that

>> No.19776128

First one was so and so, Eco's was pretty good

>> No.19776138

Money stresses me out, I just want enough to not die, 30 billion is too much. I would lose a year of reading and likely come out less sane... then I'd lose more sanity with the amount of money I had. No thanks!

>> No.19776140

anyone that thinks they could do this without inflicting irreparable damage to their psyche is deluded

>> No.19776147

So what? $30 billion is easily worth being a little unhinged. You’re not going to suddenly develop schizophrenia because you can’t browse TikTok for a year you retarded zoomer.

>> No.19776156

a little unhinged? you would be so insane when you come out that you wouldn't have any idea what to do with $30bn, you rapacious faggot.

>> No.19776161

>break one lightbulb
>cut self with broken glass
>use blood as paint
>can now create art on the walls for a year straight with no distractions
Anyone could do this
>NOOOOOOO! You can’t just leave society for a year! You’ll go literally insane!
Watch me.

>> No.19776162
File: 102 KB, 678x381, concreteislandbookreview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concrete Island by J.G. Ballard. It's about a guy who gets in a car accident and is stranded in an area of waste space beside the highway.
He also has a short story about a guy who stops going outside and lives in his house but I forget the name (the BBC turned it into a short film and I'll reply to this comment once a find it).

Anyway, it's a theme that runs through a lot of his work. (Aside, social isolation is a trope that runs through Japanese/Korean horror the same way mental illness runs through the Anglosphere; if you want to check that out).

>> No.19776163

lol i've spent ten years in my room. i could do that easily. i bet there are people in the world that would do that for free just to get away from responsibilities for a year.

>> No.19776167 [DELETED] 

people will say this would be easy then get withdrawal syndrome if they have to go an hour without a screen.

>> No.19776173
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>"The Enormous Space" by Ballard
>"Home" is the name of the short film
Pic is YouTube description.


>> No.19776180

It's not about leaving society, you colossal nitwit, it's about going insane by the sheer lack of any stimulation, structure and sense of time.

You'd be a mental wreck within a month let alone 12 months.

>> No.19776183

Your room has windows, a door you know can be opened which will lead to the rest of the world, a bunch of technology, etc.

How you think being in your room and in a chamber like in OP's pic is baffling.

>> No.19776187

Pretty sure after a year without any stimulation you'd go insane. So that 30 billion wouldn't really mean much.

>> No.19776188

The mention of Ballard piqued my interest. The only thing I've read from Ballard is the Report on an Unidentified Space Station (http://geosci.uchicago.edu/~kite/doc/roauss.htm)) about humanity vs infinity (I don't know how I even remembered that since I read it only once 4-5 years ago). Thanks for the suggestion

>> No.19776192
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'Hell Is a Very Small Place: Voices from Solitary Confinement' consists of personal accounts by prisoners, could be what you're looking for.
You've had books/pc/phone or something else though for sure. It's one thing to have no human or outside contact but it's completely different to have nothing but your thoughts with you.

>> No.19776193
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This guy could do it. There's one where someone breaks into his house and he still just sits there.

>> No.19776194

How could I crowdfund an experiment like this? I want people to pay me to do nothing but be in an empty room.

>> No.19776208

>You'd be a mental wreck within a month let alone 12 months.
No I wouldn’t be. I am mentally strong while you are mentally weak. Stop projecting.

>> No.19776213
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>A year without sex? Impossible. Couldn't do it.

>> No.19776232

Love this video
Now I want to run a facility where I keep criminals in small solitary cells like that just to study their behavior and what it does to a person

>> No.19776239

Easily, lol. Just imagining what I'd do with the money would be enough. Also, I'd write a book in my head. My only desperation would be not knowing the time.

>> No.19776243

>There's one where someone breaks into his house and he still just sits there
wait what?

>> No.19776250

One of my biggest worries that, suffering from sensory deprivation, my brain would cling to the slightest stimulus and I'd come out of the padded room addicted to huffing my own farts.

>> No.19776255

You'd literally go insane if there aren't at least other people to talk to. Isn't worth it.

>> No.19776257

the strangest part for me is the guards, they are forced to endure almost the same isolation and noise torture
whilst they can of course leave and take breaks, but they are confined in the sense of it being a job they depend on and must attend daily, and most will have families who in turn depend on them fulfilling their job.
I wonder how long the shifts are for solitary cell guards, do they work full days or just half-shifts before moving to guard other parts of the prison?

>> No.19776258

Edmond Dantès turned out just fine

>> No.19776263

If I had porn I honestly could do it

>> No.19776268 [DELETED] 

Seek God

>> No.19776271
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Opps, tried to break into his house. He also pissed himself once.

>> No.19776291

>$30 billion
What would you do with that amount of money? Seriously, are you (or should you be) living in a way where it matters whether you've got $10 million or $10 trillion?

>> No.19776299

depends on the psyche. i absolutely love being alone for hours and basically talking to myself, it's my favorite thing in the world. if i can pace around in that cell i'll be fine. i'd take op's challenge in real life if it was offered to me just out of curiosity.

>> No.19776303

His work really gets into your head and sticks with you. He's great at blending the internal mental state of a given character with their environment which creates a really unique atmosphere. There's also a lot of psychology influencing his work--Ballard originally intended to pursue a medical career as a psychiatrist before abandoning that when his writing proved successful. He's also entertaining from a plotfag's standpoint--if you're alright with continuous descriptions of mental states (be prepared for that if you decide to read Concrete Island).

>> No.19776308

>>The United Nations considers solitary confinement exceeding 15 days to be torture.
So why isnt America being invaded for torturing countless thousands of their own citizens? Or does that not count because prisons are owned by private companies?

>> No.19776310

I couldn't do it

>> No.19776340
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>push-up routine
Hilarious waste of time.

>> No.19776347

They can veto their policing powers

>> No.19776364

Responsibility to Protect doesn't cover permanent members of the UN Security Council - the body that allows the use of force per chapters 6 and 7 of the UN Charter. Thus, U.S., Russia, China, Britain and France will never be targeted in this manner for human rights violations.

>> No.19776381

Chekhov's "The Bet" is a story similar to this, although the man can have things to read and a piano, he spends 15 years in confinement without any communication from outside his hut. great story

>> No.19776398

>I'd write a book in my head.
Only possible if it's epic poetry.

>> No.19776423

>Hilarious waste of time.
What do you mean?

>> No.19776426

>the man can have things to read and a piano, he spends 15 years in confinement without any communication from outside his hut
Sounds based to me.

>> No.19776454

not this guy but you're completely deluded if you think you wouldn't suffer from sever psychological damages. there's a reason why this kind of extreme isolation is considered a form of torture. you'll basically turn into a schizo after the first month.

this guy was a wreck after 6 months even though he had books, music, and people to talk to :

>> No.19776482

iirc there was at least a window to look out of. that alone would be enough to prevent total insanity

>> No.19776494

i'd watch vsauce's video on isolation. even in a few days your mind starts going to fucking weird places when you can't see whether it's day or night

>> No.19776558

No because I don't want 30 billion dollars

>> No.19776563

>Throughout his stay a rectal probe recorded his body temperature

Did he do a control experiment about what having a rectal probe up your ass for 6 months does to the psyche?

>> No.19776574

Casanova gets put in solitary confinement during one of his periods of being locked up, he starts off smugly pleased with being left alone but eventually comes to realize how horrible loneliness can be. His account has been published as "The Story of my Escape" and is well worth reading.

>> No.19776673


>> No.19777697

>What would you do with that amount of money?
Eradicate every last "human" from the face of the earth.

>> No.19777715

Getting put in a room such as OPs pic for a year would drive you insane. Irreparably insane.
Not in a manageable way either.
100% not worth 30bil, retards in this thread do not comprehend how absolutely tortuous this would be.

>> No.19777724

Let’s just scale it down.

I’ll do four hours for 13.7 million.

>> No.19777750


Guy Delisle's comic book/"""graphic novel""" "Hostage" depicts the RL experience of a man who was kidnapped and held for three months while working with MSF in Ingushetya/Chechnya. Stupid of him to have been there in the first place, but then every story needs its setup. Despite him being stuck in the same one room for half the book, it's a page-turner.

The nice thing is that it's a happy ending. They're holding the valuable Frenchman for ransom and he manages to slip away, so the assholes don't get their ransom. Then it turns out that there's some Chechens who aren't total pieces of shit, they take him in, broker his escape and themselves get to get out because they helped/become subject to death threats themselves. God damnit, Chechens are such evil backward fucks like why do they even live

>> No.19777864

I'd have my tulpa so I'd be fine

>> No.19777888

>do push ups
>practice a little primal screaming
i could see myself leaving a better (and of course, much richer) person

>> No.19777927

i often find myself thinking about this story, especially as i grow older

>> No.19777948
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I get to choose one book and I do it for 6 million.

>> No.19777949
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>It would be brutal but it’s nothing for $30 billion
>after a grueling 365 days you emerge from the fluorescent hell you've inhabited, blinking you step into natural sunlight to thunderous applause, the crowd stares at you as a man approaches with a suitcase full of your future
>you are pale to the point of strangeness and this is compounded by your Olympian physique, awe spreads as they admire your body of sculpted alabaster, you seem otherworldly and although the onlookers don't know this but you smell it too
>in between visceral convulsions, tears, and a strange flinching sensation when you look anyone in the eye you take the man's professed hand, shake it, and open the briefcase to reveal your prize
>you have won 30 billion Zimbabwe dollars

>> No.19777951

you got the walls and your poop

>> No.19777955

Fear not the man who read every Guenon and Evola volume once, fear the man who read mein kampf two hundred times.

>> No.19777957

you write good Reifag

>> No.19777982

One of the best stories

>> No.19778008

Humanity lived for thousands of years without "books, movies, phones, consoles". It's a sad state of affairs when the separation of a man from his infinite distractions is regarded to be torturous. Not only I would gladly agree to this 'challenge', once it's over I'd use 30 billion to buy myself an island in the middle of the pacific with lifetime worth of supplies and would fuck off from civilization forever.

>> No.19778022

anyone saying they could do this are lying to themselves.
>would meditate and workout
sure. you'd actually go insane without a doubt

>> No.19778026

The problem with this is that normalcy would not return after it, it's not even like being stuck in a torture prison for a year. You would get out, and on top of all the suffering and difficulties of readjusting, of time lost, you would be a billionaire and be unable to continue with whatever plans you previously had.

>> No.19778035

would be interesting to see this experiment done. one room with a monk, one with a normie and another with a nu-male iPhone app meditator.
of course this would never happen

>> No.19778061

What a extremely retarded take. Humanity lived without those things while it was busy all day with hunting and gathering and socializing with the tribe.
The point of the OP is not that you don't have media to consume. Its that you're in an isolated room with no human contact or sense of time whatsoever and you dont even have media to distract you from that.

>> No.19778093

That was pretty fucking good, Anon. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.19778172

I'm pretty much isolated right now OP, I will write you a story.

So I have been and am in the 'geestelijke gezondheidszorg' which translates to something as 'spiritual / mental health care'. I got in here because I plucked seeds from a tree, ate them and distributed some in the mailboxes of people who live surrounding the tree. For 120+ days I have been in here, first on another location and later transferred to here.

I'm isolated because:
1. I know that the nurses are being nice to me because they get paid to be nice, but they also command me to do activities, which is not always likeable,
2. I can not communicate with fellow clients on a similar level, which only breeds empathy and friendliness but not deep discussion,
3. I can not escape these premises because there is nowhere else to go without me burdening family, friends, etc. for extended periods of time and I do not want to do that to them,
4. I know that there is interconnectedness of dependency here and that I am currently stuck in the role of 'the person depending'.
5. I was in COVID19-SARS2 quarantine for six days, which is an isolation in an isolation.

It's actually terrible and I wish I could go back to school and finish my degree. I am at the point where I am inventing my own languages, reading books for the third time, and slowly progressing in the BIBLE. Without the stuff I have with me for something 'to do': books, audiobooks, phone, paper, pencil, etc., I would certainly not be able to hold out as long. I am also partly here because I do not want to lend more money for a house, for example, which seems to me the ultimate Golden Cage. The United Nations actually helps in this situation with their website 'freerice.com', which makes me feel as if I am at least contributing a bit. I feel as if I've made this post before and as if I will make it again.

A way to make it in your opening picture would be to spread the year out into segments. Five days in isolation, ten days off. Something like the workweek-weekend cycle, but less intense, because: being alone all the time is very intense. All the memories and longings return, and I know what I want in life again until there are so many memories and longings that I mix them up and do not know what I want in life anymore. There is uncertainty because some relationships seem to have grown cold and I know that that is partly because of me being in here as well as mistakes I have made in the past.

The truthful question here is: Would you like to know yourself without resorting to illegal drugs or wouldn't you? I feel that I want to know myself without resorting to illegal drugs, so I am in here.

AMA, I'll be around for an hour.

>> No.19778208

(Me) I know that this isn't 'complete' isolation, and I am very glad this isn't, for that would be undoable. Even isolation from family, friends, love and school is terrible.

If I were you, I would be more careful with what you post on the interwebs, to:

Made me laugh:

Careful what you post:

>>19778172 (Me)
I forgot to add: I am missing out on all the good things in life. Think of something that is good and I am missing out on it. I am glad that I am alive, but I have been diagnosed with psychosis, mild schizophrenia ánd catatonic disorder by doctors who have never or rarely seen me. At least there are fruits from the Tree. I do not wish this punishment on anyone, but because there is a garden here I am also the most free, free-er than people who háve to sit behind a computer screen all day because they have signed contracts or whatever.

>> No.19778365

Tel us more about these seeds, dutchboy

>> No.19778373

kys retard

>> No.19778510

>economy completely collapses during that year, making 300 billion worth no more than $300

>> No.19778534

>you are pale to the point of strangeness and this is compounded by your Olympian physique, awe spreads as they admire your body of sculpted alabaster, you seem otherworldly and although the onlookers don't know this but you smell it too
imagine the smell

>> No.19778559

You are in a mental health facility and yet you continue to show signs of an unsound mind. Are they not giving you proper medical treatment?

>> No.19778647

Oh, I'd definitely try, but I'd definitely break almost immediately.

>> No.19778674

Hey, isolationanon here.

1. Read Genesis, especially 2.15
2. Interpret what God said to humans as 'you can eat from every tree but don't think about good and evil'
3. Find a tree to eat from
4. Eat from it
5. ????
6. PROFIT!!!!

They are forcefully injecting me with paliperidon / xeplion, but I am at the point where I think that it is just a salt solution. Nobody seems to know here, so the 'proper medical treatment' seems to consist of me learning to depend on my own thinking faculties.

>> No.19778690

I also know that I am on the anonymous third century Bible posting forum, and I don't always hear what I think. Always hearing what I think is very tiring, Anon.

>> No.19778697

>But why do so many people consider this easy/doable?
Because they assume the 10,000th hour would feel basically the same as the first.

>> No.19778704

lol, I have a baby, a father in law with Alzheimer's to take care of, a wife who isn't the best at getting chores done, insomnia, and a start up job that requires tons of work. My dream vacation is to be locked in a room with nothing.

>> No.19778708

>I got in here because I plucked seeds from a tree, ate them and distributed some in the mailboxes of people who live surrounding the tree.
What does this mean?

>> No.19778733


How do you know 24 hours will have passed? The hypothetical question underlying this issue is 'are you willing to admit that there is an interdependent relationship between you and other people' and that you are not alone in the world?

Yes: Use the bathroom with your partner to have steamy s*x
No: Stay in the bathroom in the dark and try to think your way out of it

I've done both, and saying 'Yes' is definitely more fun. Saying 'No' makes you feel self-reliant and powerful. In actuality, it is a cycle and you will experience both Yes and No.

>> No.19778747

As a teenager I often spent my summer breaks looking after my parents' cabin in the woods (I don't know the proper term, we call them dachas, apparently there's no exact english equivalent). It meant a cycle of 5 week days of isolation and 2 days of people coming over. There was no tv or internet, and while a bunch of people surrounded me on neighboring plots, I never spoke to them. My only entertainment consisted of novels scattered around the cabin and physical labor regarding the maintenance of the land. I never felt lonely or bored, in fact just exploring nearby woods was more fun than any shit I'm doing with my trainwreck of a life these days.

>> No.19778762

Being forced to spend a year Walden-style sounds way more doable than a year in a padded cell, and even preferable to daily life. Between being near a lake, working on the house, and providing for yourself daily, I think a year would pass quickly.

>> No.19778772

most underage thread in a long time
don't really know what I expected

>> No.19778776

that’s a vacation, OP’s talking about torture

>> No.19778779

1 year is would cause severe damage but I think I could do two months or at least one.

The advantage of being that rich is to fund the larger scale projects you want to see. You have enough money to bend the structure of production your way rather than chasing existing products. Just imagine all the /lit/ projects that would seem like cheap change.

>> No.19778807

Well clearly if you are being treated by forced injection and yet some disorder persists then there must be a more persistent disorder of your constitution. To have symptoms of psychosis is no definite indicator of the pathology and etiology of the disease, but if that disease is ameliorated by, for example, iron chelation therapy, and sleep therapy, then it can be said to have been caused by biological dysfunction of those types. Hence, the seeming failure of an antipsychotic to treat psychosis suggests that you do not suffer from textbook psychosis, or, if the medication is working effectively, then you either-or-both remain to independently have a dysfunctional character and belief system, aside chronic physiological dysfunction.

>> No.19778844

The fact there's anyone who would say no to this is insane to me

If you're capable of abstract, organized, creative thought at all then you could just rely on your mind to keep yourself occupied and honestly even productive the entire time. It would be challenging at first, but down the road you'd learn to adapt to your circumstances and discipline your mental systems accordingly

When someone says they can't do this, what they're really saying is that their entire thought process is dependent on external stimuli like a fish or a goat, that in isolation their mind will just atrophy and shut down completely except for the occasional intrusive thoughts, which means they have absolutely no cognitive independence from their surroundings. If locked between four walls, they will unironically just stare at the walls all day and hope they will say something. Wild.

>b-b-but anon the scientific LITERATURE on the p-psychological effects of isolation
Get the fuck out of here

>> No.19778859

We weten wat je gedaan hebt.

>> No.19778863

I understand this argument and remember Schopenhauer making the same point, but can you be more specific? What would you do with your mind if you were alone with no books?

>> No.19778866

hearty kek

>> No.19778876

I'd roughly agree, but humans aren't angels/pure spirits. There is a minimum need of sensory activity. Even the more strictly contemplative monastic orders know this. OP's challenge is still doable but only by a very small minority.

>> No.19778945

Oh dear... you wouldn't happen to be identifying that poster as Thijs?

>> No.19779081


Inmates are rarely isolated to this degree. Even those on suicide watch or administrative seg, while housed in single cells, are generally grouped together in a housing unit. These Special Housing Units (SHU) are loud as fuck because all the bored inmates have to do all day, other than showers and rec, is shout at each other. Any guard doing a round is going to be bombarded with inmates questions or them trying to start a conversation just to pass the time. Where I worked two officers worked the SHU. It was designed for three, but we were always running short staffed and I never saw one of those posts fully manned. We had a control booth somewhat isolated from the inmates. When we weren’t busy (night shift) we would shoot the shit, watch movies, read. It wasn’t bad.

Shifts at my facility were 12 hours, but 8 hour shifts aren’t uncommon in that line of work.

Personally I think it would be tough but doable to spend a year in the SHU. If someone came to me tomorrow with the proposition, I would honestly have to think hard about it. I wouldn’t spend a year in OPs scenario for anything in the world. Anyone who doesn’t think they would go insane is fooling themselves.

T. Former prison guard

>> No.19779100


>> No.19779120

Spooky as shit, especially the quote from Nabavi in the Iran section. But is it possible to withdraw so far into yourself that you don't believe anything they say about your wife, the president, etc.? You would have to know that you're there to be tortured psychologically for information, so the quickest path to avoid breaking would be total dissociation.

>> No.19779121

Ask yourself this instead, retards: imagine you're on your deathbed, and you have $30 billion dollars - would you trade the $30 billion to live another year?

>> No.19779185
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What do family, friends, love and school feel like?

>> No.19779254

'Treatment' with forced injection can also be a method of treatment that is just not working. The brain is so complex and its chemistry is such untrodden territory when it comes to knowledge that this treatment feels more like a guinea pig situation instead of an actual proven treatment. On a simpler level, this is the blame game: You blame the disorder, I blame the order. This will go on until I die, because as WWII has shown, order prevails over disorder and is better at annihalation, as your post is a literary example of. The thing is that because I will be dead, or, God forbid, insane, some people will feel responsible and wish they hadn't injected me against my will, creating more disorder, and thus more call for order. I know that I am on the losing 'side', of course. This at least helps me find reconciliation on a Americo-Japanese LED-designing forum.

I don't mean to 'ad hominem' you, fellow Anon. At the end it will show that we have been in the same boat together, and we will all have made it to the New World, across the storm, and have evaded the icebergs, whíle keeping the climate good enough for icebergs and polar bears to keep on existing. Our perspective on the issue is just different. Some see it as treatment, I see it as a drawn-out punishment.

>> No.19779267

They feel like people with which you belong and can be yourself with. They feel like the brakes have been removed from the personality but you are not crashing into a tree together, but are going to create a world of your own in which you, your friends, your classmates, your family, your colleagues and your homies can all belong and not be ridiculed for liking what they like. It's awesome and it's the reason why I undergo this isolation without too much physical resistance.

>> No.19779268

That's a proper question. Ask yóúrself: Who are you doing business with that you have the ability to trade money for life?

>> No.19779275

If I'm old and have a family I'd rather die

>> No.19779282


I just want TO die.

>> No.19779283

This is terrible and inhumane.

>> No.19779288

Oops, I meant that the White Torture thing is terrible and inhumae.

>> No.19779305
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Indeed, the same goes for life itself.

>> No.19779316

>Ask yourself this instead, retards: imagine you're on your deathbed, and you have $30 billion dollars - would you trade the $30 billion to live another year?
but the point of op's deal is that i'm not on my deathbed. if i waste one year to get enough money to never work again then i earn much more than a year of life - i get back the one third of each of my remaining years that work would have robbed me of. considering one third is spent on sleep i have just doubled the amount of actual life i have left.

>> No.19779320

people can barely hold on to the car challenge for 12 hours let alone stand in a room.

>> No.19779323

no way. I would, however, sign up for an experiment where I don't have access to the internet in any capacity, nor to movies, videogames, etc. for a year. I'd even pay for it.

>> No.19779332

Best post on /lit/ right now

>> No.19779350

“ The mind is endless. You put me in a dark solitary cell, and to you that's the end, to me it's the beginning, it's the universe in there, there's a world in there, and I'm free.” - Charles Manson

>> No.19779393


Antipsychotics *are* a "proven" treatment. They may not be 100% effective, but no drug is. Alternatives to antipsychotic treatment in order of diminishing evidence for include: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Antihistamines, General Lifestyle Interventions, Ketogenic Dieting, Sleep Therapy, Family Therapy. You will have noted that I also posited Iron Chelation therapy earlier; that was for my belief that iron overload is a cause for severe mental illness.

With regards to your claim that the World is disordered and that Order will prevail—from a Christian perspective I would agree. Yet, you do not seem to understand order and disorder the way I do. Though fallacious if taken as a certainty, yet altogether plausible, is my apprehension that you are altogether disorganised in your thinking and that your worldview is comprised of illusions—despite my Kantian persuasions to consider the World a complex Transcendental Illusion, it is simply common sense, I should think, and simply fairminded to consider your fixations on grand political theatre, existential threat, and usage of banal metaphor to suggest the priorly suggested: delusion.

I suggest that you cease this most unimaginative use of your imagination if you are to be well at all. Your thoughts are so worldly despite your longing for a higher order. It seems that there can be no cure for your condition, even with a physiological amelioration, without a reformation of your soul.

Tell me how you came to be held in this mental health facility for 120+ days in the first place; what were the exact circumstances? It does not seem reasonable an account that what, at the very least, might be taken as vandalism or harassment, in annoying your neighbours with foliage, would result in a psychiatric diagnosis, without some further detail.

>> No.19779401


>> No.19779411

Yeah that's life altering I'd probably need therapy after but at least I could afford that along with a score of model to hang on my every word

>> No.19779424

I wouldn't do it for 30 billion dollars. I'd probably do it for 1 or 2 millions though.

>> No.19779438

Manson was also crazy

>> No.19779469
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Solitary: Unbroken by Four Decades in Solitary Confinement. My Story of Transformation and Hope by Alfred Woodfox is precisely what you're looking for. This book is uncannily insightful and penetrating and an excellent expose on the criminal injustice system and the relentlessly brutal American prison system. I went into it not expecting to read profound insights on resilience, determination, and stoical endurance in the face of hellish circumstances.

>> No.19779479

For context Woodfox spent 40+ years in solitary confinement over a murder of a prison guard he didn't commit. He was a black panther and, like most in the BPP at the time, was to be crushed by the feds. It also manages to be a compelling read despite the fact that 90% of the memoir is set in a prison cell which is a feat.

>> No.19779557

whoa bro thats deep, I should spend my time working 40 hours a week for 50 years instead.

>> No.19779582

Surprised nobody's brought up the Yellow Wallpaper

>> No.19779909
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I use my blood, urine, feces, hair, as mediums for writing. I would spend most of my days trying to escape.

>> No.19780180

Shit nigga I would probably trade the 30 billions to die a year earlier

>> No.19780194

Why would I fear a 15 year old teenager?

>> No.19780201

And someone to talk to

>> No.19780343

This is pretty based. Dumb LA Iranian fifth column diaspora finally confronting their souls via a white sensory deprivation room. I hate the mullahs, but I have to admit, this is pretty cool. It would be cool to do it to Jews too and watch them seethe whole confronting their own inner depravities.
I would be sitting in Zazen the whole time and reciting verses I memorized from various sutras.

>> No.19780452

This should be unironically used as a litmus test for personal humanity. Like, at the age of 25 all males (women are worthless period) should get locked in a white room for a month or so and if at any point they ask to leave they lose the right to vote or take public offices. If you failed to nurture a kind of inner identity that gets you through a month without external dripfeed of things to consoom, you're nothing more than a passive receiver and cannot be trusted to make responsible decisions on a social scale, and you will fall prey to any demagogy.

>> No.19780482


>> No.19780496


Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo. It's about a ww1 vet who gets his legs and arms blown off in the war, loses his eyes, ears, and everything, and is left completely alone with his thoughts.

They turned it into a movie and Metallica used the movie when making the music video for their song "One."


>> No.19780717

It's not like just living someplace alone with little to do. It's a featureless room with no sensation or change. If you trained up to it, you could do a month or two, but with no prior experience and no training or methods to fall back on, no way. You will come out incapable of speaking and basic tasks. Indeed, you may not last the year because you'll probably be sleeping or lazily daydreaming all the time and largely stop eating. If you survive and you're lucky you may return to yourself after some years and a lot of help, but you'll never truly heal or return to the same mental sharpness and activity.

>> No.19780744

you sound like a child regurgitating urban legend

>> No.19780765

No I'm drawing from my experience of people who are inactive and isolated, some have died to it, and applying the much more severe conditions of a featureless box.

>> No.19780794

That's why Shikantaza can be incredible. The only issue is the heightened sensation of hearing your internal digestion and bodily organs, which can be gross, but otherwise, it doesn't seem too difficult if you learn some meditative styles.

>> No.19780878
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Every single one of you that thinks you have even a chance of coming out ok are fucking mongoloids. It's not the lack of things to do, it's not the lack of people to talk to, ITS THE LACK OF TIME.
In isolation chambers like these, those lights stay on 24/7. That means that not only do you have no idea what time it is, you won't be able to sleep properly and your circadian rhythm will be completely fucked up. THIS WILL GIVE YOU BRAIN DAMAGE AND DRIVE YOU INSANE. It's not a matter of willpower or mental fortitude, your brain cannot operate without some semblance of proper, regular sleep.
EVEN IF you are able to turn the lights off yourself, it won't change the fact that your sleep schedule will be completely nonexistent. You'll be left helplessly guessing how long you've been awake, how long you slept, if you even slept, if you're sleeping right now, how long you've been inside--and all those guesses will be wildly inaccurate. If that doesn't drive you insane, the literal brain damage 100% will.
THE ONLY WAY THIS WOULD BE EVEN REMOTELY DOABLE IS IF THE LIGHTS WERE ON A REGULAR, 24 HOUR SCHEDULE. Then you'd be able to keep track of the days and the nights. But in the examples of these I've seen, they don't grant that luxury.
I give anyone a two week window before they've lost it.
and yes, I am seething. You guys are so colossally stupid and have no grasp on reality.

>> No.19780895
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>prisoners who were in solitary confinement for extended periods of time?
scary to think a random guy was held for 14 years by feds. most of that time in solitary

>> No.19780913

there'd obviously be meal deliveries. just go by those.

>> No.19780920

>he believes in circadian rhythms
Oh on no no

>> No.19780926

what's your opinion on the prisoners in iran who were imprisoned in white rooms?
see >>19779100

>> No.19780928

I've done it for 7 years for free

>> No.19780932

>broscience meets exaggerated interpretations of sensationalized accounts about something
well done anon, your mind is a synthesis machine for all the retarded shit the youtube algorithm feeds you

>> No.19780968

umm guys..
>Hebb reported that the identity of the subject began to disintegrate after he was blindfolded and wore soundproof ear muffs and clothing designed to block the sense of touch for 2-3 days. In this way, Hebb was able to put, within 48 hours, the person in a state akin to psychosis which usually started off with hallucinations and ended with psychological or even physical breakdown

>> No.19780969

you know what the real white torture is?
No (You)'s on your posts for months on end.
All your effort posts, left to be archived into pits of no return.

>> No.19781010

Just to put things in perspective, the article mentioned here >>19776454 literally says that in studies people were going aaahhh nooo i'm going insane help!! and dropping out within literally two or three days of isolation, definitely not enough time for all of you retards' creepypasta-tier expectations about mental health degeneration to materialize.

This is all a matter of adaptation. If normal people were told to live the life of the average social outcast here they would probably be going through mental breakdowns within a few weeks too, not because the lifestyle is unbearable per se but because none of their mental tools and habits were fit for that reality. You can't be too deterministic about human psychology. A 20 year old white girl who never knew social isolation and a homeless dude who has lost everything would respond differently to those things. We're not all the same.

>> No.19781018

you realize you're a bitch, right?

>> No.19781064
File: 589 KB, 1080x1080, 1641518194610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are just a mentally weak bitch

>> No.19781076

this. it has nothing to do with being isolated. it's the unnatural fluorescent, ceaseless light. after a few days you would have no idea how long you'd been in there. even the smallest window or clock/calendar would be enough to prevent total schizo. a year in that room and you'd come out like genie - fascinating read - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genie_(feral_child)

>> No.19781084

nah bro, you would just use your organized ABSTRACT thought and keep yourself occupied and shit, Yeah and be productive for a whole year non stop, not like the lack of communication or stimulus gonna do you anything, ask how i know? im literally living like that except that i have a computer which im using to answer you

>> No.19781094

>if i repeat what they say with a sarcastic tone i win
you are a child

>> No.19781101 [DELETED] 

durr all light house keepers went insane before the modern era

>> No.19781171

the argument is not just repetition and mocking tone

>> No.19781468


>> No.19782490

Here’s a (You) friendo

>> No.19782716


>> No.19782722

Chess Story - Stefan Zweig

>> No.19782802

post the pidgin version, pussy

>> No.19782912

thank you anon, I'm going crazy out here

>> No.19782945

No problem fren, sometimes giving (You) feels just as nice as receiving them

>> No.19783696

Best post. Money's not worth your sanity. Money isn't even real.

>> No.19783726

People who‘ve never been truly alone and disconnected underestimate the insanity of this task.
This is one of those cope questions which values a part of your life way higher than it is; through no amount of suffering or labor could you reading this obtain even just a billion dollars. An equally idiotic question would be to say: dying for a cause will make it true. As if any life wasted would add value to anything.
Just spend a year in solitary confinement with the pretty significant sensory deprivation of a padded cell to assure you‘ll go insane with the disassociated thoughts you think and the voice you start to hear. This is not just social isolation but also sensual and mental isolation. This is true solipsism.
Language also doesn’t exist in there, and thought perishes with the death of language. Talking to yourself is just formless, contentless speech and incoherent repetition. Saying you could do this is, is nothing but hubris and the kind of it at that born from having never suffered before. A perverted glorification of pain by the weak willed and weak minded who cloak themselves in smoke.

>> No.19783755

any anons who have been in the psych ward want to weigh in? my take as someone who has is that this would be hard as fuck, but definitely less so than what you guys are saying
i think you guys are underestimating the value of sleep, there was so fucking little do i basically napped all day and was like fully conscious for like maybe 6 hours a day fully. you could literally train yourself to sleep in intervals that wouldn't require you to be awake for more than a handful of hours at a time, and you should be able to dream enough that it provides enough stimuli for the waking hours.

>> No.19783772


>> No.19783810

>my experience
>of people who are inactive and isolated
wow thank you random jackass
cabin fever is usually not motivated by a massive fucking payout, is it? Neither is solitary confinement. This is a never-before-seen situation

>> No.19783814

>It's not a matter of willpower or mental fortitude, your brain cannot operate without some semblance of proper, regular sleep.
The sleep point is a meme, I've been living like this for five ears and it's doable
Yeah I also sleep with the lights on

>> No.19783857

this nigga has never heard of thermoregulation of the wake/sleep cycle lmao

>> No.19784025

> You would get out, and on top of all the suffering and difficulties of readjusting, of time lost, you would be a billionaire and be unable to continue with whatever plans you previously had.
kek it’s just one year you drama queen

>> No.19784052

I don’t know if I could do it without at least one book to read.

>> No.19784059

>largely stop eating
lol good joke. They’d have to bust me out of the walls with a crow bar I’d get so fat.

>> No.19784060

You are posting on 4chan from inside a room with no access to a computer or a phone?

>> No.19784196

zoomers nowadays don't even understand the concept of sensory deprivation. That's how bad it is with the tiktok generation. No wonder so many of them in this thread assume they could do something they don't understand.

>> No.19784316

you would literally become a schizo within a week

>> No.19784402

no shit man, you want a cookie?

>> No.19784456

I was in it during jail (before I got transferred to prison) but only for fifteen days, it was from a riot between me and friends and other prisoners. The pos deputy took my book, Hard Times, which I got gotten from the library because le discipline. I will never forget that a shot caller in jail covered In tattoos down to his face and shaved head who was looking at life got sent to solitary deliberately then the deputies suddenly opened his cell and left so he could talk to me. I offered part of my dinner cookie which he ate without comment then put his hand out in silent demand for my paperwork they issue you after giving a statement before solitary and it said what I said, “I have no statement “ since I refused to give in to their demands I rat someone out after they took me aside. Satisfied, left me alone and was moved out shortly after

>> No.19784535

Yesterday I read The Stranger in the Woods: The Extraordinary Story of the Last True Hermit. It is a good story, but it is not a great book. The jew who wrote it basically stalked the poor hermit so he could pad out a book about him and exploit him. In the back of the book he lists some reading material on hermits and solitude which I shall post now:

Excellent explorations of the history and motivations of hermits include Solitude by Anthony Storr, A Pelican in the Wilderness by Isabel Colegate, Hermits by Peter France, and Solitude by Philip Koch.

Perceptive and valuable personal explorations of time alone include A Book of Silence by Sara Maitland, Party of One by Anneli Rufus, Migrations to Solitude by Sue Halpern, Journal of a Solitude by May Sarton, The Point of Vanishing by Howard Axelrod, Solitude by Robert Kull, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly by Jean-Dominique Bauby, A Field Guide to Getting Lost by Rebecca Solnit, The Story of My Heart by Richard Jefferies, Thoughts in Solitude by Thomas Merton, and the incomparable Walden by Henry David Thoreau.

Adventure tales offering superb insight into solitude, both its horror and its beauty, include The Long Way by Bernard Moitessier, The Strange Last Voyage of Donald Crowhurst by Nicholas Tomalin and Ron Hall, A Voyage for Madmen by Peter Nichols, Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, and Alone by Richard E. Byrd.

Science-focused books that provided me with further understanding of how solitude affects people include Social by Matthew D. Lieberman, Loneliness by John T. Cacioppo and William Patrick, Quiet by Susan Cain, Neurotribes by Steve Silberman, and An Anthropologist on Mars by Oliver Sacks.

Also offering astute ideas about aloneness are Cave in the Snow by Vicki Mackenzie, The Life of Saint Anthony by Saint Athanasius, Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke, the essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson (especially “Nature” and “Self-Reliance”) and Friedrich Nietzsche (especially “Man Alone with Himself”), the verse of William Wordsworth, and the poems of Han-shan, Shih-te, and Wang Fan-chih.

The Hermitary website, which offers hundreds of articles on every aspect of hermit life, is an invaluable resource—I spent weeks immersed in the site, though I did not qualify to become a member of the hermit-only chat groups.

My longtime researcher, Jeanne Harper, dug up hundreds of reports on hermits and loners throughout history. I was fascinated by the stories of Japanese soldiers who continued fighting World War II for decades on remote Pacific islands, though none seemed to be completely alone for more than a few years at a time. Still, Hiroo Onoda’s No Surrender is a fascinating account.

>> No.19784964

>car accident

Of course, fucking Ballard

>> No.19784983

I've spent months without sunlight in my room and the only thing that happened is my bed time shifting around by 1 hour a day, going around the clock multiple times and sleeping 10-16 hours daily.
Far from the le russian sleep experiment scenario youre describing here.
>b-but theres no way to tell the time
By this logic the arctic circle shouldve been inhabited only by madmen before modern times due to the lovecraftian horror of the midnight sun/polar night.

>> No.19785056

I'd do it for free. No food or water too. I just want to die.

>> No.19785078


Even assuming you have access to food and basic amenities I think the reality is that no human could actually do this without going insane

>> No.19785190

it is

>> No.19785330

eskimos, polar bears, penguins and half of russians are literally madmen

>> No.19785331

what were your charges?

>> No.19785365

Why would a burglar announce himself, yet alone leave when not getting a response?

>> No.19785426

Gulag Archipelago was largely memorized since he couldn't get access to much paper or pencils.

>> No.19785442

I don't need 30 billion. Could I do half a year for 15?

>> No.19785888

I will do one hour for 1.369.863,01.

>> No.19786019

>1 hour for money that you could get in 24 mins

>> No.19786207

this isn't too hard to do; chances are you will probably mostly be fine (except likely having a persistent habit of talking to yourself and you will need some time to adjust to being around people again)
i have lived in total isolation doing nothing but eating, sleeping and sometimes meditating for weeks on end several times already and it was fun once i learned to entertain myself without playing vidya or watching a movie imo.

>> No.19786460

>The United Nations considers solitary confinement exceeding 15 days to be torture.
That's an average 15 days for me

>> No.19786517

I was only commenting on the sleep aspect. Anon said the lack of sleep would be the biggest problem and I was responding to that.

>> No.19786684

I did this at the beginning of the year. Didn't eat or do anything, just drank water, used the bathroom, and stared at the wall. I even went so far as to cover my bookshelf. I found it amusing when I started working multiplication tables up to 20.
I found it immensely beneficial and the following week was one of the most productive of my life. I'd like to start doing this a couple of times a year if I can manage it.

>> No.19786749

Better to do sensory deprivation chambers.

>> No.19786755

Of course I can do it lmao wtf is this bullshit

>> No.19786785

>ctrl f Robinson Crusoe
Robinson Crusoe

>> No.19786793

I don't have access to that type of thing. I made do with what I had.

>> No.19787044

if i get to eat and shower, this is an absolute joke, off course id do it, id need fresh oxygen though

>> No.19787064

yeah man I was in jail earlier this year, this is basically how it already works. they dont give you shit

>> No.19787215

>yeah man I was in jail earlier this year

>> No.19787251

That fucking image holy shit

>> No.19787266

>Gulag Archipelago was largely memorized since he couldn't get access to much paper or pencils.
You didn't read Gulag Archipelago.

>> No.19787873

I think it would be harder than expected but it's $30b.

Assuming there was a toilet, shower and good mix of food/water/light snacks were provided and that the lights were turned off at night
>Wake up
>shit, shower, shave, brush teeth
>Once food is settled exercise until exhaustion
>Talk to myself
>Attempt to dream while being awake
>exercise until exhaustion
>Sleep as much as possible.

>> No.19787979

You can't get brain damage from poor, irregular sleep. I've been getting that for years and I'm fine.

>> No.19787986

You guys shouldn't care about (You)s so much. You don't know how many people are lurking the threads and looking at them, plus even in the archives people may find your posts and appreciate them.

>> No.19788026

I could totally do it. 30bil would be enough to entertain the imagination every day with plans on what i’d do when I get out.

>> No.19788068

I think people saying they could do it don't understand that there are lights on constantly. The room is literally unchanging. 1 day would feel like a week, you won't know when to sleep, there is nothing to give you any sense of the flow of time. I'm not sure I could last a day in a room like that. I'm not sure I'd like to try.

>> No.19788110

Almost 1,000 dollars a second.

>> No.19788506


>> No.19788563

Assault with a deadly weapon and grand theft person, dropped down from armed robbery on a plea deal

>> No.19788576

vandalism, its no part of the process was fun

>> No.19788583
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No money would make me do this. Id rather be executed.

>> No.19788604

Aren't you the anon who posts the Islam threads? Why would you do this

>> No.19788615
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he says while typing on a computer and not even reading OPs pic