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19838318 No.19838318 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19838335

Keith is legit the textbook example of "not as smart as he thinks"

>> No.19838356

Explain yourself. How is he not as smart as he thinks he is?

>> No.19838361

who is this pseud?

>> No.19838367

dumbo alerrt

>> No.19839472

Fucking Based!

>> No.19839478

He cute ngl

>> No.19839487 [DELETED] 

i feel personally insulted when zoomer wannabes from twitter and discord think this board give a shit about their influencer stream-watching paypig culture

please report OP to expedite its delition

>> No.19839598

Hail Guénon

>> No.19839870

Boring and irrelevant, Reddit-tier, muh "edgy rightoid" influencer. I've spent much more time than I'm willing to admit scouring the web for pictures of his twink feet

>> No.19839873

Not a fan

>> No.19839940

It's funny how hard he tries to issue an intellectual veneer to his spergy views when they always boil down to "it's da joos!!!"

>> No.19839999

>tfw no keith bf

>> No.19840021

>Keith Woods thread
>immediately attracts a rabbi and two fags

>> No.19840037

What an asshole

>> No.19840075

i just had to wake my girlfriend for this one

>> No.19840089


>> No.19840237
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>> No.19840292
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Why does he attract so much seethe that freely admit they want him to fuck them? This vid wasn’t even slightly political.

>> No.19840296

No no, he's right about that part

>> No.19840300

*from leftoids

>> No.19840324

Moths also gather around a shining light. They get too close and they might burn.

>> No.19840331

He's one of the few guys on in the WN/rw scene that is actually bright.
>da joos
Keith has said in the past that he isn't a JQ reductionist.

>> No.19840338

He is actually /lit/ though.

>> No.19840345


where can I see what he wrote about hegel
here Ive read someone telling me to check out this guy for hegel stuff, but I can't find anything about it except for an interview with e michael jones

>> No.19840361

They want to fuck him. I'm not kidding, the anti-KW twitter crowd (and it IS a crowd of fags on twitter) is composed of homos and trannies that want to fuck him and are butthurt that he's not a fudgepacker.

>> No.19840889

Check out his odysee. I remember he made a Hegel video a while back.

>> No.19841117
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>> No.19841123
File: 237 KB, 661x519, D992E515-1F1A-4A1A-8F8F-C4FE29774E8D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a rightoid that’s a fan of Keith and I want fuck him

>> No.19841131

>corona virus government-restrictions will go away any time now chuddy, can't wait to see how the conspiracy theorists will explain that
Very cringe.

>> No.19841139


>> No.19841141

The difference is you want to fuck him while they want him to fuck them.

>> No.19841163

Female or gay?

>> No.19841165

Shilling your channel directly at the source eh Keith?

>> No.19841169


>> No.19841212

there's a few faggots on here who constantly post faggot shit and get bitchy when they detect someone/something against faggotry/communism/jews/etc.
i know this because i'm here too often and i'm not gay so they stand out to me as aberrant

>> No.19841218

This guy would be seriously benefitted by mounting the whiteboard to a wall and by improving his penmanship. Watching that chicken scratch dance around with him is very distracting.

>> No.19841239

I’m not positive but I got the sense while watching that I think that might’ve been intentional to keep Evola out of the camera for most of the video. Not really sure why, perhaps as a surprise?

>> No.19841257

Coward move, if true. Also, if this were the case, why not just add him in with pen when ready to talk about him and just play it off as an adlib? That way you don’t seem like you had even intended to talk about him in the first place but he just comes up “naturally”

>> No.19841275


>> No.19841323

He doesn’t seem like the adlib type is what I would say. Idk just what you said about the white board occurred to me as well while watching, his background is pretty bare so it would make sense just to hang it up instead of holding it, and the only reason that made sense to me was that he was intentionally keeping the lower half hidden since anytime he didn’t have to he put it out of the camera’s sight. The only reason that occurred to me for that was Evola.

>> No.19841331

Right, it wouldn’t be an actual adlib, but with a bit of acting he could pretend as if it were an adlib

>> No.19841341

Seriously does anyone know if there are some feet pics of keith somewhere? There are other keithfags in this thread who probably help me out if they cared but their too busty shitting up this thread and having a jape you fools that take him seriously

>> No.19841355

Perennial Philosophy is the unadulterated true world view, and specifically one must view Christianity in a non-traditional and mystical light.
Instead of dissecting the multiple mystical schools (of which Hinduism/Mystical Judaism/Gnosticism/Sufism all coincide and only Tibetan Buddhism is divergent) you could just synthesize Christianity with Advaita Vedanta.
Jesus is no longer the product of divine insemination, but rather he was born as an ordinary human being who walked the path of contemporary mysticism successfully, fully surrendered his will to the Divine Will, and entered a permanent mystical state (what is known as Sahaja Samadhi).

A normal mystical state is the experience of Pure Divine Light with the perspective of God as Self, an Eternal Ground of Being. In the state of Sahaja Samadhi, the mystic soul is also aware of Logos (or Divine Thought) of God, and becomes God Incarnate or the Avatar of God.

>> No.19841364


>> No.19841368
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I like the guy, but I think his efforts are in vain. Despite all of his musings on traditionalism, religion, and idealism, he still hasn't laid out a comment case for objective morality and what it would look like. I prefer embracing Nietzche's Death of God and think in terms of attaining power.

Have you ever heard the legend of Mark Brahmin the wise?

>> No.19841371

I’m one of the Keith fags, but I’m not into feet so I wouldn’t know where to find his feet pics if there are any out there.

>> No.19841779
File: 8 KB, 1280x853, 0008A7E6-078E-4371-8586-4AB38CEA25FF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keith Woods is an agent of the Chinese Communist Party who is subverting the Western White Nationalist movement for the CCP’s benefit.

>Has yet to be banned from YouTube, now has almost 40k subs https://youtube.com/c/KeithWoods
>Barely mentioned by any of the extremist watchdogs (Google “Keith Woods ADL” or “SPLC”)
>Has made two videos defending China as National Socialist

>> No.19841817

Holy shit fag-sama I kneel

>> No.19841875

>Have you ever heard the legend of Mark Brahmin the wise?
I thought not. It's not a story the Alt-Right would tell you. It's an Internet legend. Mark Brahmin was an intellectual of the Internet, so powerful and wise he could use Autism to influence his viewers to create... superchats. He had such a knowledge of symbolism that he could even reveal how Spiderman 3 (2007) contains the key to western awakening and how movie directors put fig trees in movies to reference the Aryan woman's vagina. (I'll stop)

Calling him an agent is unfounded but not as much so as calling China National Socialist, he needs to do more reading if he actually believes that. Didn't a certain Austrian artist and orator say that people shouldn't enter public political life until they're 30 so they don't undermine their credibility and make an ass of themself?

>> No.19841920

Tried to watch it but I can't stand it when someone takes ages to make a simple point. 'Perennialism isn't just when you think religions are the same.' Ok, but why does it take 5 mins to say that?

>> No.19841932
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Based based based! Wenon chads rise!

>> No.19841936

He is definitely sperg

>> No.19841947

Or still, He was the fulfillment of the collective hebrew effort to summon ultimate reality into this world, without them really understanding what they wanted, but on an unconscious level preparing for Him. That's why He said, I've come for the lost sheeps of Israel, explaining that the wish became real but also that ultimately it overflow them bc it's not only for the Hebrews, but for all humanity.

>> No.19842017

>I think people hear the word perennialism and they associate it with new age-y and religion is all about being peaceful and loving and the golden rule
I hear “Perennialism” and think of my perineum, the space between my balls and my asshole.

>> No.19842021

>Calling him an agent is unfounded but not as much so as calling China National Socialist, he needs to do more reading if he actually believes that.
Tell me why its bad to describe China as national socialist, they certainly arn't communist.

>> No.19842199

Leftists are midwit retards who fell for college-backed McIdeology which allowed them to advance in social circles and feel above the plebs outside said college. They seethe when people like Keith remind them they have at best have a 110 IQ score. They chose the easy sophistry of modernism and figures like Guenon, Evola, all the 'right wing' intellectuals, dab on reddit shit like Zizek and sho on. They hate being reminded that these figures are not Horsey tier parodies and far more intelligent than they are. Leftists because they occupy the halls of institutional academia want to believe they are there because they're the big brains.

It gets complicated because, realizing that Keith is smarter than they, Generic Theorycel Number 1212993123, they for a moment become like Alcibiades yearning for Keet's Socratic big brain energy. Instead of looking toward the genuine source of good they see, they misplace its possible fulfilment naturally (as all leftists do) up their anus and desperately want Keet to mount them. Hylic homos

>> No.19842259

Just because they're not communist doesn't mean they're any more national socialist, read Mein Kampf (Dalton) or the parts of Ride the Tiger that criticize China
>Natsoc thoroughly racial critique vs. Chinese class based critique with a little Han collectivism tacked on at the end
>Natsoc spiritual, borderline religious critique vs. Chinese materialist critique
>Natsoc autarky (to the point of damaging the economy) vs. Chinese export economy, e.g. working your people to death to make iPhones
>Natsoc went to war with global order vs. China going along with it, e.g. China on the UN security council
>Natsoc environmentalism vs. Chinese views of environmentalism
>Natsoc founding mythos not only anti communist but claimed to be the only other worldview (Weltanschaaung) besides marxism vs. China's marxist founding mythos

>> No.19842344

>natsoc cope appropriating chinese communism
never gets any less pathetic

>> No.19842907

this sounds like hippie retarded garbage

>> No.19842943

>shilling a yt channel to get at best 100 views when he gets like 20k views in a couple of days
he's doing pretty okay. Keith works hard at critiquing leftist theories and reawaken old intellectual rightoids who lost relevance with the zietgeist. Honestly he's a great influence on chuds who haven't read a philosophy book in their life and think the joos are source of all evil

>> No.19842957

Keith is the man

>> No.19842976

Link to him naming the jew?

>> No.19843001

KEK I opened this video https://youtu.be/tTSL-TVk85I and at 1:30 he mentions Kevin MacDonald.

Based but haven't heard anything interesting yet. Is he actually worth listening to or just another "he's popularizing far right concepts" type? Seems to be the latter so far, so not really worth listening if you're already familiar with the stuff.

>> No.19843006

Kek at 4:35 he talks about "the genocide" in the 1940s. Just circus Americanisms then.

>> No.19843018

Fucking hell I couldn't get through 5 minutes. Absolutely can't keep my eyelids open

>> No.19843021

His Fedpost episode, towards the end
He is controlled opposition though

>> No.19843025

He's an Irish traditionalist, not a "le based trend-chasing natsoc". Politically he styled himself as a "right-wing socialist"

>> No.19843030

Has he ever disclosed his religious beliefs? Is he a Catholic? Irish Pagan?

>> No.19843035

>He's an Irish traditionalist
Is he in Ireland? Why is he only talking about America politics?
> not a "le based trend-chasing natsoc".
What does that mean?
>Politically he styled himself as a "right-wing socialist"
Stop talking in retarded memes. He's either pro white racial unity or he's a faggot.

>> No.19843060

>why American politics
Because believe it or not, what goes on in the US, global liberal hegemon and pusher of globohomo, is rather important for all of us.
>is he for racial unity
He is im pretty sure.

>> No.19843080

So he's an Irishman living in Ireland discussing American politics on YouTube all day. What a joke. If you're European, you should put all your efforts into local right-wing movements. America is on the decline, and each country will need a powerful nationalist group in the next decade. Every white person should join promising ethnonationalists groups and keep the pressure high against internationalist/Jewish hijacking. Americans will have their own nationalist movement and it's their own business, but as an European if you still obsess over America then you're living in the neoliberal internationalist order you pretend to fight against.

>> No.19843084

America is not a nation. American "nationalism" is a contradiction in terms

>> No.19843086

America is a nation, and the sooner they kick you out the better.

>> No.19843106

i... kneel

>> No.19843108

Metaphysical* core
Common metaphysical, not mystical core
Whenever he says mystical read metaphysical
Guenon (and Evola) emphasize that the mystical dimension belongs to the exoteric, religious domain and they sought to deal exclusively with pure metaphysics
Also intellection*, not experience.
Guenon does not place any emphasis on experience. In fact he would consider this a subjectivist, even sentimental approach.
Didn’t listen to the whole video because I’ve heard enough in the introduction to realize that it would be full of mistakes.
The boy is promising, but he seems to struggle with basic concepts.
Reread everything beginning with East and West, taking notes.

>> No.19843122

>specifically one must view Christianity in a non-traditional and mystical light
>you could just synthesize Christianity with Advaita Vedanta
>Jesus is no longer the product of divine insemination, but rather he was born as an ordinary human being
ok heretic

>> No.19843126

How old is Keith?

>> No.19843129

I don't reside in the US. How are you supposed to kick me out?

>> No.19843173

He doesn’t belong to a religion. He said in his video taking about the Kyoto school of philosophy that, out of all the philosophy he’s read, it comes the closest to his own beliefs. The Kyoto school of philosophy is sort of a mix between German idealism and Zen Buddhism.

>> No.19843410

He doesn't boil everything down to "it's da joos!!!" You're too immature to listen to people you disagree with, so you're ignoring most of what he says and boiling it all down to "it's da joos!!!" so that you can ignore him and feel superior while doing so.

>> No.19843425
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>what’s up y’all!
>lemme guess...

>> No.19844247

He is approaching it from a little more of an academic standpoint than a spiritual one. Cool your autism, fellow Guenonchad, just appreciate that he is explaining these ideas to his audience.

I believe he was implying that you are jewish, due to the subversive ideas you espouse, like a jew is wont to do.

>> No.19844257
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Shut up you faggot leftist.
>oy vey he can't talk about American politics even though they influence the entire world, especially the West
Go back to your tranny discord, you've been exposed.

>> No.19844270

Every other post on his telegram is him naming the jew.

There is a difference between wanting to be available to the broader public (i.e., through jewtube) and being CO. You are a retarded schizo who doesn't help your cause if you can't appreciate the difference. As I said above, every other post on his tg is going after jews, as well as a lot of content on youtube alternatives.

>> No.19844277
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Nobody is stupid enough to fall for your falseflag shilling, lefturd subhuman.

>> No.19844286

Seethe, you've just convinced me to give his videos a try.

>> No.19844367


>> No.19844401
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I hate perennialism so much bros
>all roads lead up the mountain
No the don't. Some leads to a dead end, some appears to be leading up but eventually ends up at the bottom, and some leads off a cliff.

And frankly I don't even see the appeal. Why would anyone anywhere WANT all religions to be the same? What a gay existence.
>b-but we don't think they're the same
Yeah sorry only the esoteric teachings which are the only parts you give a shit about hence your perennialism.
>imagine choosing to be spiritual and not also choosing to be a sectarian fundamentalist

>> No.19844563
File: 37 KB, 398x376, 1613155021401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keith woods
>not a "racist"

>> No.19844589

Well, as I said, I didn't watch any of his videos.

>> No.19844593

>nd only Tibetan Buddhism is divergent
In what way?

>> No.19844613

All legitimate roads lead up the mountain. Not all roads are legitimate.
>Why would anyone anywhere WANT all religions to be the same?
This illustrates well your misunderstanding of perennialism. Also, what should this have to do with wanting?

And Metaphysical reality is objective.

>> No.19844636

I guess I don't know what you mean by racist. That is a stupid word. He believes there are differences between races that effect outcomes of a racial collective, as did everybody 70 years ago. He isn't railing against "niggers," calling them subhuman monkeys, which is probably what oversocialised leftists think of when they hear that somebody is "racist".

>> No.19844658

Yeah... cringe. Sorry sweetie but if religions so wildly different both lead up the mountain then there is no reason to assume that being a religiously non-concerned secular bug eating homosexual also doesn't.

I always just assume perennialists have some sort of testosterone deficiency.

>> No.19844957

Mick Fuentes

>> No.19845036

It depends on who you ask in perennialism. Personally I don't think any religion truly leads "up the mountain," since religions are exoteric and not the means by which higher spiritual realities/truths can be known/experienced (the esoteric). You cannot achieve higher states of being by just going to church and praying or helping those in need. However you will probably be more developed than an atheist or whatever, which is a start up the mountain, or maybe you have found the bottom of it.

>> No.19845059

First of all, take your meds.
In the second link you posted, Keith says that China is closer to fascism/natsoc than it is to communism. He never explicitly said that is a fascist/natsoc state in the way it was expressed in 20th century Europe. Also, if you've ever read Gentile, he mentions that fascism is expressed differently in each country.
>not banned from youtube
No, but he is banned from twitter
>Barely mentioned by any of the extremist watchdogs (Google “Keith Woods ADL” or “SPLC”)
Barely mentioned by any of the extremist watchdogs (Google “Keith Woods ADL” or “SPLC”)
This Zionist publication wrote a smear piece directed towards Keith due to his views on the Jews.
This ADL article actually contains some screenshots of Keith's Telegram posts.

>> No.19845092


>> No.19845093

Keith isn't saying that he believes in the Holocaust. If I recall correctly, he is saying how both sides of mainstream politics are ultimately concerned with how to stop something like the Holocaust from happening again. The mainstream left's answer is to introduce racial diversity and sexual and gender identity, and the mainstream right's answer is to get rid of any kinds of collectivism, to weaken the state, and to accelerate laissez-faire capitalism. It shows that you're new to Keith's stuff.

>> No.19845125

This and it’s not because he’s rightoid, might be because he’s young though. There’s no insight to be found in any of his videos.

>> No.19845134


>> No.19845136

Who's this drropy-eyed nigger and why would I spend 35 minutes of my life listening to him talk about some obscure topic when I have lots of better and more trustworthy paths available to enter it from?
Also scanning through his video list gives me redflags of being an Am*rican alt-right race realist, but props to him for at least being subtle about it, if true.

>> No.19845325

>alt-right race realist

>> No.19845337
File: 30 KB, 590x578, 409570928184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you've watched all of his videos even though you don't like him? are you fucking retarded?

>> No.19845363

>Why would anyone anywhere WANT all religions to be the same?
to refute the assertion that the variety of religion reduces the likelyhood of any one being

>> No.19845367

I watched enough of his content to recognise a midwit. I had the opinion of him that other guy had before this thread was created.

>> No.19845465

How do you know there's "no insight to be found in any of his videos" if you haven't seen them all? maybe you just don't like his ideology, that would be more likely.

>> No.19845514

>How do you know there's "no insight to be found in any of his videos" if you haven't seen them all?

For the same reason I don't need to read every Harry Potter book to know they were written for children

>maybe you just don't like his ideology, that would be more likely.

Victim card pulled.

>> No.19845520

This divided the right. On principle Keith was correct

>> No.19845587

Cormac McCarthy discussion was fantastic

>> No.19845686

In his eyes it's a dead meme, though it had potential in the beginning when it was more intellectual

>> No.19845742

Interesting how the new religion became BLM and later Covid

>> No.19845861

I am not a leftoid or anything, but just from seeing him and the video title (I didn't watch a second of it), and I had a very negative reaction.
I hate seeing people expound philosophical thought in any medium besides books, so maybe that's why.

>> No.19845932

amerimutt detected. lowest common denominator racism, kek

>> No.19846131

>Natsoc thoroughly racial critique vs. Chinese class based critique with a little Han collectivism tacked on at the end

Seems to be that Xi Jinping has been trying to Han-ize the culture a lot more since he's taken office.

>Natsoc spiritual, borderline religious critique vs. Chinese materialist critique

While it's common, is that really needed? I think fascism can easily be materialist critique without delving into mysticism.

>Natsoc went to war with global order vs. China going along with it, e.g. China on the UN security council

They use it to further their interests.

>> No.19846132

post some of the telegram messages we don't all have gay social media

>> No.19846147

He definitely seems nat-soc to me. On Telegram he frequently interacts with people in the National Justice Party and TRS orbit (Emily Youcis seems to like him a lot), and they are explicitly Nat-Soc.

>> No.19846176

>Emily Youcis

Why did she do it bros?


>> No.19846215

Thought you were going to post this

>> No.19846227
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>> No.19846234
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>> No.19846390

What other alternative is there aside from natsoc?

>> No.19846497

I readily believe all of that. The most interesting parts of what China is doing is the anti-oligarchical push and the attempt to use the digital yuan to cut out middlemen from credit creation. How much of these efforts are actually real is hard to make out as a Westerner considering the language and propaganda barrier.

>> No.19846689

I love Keith un ironically

>> No.19846740

>*succ succ succ*
>yeah keith gimme your wood *succ s

>> No.19847017

>Civic nat
>Whatever Nick Fuentes does

>> No.19847020

Glue eater handwriting

>> No.19847136
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holy based...

>> No.19847332

somebody should send this to warren

>> No.19847418

warren's boring to listen to but he did nothing to deserve that

>> No.19847829

China are natsoc you fucking moron.

>> No.19847837

China are a dime a dozen totalitarian junta, it's just a bug state. The population is medieval in mindset, incapable of socialism. Anybody who thinks China is past the feudal stage needs to read their Marx.

>> No.19847865

Not even gay and I would like to put him to bed and stroke his hair.

>> No.19847873

Holy fuck! A sensible human being?!

>> No.19847888

You’re an idealist.

>> No.19847896

>only Tibetan Buddhism is divergent
Elaborate pls

>> No.19848421

civnat is a meme and Fuentes is an American YouTube zoomer

>> No.19848514

Dude married Emily Youcis, if he didn’t know what he was getting into, he’s a massive idiot.

>> No.19848837

I'm gay and I would definitely cuddle this twink.

>> No.19848855
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>> No.19848903

>muh, based
>muh, chad
God I hate zoom zooms.

>> No.19848978

What’s her fucking problem?

>> No.19849058

she thought it was really transgressive and artistic

>> No.19849880
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>> No.19849928

Where is this from?

>> No.19849938

Our last telegram meetup

>> No.19849941

spelling bee competition by the looks of it

>> No.19849949

And your word is, Judeo-Bolshevism

>> No.19850052

Is that a fat Kit Harington?

>> No.19850054

That's Morgoth

>> No.19850197

kek looks like John Snow and Sam in one

>> No.19850269

didnt know he looked this subhuman

>> No.19850437
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>> No.19850506

Interesting. I don't necessarily deny immaculate conception, but I do think it's odd that Jesus being born of a virgin is only mentioned in Matthew and Luke (and Isaiah I guess)

>> No.19850578

>Why is he only talking about America politics?
>Because believe it or not, what goes on in the US, global liberal hegemon and pusher of globohomo, is rather important for all of us.
From what I've gathered Keith's general conception of the West is that we are all effectively a part of the "American Empire", even Europeans.
With how dominant American culture is and with America's huge military being having active bases in many other Western countries, it's not a stretch to say the West is a part of some sort of unofficial American empire, especially if you don't really buy the modernist conception of what a country is

>> No.19850886

you dont need it to read them

>> No.19850896

Has potential to become the new Jordan Peterson right-wing "intellectual".

>> No.19850902

the first minute everything he said was wrong

>> No.19850986
File: 1.17 MB, 1035x653, BBACD4BE-07CC-4E76-B053-022C6DF79FDC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When's he debating the D man?

>> No.19851091

stop projecting

>> No.19851191

Yeah I'm not sure how "he talks about america :(" is a criticism given that, as an Irishman, he is governed by a hostile imperial puppet regime that has explicitly stated that it dictates its policies based on orders from the US/UN/EU/etc.

>> No.19851942

But they were lifted in Britain and Ireland

>> No.19851948

Whats the connection between leftists and homos

>> No.19851966

Because thats not what perrenialism is and he says so within the first 5 minutes you pseud

>> No.19851970

>Natsoc went to war with global order vs. China going along with it, e.g. China on the UN security council
Not a fair critique since china didnt come to any meaningful prominence until the 1980s. They had to work with the system available to them

>> No.19851981

This is the only valid critique of Keith. He is boring to listen to

>> No.19851995

>Why is he only talking about America politics?
He talks about ireland all the time on his telegram channel and has made a handful of lon form youtube videos about Ireland too. Why cant you fags actually learn about a person before thinking you know all about them?

>> No.19852402

He’s also an entertainer an America is where his largest audience is.

>> No.19853233

>Is he in Ireland? Why is he only talking about America politics?
Because America is an important country, if you didn't know.

I hope he becomes Christian

>> No.19853244

Keith is better than regular leftists, but at the end of the day he's still just another disillusioned leftist larping as a reactionary. He's too soft and overly intellectual. That seems to be a constant among NRX.

>> No.19853258

Cry about it, millenigger.

>> No.19853266
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>> No.19853475

What are NRX

>> No.19853494

I'm a straight rightoid and I'd still clap his cheeks

>> No.19853665

nice bait, let's see how it goes

>> No.19853685

Chad Keith
Which one is he?

>> No.19853698
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>to be a nationalist, you must also be a socialist

he is right you know

>> No.19853754

>Seems to be that Xi Jinping has been trying to Han-ize the culture a lot more since he's taken office.
citation needed
>While it's common, is that really needed?
>Implying there's a wealth of examples to draw from
I think fascism can easily be materialist critique without delving into mysticism.
>Implying something that's been heavily intertwined in every example could be removed without making into something else entirely.
nat socs and fascists can't just accept that their ideology is so backward and retarded that they can't agree on whether the cornerstone of every actually existing instance of nat socialism/fascism should be considered nat socialism/fascism.

>> No.19853945

literally everyone, left and right alike, argues over the terminology of china's politics, I guarantee the next thread mentioning China will have people bickering over whether China is communist/state capitalist/socialist/maoist etc.
>nat socs and fascists can't just accept that their ideology is so backward and retarded that they can't agree on whether the cornerstone of every actually existing instance of nat socialism/fascism should be considered nat socialism/fascism.
b8, everyone agrees which European states were considered fascist or nat soc, we're speculating whether this can be extrapolated to a country with little to no historical/ethnic/geographic continuity to these European states

You're right, that's probably a result of the times more than an ideological difference. I could've really stopped at the first point.

>> No.19853952

>to be a nationalist, you must also be a socialist
I don’t know about this guy, but I’m beginning to realize this.

>> No.19854573

>implying being a racist is wrong.
Oy vey Moshe.

>> No.19854968
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I always got the feeling that the immaculate conception was Jesus's way of politically disavowing himself from the tribe of Judah, obviously Joseph was descended from Judah and Mary from Levi

>> No.19854970

Irish Bladee?!?

>> No.19854980

he's such a hack sophist who admits his whole premise is retarded and nihilistic from the get go. pomo fags are so retarded

>> No.19855346

Mary was also descended from David

>> No.19856463

didn't know he was tall. his camera angle and lens do not make him look good.

>> No.19856626

scanning though your post for a few seconds gives me all the red flags that you are a stone cold retard

>> No.19856732

I find that he has a very pleasant voice.

>> No.19856876

It genuinely is though, a hugely disproportionate amount of the time

>> No.19856911
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>literally everyone, left and right alike, argues over the terminology of china's politics
The only people that argue they aren't communists are people who are allergic to reading marx and lenin.
>b8, everyone agrees which European states were considered fascist or nat soc, we're speculating whether this can be extrapolated to a country with little to no historical/ethnic/geographic continuity to these European states
That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying fascists have to make up for their retarded ideology by attempting exclude the most retarded parts of the ideology. Those parts, as retarded as they are, are tenets of fascism and excluding them would just leave you with ordinary liberalism that's a bit more forthright about hating minorities.

>> No.19856935

Normies would not mind current china style "communism" much. If you make sure they know they can still have property and work jobs and buy and sell in markets and hire people, etc then they will be much more inclined to listen to you. What normies dont want is Lenin/Mao style rules, which is very different.

>> No.19857097

>everyone agrees which European states were considered fascist or nat soc,
Nah Ive seen serious disagreement between people regarding Spain and Portugal

>> No.19857168

Saying that they the people and leaders are communists is not the same as saying that China's economy is communism. The CPC doesn't even call their economy communist. So there isn't any need to do the quotation marks around the word communism like a liberal who doesn't know what they're talking about. What the Chinese understand, and what Lenin quickly realized after the revolution (the NEP), is that the shift towards communism is not a diametric one, it is dialectical. Later Mao rejected this and became idealistic hence the CPC line being that Mao was 70% right, 30% wrong.

>> No.19857188

I dont care about which name you use, I'm just telling you that people wont mind your plans for society if you explain to them that they will still be able to do those things I mentioned

>> No.19857251

Well yeah, in the short term they would definitely still be doing those things, but the hope is that in the long term, as their relationship to capital and commodities evolves, there won't be any need for it with the exception of personal property which is different from private property. And yeah, the biggest hurdle for communists has always been making people understand this.

>> No.19857458

What are the most retarded parts of the ideology in your view?

>> No.19857513


>> No.19857568

>as their relationship to capital and commodities evolves, there won't be any need for it
If you want to sell this idea the key aspect is the concept of it being voluntary.

>> No.19858282


>> No.19858293

Now that's based, but I'd prefer he top.

>> No.19858976

>Irish "traditionalist" doesn't belong to a religion.


>> No.19859847


>> No.19860313


>> No.19860852

Jesus Christ, this video is essentially rambling for half an hour with some philosophical lingo inserted here and there. Who takes these guys seriously?
Also this is not /lit/, wtf are the mods doing?

>> No.19861366

Since when has /lit/ had mods

>> No.19861373

fuck everyone who replied in the last 14 hours

>> No.19861474

/pol/ growing increasingly desperate as their obvious irrelevance finally sinks in, I see

>> No.19861559

/pol/ is little more than r/Republicans at this point. Less than half would even know who Keith Woods is or even be capable of discussing china without saying "muh chicoms!"

>> No.19861567

So if I reply now I’m safe?

>> No.19861865

>In what way?
One could argue they go full retard into anti-essentialist anti-foundationalism and miss the Absolute that other traditions lead to, although this could also be said of much of Mahayana. There are some kinds of Tibetan Buddhism which are an exception to this (e.g. Jonang) but they are a smaller minority and were persecuted by the ruling Gelugs

>> No.19861881
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That's right, I'm racist and an admirer of the CCP, bet you didn't see that one coming.

>> No.19861884

>/pol/ is losing influence
>randomly brings them up, showcasing its influence


>> No.19863279

Perennialist just devolves into relativism and you're back at square one. Christianity offers a worldview that allows for absolute truth, metaphysics, morals, etc. If you're a pagan/new ager/freemason/perennialist then you may believe in some supreme force, but as long as it's impersonal we can't interact with it at all.

>> No.19863790

>Perennialist just devolves into relativism and you're back at square one.
It depends, perennialism in the 'Guenonian' sense a la the Traditionalist school perennialism has no intrinsic relation with relativism, it's actually opposed to relativism. They don't say that each religion is equally true but that certain ones contain degenerated and false sects that don't lead to truth like Protestantism etc
>Christianity offers a worldview that allows for absolute truth, metaphysics, morals, etc.
So does perennialism and other religions
>If you're a pagan/new ager/freemason/perennialist then you may believe in some supreme force, but as long as it's impersonal we can't interact with it at all.
The problem of "not being able to interact with it" is obviated by one discovering the divine as dwelling within oneself. You don't interact with yourself, you simply are yourself.

>> No.19864074

He's the textbook respectable autodidact in my book. IQ is bullshit anyway, the guy clearly does his research and that's more than enough unless you're debating or being creative

>> No.19864084

Well he is right

>> No.19864179

/pol/ is and has always been primarily a happening and schizo board, so right now it is obviously focused on the v*x and related subjects

A /pol/ack recently discovered where tr*deau ran away to based on typical anon autism analysis of images and videos, for example

>> No.19864350

We give much more of a shit than about anything you have to say.

>> No.19864376

>zoom zooms
God I hate newfags

>> No.19865050

there is really anons on /lit/ using chud unironically? jfc

>> No.19865204

Thats true and they should get credit for that weaponsized autism. However, /pol/ used to have actual depth of understanding in political theory. The general worldview /pol/ has gets more basic and closer to mainstream media narratives every passing year

>> No.19866180

it's easier to type out than /pol/ack. Even if the terminology is retarded it still conveys an image of an ideologically dogmatic person who doesn't read books and browses /pol/ all day to reaffirm his views

>> No.19866194

Yup, in fact, the traditionalists offer some of the best refutations of relativism, such as Seraphim Rose and Schuon, see: http://www.studiesincomparativereligion.com/public/articles/The_Contradiction_of_Relativism-by_Frithjof_Schuon.aspx

>> No.19866236

>The only people that argue they aren't communists are people who are allergic to reading marx and lenin.
Marx was a bum ass Jew who did nothing of value with his life. Lenin lived in a mansion and drove roll royces while workers starved from his policies. Marx and Lenin is nothing more than Talmudic propaganda and non-sense.

>> No.19866245

>es, there won't be any need for it with the exception of personal property which is different from private property.
No its not, you retard. Private property is a form of personal property. The idea that communist countries just take private property is a lie too; the holodomor did not happen because the Soviets too private property - they took personal property like food from people. If you limit private property, where people get their "personal property" from - you are inflict limiting personal ownership. Don't be a dumbass and think people can't understand the implications of your beliefs.

>> No.19866556

influence =/= relevance, retardo fuck

they are infamous on this website alone so sometimes they get mentioned when their emergent npc behavior is identified in other places

>> No.19866801
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le mkultra stare

>> No.19866819

The immaculate conception has to do with the sinlessness of Mary, not Jesus.

>> No.19866843

>think the joos are source of all evil
He also thinks that. Back when he still had his twatter account he posted some "It's the Jews" gigachad meme

>> No.19867063

More significantly it means Jesus is free from original sin.

>> No.19867126

No, the term only has to do with Mary being conceived without sin. It does not mean the sinlessness of Jesus.

>> No.19867177


>> No.19867218

>notes that jews are overrepresented in positions of power
(As literally everyone does)
proper lightswitch brain at work

>> No.19867226

We should kill every leftoid

>> No.19867687

both are obsessed with being dominated.

>> No.19867831

/pol/ knows about Keith Woods, but they mostly seem to be boomer schizos who hate him and accuse him of being a vaxxer or glowie or whatever

>> No.19869128

T. never read Marx and Lenin

>> No.19869193

no you can't post literature threads
pointless bump this necro twitter shit for a week instead.

>> No.19869222

Pretty much. /pol/ is 50% milquetoast conservatives LARPing as fascists and 50% federal informants. I only ever bother browsing /pol/ when something big like the BLM riots or the Rittenhouse trial is happening.

>> No.19869404

>You have
Can this chud learn to speak? His social anxiety is probably a result of Covid destroying his brain since he refused to take science juice.

>> No.19869414

Yeah that meme was true. it was mocking retards who want to be 2smart4u and just swap "Jew" for "Anglo Protestants" or whatever bullshit.

>> No.19870108

communism is a failed economic theory