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19881135 No.19881135 [Reply] [Original]

Press F to pay respects.

>> No.19881151


>> No.19881157

Damn, what a schizo he actually is.

>> No.19881169 [DELETED] 

I was checking out the list of books he owned. There's a book by the Mexican novelist Jorge Ibargüengoitia (one of my favorites) in Spanish. I have never seen an English speaker owning that book before, so Uncle Ted will forever be giga based in my book.

>> No.19881174


I will never forget you

>> No.19881175

Reported your IP to the FBI. We don't need another eco-terrorist organizing a cell to overthrow a small liberal city to make a moot point.

>> No.19881197

I'm not the guy who wrote to him, just found this somewhere else.

>> No.19881199


>> No.19881212

meh, he's like 80. the void was coming for him in a few years anyway

>> No.19881214

The streets lost a real one

Rip MK Ultra Malthusian Mind Fugged Cabin Boi

>> No.19881215
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eternal king

>> No.19881223


>> No.19881228

Well shit. When I lay dying in the forest after stepping in a bear-trap that I myself laid I will think of you while the mushroom clouds sprout upwards.

>> No.19881283
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>> No.19881298

He's always been 100% right on everything.

>> No.19881314
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>> No.19881316

I don't think the FBI takes this guy seriously. It's obvious what he's implying, but they let him have these kind of correspondence anyway.

>> No.19881324

>Get well soon. There is yet work to be done.
Why do these fucking faggots talk like anime characters

>> No.19881335

because they know their nigger cattle is well tranined to brush him off as crazy than take it to heart

>> No.19881349

>claims to hate industrial society and tries to move away from it
>dies from industrial carcinogens anyways

>> No.19881354
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>> No.19881356

I've missed the opportunity to send a letter to Le Carré when he was alive.

Should I send a letter to Uncle Ted, just to thank him for his contribution as a philosopher ?

>> No.19881399


>> No.19881435

Because 95% of people aren't going to bother living without technology, and the followers of his "movement" are largely assclowns who don't even know what material penury looks like. The radical always overestimates his base.

>> No.19881449


>> No.19881453

>eco-terrorist organizing a cell to overthrow a small liberal city
Has this happened before?

>> No.19881458

Yes. It happened in Portland with CHAZ/CHOP.

>> No.19881459

This is so gay

>> No.19881467

It's actually because they're monitoring the people who write these letters to him and are waiting to see if they will do something.

>> No.19881468

That was a mix of urban youths and anarchists, not "eco-terrorists". The city encouraged it anyway too so it wasn't like a revolution.

>> No.19881587

Can you actually write and send him a letter? Will he only converse about the consequences of technology, or will he talk about Math as well? Kind of interested in knowing what he would say about math, given that he was a professor and all.

>> No.19881629
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Whoever wrote that letter gave a dying man a glimmer of hope. We all know what Ted suspects: this shut in channer autist will never organise anything to any affect, but damned if the lie isn't white as Haarlem linen. God bless.

>> No.19881656

Someone did that. He said to not bother studying math.

>> No.19881665

I'm going to miss him so much

>> No.19881668


>> No.19881678
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Looks like it's legit. Here's two different writing samples and they're both pretty similar. Fuck man. Not excited for the day when the news breaks. 1/2

>> No.19881680


>> No.19881682
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>> No.19881702
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I just thought I have seen enough sad news in the last half of a year...

>> No.19881766
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>> No.19881854


>> No.19881863

What inconsistency are you alleging?

>> No.19881874

would transition have saved her?

>> No.19881882

F, for fucking finally. Hope he enjoys hell.

>> No.19881914

F. This man has inspired me to better my life in any aspect and I will forever thank him for this.
Why did they send a French dictionary ?

>> No.19881926


>> No.19881934

>we don't want die- dilettantes
poor ted.

>> No.19881947
File: 398 KB, 640x640, 1643739012595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best way to send him a letter? I virtually never send letters or ship items. Is there any way to send a letter somewhat anonymously, or is it necessary to just slap all my info on it? Would the government even care if I sent a letter?

>> No.19881965

>Would the government even care if I sent a letter?
You'd become ultra flagged and in a list of easily mk ultraed potential targets they may use for some psyop as they usually do

>> No.19881982

You don't need to put a return address and you can just put it in one of the drop boxes in your city but then you won't get a response.
Realistically you're probably on a list if you browse this site regularly.

>> No.19882020

Would a PO Box give some privacy? Druggies claim it’s untraceable.

>> No.19882061


>> No.19882072

No inconsistency, just bitter and meaningless truth

>> No.19882075

Yeah, that's the problem. I want to receive a response. I don't think my question would be that questionable, but I know that even sending a letter could be grounds for suspicion.

>> No.19882082

Jail food did him. No vegan shit available to him. What a scam!

>> No.19882092

Sure do, anon, but hurry -- considering he's already admitted to a hospital.

>> No.19882096


>> No.19882142

I don't know how the process for registering one works. If you pay cash and use a false name I suppose it's decent. You'd probably have to wear a mask as well but that's in vogue right now.

>> No.19882646
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I don't want Uncle Ted to die.

>> No.19882657

I don't care about anyone's uncle

>> No.19882906

Does his book technological slavery include all of industrial society? Or is it all new stuff?

>> No.19882941

It has ISAIF.

>> No.19882963

Pretty sure those were just niggers and communists anon

>> No.19882983

Thank you, and then his only other book it Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How, right?

>> No.19883021

>Letter is mostly about how you should be doing something instead of sitting on your ass posting memes
>Memers completely ignore Ted's wishes and just type F

>> No.19883137

The only released book, but he has this weird autobiography that was never properly released called "Truth vs Lies". It's on webarchive if you want to read it.

>> No.19883146
File: 172 KB, 770x770, 3f1775005dbf1ba84de675fa6d9d5aa5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those who go around saying
that I hate my job
don't know how much love
I dedicate myself to TNT
it's almost alive on it's own
a couple of hours more
and then I will give it a voice:
the detonator.

My frail Pinocchio
handmade relative
of devices built
on industrial scale.
It will never make me
a Knight of Merit for Labour,
I belong to a different race
I'm a bomberman.

While walking down the stairs
I pay more attention
it would be unforgivable
to execute myself at the front door
right on the day when
the decision is mine
on death penalty
or amnesty.

In the streets many faces
don't have a nice shade
here, those who don't terrorise
get ill off terror,
there are those who wait for the rain
to not cry alone
I have a different plan
I'm a bomberman.

Today's intellectuals
Tomorrow's idiots
give me back the brains
since my hands are more than enough
very acrobatic prophets
of revolution
today I'll do on my own
without a lesson.

I'll track down the enemies
which for you feel so distant and hidden
and after killing them
I'll be among the fugitives
but as long as I am the one pursuing them
they are the fugitives,
I belong to a different school
I'm a bomberman.

Power too many times
delegated to other hands,
dropped and given back to us
from your airplanes
I came to give you back
a bit of your terror
of your disorder,
of your noise.

So used to think
a desperate thirty years old
if not completely right
wrong about almost nothing,
looking for an adequate place
for his TNT,
In short, the place worthy
of a bomberman.

There are some who saw him laughing
in front of the Parliament
waiting for the explosion
that would prove his talent,
there are some who saw him crying
a torrent of vowels
seeing a newsagent's kiosque

But what hurt him
deeply in his pride
was the image of her
that leant out of every sheet,
far from the ridiculousness
where she left him alone,
but on the first page
with the bomberman.

>> No.19883168

Thoughts and prayers

>> No.19883190


>> No.19883194


>> No.19883195

I hope he gets to slowly and painfully waste away

>> No.19883208
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You will never be at an healthy weight.

>> No.19883213

Neither will Ted

>> No.19883217

He always was very physically active and handsome.

>> No.19883228

I kinda feel like Ted can't fantom how far we are from 1995. It's over, it's really over, smartphone technology was the last nail in the coffin

>> No.19883244

garbage "thinker", and the amount of meme brained zoomers not laughing out loud over his shallow cliche nonsense makes me wonder why I even spend time interacting with them

>> No.19883250

Anon he was in prison

>> No.19883262

It's not the matter of living without technology, it's the matter of marching to the point of no return. I would boldly say I'm quite comfortable with the state of technology right now but if I can choose I would choose that it will stay this way forever (actually, the 2000s might have been ideal because I think social medias are cancer). If I put an analogy it would be like this:
My hairline is not the best, but I don't think it's bad either. I don't know if I'm balding or this is just my natural hairline but I'm taking finasteride just in case. The prospect that I'm fearing here is for my hairline to recede further, not the state of my hairline right now. Same way with technology, it's not like the technology that I'm having right now is oppressing me (kinda with social media and shit), it's just I have concerns that my "freedom" will be further regressed with encroachment of technology. Once you go bald, it's too late. But Ted said there's no middle solution, it's either full blown techie worship or go back to nature, it's the reality and it sucks.
But then again I am "a children of my own time" as my birth predates zoomers a few years so, zoomers might have a different idea of freedom than I do. When I turn into a grandpa, I would definitely have a cynical outlook on the future state, but my grandchildrens or the childrens of then would see it as the "natural" state of freedom, repeat ad infinitum. So I think it's crazy, you don't really get to know "true freedom" unless you live like a caveman and possibly you will always be biased to think that your current time is the best and you would wish it could stay like this forever, only edgy romantics would think otherwise.

>> No.19883263

> Realistically you're probably on a list if you browse this site regularly.

>> No.19883265

I’m not interested in sending Mail bombs or taking down civilization. I just see the worst parts of me in him and feel sympathy.

>> No.19883578

Yeah, but finasteride gave me urinary incontinence and fucked up my sex drive when I was twenty, so I'd recommend not doing that.
Unless it was a metaphor; and then my point still stands as a contra-positive to the pharmaceutical-industrial complex.
Bald, or potentially having a permanently limp dick. Pick one.

>> No.19883692

Where do I address my letter to Ted, NC or CO?

>> No.19883695

F. Ted i hope they let you out so you can go have a chat with your brother....

>> No.19883696

Honestly he should've killed himself before he was captured everything after is just sad

>> No.19883701

Only side effect I got from fin was having to pee a little more than usual

>> No.19883706


>> No.19883710


>> No.19883785
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Suddenly the world feels poignantly more lonely. It will be a sad day.

>> No.19883886

>Realistically you're probably on a list if you browse this site regularly.
We're on the list that contains several millions of bad goyim, shared across nato countries, that no one really knows what to do with. Direct correspondance with Ted puts you on a higher tier.

>> No.19883999

kek does he actually think I am going to throw my life away to fight the boogey man industrial society.
My self wont survive to see the post industrial society so I think I will be quite happy living in forest on the broder of society and buying some neato canned foods regularly while downloading pdfs and mp3s from the internet for my entertainment.

>inb4 muh kids
couldnt care less.

>> No.19884045

Ted opposes the legitimate American establishment and free enterpreneurs, meaning he is a communist.

His parents were Polish, and Kaczynski is a Polish surname. Poles are Slavs, and slavs are snowniggers, no different from regular niggers apart from their skin color.

Therefore Ted Kaczynski is nigger and a communist.

>> No.19884075

> you just said a bad word. I’m telling my mom.

Grow up faggot

>> No.19884084

lol hes not dead yet retard

>> No.19884377

S. I enjoy hearing about people dying and whatever they did in their lives has no importance for me.

>> No.19884501

Thank you anon

>> No.19884532
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What did he mean by this?

>> No.19884571
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They're incompetent. He's written before about this. They had no idea who he was before his brother ratted him out. 99% of their resources are spent on advertising and planning for the next pride parade.

>> No.19884659
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There's an odd spacing between the words to the point it looks deliberate and a weird pattern for the starting letters of each line. Why is he getting a French/English dictionary when he might be dead within a year?

>> No.19884760

Reminder Ted was wrong and its actually the female spirit unbridled that is ruining the world

>> No.19884762


>> No.19884765

Fuck you.

>> No.19884773

Retard nigger you are. Woe upon you

>> No.19884779

Fuck you nigger. Go cope somewhere else.

>> No.19884793

Why would we need to cope? If anything, you should learn to cope with Ted finally dying and going to hell.

>> No.19884809

what are his suggestions for organizing

>> No.19884943

Good. May he burn in hell for eternity.

>> No.19884972


>> No.19884984

It's 2022 I doubt you can even use fake names any more

>> No.19885024
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>> No.19885032


>> No.19885086

writing to ted must automatically put your name in a list

>> No.19885097

I hope these totalitarian trannies will be gassed one day and I will hear their wailing

>> No.19885388

Retard. The writer of the original letter ordered the dictionary for Ted before he knew he had cancer.

>> No.19885438
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I really hope you find peace Uncle Ted

>> No.19885445
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Don't you think something ought to be done?

>> No.19885518

Just using Linux can get you put on a list. Stop caring what the glowies think of you.

>> No.19885844

I wonder if its lung cancer like his father

>> No.19886021
File: 390 KB, 750x577, image0.png (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just using Linux can get you put on a list
>tfw used Linux for 7 years now
Well I'm fucked.

>> No.19886425


>> No.19886529
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Stay strong fren

>> No.19886557

do you suppose Ted smoked in prison?

>> No.19886568

>20% of lung cancers, or 20,000 to 40,000 lung cancers each year, happen in people who never smoked or smoked fewer than 100 cigarettes in their lifetime.

>> No.19886816


>> No.19886858

God you people are fags, he didn't even say anything new your meat brains only understand violence

>> No.19886881

>your meat brains only understand violence

That's how Ted got published.

>> No.19887018

It certainly wasn't for his writing!

>> No.19887024


>> No.19887048

Don't take Finasteride you dork, it's overkill if you're not going super bald. Minoxidil works just fine for most people.

>> No.19887339

sorry cupcake but real change can only be brought through violence

>> No.19887627

There's a code anon. If you truly loved your Uncle Ted and understood his teaching you'd be able to see it.

>> No.19887641
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It's fucking over

>> No.19887652

Bravo Lemony Snicket

>> No.19887668

He was a real Ubermensch.