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19908358 No.19908358 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck did I buy?

>> No.19908365

Average modern academic

>> No.19908381

Which edition is this so I can avoid it?

>> No.19908386

What's the problem?

>> No.19908392
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>> No.19908402


It's fan-fiction

>> No.19908578

Reminds me of the anons in the classical language general who violently argue with people about some point about Latin/Greek, but it's revealed at the end that they can't read either, or are in the process of 'learning one' (i.e. they've had an idle textbook open on their desk for weeks with the first page declension tables)

>> No.19909014

>Stephen Mitchell

Isn't this the same retard who published a version of Tao Te Ching by letting someone else actually translate the work and then himself rewrote the text produced by the translator to make it easier to understand? Iirc he also changed "he" to "her" just to make it more gender neutral. I have no idea why so many ppl on Reddit praise this guy.

>> No.19909019

Translating poetry usually works that way, since it's hard to find someone who speaks a language AND is a good poet. There's nothing wrong with it.

I'm sure this book sucks, but that's because the author is a redditor, not because of that.

>> No.19909024
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>> No.19909051

Who ever wrote that is an actual retard. Livius Andronicus was actually very literal from the fragmenta we have, and we're he isnt literal, he uses the best latin equivalent to the homeric greek

>> No.19909056

>from the fragmenta we have

>> No.19909074

Whats the point of this reply? We only have fragmenta of his Odusia

>> No.19909080

Bruh, considering that every cultivated Roman knew Greek, do you think they would have quoted parts where the translator made shit up?

>> No.19909098

What the fuck are you even saying?
I know it's hard for autists to properly articulate their thoughts but this is ridiculous

>> No.19909101

Avoid Stephen Mitchell
Idk how it's not more common knowledge here that he's a fraud
Just look at the works he has 'translated', clearly there's no way he has such a high degree of competency in all the languages he 'translates' from
That said, I've never seen Stephen Mitchell's translation in any images posted here and it's not in the 'begin with the bronze age' image so i'm not sure what made you buy that edition
Well I thought he based his 'translation' on prior translations and not one he commissioned himself but basically
Also he completely reworked some of the chapters
Stephen Mitchells 'translation' of chapter 5
>The Tao doesn't take sides;
>it gives birth to both good and evil.
>The Master doesn't take sides;
>she welcomes both saints and sinners.
D C Lau's translation
>Heaven and earth are ruthless, and treat the myriad creatures as straw dogs;
>the sage is ruthless, and treats the people as straw dogs.
IIRC he said he didn't care about being accurate but just writing whatever was meaningful to him

>> No.19909107

You just restated what was said in the picture. Congratulations, you're retarded.

>> No.19909111

it's not. try again.

>> No.19909128

Are you actually this retarded, m8? If we have fragments, it's because they were quoted by someone else. And considering the fact that the person quoting those fragments knew Greek (all cultivated Romans did), he would never quote a fragment that was not an accurate translation of the Odissey. The fragments that survived are those that were accurate.

Now go with your dilator2000 or something.

>> No.19909130

isn’t there like a hundred different translation of the tao and they’re all completly different?

>> No.19909146

So then the author of the pic >>19909024 also made baseless claim.

>> No.19909159

It can be translated differently yes
Stephen Addiss & Stanley Lombardo
>Heaven and Earth are not kind: The ten thousand things are straw dogs to them.
>The Sage is not kind: People are straw dogs to him.
Michael LaFargue
>Heaven and Earth are not Good they treat the thousands of things like straw dogs
>The Wise Person is not Good he treats the hundred clans like straw dogs

>> No.19910877
File: 1.84 MB, 674x1560, 1627199606898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crooked image are fix

>> No.19910887
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you know what you bought OP

>> No.19910889

you didnt straighten them you just rearranged them autism

>> No.19910903

they are indeed straighten sir
bottom image u see is skewed so text is straight

>> No.19910930

I suspect that most modern 'translations' amount to this. Every new edition of Homer since Lattimore has simply been an amalgamation and rearrangement of previous translations and people putting their own spin on the text to make a quick buck or to push an agenda. Sure they might take a glance at the original but why bother when the work has already been done. Just take a 17th or 18th century translation and update it to modern grammar and style and your done.

>> No.19910941
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Mitchell sucks. Read the version by NK Sandars.

>> No.19910955

>not in cunyform

>> No.19910986

I've never read Gilgamesh before and I saw this exact version at a library, picked it up, and shut it as quickly as possible when I read that shit.

>> No.19911802

So what is actually the best translation that's still readable for someone who doesn't have a degree in ancient literature?

>> No.19912163

Norton Critical 2nd Ed.