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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 61 KB, 480x320, DSC_0223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2000921 No.2000921 [Reply] [Original]

She has read Foucalt's Pendulum, Molloy, Livro do Desassossego, The Dismemberment of Orpheus, Mythologies, Ficciones, Simulations and Simulacra, The Lotus Sūtra, and The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (and no, those aren't two different books, lol)

you've read 1984, ender's game, lolita, the catcher in the rye, the brothers karamazov and the entire 'a song of ice and fire' series

>> No.2000924

thank you for being the only good tripfag on /lit/ D&E

>> No.2000927

I haven't read a single book you just mentioned, actually.

>> No.2000928

AND i've just started hitch-22. i am miles ahead of that slut

>> No.2000934

>/lit/ is lists of books we've read

>> No.2000935

lol as if she hasn't read 1984. such a beginner's text.

go back to school, hun.

>> No.2000936
File: 103 KB, 227x251, itsfridayfortheblackman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've been hanging around too many capsguy threads

>> No.2000942


All of those except:

>Livro do Desassossego

Unless she's read and understood Phänomenologie des Geistes, I have little interest in her cigarillo of a reading list.

>> No.2000944

>posts something random as possible
business as usual

>> No.2000946

Oh yeah, well unless you've mastered the entire 道藏...

>> No.2000947

>Unless she's read and understood Phänomenologie des Geistes, I have little interest in her cigarillo of a reading list.


>> No.2000952
File: 28 KB, 505x411, 1311558434593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has no tits.
Argument invalid.

>> No.2000953

>brothers karamazov

I get the others, which are like really shallow books that the pseudointellectuals on /lit/ recommend all the time but why are these two on that list

honest question. I havent read lolita though

also I've read about half of the stuff listed for the half naked girl

>> No.2000955

Thankfully I've also taken an intro to crit theory class and so have read most of those works.

>deriding lolita

>> No.2000957


Because they're really shallow books that the pseudointellectuals on /lit/ recommend all the time.

>> No.2000958




>> No.2000960

is lolita really shallow or are you just saying that cause its well known? like I said I haven't read it yet. pale fire was good though.

also what was shallow about super karamazov bros.? is it shallow just because its an easier read than some of dostoyevsky's other work?

>> No.2000961
File: 66 KB, 360x330, 1301080140947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you make this thread, deep? Why?

>> No.2000962
File: 141 KB, 500x461, 1312378054208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> brownboar
> boar

I can't stop laughing.

>> No.2000963

I'm not allowed to recycle a thread I last posted like 4-5 months ago? Seriously?

>> No.2000964

I can't see why you'd WANT to.

>> No.2000965

You can if you like, but it does show a dearth of creativity. Also, why have you seemed down lately? Maybe I'm reading into it.

>> No.2000967


>> No.2000968

>Brothers Karamazov
>really shallow books

Forgive my ignorance, but could you please explain why?

>> No.2000969

>why have you seemed down lately?
I'm fine dude

>> No.2000970

1. She reads books and has a lively social life.
You sit around all day on 4chan making /lit/ troll threads.

2. She reads books and has a lively social life.
You sit around all day on 4chan posting in D&E threads.

pick one

>> No.2000971

>not saying lack
>using more obscure words when completely unnecessary
>using your vocabulary to diminish your ability to communicate instead of enriching it
>being an asshole

>> No.2000972

shes a 6/10 anyhow. 6.5 at best.

>> No.2000973

If the word "dearth" is obscure to you, you're probably an idiot.

>> No.2000975

> he recycles a cooooooltop thread from /fa/

Seriously, if you're getting your trolls from pooptop it's basically a sign that you're dead as a troll

>> No.2000977
File: 38 KB, 413x310, OrwellSuicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2000981

a lot of newfellows itt

>> No.2000982

clearly I know what it means, asshole. what I'm saying is that when you choose to use a word that in context means the exact same thing as another word that more people will know, you're being pretentious. there's no added specificity or connotations with the word "dearth"

and yes, "dearth" is ABSOLUTELY a more obscure word than "lack"

if this is a pattern that carries over into your real life communication then I'm afraid most people you meet probably think you're a blowhard

and before you ask, no, I don't call people out on this in real life, but I, and most other reasonable intelligent people I know, notice it when someone consistently uses 5 dollar words where a buck fifty would suffice

>> No.2000983

wow, so herp & derp has finally run out of trolls?

>> No.2000986

i think this is game over for deep & edgy

>> No.2000987

if this were anyone else i'd say "baby's first troll" but since it's d&e i have to say something like "weak, decrepit old man's last dying troll"

goodbye d&e

>> No.2000989

a lot of samefags too wow

>> No.2000992

this is stagolee level trolling

you've gone really downhill d&e

>> No.2000993

hmm, 3 sages and yet the topic was bumped

seems like someone is samefaggin'

>> No.2000994

RIP Deep&Edgy !pSkjEcB9sQ

he went out with a whimper and not with a bang

>> No.2000997

or just really mad

>> No.2000998

never thought i'd witness the day when d&e died

>> No.2000999

hey, it just occurred to me- are there any active non-troll /lit/ tripfags?

>> No.2001000

me, although I'm pretty busy right now

>> No.2001004

I missed this thread. Of those books, I've read Foucault's Pendulum, Molloy, Mythologies, Ficciones, Simulations and Simulacra and The Catcher in the Rye, the last of which I had to read for school. All the others from her list are books I now plan on reading.

I love D&E because he suggests such good books.

>> No.2001006

I'm not a regular on /lit/, so I have to ask: are the posters on here usually this dumb (>>2000982)? For some reason, I thought this board would celebrate language, in all its color and subtlety.

Oh well. Back to /sci/, I guess.

>> No.2001008

to be fair, d&e is going to get shit for anything he does because he's a fuckhead

saged for fuckhead thread

>> No.2001009

>are the posters on here usually this dumb (>>2000982)?
every board has a few bad apples. /lit/ has...more than a few....

>> No.2001012

> I thought this board would celebrate language, in all its color and subtlety.
haha I bet you're insufferable in real life

>> No.2001013

Thinking about it, I'm pretty sure I read Foucault's Pendulum and To the Lighthouse because of one of these threads.

>> No.2001014


also, deep's a really smart guy. clearly a troll, or more accurately a parody/persona, but he's no slouch in the thinking department.

>> No.2001015

oh yeah he knows stuff but he's also an insufferable troll

>> No.2001016

>She has read Foucault's Pendulum
Stopped reading there, I'm already impressed. This is a good novel.

It's unfortunate that she does not look very attractive in the provided picture.

I will need, however, further pictures to adequately judge.

>> No.2001017

I miss Tom Harper's threads.

>> No.2001018

You're projecting is getting embarrassing. Chill out dude.

>> No.2001021

seventy years later, the girl who read Foucalt's Pendulum, Molloy, Livro do Desassossego, The Dismemberment of Orpheus, Mythologies, Ficciones, Simulations and Simulacra, The Lotus Sūtra, and The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, passed away in her sleep alongside her husband who read 1984, ender's game, lolita, the catcher in the rye, the brothers karamazov and the entire 'a song of ice and fire' series. They now lay in a small cemetery not far from their home, side by side. Their gravestone states their names and their dates, nothing more.

>> No.2001023

nah, I'm not projecting

those people are annoying and I usually assume kinda dumb

>> No.2001025

so D&e has run out of trolls and has to rehash shit from /fa/?

>> No.2001026
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>> No.2001029

I miss his reaction images.
The david mitchell ones.
Not the ~twenty other personas he went through afterwards.

>> No.2001030

thanks for proving my point

almost half of those posts were poems

>> No.2001032

He must have had an existential crisis lol before killing himself
Anyway, Deep&Edgy is among top tier tripfriends and I value his opinions.

>> No.2001033


the paths of glory lead but to the grave, and all that

>> No.2001034
File: 106 KB, 489x400, retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 posts out of 24
>over half

>> No.2001035

Thanks for the recommendations, man.

Do you know which translation of the Book of Disquiet is considered better?
Maybe I should just buy the one with the prettier cover.

>> No.2001036

someones gonna point out I'm wrong so I retract my statement

>> No.2001038

I have missed this thread so much D&E, thank you. Are you gonna do those stylistic variations again? Those were the best.
love hakas

>> No.2001039

"dearth" is a more obscure word than "lack"

are you honestly disagreeing with this statement

>> No.2001042

"more obscure" doesn't factor into it; only "obscure"

"apple" is a more obscure word than "the"; this does not make it obscure

"dearth" isn't obscure

you should be happy there are posters deigning to explain these things to an intellectual peasant.

to deign means to do something beneath oneself

a peasant is a very poor person

>> No.2001049

So he's a very smart poor person?

Well that's just classist.

>> No.2001050

haha oh my god

seriously this is such a terrible personality trait to have

also I didn't say "obscure" on its own at any point in this thread, only "more obscure" so I guess l2readingcomprehension

>> No.2001056

also you've consistently responded to my accusations of pretension by condescending to me

so that's hilarious

>> No.2001057

ITT: pretentious hipsters

>> No.2001058

hi hak thanks I got a little discouraged after the last time I wrote one up in middle english tail-rhyme and maybe three or four people on the board got it. Maybe once every so often.

>> No.2001059

Will you two just marry each other already, jeez.

>> No.2001060

>also I didn't say "obscure" on its own at any point in this thread, only "more obscure" so I guess l2readingcomprehension

the statement "more obscure' doesn't factor into it; only 'obscure'" was a prescriptive one, not a descriptive one, which is to say I was asserting how you ought to look at language, not how you do look at language; ergo the only lack of reading comprehension is your own :]

>> No.2001061

you know something kid? you're all right

>> No.2001063

Okay but what do you have against intellectual peasants.

I don't see what being poor has to do with being intelligent and you're really mean.

>> No.2001064

>also you've consistently responded to my accusations of pretension by condescending to me
please point to one instance of that

>> No.2001066


>> No.2001067

are you kidding

>> No.2001068

Shut the fuck up you anti-intellectual fuckwit.

>> No.2001069
File: 93 KB, 580x300, makeitmoreobvious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2001070

uhm earlier you said "deigning" and u were nice enough to explain its meaning and you thought it was something beneath u that sounds condescending to me tsk tsk

>> No.2001071

actually that wasnt me

and I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic dude

>> No.2001072

You are a pretentious hipster.

>> No.2001074

Hey, Deep&Edgy? I rescued your troll thread. You're welcome.

>> No.2001075


*looks around for intellectuals to oppose*

nope just pretentious hipsters in here

>> No.2001080

I have the Richard Zenith translation. As I haven't read any other translations I can't make comparisons, but Zenith has translated the most of Pessoa into English out of all the others, including the collections "A Little Larger Than the Entire Universe" and "Fernando Pessoa & Co." Excellent, excellent stuff. When I first read Pessoa (via Zenith, of course) I was reminded of Nietzsche's letter to Overbeck: "I am utterly amazed, utterly enchanted. I have a precursor, and what a precursor! I hardly knew Spinoza: that I should have turned to him just now, was inspired by 'instinct'." Not that I place myself anywhere near Pessoa's eminence, it's just that we have (or more appropriately the heteronym Bernardo Soares and I have) so much in common in disposition, inclination, outlook on life, etc.

>> No.2001083

thanks man i appreciate it

>> No.2001084

>Using asterisks to convey actions

Oh, I wasn't aware that we were twelve years old playing erotic dungeons and dagos on AIM.

>> No.2001090

Ah, awesome. I feel something similar when I read Salinger. I really identify with Holden Caulfield.

Appreciate it though, I didn't want to get into some sort of Stephen Mitchell with Rilke mess over translations.

What do you have against dagos, you racist ass?

>> No.2001091


>implying to convey implications

Oh, I wasn't aware that we were twelve years old playing pretentious & intellectuals on 4chan

>> No.2001092

Brilliant thread OP. It's like metatrolling.

It seems to shed some value content every time its posted. I foresee a day when it will become a chant or kind of meditation prayer that guides one to transcendent enlightenment.

>> No.2001099


>I really identify with Holden Caulfield.

oh please be trolling me. you sound like every 20 year old male I've ever know to read that book

>> No.2001101

fucking christ you're insufferable

>> No.2001104

Has ANYONE posted a non-trolling response to this thread?

>> No.2001105

probably capsguy, he takes this shit way too seriously

>> No.2001106

The illiterate guy seems pretty genuine. Could be trolling though.

>> No.2001108

Man, I love you.

>> No.2001112

I think the guy at the beginning of the thread asking about Brothers Karamazov and Lolita was genuinely insecure.

>> No.2001113

I got the 2mil get. I don't have to answer to pretentious hipsters like you.

>> No.2001117

I'm only half-trolling

I definitely suspect the dude I was responding to is actually kind of pretentious (especially w/ his reaction) but I didnt think it was egregious enough to react to

>> No.2001127
File: 14 KB, 200x252, obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You mean "really bad".

>> No.2001221

nah, I don't cause "egregious" and "really bad" dont have literally exactly the same meaning in that context

>> No.2002079


>> No.2002091

deep and edgy is rehasing some awful trolls from that faggot from /fa/

has d&e jumped the shark? discuss

>> No.2002100
File: 33 KB, 400x388, sadfrog1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be cooooltop

>> No.2002116

Except they do.

You're dumber than you smell.

>> No.2002131

What is she going to read next?

>> No.2002138

Another shitty tripfag and their failure at trolling.


>> No.2002148

She seems to read mostly non-fiction. What other works fiction does she read?

>> No.2002165

> ficciones

I remember one thread d&e made a while ago about how Borges was shit because magical realism was shit because "there are no contradictions."

Basically, Borges is too deep and edgy for deep and edgy but he uses it to troll anyway.

>> No.2002175

ITT: chronicling the downfall of D&E, one of the tripfags of old.

A new era of tripfags is about to begin.

In other words, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

>> No.2002182

Borges is cool, stories like The Garden of Forking Paths, Funes the Memorious, The Library of Babel and The Lottery of Babylon all deal with the nature of reasoning and in some cases infinity itself is dealt with which appeals to me personally as a math major.

>> No.2002183
File: 103 KB, 809x620, VODKA64_kleophrades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg to differ. It's an axiom to say samfagG saying a-bit of on-your-mom-and-p-on'er.
>Inb4 one sayeth new-fag, or incoming-old fag with a name tag.

>> No.2002188
File: 50 KB, 311x311, wonka2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not reading books for show

>> No.2002201
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>> No.2002205 [SPOILER] 
File: 30 KB, 640x480, WUERR8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not unless We play a better game of hide-n-seek,
>poster double spoiled, avoided tripple spoiling 'whit a so-called schwierig (-)ped on the Promy* sense.
* >Those that liken themselves to be Prometheus are not Prometheus, since anyone Proclaiming to be the man who started the men on fire say. . .
-They are tortured artistz or /sci/entistz.
Heed this word many-a fellows: The way of being Promy is painful, but there is a way to be 'masochistic*' about it ---- There'll be a-lot less peeps to steal your ideas; They cannot comprehend you nor can they accept you as sane.
as seen on: >>1998096

>> No.2002222

jokes on you, I can't even read.

>> No.2002225

You must have just started using your trip in the last couple of days.

I hope you've realized that that was a mistake and will stop.

So far, it seems your gimmick/quirk/personality is to post various girls and type in a confusing manner where you replace words with their counterparts in various languages.

Your style is quite grating and will not be well received.

All the better I suppose, in trying to make you quit.

>> No.2002232

Every thread has one. /lit/ has d&e, although according to this thread it seems he's done. Same thing happened to Tragic what'shisface on /v/. And /tv/ is still infected with abatap. All I want to say is that given the chance, I would probably murder each of these people irl. Very slowly.

>> No.2002235


The best thing we can ever do to the /lit board is forced anon. That would clear up all these trolling tripfags.

Who the fuck goes to a anonymous imageboard bent on making a name for themself.

>> No.2002238

Typically people who feel they have no other way to achieve "prestige", "recognition", and "reputation".

>> No.2002242

It's seems rather stupid to even consider attempting to find such things on an anonymous imageboard...

>> No.2002250

>And /tv/ is still infected with abatap

You can't be serious. Does /tv/ even have Avatar threads anymore?

>> No.2002258
File: 38 KB, 442x661, Nietzsche_paul-ree_lou-von-salome188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the surface LV, that you've dissected. Additional eyes for you, which will scatter around, looking for all my mirthful merit at the Lake of Merritt.

>> No.2002259

>Does /tv/ even have Avatar threads anymore?

You're kidding me. Get yourself over there and wait for one to pop up. Or it will be a 'greatest film/character/scene/ending/cinematography of all time' thread, in which someone will criticize Avatar. And then it's only a matter of time until his holy one shows up. Although everyone knows who he is, so he technically isn't trolling anyone.

>> No.2002274

I haven't posted on /tv/ in over a year, and at that point Avatar was huge since the Blu-ray/DVD just hit, so there were Avatar threads everywhere.

Figured they'd have died down by now.

I bet Abatap samefags threads with his trip off to get the Avatar troll train rolling.

>> No.2002284 [DELETED] 

Her knees are too sharp, wouldn't bang.
Ugh, I swear.

>> No.2002305

Ok, but I'm a better writer than she is, so...

>> No.2002307

Yeah, there aren't as many Avatar threads as ones which manage to find Avatar brought up half way through the tread. At this point the thread is hopelessly derailed.

>I bet Abatap samefags threads with his trip off to get the Avatar troll train rolling.

What's frightening is that it's so obvious it's him, yet there are always some people who fall into the trap.

Are you abatap?

>> No.2002315

Again, /lit/ assumes that reading = understanding.

Oh, the more things change the more they _________.

>> No.2002323

I hope you idiots know that 4chan was founded on trip culture and that it took a long time for ANON IS LIEJUN XDDDDDDDDDDDDD to show up

>> No.2002333

>trip culture

super cool false dichotomy you cuntnugget

>> No.2002334



>> No.2002336

I hope you know that 4chan was founded by people who were banned from SomethingAwful so they made their own website.

>> No.2002339

Go fuck yourself

>> No.2002342
File: 23 KB, 378x454, ZIGGY_LE_BLANC_BOW2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are we to claim the memes which were start'd by my (and other trips) singularity*
-Anons travail-in' their way up to trips por
c'est here amour.
*>Second most popular (-)def.<

>> No.2002350


hahaha trip culture.

laugh at this newfag, laugh at him.

>> No.2002363

Go fuck yourself

>> No.2002383
File: 122 KB, 1000x835, tripcode good thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2002388
File: 571 KB, 640x480, 1312945608489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Writes name in picture

>> No.2002392

>tripfag circlejerk
Don't give them attention, you fuckheads. Ignore them and everything will be fine.

>> No.2002395

somebody please shop dicks onto quentin's face or whatever you want just so we can all post that version in response every time he spreads his cheeks and plops this down.

>> No.2002400

Go fuck yourself

>> No.2002401

>Simulations and Simulacra

Would she not rather read something that she would enjoy?
Surely not Baudrillard. Surely not.

>> No.2002409

>didn't do cardio

>> No.2002443

Well, that was silly. I was just banned for a day, but it's already the next day in EST so it's gone.

I was auto-banned without it posting the post because of a banned url.

I know there are few other sites that will ban you if try to post them, but it's still annoying.

I can only assume that the site is banned because the of person's past history with 4chan oh so many years ago.

Oh well. This works better anyway.


>> No.2002677

Baudrillard is a fucking retarded french piece of shit wannabe philosopher who vented his aids infested syphilis slathered shitty thoughts to mindless groups of french "lycéens". If you read any of his work and you honestly pretend to either enjoy it or be inspired then you are a fucking idiot of astronomical proportions.

OP you are dirt poor and when you and your fuck ugly donkey witch of a girlfriend die all you will have accomplished absolutely fuck all, I bet your families are sure proud to have someone with a tripcode directly associated to them!

I only come on this website to hopefully anger plebs like you. Don't bother replying because I've left the thread. You're a sack of shit faggot and I hope you and your family die of starvation and super aids, you turbo fuck.

btw I had a great time writing this.

>> No.2002684

This is why I come to /lit/

>> No.2003602

Ficciones is a collection of short stories. Livro do Desassossego is part diary, part poetry. Molloy and Foucault's Pendulum are the only novels. The rest are non-fiction. What other novels has she read?

>> No.2003605

Why are you referring to novels as some kind of distinction from the rest?

>> No.2003613

I laughed heartily, even though I'm 99% sure that wasn't sincere.

>> No.2003627

this thread is great, the death of a tripfag. if only we could get rid of the rest

>> No.2003634

Oh my god! Someone has read something more intellectual or more challenging or more highbrow or deeper or harder or better or faster or stronger than me! Better catch up! For the sake of my what exactly

>> No.2003641

Reading for pleasure? What faggot shit is that! I only read so I can try to make a name for myself on a anonymous imageboard.

Reading, the ultimate competition!

>> No.2003650

except d&e is good and the abatap on /tv/ isn't even the real one, lol.

why haven't you been posting much, d&e? where am i supposed to find books to read now if not from your suggestions?

>> No.2003654


d&e found. why to out yourself, faggot.

>> No.2003657

lol ok bro

>> No.2003667

d&e has hit a new low

>> No.2003672

tripfags in general have hit a new low.

>> No.2003691

>why haven't you been posting much, d&e?
been busy, sorry mang

>> No.2003708

D&E what happened to all your tripfag buddies like Brownbear?

>> No.2003712

We're entering the Second Age of /lit/ tripdom.

Even D&E will be forgotten once it's ended.

>> No.2003729


He doesn't have enough time to sock puppet all those accounts.

>> No.2003775

>why haven't you been posting much, d&e?
> been busy, sorry mang

Busy is relative considering he used to spend his entire days (not exaggerating) on /lit/.