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/lit/ - Literature

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2007833 No.2007833 [Reply] [Original]

It wasn't terrible by any stretch of the imagination, and it wasn't as lazily short as some of his other works, but it wasn't great either. Still glad I read it, because I'm a Bolanofag, but still. Thankfully it just came out in paperback, literally a week ago, so I got it a third the original price roughly.

>> No.2007838

another book read by sunhawk

another book rated 4/10 by sunhawk

another thread made by sunhawk

just another day in the life of sunhawk

>> No.2007842

What do normal people like?
Sunhawk likes the opposite of that.

>> No.2007843

If my life resembled anything remotely similar to yours, I would have ended it a long time ago

god you are so pathetic

>> No.2007848

don't do it, sunhawk

i think you're probably cute

just keep on keeping on

>> No.2007852


'sandwiches', if that IS your real name, do you post at another forum I go to? Because it seems to be that you do.

>> No.2007859

Also, I'd be amazed if anyone in this topic had READ the book, the same book they're criticising me for not liking enough.

>> No.2007864

sandwiches is my real name, it's on my birth certificate

and i don't think i do but i've been known to start cults of the sandwiches

>> No.2007867


What you said sounded very similar to the stuff people I used to talk to* on another forum used to say. I dunno. I call shenanigans.

*I left because all they read was fantasy, and not even much good stuff

>> No.2007884

> I left because all they read was fantasy, and not even much good stuff

fantasy and sandwiches don't go together

but awesome thread, great job!

>> No.2007885
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Just taking the opportunity to say a few things in Sunhawk's favour.

I mean he honestly doesn't deserve half the flaming he gets. He reads good stuff, for the most part, by well regarded but not necessarily overly ubiquitous authors (this you must admit is admirable), and if his taste seems a little lacking at times, I'm happy to be generous and put it down to a lack of literary experience. I've been reading almost since I could talk and I still haven't got things down the way they should be in terms of taste and just general literary hermeneutics.

He also lacks the breadth of a superior reader, and can't really make up for it with his in-depth knowledge of the Yates and Atwood he perhaps indulged in a little. Whatever, give the kid some time, he'll learn to enjoy variety more soon.

At the very least, you can help him and not take the opportunity to nickel-and-dime yourself a few elitist points. Point out the issues with his judgements, show him where the intellectual gratifications lie, it's doable.

At the very least, remember he's not telling us how much he enjoyed the Wheel of Time series.

>> No.2007888
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I like Sunhawk, I think he's cute.

>> No.2007889

oh hi sunhawk

>> No.2007902

>Whatever, give the kid some time, he'll learn to enjoy variety more soon.

The dude is pushing 40. He's no kid.

>> No.2007907

Sunhawk is a regular for Current Events, a GameFAQs large social board.

You can only read and post when you're registered, but you can view it at this page: www.lurkerfaqs.com

Also everybody from that boards knows Sunhawk is a faggot.

>> No.2007911


'Pushing 40'? I'm in my mid-20s.


Thanks Caracalla.

So, I was wondering. Is the reason I've been getting so much hate these last couple of months, because I stick to the same authors so much? Is that it? I don't know if I deserve hatred for that, but I do read the same 12 men and women a lot. I just never feel confortable trying someone new, so I play it safe. I knwo this is a failing, and one that apparently people here don't like.

>> No.2007914
File: 34 KB, 349x450, 130-034~Shirley-Temple-Posters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw

>> No.2007917


Wow, what a great site, I didn't even know it existed. That's pretty cool. How has nobody told me about this before?

And I've mentioned before I post on gamefaqs, it's not a terrible secret you're 'revealing'. Don't get too excited about it.

>> No.2007918

Who cares? He'd still have time in his 90s to improve his literary appreciation.

Cool, but he's behaved himself here, so I've little problem where his extra-curricular time goes and how it's spent

>> No.2007922

Try variety, seriously.

How about we make this a 'recommend good shit to sunhawk thread'?

>> No.2007943

I don't have your list of books read, so this may be a little hit and miss.

Since you like Richard Yates, I recommend John Updike (Rabbit Run, The Centaur, Couples (just for the prose and great erotica)) and Philip Roth (Human Stain, American Pastoral).

Since you like Robert Bolano, I recommend Don Delillo (Underworld, Falling Man) and Nabokov (Lolilta, Pale Fire).

Since you like Vargas Llosa, I recommend Saramago (Blindness) and Mann (Buddenbrooks)

>> No.2007964
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sunhawk for president of /lit/ :)

>> No.2007969

Seconding these, try Nabokov's Lolita, DeLillo's Mao II and Saramago's Blindness or Balthasar and Bilimunda.

>> No.2007981

gamespot.com, ign.com, kotaku.com, gamespy, selectbutton.net, giantbomb.com

they seem like your sort of sites Sunhawk you'll love'em

>> No.2007998

jellymad as usual lol

>> No.2008002
File: 48 KB, 355x474, tumblr_locqds62j81qg22e0o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> teeheehee u so fahny deep&edgy

>> No.2008004

be careful deep, we all know how much you like to play Vampire: The Masquerade-Bloodlines with your bumchum, JamesBond.