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20158939 No.20158939 [Reply] [Original]

Knight of Astora Oscar Edition

Previous Thread:>>20152583

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.20158960
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What are you guys currently or planning on reading?

Been reading The Darkness that comes before. That's what I am reading, what about you guys?

>> No.20158968
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vita nostra is the april book club read
>russian magic school

>> No.20158976
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Just about to start Birthgrave by Tanith Lee. I liked her short story and commentary in Songs of Dying Earth so maybe this'll be good

>> No.20158985

I started the Darkness that Comes Before 2, but haven't been able to get into it

>> No.20159035
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Why isn't David Gemmell more popular?


>> No.20159056
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Reading Warcraft The Last Guardian right now, it's about Medivh. Warcraft is probably my favorite universe up until Legion. Legion lore was great but I don't know what the fuck they're doing now.

>> No.20159100
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Oscillating between the second trilogy in that series, the Sharpe historical novels and psych literature on rare(r) personality disorders.

>> No.20159166

I read that a few months back. Poor Khadgar, with a bad fate in fiction.
It did make me wonder: When Medivh was fucking Garona, do you think Sargeras was actively paying attention?

>> No.20159170

>rarer personality disorders
You have my attention.
t. Psychfag

>> No.20159197

is johnny mnemonic in burning chrome (collection) or not?
downloaded three different files and it's not in any of them I'm going crazy

>> No.20159235

is Malazan Book of the Fallen any good?

>> No.20159314

I will report back, I barely started it this morning.

>> No.20159411

It is, but it's also asking a lot of the reader.

>> No.20159422

No, it's a mess. I enjoyed the first book, but the rest had very little in common with it.
It takes the whole jumping to a new PoV character every chapter cliche to the extreme, not only does it do that within each book, but every book jumps to a completely new cast of characters, most of whom you've never heard of. In one case it jumps to a completely new continent with a plot that is completely unrelated to all the books that came before it.
Half of it reads like a pen and paper campaign, half of it reads like a movie screenplay for a dumb Michael Bay film.
Characters also never get proper development. They get the start of a character arc, then the book ends, and they show up 4 books later as a tOtAl BaDaSs for an action scene, then go right back to being totally irrelevant.

Malazan is a decent trilogy hidden inside 10 books of shite.

>> No.20159449

Trull = Itkovian > Bugg/Tehol > Beak

>> No.20159467

Thanks for the replies. I was only planning on reading the first book anyway, because the series is not translated into my language and only the first book is available in English.

>> No.20159505

Just finished a Dance with Dragons. Will watching the show ruin my experience with the books or is it worth it just to see how much they fucked it up after they run out of book material?

>> No.20159514

The show is mostly a waste of time. It's innofensive at its best and just regular old low effort bad most of the time. If you're going to sink a bunch of time into watching something, you might as well watch something entertaining like Stargate SG1.

>> No.20159529

The discord is overrun by trannies, don't join

>> No.20159541
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I'd "read" her.

>> No.20159555

I remember somebody posted the top 100 Fantasy books on Amazon right now and she was 3 or 4 of the top 50. Granted there was also shifter shit on there, so I'm not sure the top 100 is a mark for quality.

>> No.20159558

>Granted there was also shifter shit on there
What the fuck is the deal with this shit? Why is there so much of it? It's everywhere, and it's all shit.

>> No.20159570

I have no idea. I'm not even sure how much of it is erotica or not, but it seems to be the trend right now. There's also a lot of female-oriented fantasy romance shit involving what looks like "normal peasant girl becomes entwined with powerful otherworldly man". Look for yourself.

>> No.20159577

I hate that litrpg shit is actually that popular.

>> No.20159579

>#58 is Dad Bod Dragon
>The cover is just some shirtless guy
Fantasy has peaked, surely.

>> No.20159582

I don't think it's necessarily bad, it's just a tool and a lot of people misuse it. He Who Fights With Monsters is pretty well-written for what it is, but I haven't read basically any of the others on that list.

>> No.20159663
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I've started it yesterday as well

>> No.20159682

The greatest Sci-Fi author who ever lived was Michael Crichton

The greatest Fantasy author who ever lived was David Eddings

The greatest Horror author who ever lived was William Peter Blatty

<span class="xae" data-xae="happy">😀[/spoiler]<span class="xae" data-xae="kiss">😙[/spoiler]<span class="xae" data-xae="glad">😊[/spoiler]

>> No.20159730

That being said, that's an hourly chart so to get an accurate idea would need to follow it over a long period of time or find a longer time duration list.
<img class="xae" data-xae width="27" height="28" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/6476e57d_weSmart.png">

>> No.20159739

Note: All emotes have been enabled for everyone.
<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/6f5bc7e5_PillowYes.png"><img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/6f5bc7e5_PillowYes.png"><img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/6f5bc7e5_PillowYes.png">:PillowYes::PillowYes:

>> No.20159754
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>> No.20159771

Just finished reading Ubik. Man what a book. Phillip K Dick simply never misses.

>> No.20159806
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Sanderson's dialogue <span class="xae" data-xae="rofl">🤣[/spoiler] <span class="xae" data-xae="rofl">🤣[/spoiler] <span class="xae" data-xae="rofl">🤣[/spoiler]

>> No.20159812

<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/1e4d8dfa_PillowNo.png">

>> No.20159827

I loved it so much dude. Try A Maze of Death next.

>> No.20159973
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i liked buy these old sf books

>> No.20159978

No wonder east euros are poorfags

>> No.20160000

You will love it if you hate stannis

>> No.20160004

they have better translations and covers also fuck you

>> No.20160036

i think these are some cool paperbacks

>> No.20160161

Hello fellow Bakker Chad. I am re-reading the Warrior Prophet.

I rank them
Warrior Prophet
Thousandfold Thought
The Unholy Consult
The Darkness That Comes Before
The Great Ordeal
The White Luck Warrior
The Judging Eye

>> No.20160234

Anybody here read hard sci-fi? I'm thinking of writing a story on a German ornithologist doing field research in Tibet (as an excuse to do some basic self-study of the natural sciences) but I'm unfamiliar with the genre. I don't want to write the usual sci-fi tales of space/time travel, aliens, and robots. What kind of stories are like this: small-scale, cozy, down-to-earth, sensuous

>> No.20160296

That doesn't sound like it would contain any speculative elements at all. So, really it would just be fiction and relevant to this general at all.

>> No.20160303

*not relevant

>> No.20160429
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>> No.20160450

Warrior Prophet > Darkness That Comes Before > Great Ordeal > White-Luck Warrior > Unholy Consult > Judging Eye > Thousandfold Thought

I found TTT lackluster

>> No.20160529

It's a sci-fi general, though.

>> No.20160537

Are there any books that are similar to Elden Ring or even Dark Souls?

>> No.20160539

>William Peter Blatty

>> No.20160560

I stopped reading at the warrior prophet. If it's truly the best one then this series is not worth continuing. I enjoyed darkness much more.

>> No.20160563

Read Gene Wolfe.

>> No.20160564
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I see cool fantasy literature just released in my country
It called Harry Potter by JKR
Have you read?

>> No.20160573
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Book of the Short sun > botls > botns
Pateta Silk > Severian = Horn

>> No.20160603

I don't think you understand what science fiction is.

>> No.20160607

Only if you don't mind quitting cold turkey after season 4, because everything after that is pretty much worthless and includes a few confirmed spoilers for future books (provided there will be any).

>> No.20160629

More specifically, that would be contemporary fiction. If you were say writing it set in the past, then it would be historical fiction.

>> No.20160660
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Its in mine, opening story to boot

>> No.20160662

Perhaps, I'm ignorant. I thought my story was sci-fi if science was central to the story.

>> No.20160664
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What do you guys think of Mark Lawrence's Broken Empire Trilogy? Haven't read much but enjoying it so far

>> No.20160668

I cant disagree with any of this

>> No.20160670

hot garbage
edgy but in a bad mary sue sort of way, i regret reading it

>> No.20160677
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>> No.20160685

Damn there is a lot of /ss/ in the later Dune books.

>> No.20160693

I liked them, they get better as the trilogy progresses too.

>> No.20160711

R. Scott Bakker - The Darkness That Comes Before
also videogames rot your brain

>> No.20160738

That isn't the case, but good luck anyway.

>> No.20160739

wtf sisters? I thought harry potter was cancelled...

>> No.20160740

>also videogames rot your brain
The irony of this from the Bakkerposter.

>> No.20160746

I don't see anything wrong except
>"I suppose," Dockson said. "But isn't he supposed -"

>> No.20160759

You may also want look into

>> No.20160767

It overuses dialogue tags in a two-person conversation, when they can be dropped after the first couple of uses. The dialogue itself is fine, a little "obviously heist movie dialogue", but that's the intent, Mistborn's first book has a heist movie-style set up.

>> No.20160782

yeah, wikipedia and stuff says it's the first one.
but all 3 I've looked at are missing it and start with Gernsback. very odd

>> No.20160787

He could stand to omit "X said" a few times, unless he thinks his readers are too dumb to keep track in a conversation between two people. Maybe break it up with actions, like:
>"All right." Dockson shrugged.

>> No.20160788

There's nothing wrong with He said She said. It would be cleaner if it was every 3 or 4 lines, sure. It's only really obnoxious when there's a new thing every sentence.
>"I like cheese," he stated out loud.
>"Well I don't," she disagreed.
>"But you must admit," he demanded. "Cheese is quite good."
>"It's fine for some people," she reasoned. "But not for me."

>> No.20160793

>There's also a lot of female-oriented fantasy romance shit involving what looks like "normal peasant girl becomes entwined with powerful otherworldly man"
That's how fantasy is these days. Go on instagram and A LOT of anything literature related is that brand of YA/romance.

The titles are also usually:
>The... of... and
>A... of... and

>> No.20160806

Said is perfectly fine, yeah, because "said" is functionally invisible. Readers will often just learn to skip it and only really acknowledge the speaker. That excerpt isn't a stellar example of Sanderson's writing to begin with (Mistborn era 1 is just overall pretty rough, with some decent moments and a good enough ending), so it's a bit odd to use an excerpt from... I think his second-ever published book as an example of how bad his dialogue writing is.

>> No.20160853

Amazon top 100 has been like that for years:
>30% paranormal romance/borderline erotica
>25% litRPG
>all of Harry Potter
>a smattering of hugely popular authors like Tolkien and GRRM
>whatever happens to have gotten an adaptation recently (currently Dune and Wheel of Time)

>> No.20160869

I always feel a little depressed that Harry Potter is STILL so high-selling. I get it's a cultural phenomenon, but it's just... Eh? So was Fifty Shades but that sort of faded.

>> No.20160896

Mostly people looking for things to read to their children, I think. For that much, it's perfectly adequate.

>> No.20160919

What would you prefer the composition to be?

>> No.20160920

I suppose so. There's not really anything else that's particularly child-friendly (more YA at best) in that top 100.

>> No.20160922

I love it because as much as I hate JKR's politics I hate her haters' politics more. Seeing her consistently sell books to this day means there's some small measure of hope in the world. Plus it's not like anyone has written anything better.

>> No.20160923


>> No.20160931

I'm not really saying anything has to specifically replace it, I'm just surprised that the whole series is still selling so well. I guess it's just how it is, but hey.

>> No.20160935

Bakker fags have really ruined the idea of me ever reading him.

>> No.20160983

Decent first book, weird second, the third is kinda meh. Overall I'd say it's just average, but as in decent writing, but the ideas, plot and characters are overall unfulfilling.

>> No.20160993

60% Sarah J Maas 30% Xianxia 10% my novel desu

>> No.20160999
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I won't lie, the synopsis unironically made me interested in reading. Looks exactly what it is, and seems just the right amount of self-aware.

>> No.20161000

its okay but unsatisfying desu
better than some of Lee's other works, but that just means she's nothing spectacular
on the plus side the third book ends with the heroine having sex with her own son which is based

>> No.20161003

1. Bakker spammer hasn't even read Bakker since he keeps cycling the same 3 tired memes about black seed and honey of anuses
2. How weak-willed are you if a bunch of shitposts on tibetan sand mandala forum prevent you from reading certain authors?

>> No.20161008

God that cover feels like a shitpost. It's "stock photo dadbod guy" and "stock dragon image" on a vague background.

>> No.20161015

Sarah J Maas is already up there quite a bit. Woman sells a LOT somehow.

>> No.20161017

Honestly one of my favorite things in the romance genre. I'm so fucking tired of srs shit. I read books for entertainment. Don't try to get fucking philosophical by killing off every main character except the street rat they saved on page 32.

>> No.20161021

What's HEA even stand for? Humourous Erotic Action?

>> No.20161026

happily ever after

>> No.20161031

I feel a little saddened I didn't even consider that. Most novels would have just used "lighthearted" there I think, but shifter romance shit seems to have its own fucking vocabulary for everything.

>> No.20161033
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now we're cooking

>> No.20161037

It's nothing to do with shifter. It's a general romance tag that spoils the ending so you don't have to guess before reading it.

>> No.20161050

Compared to males, females are less aroused by actual pornography and more by fictional scenarios.
She sells thinly disguised wanking material, and she seems to be good at it (or at least at promoting herself).

>> No.20161055

Fair. Romance stuff in general isn't something I ever read. Romantic subplots I can like but I'm never a fan of things where the romance is the whole plot because almost every romance story seems to consist of a bunch of people being idiots until they're fucking each other.

>> No.20161067

There is plenty better magic school wizard books. Read anything else.

>> No.20161070

Please tell me you have some good recommendations for that, preferably fantasy-related.

>> No.20161077

Almost every epic fantasy story seems to consist of a bunch of people being idiots until they're killing each other.

>> No.20161081

Genuine question, which ones? I've known a few, and read a couple, but not too familiar with that many.

>> No.20161082

Readying about gay kinky rape monsters doesn't?

>> No.20161111

Too me personally, Lev Grossman's 'Magicians' is the best wizard school story I've seen. Also, Trudi Canavan's Black Magician trillogy.

>> No.20161130

>What do you guys think of Mark Lawrence's Broken Empire Trilogy? Haven't read much but enjoying it so far
Dropped the first book. Found it boring, and it read like a 16-year-old wannabe edgelord wrote it.

>> No.20161138

Oh shit, Trudi Canavan's stuff, I think I read some of those. Isn't that the one where the protagonist leaves without telling anybody but his best friend but his best friend trips and smashes his head and becomes incoherent so everybody thinks he's dead by the time he comes back? Or am I mistaking that with another series. It was definitely something I read 10-odd years ago.

>> No.20161150

These are both shit.

>> No.20161159

Maybe it's some rights issue with the ebook

>> No.20161173
File: 279 KB, 1012x1350, Dzin-Volf-Senka-mucitelja-RETKO-Polaris_slika_O_87051513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i get it for 25$? its the only issue in my language

The shadow of the torturer

>> No.20161185

Dimiter niggas represent

>> No.20161202

God no, it is shit in original, it can only be shit in translated

>> No.20161274
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just heard peter watts complain that you can't kill fishermen in animal crossing and then compare it to skyrim

>> No.20161280


>> No.20161284

peter watts is books

>> No.20161298

If you can read English I don't see why you'd spend money on a translation, cover's cool though

>> No.20161378
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>God no, it is shit in original

>> No.20161445

What are the linguistic differences amongst the different regions of Westeros?

>> No.20161468

Exactly the same as the differences between English accents in the UK

>> No.20161487

Why are the wildlings able to perfectly understand the people south of the wall despite being separated for 8,000 years?

>> No.20161496

This is unrelated to Westeros, but is an example of languages.

>> No.20161513

the wildlings still trade with the Watch

>> No.20161515
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yeah, trade bussies

>> No.20161517

25 for the first book alone? Paperback? Surely you can get a better deal.

>> No.20161523

How often and in what interval? How does that explain every single wildling being able to understand the people south of the wall and not just the ones who do the actual trading with the Night’s Watch?

>> No.20161536
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Cnaiur has the perfect body, he is peak performance

>> No.20161540
File: 13 KB, 170x246, 9F15DC22-8CFB-4E51-81BB-58CC916311CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A liberal homosexual feminist Protestant was teaching a class on George R.R. Martin, known hack

”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Gurm and accept that Planetos is the greatest fantasy setting of all time even greater than Arda!”

At this moment, a brave, patriotic, British WW1 veteran who had served 1500 tours of duty on the Somme and understood the necessity of war and fully supported all decisions made by Butcher Haig stood up.

”What are the linguistic differences among the peoples of Westeros?”

The arrogant proddie smirked quite schismatically and smugly replied “There is the Old Tongue and the Common Tongue, you stupid warmonger”

”Wrong. There should be hundreds of dialects. If the Wall is 8000 years old as you say, how can the Wildlings and Northmen understand one another?”

The HBO shill was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of A World of Ice and Fire. He stormed out of the room crying those redditor crocodile tears. The same tears redditors (who today live in such luxury most can afford sex changes) cried when Missandei was beheaded. There is no doubt that at this point our sola scriptura-faggot wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a garbage pulp fiction fan. He wished so much he could die a glorious death in battle, but he had sworn to always be a draft dodger!

The students applauded and became Tolkien fans that day and accepted the Pope as their Lord and Master. A giant eagle named “Thorondor” flew into the room and perched atop the flag of Gondor and shed a tear on the White Tree. Beowulf was read in the original Old English several times, and Eru Ilúvatar himself showed up and enacted Aragorn's flat rate tax policy across the universe.

The Lutheran was fired the next day and sunset found him squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up he was shitting brown water.

>> No.20161549

I'm not sure how often they trade but they do have a history of trading (especially at Eastwatch?), and up to at least as recently as when Varamyr was a child. I think it makes more sense for the southern wildlings to speak it since they are still in contact with those who speak common and are closer. The guys like the Thenns and the other tribes way further north not really speaking common well makes sense though

>> No.20161555

I just finished rereading WoT, jesus christ the last three were rough to finish. I remember them not being so trash but I guess nostalgia crept up on me.
It was like reading fanfiction.

>> No.20161582

What's a good 2-4 book fantasy series? I've read LotR, most of The Black Company, Asoiaf. Is The First Law any good?

>> No.20161604

because advancement of civilisation did not happen, therefore language also stayed roughly the same, obviously 8000 years is bit of strech, but still believable.

>> No.20161633

Name of the Wind

>> No.20161687

we lost

>> No.20161700
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Blond Beast reigning supreme
In the land of brownies and blacks
Can't compete even in a dream
This is reality and this is facts

>> No.20161705

dubs confirm

>> No.20161709

I’m unironically going to make a bideo game that rips off Bakker’s worldbuilding and story, but doesn’t credit him.

>> No.20161750


>> No.20161753

Less effort than even a twitter screencap post. Sad!

>> No.20161842
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This is really good.

>> No.20161853

I prefer his short fiction.

>> No.20161858

>astute social commentary in poignant, revelatory prose
now I really don't want to read it

>> No.20161861
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>> No.20161862

should i reread the Xanth series or the Discworld series nexT?

>> No.20161868

>Hugo and Nebula award winning
How to tell me not to read your book in one simple sentence.

>> No.20161883

ok retard

>> No.20161889


>> No.20161892


>> No.20161894

Characters are the most important part of stories. So why do most authors make them awful? This is what books get more wrong than any other medium.

>> No.20161902

general sff fan is a complete social retard

>> No.20161905

What you fags reading?


>> No.20161907

Any good works of Chinese myth or fantasy that can be recommended to me?

>> No.20161912

Because most authors are autists and autists can't write characters for shit.

>> No.20161917

The Kalevala

Vainamoinen has clawed his way out of the sky mommy and then a gnome clad in bronze emerged from the sea and turned in to a giant in order to hew an oak that had grown so big it was causing nature to cease function

>> No.20161920

Journey to the West is one of the great East Asian classics

>> No.20161921

Plot is most important. You can have a story with cardboard cutouts, but a story with no plot just falls apart. Plus, "character" is only revealed through action.

>> No.20161939

Overall Chinese fiction is better than western. But when it comes to their fantasy, I just can't get over silly shit like qigong and acupuncture.

>> No.20161945

Over halfway through Reaper now. Mercy just ascended.
No honking.

>> No.20161947

>Plot is most important.
Good enough characters can make a story about watching paint dry entertaining. I have never seen a book with bad characters that was still enjoyable, no matter how great the plot.

>> No.20161948

O' most illustrious poster, this groveling wretch extends his most meager offering, a work of no great value, that might amuse you only in its foolishness, The Wallet of Kai Lung

>> No.20161963

All bakkerfags are womanish weepers

>> No.20161984

Just read Discworld it's never a bad idea.

>> No.20161992

Good characters can save a bad story or setting. Bad characters can't be saved by a good story or setting.

>> No.20162033

Thank you

>> No.20162164
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Fake news, Bakkerchads are one of the few posters who have long form discussions about meaningful subjects, they also keep the threads running and detect false prophets like sandersnoy and other pozzed writers and they help the thread get rid of them.

>> No.20162171

t. weeper

>> No.20162181

'sarrite. Lyonesse is pretty great. Maybe hit some YA classics like Earthsea or Sabriel.

>> No.20162187

Bakkerchads are the pillar that holds /sffg/ together, without them this board will be about pozzed authors and women protagonists, people will be avatar posting about their protag "waifu" and make us look like clowns, because of bakkerchads, we are based, without them, we are pozzed.

>> No.20162205


>> No.20162211


>> No.20162214

You're just like cnaiur coping about not being gay. Weeper.

>> No.20162216

Based and red pilled.

>> No.20162218

Well we had a good run but he's here to shit the place up again because we can't be discussing actual books.

>> No.20162219

>giving up this easily
You're more womanish than bakkerfags.

>> No.20162230

>discussing actual books.
Don't even know why they're here if they hate discussing books.

>> No.20162330

Sons of the Harpy are the good guys, you can’t prove me wrong

>> No.20162363

I can prove you wrong easily, they have horns and look scary, which makes them the bad guys.

>> No.20162441


>> No.20162454

As if you wouldn't do the same in his shoes

>> No.20162480
File: 68 KB, 360x553, tamakojiprethodi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to curate my kindle to have the best version of every cover, and it annoys me how bad the cover is. The Serbian cover is way better.

>> No.20162483

Bro I would destroy her "books" with me "eyes" if you know what I mean

>> No.20162505
File: 29 KB, 640x480, PunishedWolfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the future the Catholics want for us...

>> No.20162552

planet of adventure
cadwal chronicles
gentlemen bastards
tuf voyaging
demon princes

>> No.20162582

It’s trash and rothfuss will never finish the third book.

>> No.20162592

good question, but i think the standard answers will apply where he was too late to be a formative influence and then got swamped by the new wave stuff that captured most of the prestige/renown in the 60s-80s. SFF is all part of the publishing industry and it's all based on a leveraged model where success begets more success and failure begets more failure. the drenai series didn't really fit that high/epic fantasy doorstopper paradigm that all the other fantasy successes in the 80s-00s were fitting.

best way fix it is to read them yourself and spread the good news to others willing to listen.

>> No.20162597

I’m finishing The Transmigration of Timothy Archer. I have Gun, with Occasional Music, The Accelerando and Axioms End. Deciding which to read first. I was leaning toward Accelerando.

>> No.20162616

I think another part of it is he simply played it too safe, with almost all of his stories being heavily based in history. Taking inspiration from history can help, but in his case he simply uses too much of it and it makes his stories feel dry, there's nothing novel or interesting about his settings or cultures, they're all just not!british or not!mongols.

>> No.20162630

i love it. it's my favorite series. i find it to be particularly well-written as far as fantasy goes, with a wide variety of very realistic characters as well as a series of interlocking epic plots. there's a lot of trope inversion, especially in the first 4-5 books, that stands out for its time and place within the broader SFF publishing universe. i've read the whole series at least 3 times through, and probably read 1-3 at least 6 or 7 times in late high school/early college alone (this was before 4+ had been published in US).

that said, it's not everyone's cup of tea. book 1 REALLY filters people. some people complain about the sheer number of characters or how many feel duplicative or that it always seems like erikson has copied/pasted act v, scene 1 of hamlet.

if you're fully happy/satisfied reading something like sanderson, this probably isn't for you. if you really like the grimdark stuff because you just revel in how horrible people are, this isn't for you. if you are interested in well-written epic fantasy with a deeply humanistic message and can stand to be challenged as a reader rather than spoon-fed every detail about lore/world-building, give it a chance.

>> No.20162683

Rip off what exactly? Bakkers worldbuilding isn't all that unique, he's more of a philosophy/characters kind of guy. And the more interesting ideas aren't going to work much in a videogame. Unlike GURM he doesn't have dozens of wacky pokemon houses with personal banners and mottos. Also, Second Apocalypse is such an obscure series you can probably buy a copyright from Bakker for a few hundred bucks.

>> No.20162685

>8,000 years is a bit of a stretch
>still believable
>i have no conception of what's realistic and what's not

nigga, we had the great english vowel shift like 500 years ago and would struggle to communicate clearly with someone before that without a translator.

the only reason languages seem so fixed today is because of the invention of the printing press and the spread of literacy. without that effectively freezing the rules for a particular language in place, it's going to change rapidly (sometimes over timelines as short as several generations). expecting everyone in the 7 kingdoms to 1) speak the same, singular language but without widespread literacy and printing presses, and 2) be able to speak easily with wildlings who have been isolated by the wall for 8+ millennia and whose only interactions are with giants, thenns, and maybe children of the forest is...well, it certainly isn't rock-solid or realistic world-building.

i know you have to pick and choose what you want to focus on with world-building in stories, but if GURM/Moorcuck are going to shit all over Tolkien, maybe they shouldn't throw stones from their glass houses first.

>> No.20162699

based karelian poster

>> No.20162725

She's legit the wildest character in the series.

>> No.20162764

When they say a successor to Gibson do they mean in writing style? I like Gibson's sort of fragmented, stilted style from his first two trilogies, I'd love another author like that.

>> No.20162814

I´m reading Gormenghast and i´m bored with it, does it get better or should I just drop it?

>> No.20162818

/lit/ big boss

>> No.20162881

Maybe PKD

>> No.20162902

I'm almost done with Wheel of Time, and I have to say that one of my favorite details is how unrepentantly racist Ewgyne is against the Seanchan.

>> No.20162956


>> No.20162959

Both Prince of Nothing and Aspect-Emperor had shit endings. Sad, since Bakker's prose and storyworld is a joy to read.

>> No.20162964

Prince of Nothing had a great ending.

>> No.20163022

I loved PoN ending; Moe's reveal, Akka's renunciation, destruction of Shimeh
I've got a mixed bag of feelings about TUC endings. It's both a cliffhanger but also a defintive end of the most arcs. It perfectly rounds the themes of the story and the more I think about the more I realise that how well everything is set up narratively. Bakker definitely plans his books ahead in totality instead of writing to see what happens in their commercially sold DnD campaign like most fantasy authors. Some parts are underwhelming, for example Golgotterath, the biggest tease of the entire series, went unexplored, and what little we saw isnt interesting. We didnt even enter it, Serwa just fought a big tentacle drake for a bit. Inchoroi were wasted in favor of the dunyain twist, and Kellhus' death had me laughing since halfway the series I made a guess that Bakker is going to get him killed by a random goon.

>> No.20163079

This would sound equally as comfortablw in the bizarro subgenre. I like it. Sounds creative.

>> No.20163088

Over 12m books apparently

>> No.20163321

Where do I start with Zelazny?

>> No.20163327

Jack of Shadows is short and a good introduction to his style. If you like it read the Amber series.

>> No.20163369

Lord of Light

>> No.20163384

just read his dialogue in skyrim NPC voices and it actually loops around to becoming charming

>> No.20163398

they mean in terms of being the "next big thing in sci-fi" which is why 2 out of every 3 new sci-fi authors get described as such. bacigalupi's prose isn't completely flaccid, but he doesn't have much of his own style and to the extent he does have one, it's not similar to gibson's

>> No.20163417

Yeah, I remember how huge it was in the 2000s and then after the movies finished I thought it had faded... but I guess it's still going, just quieter now. New movies probably help too even though they're trash

>> No.20163452
File: 739 KB, 4096x4096, as4-01-580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this the only thread with link to book charts?

>> No.20163475

Some of you retards can write better than this. How in the fuck

>> No.20163478

Weeper faggot

>> No.20163484

Read battle circle by Piers. I loved it when I was a kid, so it's probably shit. Haha

>> No.20163527

yeah bc its an old ass edition
originals are expensive here also i like reading the translations more

>> No.20163756
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No wonder Fletcher hasn't finished the original Manifest Delusions trilogy. This side story complete railroads everything the two main books set up. There's no reason to even care about what happens at the end of The Mirror's Truth after this one. I don't think he can even write another book set in the same universe and expect anyone to care.

>> No.20163767 [DELETED] 

Kys libshit, why would I want to read that? A book about white coal burner and a nigger? Do not post this trash on 4chan.

>> No.20163771

Take your meds. No one values your presence here.

>> No.20163833

Spotted the 14 year old Sanderson fan

>> No.20163991

Very poorly written first person tripe

>> No.20164032 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 503x585, 1643741990096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys and stop posting ya trash

>> No.20164134


>> No.20164271

First law is great as are most of the standalone books. The second trilogy isn't as strong but is still enjoyable.

>> No.20164351

sounds great, thanks

>> No.20164600

Why hasn’t anyone written books set in The Elder Scrolls universe?

>> No.20164607

His particular brand of fantasy sat in an odd niche where it wasn't quite 'epic' fantasy which had become the norm or was becoming the norm when he started writing. It was closer to Sword & Sorcery in fact.

>> No.20164616

Lords of Dyscrasia

>> No.20164627

What do I need to get into Conan?

>> No.20164652


>> No.20164674

There are two novels written in the Elder Scrolls universe. They take place between Oblivion and Skyrim.

>> No.20164682

Plot is least important since it's simply the structure the story itself takes place in.
Plot is shit like 'man takes revenge against those who killed his family.'
Story is what happens WITHIN that plot.

>> No.20164693

>3 chapters left in Reaper
What am I reading next?

>> No.20164746

I dunno, tried Mage Errant?

>> No.20164798
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>> No.20164803

>womeme author
Throw it in the trash

>> No.20164870

Acting womanish won't make you a woman.

>> No.20164875

Second series is a good deal different. Less politics, way more Beserk vibes. Consult becomes the focus.

So depends on what you like. The Unholy Consult might be the best. Second series needed more editing though.

>> No.20164894


>> No.20164906

I really liked it. The characters weren't particularly compelling for me but the world and hook was interesting enough to pull me through
>tfw no genderfluid travel companion

>> No.20164915
File: 700 KB, 2448x2448, 291db0b180a616c6f92308335dbcf00c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most violent of all men
>Physically dominated like a child by a Dunyain
>Intellectually and emotionally dominated even harder.
>Even inhabited by Ajokli, it just means Ajokli gets dominated.
He is still like a child compared to the Thought Dancers.

>> No.20164965

>I thought Khellus easily BTFOing the Inchori and casually decapitating a head of the Consult worked inasmuch as it sets up his play against the Hundred and Ciphrang. He's transcended dealing with the Consult. Golden Room lore dump was cool, if mostly expected by that point.

>> No.20164967


>> No.20164976
File: 231 KB, 342x504, 1638481654327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Khellus 90% of the time, but it's nice when he ruins other forces with absolute dispassion. He's like an earthquake or hurricane.

>> No.20165063

Then, I dunno, what exactly are you looking for?

>> No.20165078

>most violent of closeted faggots
>wants to be fucked by some mind autist
>wants to be close to his fag crush, so he steals a tranny transformer and fucks it nightly thinking that he is fucking his crush

>> No.20165108
File: 277 KB, 400x470, anime-girl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Kellhus orders a demon to wipe out a nig nation for no real reason

>> No.20165134

Given his rapes near the end of the second series, I would not be surprised if a climax of the No God is Ajokli getting trapped in a possession and Kellhus gaut raping one of the most powerful Gods in front of the other Gods to dispassionately assert dominance.

>> No.20165148

I get people dig on LitRPGs but are any of them good? They can't all be bad.

>> No.20165225

I'd say give The Legendary Mechanic a try.

>> No.20165229

I started reading Project Hail Mary. It's a decent page turner, I guess. But it's a bit one-tone (narrator jacking off about science). Wonder if it'll stay that way or the plot goes into some interesting direction.

How did you guys like it?

>> No.20165241

I didn't read it.

>> No.20165243

>Look it up
>Book 103 exists
What the fuck.

>> No.20165247

Webnovels are weird like that.

>> No.20165248

I was hoping for something in a more concrete format.

>> No.20165262


>> No.20165271

>he says while posting on an anime website

>> No.20165290

>he thinks he is on 2chan

>> No.20165293

Tell me who the site mascot is

>> No.20165298
File: 45 KB, 329x500, burning chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's in mine. I also think it's not that great, only mnemerable for the movie. Worst story in the collection is Red Star, Winter Orbit. Gernsback Continuum is pretty good, I wish he didn't associate Golden Age SF aesthetics with the Nazis though, I'm not really sure what prompted that.

>> No.20165331

moot-chan, obviously

>> No.20165338
File: 105 KB, 455x364, bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>present tense

>> No.20165392
File: 106 KB, 807x1138, isaac-asimov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is foundation worth reading after the original trilogy?

>> No.20165403


>> No.20165575
File: 28 KB, 333x500, 41giah8isKL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm trying to read some LitRPGs after trying and generally enjoying He Who Fights With Monsters and I am frankly baffled that this one got anywhere near as high ratings as it did. Maybe it gets better, but the first 100 pages have been two guys who don't really act like people being Cool Military Dudes in some vaguely Chinese-esque isekai world and it doesn't really... Play it up at all. Characterisation is minimal, pacing is fucking atrocious, I'm not even sure what our two protagonists look like, everybody talks in a way that feels like they're either delivering plot OR being 'characters' and ne'er the twain shall meet... How the fuck are there 11 of these and how the fuck are they all so well-reviewed.

>> No.20165731


>> No.20165750

Which fantasy book has the best cover?

>> No.20165854

Any book that has a Frazetta painting.

>> No.20165858

A penis and testicles.

>> No.20165860

I sort of liked learning more about the deep state Second Foundation, I think it's still pretty decent

>> No.20165905
File: 190 KB, 541x541, 1644785326570.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, thanks for making this recommendation. I read through the Soulhome series this weekend after seeing your post and I really enjoyed it.

I was bracing myself for the story to take a nosedive after Senka shows up but I was pleasantly surprised to see that Theo doesn't put up with her lol xd randum bullshit. I was worried that she would be used as a vehicle for some nauseating "cold hearted man learns the value of children and family :)" hallmark-tier plot but luckily that didn't happen.

Looking forward to reading the rest of the series as it comes out.

>> No.20165913

You aren't the intended demographic.

>> No.20165915
File: 104 KB, 450x684, 1621931232020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20165920

Is the intended demographic dudebros?

>> No.20165921

There are several mascots, for example: W.T. Snacks, is one.

>> No.20165923


>> No.20165927

I tried to get into Soulhome and I just didn't really like it. Theo is a remarkably uninteresting protagonist, and I was extremely jarred by the shift from the prologue to chapter 1. How do you end the prologue on that and then go "Anyway 40 years later he somehow found his way back".

>> No.20165933

40 years? Sounds like a biblical reference to me!

>> No.20165940

I'll pretend you didn't ask that.

>> No.20165951

I just don't really feel like I 'get' why this is liked. Its pacing is erratic, the action is bland, the characters are thin, the plot is banal. What's the appeal?

>> No.20165966
File: 364 KB, 1024x770, 03-The-Dragon-Reborn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not even the best Wheel of Time cover

>> No.20165970

How it makes you feel. The quality of what's on the page doesn't matter so much.

>> No.20165978

But it's not even well-written. I can get on board with "military dude gets isekai'd" but this is just bland to read. I'll power through book 1 at least, maybe it gets decent, but it's not a favourable start.

>> No.20165992

absolute kino

>> No.20165999

You keep mentioning technical aspects of the text, which matter less than you think. That's why you aren't the intended audience.

>> No.20166002

Fair enough, I guess. The intended audience is people who don't actually read what they're reading, I guess.

>> No.20166014

Mage errant is shit, why would anyone recommend it? Is this some grooming thing?

>> No.20166015

What's shit about it?

>> No.20166022

t. Sanderson.

>> No.20166027

Sanderson is fucking obsessed with technical aspects of writing, though. To the point where all his writing (at least his more recent stuff) is well-crafted, if soulless.

>> No.20166033
File: 186 KB, 1024x1024, sanderson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20166036

Anyway try reading Fritz Leiber, he could actually write.

>> No.20166041

Yes. He's a competent writer. You can argue his writing lacks passion or whatever, but he's clearly good at putting words down in a way that works.

>> No.20166054

The first book is terrible.
>Kid gets bullied constantly in magic school because he's useless.
>He gets a new jonin instructor and genin squad. They all explain every detail of their backstory to each other as a way of introduction. And our protag isn't actually useless he's actually super secretly advanced 720 cantrip noscope master and will become even more powerful when he signs contracts with demons.
>Then they go into the f̶o̶r̶e̶s̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶d̶o̶o̶m̶ Labyrinth as part of a exam
This is actually the highlight of the book, although it ends too soon and they basically deus ex machina their way out of the problem.

The second book is terrible.
>Author says: fuck the magic school, we're going on a field trip.
>They get on a sky boat and fly across the desert
>They get into fights constantly. Like the author is worried you'll get bored if he doesn't have random encounters so they pop up repeatedly.
>Our protag has a contract with a super secret ancient bird who says "Don't tell anyone I've got a super secret contract with you" then shows up constantly around him
>First they get into fights on the ariship against grown wizards and our school kid protagonists are killing them left and right. In the first book they wouldn't even fight the school bully.
>Then they're in a city and they're like "let's go to the taco store" and get in a fight every alley they walk by.
I stopped reading it before I even got to all the gay stuff that apparently dominates book 3.

>> No.20166076

I can see what you mean with these issues, though I think you're overblowing the stuff for the second book and straight-up misremembering some things (they only get attacked once on the sandboat, which is a sandboat and not a flying one, the sphinx he's contracted with is only really worried about big deal mages finding out so the trader-people that run the ship aren't really a danger, and they're mostly carried by their teachers when any serious fighting starts, only doing well against random bandits with minimal training).

>> No.20166150

I finished Reaper. What did I think of it?

>> No.20166152

We don’t care what you think.

>> No.20166155

What you describe as problems read to me as an author knowing their audience.

>He gets a new jonin instructor and genin squad.
>super secretly advanced 720 cantrip noscope master
I find it interesting that you use this references as insults, you but you have to know what they're from and why they would be. Why use the references at all? It seems like you're using an emotional shorthand appeal because you don't know how to support your argument otherwise. Ha ha guys, isn't it funny to hate on [popular well-liked] property? Also, look how ironic I am!

>author is worried you'll get bored if he doesn't have random encounters so they pop up repeatedly.
Isn't that the author simply knowing his audience has a very limited attention span? Seems like something that needs to be done to me.

>stopped reading it before I even got to all the gay stuff
How edgy, yet minimizing of you. Yeah, it was terrible and reading it condemns me in general by my standards, but at least I stopped before the gay stuff, right? Sure, sure. As if that were the actual problem.

>> No.20166157

You still can't think for yourself anon? I thought you would have gotten better over the past five plus years.

>> No.20166160

You didn't think anything of it at all because you emptied your mind to be able to read it.

>> No.20166164


>> No.20166166


>> No.20166189

>As if that were the actual problem.
It is the actual problem. He doesn't know what to write so he writes only what he thinks will appeal to the audience.
>These characters have interesting backstories, but how do I tell the audience? I'll just have them exposition dump.
>Maybe people thought the first book was too boring? Better add random encounters.
>Maybe I'm not getting enough progressive points? Better add gay drama.

>> No.20166195

So...what's the alternative? Not writing something to appeal to your intended demographic? That seems like a successful way to fail.

>> No.20166217

kirkbride wrote 300 books

>> No.20166243

Speaking of the faggotry, guess the ethnicity of the author.

>> No.20166244

First of all he should understand why something appeals to the audience. Unmotivated violence is rarely interesting. Usually, it should come about as a result of some action of the characters. For example, which is a better scenario:
>Character: We should go to the store to pick up some milk.
>*Violent thugs appear*
>Character: Oh well guess I gotta kill them all.
>Character: I need to go into the dangerous ancient tomb to find the gem that will cure the curse that's killing my mother
>*Violent thugs appear*
>Character: If you won't let me pass then I must kill you.

>> No.20166249

The first is a common videogame scenario and what the audience wants.

>> No.20166253

>So...what's the alternative?
Not appealing to faggots.

>> No.20166255
File: 113 KB, 445x640, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished reading this but have no idea what happened. did dorcas and the rest of them die? is there a time skip between the first and the second book?

>> No.20166257

It's just schizo rambling where you project whatever meaning you want to.

>> No.20166266

>just finished reading this but have no idea what happened.
You have to reread it again.

>> No.20166269

New thread

>> No.20166270

golf clap

>> No.20166277

Been meaning to ask this, but do we have a spambot in the thread?

>> No.20166282

Yeah, this fag >>20158960 is either a spammer or a spambot.

>> No.20166285
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>> No.20166290

keep in mind that all the books were written as one so the ending is counting on you reading the second book to make sense of it. I believe that sequence is meant to be disorientating as it is later re-told by Severian with a clearer picture of what happened

>> No.20166297

>Bakkerfags already ruining the thread
They truly just can’t fuck off to their subreddit can they?

>> No.20166300

Won't be long now mods just decide to ban /sffg/ on the spot due to their continual spamming and fuck ups outside of the general.

>> No.20166335

Well anyway I have seen mention that Cradle will be complete within two books but where was that said? It was going to be 14 books originally but meh, I can see Lindon hitting Monarch in two books. Only the last step to go.

>> No.20166369

That’s a shame. The rest of the General shouldn’t be punish for their faggot spamming and bullshit.

>> No.20166377

Mods and spammer are all newfags.

>> No.20166553

Old thread is turning to shit, and I doubt it will recover.

>> No.20166902

Go fuck yourself, you disruptive, worthless trash person. Racism aside, your irrelevant /pol/ sperging has no place here. End yourself.

>> No.20167476

I've got that sitting on a shelf somewhere, should crack it open

>> No.20168164

>I´m reading Gormenghast and I'm bored with it
Same, boring ass steerpike and this bigass castle fujck that noise.