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20215956 No.20215956 [Reply] [Original]

So comrades, what have you been reading lately?

>> No.20215997
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>> No.20216007

You will never be a real communist.

>> No.20216014
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am a Socialist, not a commie but I picked up some shit on military urbanism, I enjoy the works of Giorgio Agamben, think I might pick up Baudrillard soon

>> No.20216124

The Gulf War Did Not Take Place

>> No.20216129



you mean economic masochist

>> No.20217348

I'll wait for you to post first

>> No.20217371

Unless you go to the gym and own a firearm stop larping about le revolution
>im a le theorizer
Larping with extra cope and youre probably a brainlet that is saying shit thats been said before by people much smarter than you

>> No.20217571
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Historiography that BTFOs historians like Niall Ferguson who have been trying to declare Western liberal democracy as superior while binning their own revolutionary tradition and flat-out lying about the history of colonialism (which is the only way they can pass off those declarations, pitted against left-wing attempts to struggle against it).

>"We may venture a more general observation. On closer inspection, the history of the West as a whole can be read in the light of a principle dear to Marx: any people that oppresses another is not free. The twentieth century was the century when the totalitarian domination and genocidal practices profoundly rooted in the colonial tradition irrupted into the very continent from which that tradition derived, in the wake of Hitler's endeavour to build a continental empire in Central-Eastern Europe, subjugating, decimating and enslaving the 'natives' who inhabited it and exterminating those (Jews and Bolsheviks) deemed responsible for the revolt of 'inferior races'."

>"With a long history behind them, celebration of the West as the privileged or exclusive site of civilization, and claims for white or Western supremacy on a global scale culminated in Nazi ideology. The collapse of the Third Reich and the worldwide flaring of anti-colonial revolution led to serious impairment, but not the disappearance, of the ethnological-racial paradigm for interpreting historical processes and of the exalted, exclusivist sense of the West as an island of civilization surrounded by an ocean of barbarism."

>> No.20217576

>"It remains the case that the October Revolution did not achieve the objectives pursued or proclaimed by it. One thinks of Lenin and the leaders of the Communist International who saw the world soviet republic already emerging, with the ultimate disappearance of classes, states, nations, the market and religion. Not only did Communism never come close to achieving this objective; it never succeeded in advancing towards it. Are we therefore dealing with a self-evident outright failure? In reality, the discrepancy between programmes and results is typical of every revolution. The French Jacobins did not realize or restore the ancient polis; the American revolutionaries did not create the society of small farmers and producers without a polarization between wealth and poverty, without a standing army and without a strong central power; the English revolutionaries did not revive the Biblical society mythically transfigured by them. The experience of Christopher Columbus, who set out in search of the Indies but discovered America, might serve as a metaphor for understanding the objective dialectic of revolutionary processes. It was precisely Marx and Engels who underscored this point. In analysing the French or English revolutions, they do not start with the subjective consciousness of their dramatis personae, or the ideologues who called and prepared the way for them, but with an examination of the objective contradictions that provoked them and the real characteristics of the politico-social continent exposed or revealed by the ensuing upheavals. The two theoreticians of historical materialism thus highlighted the discrepancy between subjective project and objective result, and ultimately explained the reasons for the creation - the inevitable creation - of such a discrepancy. Why should we proceed any differently when it comes to the October Revolution?"

>> No.20217684

if your political ideology actually works you don’t need to read books about it
t. nordic model succdem

>> No.20217700

>nordic model succdem
How's the muslim immigration going?

>> No.20217809

not as bad as you’d like to think, poltard

>> No.20219508


>> No.20219588
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I've been reading Ten Days That Shook the World in the past few days.

>> No.20219590

You're a liberal, anon.

>> No.20219726


>> No.20219739

No, just a commie who can see behind the veil. My derision could not be farther from the delusions of /pol/ - i wish you, the immigrants, and their distant lands all the prosper they deserve

>> No.20219810

zizek is not a communist

>> No.20220724

what do you guys think about Zizek's latest article

>> No.20220730

uh I'm poor.

>> No.20220733

what would you call him
I agree with you btw

>> No.20220737

I can't own one because of a DV charge. and in Ohio that's really hard to scrub.

>> No.20221487

nope, just because my political ideology actually exists and works doesn’t mean it’s right wing

>> No.20221823


Ive been reading some stuff on decolonizing nature, marxist ecology, and generally getting a new idea of nature and society’s relation. The Return of Nature by John Bellamy Foster, Cosmopolitics by Isabelle Stengers. Wanna read some Donna Haraway, will probably have to be after I hand in my last essays for my degree, cuz she seems cool. As for fiction I’m enjoying The Netanyahus atm, read the one-straw revolution before that which was comfy. Shoutout no-till farming.

>> No.20221881

francis fukuyama civil society and sam harris end of faith

>> No.20221892

>The DSA, which boasts high-profile members like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders
Bernie is not DSA, I hate this fat fag
>many paragraphs on a psychoanalysis of a character from an unwatchable Netflix show he watched
Consumerism but Lacanian

>> No.20221921

>Such ideas should be unequivocally condemned
so is he concerned with defending the civility of bourgeois war or something now? so much for Marxism
>Such critiques should in no way undermine or limit our commitment to Ukrainian freedom.
lol. commitment to "freedom" of constituted bourgeois states and taking sides in imperialist conflict. so much for Marxism

okay, that was enough time wasted on that clown

>> No.20222070
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He's making me think about how "Hitler" is held up today as the all-encompassing bogeyman, so "Putin is Hitler" and "Xi is Hitler" and "Stalin is Hitler." Communists are Hitler! It's like a social imaginary or fiction for anything outside the Western privatized neoliberal free-market status quo. Hitler, which was produced by the West, is then reanimated like a zombie marionette puppet by the West to "speak for" everything that challenges it. But what is "forgotten" or "no longer exists" is communism; i.e. the revolutionary tradition.

So "communism" doesn't exist, has never existed, and will never exist. Which is another way of saying that revolution doesn't exist, has never existed, and will never exist.

>Accordingly, when historical revisionism and The Black Book of Communism date the start of the history of genocide and horror from Communism, they engage in a colossal repression. Solemnly proclaimed, the moral commitment to give voice to unjustly forgotten victims turns into its opposite - a deadly silence that buries the Native Americans, the Herero, the colonial populations, the 'barbarians' for a second time. This is a silence fraught with consequences on a specifically historiographical level as well, because it makes it impossible to understand Nazism and Fascism.

>It makes no sense to seek to place Communism on a par with Nazism - the force that most consistently and brutally opposed overcoming racial discrimination and hence the advent of democracy. Whereas the Third Reich represented an attempt in conditions of total war to realize a planetary regime of white supremacy under German hegemony, the Communist movement made a decisive contribution to overcoming racial discrimination and colonialism, whose legacy Nazism sought to inherit and radicalize. To seek to liquidate the epoch that began with the October Revolution as a period of crisis for democracy entails reverting to regarding colonial peoples as a quantite negligeable; it means re-colonizing history.

>> No.20223010

Destruction of Reason by Gyorgy Lukac
Nietzsche, the Aristocratic Rebel by Domenico Losurdo
What is Sex? by Alenka Zupancic
Introduction to the Reading of Hegel by Alexandre Kojeve

>> No.20223015

I can't wait until Sam Harris goes to hell for being an apostate.

>> No.20223265

Why do Marxists staunchly defend pandemic profiteering by giant pharmaceutical corps?

>> No.20223292

>what would you call him
dr phil but for dumb people

>> No.20223308

No contradiction. All Marxists are really champagne socialist liberals who have never done a day of honest labour in their lives.

>> No.20223309

because they lack principles, its always about the results of any given action, nothing is deontological with them. as long as no one owns stuff and people are barracaded in their homes, that's their small victory for communism, since regimes like Mahkno's confederation or say, the USSR or Mao's China "was never real communism" since its all matter of perspective with these types. nothing satisfies them. that's how you get LARPer cope by people like Mark Fisher and his ilk of "nepotistic academics" as praxis.

>> No.20223313

and I say this as someone who is a Socialist, or at least "Socialist-sympathetic"

>> No.20223318

they don't, they support abolition of private property, which includes the expropriation of pharmaceutical corporations, giant and small.

>> No.20223324

Did it ever occur to them that most people like "own shit" or are they blinded by their own ideological gains?

>> No.20223327

The excuse is that being anti-vax is a petite bourgeois way of thinking (https://en.communia.blog/the-antivaccine-movement-and-the-trade-unions/)), but this is bullshit. Bodily autonomy against the bourgeoisie is an important goal. The only mainstream Marxists that have been against this from the start are the Red Star Radio hosts.
Also, many american Marxists are just edgy Democrats and dems are getting a lot of money from pharma (https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2021/11/05/pharmaceutical-industry-drug-price-lobbying/)) including unions (https://www.huffpost.com/entry/building-unions-big-pharma-oppose-prescription-drug-bill_n_61312589e4b0f1b9705e6c7e).).

>> No.20223356
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The energy you spend being a communist could be used to connect with potential employers, negotiate your salary, improve your skills, cut down on expenses and save money.

>> No.20223406

Losurdo is a great writer to look into, even if you disagree with him. His “Class Struggle” book in particular is worth checking out if you want the most articulate representative of the contemporary “Marxist-Leninist” or “tankie” position.

>> No.20223472

How is that Marxists can be so retarded in their class analysis?

>> No.20223480

Zizek defends it, and he's not the only one.

>> No.20223483

cringe but not as cringe as being a liberal

>> No.20223487

Because they are retarded and are subservient to the international elite.

>> No.20223490

of course he does because he's technically part of the 1% of academia that needs redacted.

>> No.20223507

Google cultural Marxism. Modern day tumblr-tier social leftism is a direct offspring of a clique of Marxist Jews who decided that the failure of Marxism to spread through the western working class during the world wars was caused by the strength of certain pillars of western civilization: religion, national/cultural pride, traditional gender roles/the family unit, racial homogeneity. Thus, the only way to allow the spread of Marxism in the west was by destroying these pillars. The best way to do this was by infiltrating academia to indoctrinate the next generation of political, business, and media leaders. Barely twenty years after this strategy was formulated, we have the civil rights movements, the free love, pacifist, and crypto-marxist movements of the 60s and 70s. Western Academia only became a bastion of leftism after cultural Marxism was formulated, and nearly every problem we deal with today (mass nonwhite immigration, gay rights, feminism, the political and philosophical castration of white males, western self-loathing, widespread derision of traditional western culture, national self-loathing, pacifism, rampant atheism, and most recently the vax craze) was directly planted and nurtured by a Judeo-Marxist conspiracy. The worst part is that this information is freely available from mainstream sources (you can verify everything I just said on Wikipedia) but the damage has been done so effectively that barely anybody knows about it or cares to find out or would even see a problem if they did find out.

>> No.20223554
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Learning to steal elections.

>> No.20223561

Not in the slightest

>> No.20223583

Incidentally, a variation of this is the reason the labor movement collapsed in America and has slowly deflated throughout the developed countries. The unions are often kind of self-defeating, they build up the security of members primarily by raising their income and getting them pensions. But members turn that raised income into personal wealth, like houses and education for their kids and whatever, and the pension is guaranteed for how much you paid into it (assuming it remains solvent etc.). So as far as membership retention and expansion goes the union is at a disadvantage, generationally the children of union members are probably going to have more flexibility in how they decide to work, they’re going to be more likely to have parents with some wealth like a paid off house to give to their kids, and the while the union member probably wants to keep their job they’re a lot less precarious than the people who died for the labor movement in the late 19th and early 20th century, so they’re more likely to just endure the insult of their employer shutting shit down and moving the factory to Mexico.

But in addition to that, with the rise of post-secondary education in America during the post-war period, people who don’t come from union backgrounds have become acclimated to the idea that all the low paying jobs are just placeholders on the way to a more lucrative career in an office, so there has been increasingly widespread disunity among average working class people as far as going through the trouble of forming unions when that sounds incredibly stressful and inconvenient for a job they don’t intend to stay at. So they’ve effectively opted to shoot for individualized paths to higher earnings rather than collective ones. This could collapse back into a union culture if enough people feel like the path to individualized higher earnings is a lie, but I don’t think that threshold has been crossed. Recent highly publicized union drives like the Amazon and Starbucks ones have been explicitly about COVID, which is exactly an example of people feeling trapped, since COVID isn’t specific to one workplace. So they were more amenable to forming a union to protect themselves, because they were afraid there was no way to avoid COVID. But that is a temporary condition, and once COVID fears settle (as they increasingly seem to be) I’m going to guess people go back to thinking of these jobs as temporary and don’t feel very engaged with union efforts.

>> No.20223606

do all that and capitalism will still fuck you over and toss you aside for another rube

>> No.20223649

Oh, and to add to that it actually was more common in the early American labor movement for unions to threaten members with taking away their pensions if they didn’t remain in good standing, ie continued to toe the union line. That was good politics, even if it technically appears coercive for the union to make those threats, but you can see how members might want to secure themselves independently of the unions. While they tend to see the union as beneficial, they also tend to be suspicious of them on different levels. Like, whether that be the distant bureaucracy or institutional unions like the ones that exist now, or the domineering leadership of radical unions, either way the members can feel like they’re in a machine out of their control the same way the company is a machine out of their control. So they will tend to want to hedge their bets, just as a matter of course. They want most of their gains to be theirs, outside the ephemeral nature of the union itself. But that directly weakens the union, as the union has less sway over its members.

I think Marxists often get this fantasy that they can achieve total unity with the union and the rank and file, but it won’t happen. The union’s interests are simultaneously aligned and opposed with the rank and file. The union needs to control them, and there is more secure control in dependence. But union members don’t necessarily want to be dependent, that limits their options. As has been noted elsewhere, that is why the scandi unions that tied a bundle of social programs to union membership have been more resilient. If you aren’t a member, you lose basic benefits. You don’t get your unemployment checks, you’re on your own. Super resilient unions would’ve done stuff like bought and supplied housing to their members. Instead of just getting workers good wages, they should work to make most gains into benefits supplied by the union. So it’s not that your wage is high per se, it’s that you get a bunch of shit guaranteed by the union, like at the extreme end you get free or extremely cheap housing or something. So you don’t build independent wealth, you build dependent wealth, and if the union is under attack you better fight tooth and nail for it or you’re losing everything.

>> No.20223680

>Bodily autonomy against the bourgeoisie is an important goal.
the bourgeoisie produces everything you eat and all the medicine you need to take when you're sick. the only way to achieve your goal is to abolish the bourgeoisie, and the basic premise for achieving that is not surrendering proletarian independence by getting dragged into bourgeois movements (either pro-vax or anti-vax), because that undermines the only movement that can wrest production of things you have to put into your body from bourgeois hands.
>many american Marxists are just edgy Democrats
Marxism is not compatible with supporting bourgeois parties in developed capitalist states under any circumstance.
Zizek isn't a Marxist. he proves this every time he opens his mouth. see e.g. >>20221921

>> No.20223736

The God that Failed

>> No.20224535

Eurocommunism is Anti Communism for my recent communist reads, and other than that i've been reading the ethnic cleansing of palestine by Ilan Pappe

>> No.20224593

he doesent defend it