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File: 169 KB, 940x940, jest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20307855 No.20307855 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20307863

3, honorable mentions to 2 and 5

>> No.20307874


>> No.20307887


>> No.20307888

3 > 2 > 4 = 8 > 6 > 1 > 5 > 7

>> No.20307892

I just marathoned all 8 covers. What did I think?

>> No.20307921

3 = 4 > 1 > 2 = 8 >>> 7 > 5 > 6

>> No.20307929
File: 738 KB, 1086x935, Infinite Sweat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get 4 if your hands get sweaty

>> No.20307930

4 for dry hand chads

>> No.20307936
File: 3.28 MB, 4624x2080, ij2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spine of sweatyman's copy

>> No.20308012

I've never read this book, Is it as good as they say, or is it a meme? Based or cringe?

>> No.20308038


>> No.20308073

it's unforgettable. Truly a masterpiece but you have to like DFW's style. I read a few of his other books before IJ.

>> No.20308126

Do you have issues with substance abuse and/or depression? If so, I'd recommend
reading it.
My ranking as well, but I'm likely partial to those covers due to familiarity from seeing them often.

>> No.20308133

Honestly I'd recommend reading the first fifteen pages and making up your mind for yourself based on that.

>> No.20308151

My local bookstores only stock this version, so every time I go looking for books I am remind of sweaty-hands-anon

>> No.20308209
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is there a wordsworth edition?

>> No.20308223
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>> No.20308251
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>> No.20308258

It is very good but some people have also turned it into a meme like anything else. You really have to read it yourself and find out.

Also I like the entire top row but I guess 3 is my favorite.

>> No.20308309
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Cover of the finnish translation

>> No.20308400
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Wallace himself was a prolific sweater, seems appropriate.

>> No.20308420

Legendary thread.

>> No.20308424

Fitting choice of beverage for the seasoned PR enjoyer.

>> No.20308529


I've got 4, probably because Australia always gets the UK covers of books.

It amuses me that there are so many IJ and Wallace threads just as I'm planning to make my second attempt to read it (my last attempt was in 2016 but I only got 300 pages in before I dropped it for A Confederacy of Dunces).

>> No.20308640


>> No.20308884
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uhhhhh I don't read hack frauds

>> No.20309241
File: 625 KB, 1920x1393, 9d258624682001.563384447d596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Brazilian edition. I have it, somehow heavier and bigger in dimensions than the original, the translation is a nightmare and I generally don't like paperbacks of 1000+ pages books but then again, the original was as well.

But genuinely my favorite Infinite Jest cover, specially because I like stuff written on the edges.

>> No.20309317

I haven't read it so these ratings are purely based on aesthetics.
Steven King-tier. In addition to giving most of the space to the author's name, it literally obscures the title. Why?
Decent text layout and background, but what psycho decided red-white-black was a good color scheme?
Looks like one of those business-learning "How to get rich and get bitches" books. Needs more clouds.
Good but too vulnerable to people with abnormally sweaty hands.
Font and background aesthetic don't compliment eachother.
Best one. Great personality.
Reliant on whether the book fits the tone of that cover

>> No.20309328


>> No.20309362

That’s not OC but this is the perfect thread for it

>> No.20309387

8 is the only one that makes a real attempt to fit the work. 3 is a classic. 4 is the best because sweatyman edition is fitting because DFW had weird body fluid issues with his saliva and sweat (which comes out in IJ in the form of the sweat licking character Lyle). I would say

8 > 4 > 3

>> No.20309406

3, and it's not particularly close. The sort of divinely imposed word art with the tennis ball-colored font nails the tone and subject matter of the book to a T.

8 is second choice for me, bland but inoffensive

>> No.20309425
File: 18 KB, 333x500, 41g5obXkfFL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the cover of the brazilian portuguese edition.

>> No.20309633

Why is it that so many covers went with the cloud motif? I finished it in February and don’t remember clouds having much to do with the book. It’s weird to me that clouds would be the focus of so many different editions

>> No.20309695

The waiting room outside CT and Avril's office is described as such, that's about it

>> No.20309704

My guess is that it is sort of a hint. starting at the eschaton/Canuck stomping part of the novel the narrative makes some jumps in time which do not align with the chapter dates, we find out when these things happened by what is going on with the weather and this also tells us when things happened in relation to other events on the same day. This gives us some very important information, like what happened to the drug shoe.

>> No.20309710

3 is good, i like how the title floats and doesnt quite fit the space and how the yellow is sort of tennis-ball colored, giving the impression of a serve.

>> No.20309724

Clouds indicating being high/substance abuse? That's how I've always seen it, it's why I think 1 is the perfect cover, "Infinite Jest" the in-book movie being high up in the clouds, sort of fading away, difficult to find and describe, indicating it's addictive nature, DFW's name being so prominent and large unintentionally signalling how much he himself as a person would come to overshadow the content of the book itself years after release (mainly by people who haven't read it)

>> No.20309733

Give me the one with the clouds named after tits.

>> No.20309745
File: 140 KB, 900x643, infinite_jest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Although You End Up Becoming Yourself, DFW mentions his dislike of the cloud cover, saying it looks too much like an airline safety card. He wanted something like picrel for the cover, but his editor shot it down.

>> No.20309753

8 is literally the only good one