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20333421 No.20333421 [Reply] [Original]

I will singlehandedly resuscitate theatre with my plays.

>> No.20333425

Just wait till she finds out he has a vagina.

>> No.20333427

I will singlehandedly not resuscitate you after your inevitable suicide attempt you fucking tranny

>> No.20333435
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Didn't Lin-Manuel Miranda already do that?
Also, I'm pretty sure the black guy from Psych can pull better white chicks than that...can't he?

>> No.20333660

Hamilton is a psy-op. Alexander Hamilton was a traitor to his own people who worked alongside (((big bankers))) to destroy his own. Miranda was either too stupid to do his research, or he just wanted to get "creative" and the (((media))) ran with it. Absolute drivel for a senseless age.

>> No.20333799

He has and does, the black guy. The school teacher from holes?? cmon

>> No.20333805 [DELETED] 

We need to bring segregation back

>> No.20333821

Explain to me while a fucking MUSICAL about an american politician(or whatever the fuck he was) is now a touring production in countries who think Benjamin Franklin was a president??

>> No.20333826

t. a bitter white virgin

>> No.20333834

what musicals should be touring the world?

>> No.20333838

The phantom of the opera is pretty kino with universal themes

>> No.20333849

Good luck anon! Send us a copy of your entire work! Surely we are friends, aren't we?

>> No.20333855

Back to redddit, tranny

>> No.20333909

No I'm still racist, I'm just not a bitter virgin lol

>> No.20333918

>No I'm still racist, I'm just not a bitter virgin lol
Holy cringe

>> No.20333920 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20333922

I actually acted in that play in college. The director recast the roles so that I, a white woman, played the black guy, and they had a black guy playing the drunk/flirtatious girl. It was interesting to say the least.

>> No.20334384

Any good books about this?

>> No.20334386

Bankers are the good guys anon.

>> No.20334418

Not with bizarre word choice like that you won't.

>> No.20334447

Do they have interracial love in them?

>> No.20334450
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If Glass Menagerie and Streetcar dropped for the first time in 2022 would they make a big splash or disappear without a trace?

>> No.20334480

Film has made theater obsolete, only pretentious hipsters still care about that gay shit

>> No.20334652

That depends entirely upon how Jewish and homosexual you are. Are you a bad enough dude?

>> No.20334974

That sounds absolutely horrible, did they have you call him an ofay and you call yourself an Uncle Tom? The play is white manipulation needling black people into rage — it’s a showcase of candid black expression. Doing it that way reaffirms the deluded belief that being a (white) woman is more strenuous than being black, like that stupid scrubs episode Turk and the white nurse

>> No.20334981

It’s dead, dying…

>> No.20334988

Yeah and gay love, I’m working with the culture not against it

>> No.20335020

frail white protagonists you’re made to be sympathetic toward, if Tom worked at an Amazon factory not a warehouse and the family was black and the mom is obsessed about gentleman callers (renamed “rich fixes”) for the social mobility, and the glass menagerie was a collection of beanie babies that get the stuffing ripped out of them in a rage instead of shattering, and the guy that woos the daughter makes several well intentioned but ignorant comments about black people that get corrected so the majority white audience have a conduit character and the dialogue were modernized but still poetic it would be on broadway (even though it would really need us an experimental production with choreography and trailblazing light design)

>> No.20335034

I support Lin because the legacy Hamilton fully deserves is to be portrayed as a gay Latinx man

>> No.20335275
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top kek

>> No.20335527

Theatre and film are completely different mediums. Film is a primarily visual artform and theatre is primarily auditory, having origins in oral storytelling, well at least it was primarily auditory before the advent of microphones made it so audiences no longer had to try and actively focus to listen to the words. Now audiences can sit back and passively let the show come to them, and yes in that sense popular theatre is often no better than watered down film, only with the experience of seeing actors perform live and seeing the spectacle in person.

>> No.20336817

No you won’t. Stop lying already. It’s pathetic.

>> No.20336836

It's touched on in A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind. You can also look into books on Free Masonry. He was one of them.
Kek. I suppose you're right.

>> No.20336842

I hate Hamilton but I hate you more. Give it a few decades, it takes time and great resources to figure out how to spoon feed theme to plotfags.