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/lit/ - Literature

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20370351 No.20370351 [Reply] [Original]

Is it really as bad as they say? My GF really wants me to read it.

>> No.20370355

Just read it then.

>> No.20370361

It's dumb and infantile enough to be understood by a woman, that alone should tell you enough about its quality

>> No.20370416

Break up with her

>> No.20370423

>that alone should tell you enough about its quality
That its /lit/ approved since no one here reads?

>> No.20370433
File: 43 KB, 679x452, curies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Particle physics is dumb and infantile enough to be understood by a woman, that alone should tell you enough about its quality

>but twilight is shit
Yes... like all genreshit

>> No.20370448

>Madame Curie
That was before feminism and TikTok

>> No.20370458

i read it and i enjoyed it. its a pretty comfy high school and washington setting and its nice to see someone feel the emotions of strong love

>> No.20370496
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Why are women so bad at reading books?

>> No.20370515

I can't, she's perfect tradwife material disregarding her penchant for twilight and stephen king novels (although strangely enough not harry potter)

>> No.20370533

Midnight Sun's better (edward's point of view)

>> No.20371026

It's decent. Better than most of the fantasy that nerds love

>> No.20371031

My mother (who was a huge fan of the original Twilight series) told me it was so bad she couldn't finish it. She sent me an excerpt and it was really terrible.

>> No.20371137

read the Right Version
Life and Death.

>> No.20371369

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.20371409

unironically read Luminosity by Alicorn. it's a rewrite of Twilight that makes it actually well written.

>> No.20371417

Yeah it is. It has aggressively bland prose.

This guy does a pretty good job explaining things: https://www.deviantart.com/hicsuntleones/art/Twilight-Analysis-149008984

>> No.20371423

It's a self insert book for chicks, it'll have a protagonist that's generic enough that any woman could feel like her, perfect men competing for her attention, supernatural elements to scratch her escapism itch, a convoluted high-stakes plot to mask that it's just vampire romcom and a crappy ending.
Imagine flavor of the month harem isekai, exchange the bland overpowered protagonist for some chick and the harem of overcompetent busty anime chicks with technicolor hair for supernatural hunks.

>> No.20371424
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their brains are wired differently from ours. They see everything through a lens of social climbing, but simultaneously refuse to acknowledge their own shitty behavior. At best they're sociopaths and at worse psychopaths.

Whereas men will generally write books about shitty characters and acknowledge their shortcomings, women seem to be completely blind to the faults of their self-inserts, and present their characters as altruistic, when in fact the average reader can tell they're manipulative and selfish. Eat, Pray, Love is a really good example of this.

>> No.20371436

Curie was an exceptional woman, she was probably autistic.
Something that is enjoyed by a large group of women, like Twilight, cannot be anything other than garbage.

>> No.20371443

Please don't break up with a girl you like because a seething incel online told you to.

>> No.20371449

Then read it to make her happy, and if you don't want her to make you read any more garbage, just tell her that you really disliked it, she should get the message and you'd have been honest.

>> No.20371485

if i remember correctly the prose wasn't especially atrocious. 50 shades of grey on the other hand is so bad that it verges on parody

>> No.20371486

It's an incredibly idiotic wish fullfillment fantasy, in which a young woman without noteworthy qualities is faced with the choice between the impossibly sexy vampire and the impossibly sexy werewolf.
Spoilers: she choose the vampire, becomes a vampire herself, and she just is one of the strongest and best vampires ever (zero effort required).

It has as much literary merit as the average /hmofa/ writefaggotry, that is to say it's only good as an example of what not to do.

>> No.20371538

No she's not if she enjoys that kind of deviated stuff

>> No.20371539

if you gf is out of high school its time to run

>> No.20371557
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read 30 pages of that and tell her to read 30 pages from pic related.
then decide whether both of you should stop together or keep on going.

>> No.20371861

No, it’s just your standard urban fantasy romance.

>> No.20372001

>My GF really wants me to read it
change your gf for another one