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20498466 No.20498466 [Reply] [Original]

What books expand on this idea?

>> No.20498468

Will leftists be able to pull this aspect of their plan off? Or will people start killing them once they try to get down children’s pants?

>> No.20498471

Kill yourself you perverted groomer

>> No.20498473

She's right. I remember watching porn on school computers when I was 12.

>> No.20498479


>> No.20498486

would you be happy to know that your 12 year old son or daughter was watching porn on school computers?

>> No.20498490

Kids are little shits so let's hand them over to pedophiles, God forbid someone is ignorant of drag queen culture

>> No.20498492

And look how fucked up you are now, bro

>> No.20498508
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I'm neutral

>> No.20498510
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Seeing as it's becoming completely undeniable that we're in hell, when did you die and what did you do to end up here?

>> No.20498518

He’s right you know. Saint Augustine talks about not understanding Christ’s words about the innocence of children, considering how cruel and wicked children really are

>> No.20498520

We’re not in hell, read the Book of Revelation

>> No.20498524

>We’re not in hell
Scroll up.

>> No.20498528

This is going to get a lot worse before it gets better, I’ll just say that. The world is undeniably hellish though

>> No.20498534

call your fucking representative pussy

>> No.20498537

Why do drag queens care so much about children specifically?

>> No.20498542

Nobody should be watching porn. But there's no denial that 12 year old just have sexual thoughts and will probably try to live them out in the next 2-5 years.
Now, should they have sex with adults? Absolutely not.
Will they be scarred for life by seeing tits? Also no.
Will they develop an unhealthy attitude towards sex and end up on 4chan if constantly told that these thoughts are sinful and they shouldn't have them? Yes.

>> No.20498545

Less cruel and wicked than trannies as they've never committed mortal sin and do not possess reason. The actions of babies that Augustine was speaking on are the result of concupiscence, the blame isn't theirs but that of their first parents, and regardless places them in limbo in absence of mortal sin, and is reconciled through the sacrament of baptism conferring eternal life and the graces needed to overcome these innate failings if they so wish. The guy does not have a point and neither do you. Cope and seethe.

>> No.20498549

Ya. I knew what my fetishes were when I was like 5. I didn't know what fetishes were, but I knew I enjoyed seeing certain things

>> No.20498554

It’s a real mystery.

>> No.20498555

Why do you think, anon? Is not the number of pedo becoming trannies a good answer?

>> No.20498559

What? so they can pass a "Don't Say Gay" bill like in Florida? or some anti-CRT in schools bill? or some anti-abortion bill? Why would we want something like that. It's against freedom, it's reactionary, and people will see it for what it is. It won't last long either, so don't bother.

>> No.20498565


>> No.20498577

What books expand on this idea?

>> No.20498578

>Will they develop an unhealthy attitude towards sex and end up on 4chan if constantly told that these thoughts are sinful and they shouldn't have them? Yes.
Nah, actually. What's unhealthy is them having access too actual pornography. That's what'll make them end up on 4chan, bro.

>> No.20498584

Twitter needs to be destroyed

>> No.20498590
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If you were a gay boy, would you prefer
>classical education where you learn about Greek heroes and Greek love between warriors and philosophers
>modern education where you get read baby stories by drag queens and have everything drenched in glitter and rainbows

>> No.20498598

Aren't children inherently wicked to Augustine because of original sin?

>> No.20498607

Finally a non-christcuck point

>> No.20498622

centuries of childhood by philippe aries

>One of the unwritten laws of contemporary morality, the strictest and best respected of all, requires adults to avoid any reference, above all any humorous reference, to sexual matters in the presence of children. This notion was entirely foreign to the society of old. The modern reader of the diary in which Henri IV’s physician, Heroard, recorded the details of the young Louis XIII’s life is astonished by the liberties which people took with children, by the coarseness of the jokes they made, and by the indecency of gestures made in public which shocked nobody and which were regarded as perfectly natural. No other document can give us a better idea of the non-existence of the modern idea of childhood at the beginning of the seventeenth century.

>Louis XIII was not yet one year old: ‘He laughed uproariously when his nanny waggled his cock with her fingers.’ An amusing trick which the child soon copied. Calling a page, ‘he shouted “Hey, there!” and pulled up his robe, showing him his cock.’

>He was one year old: ‘In high spirits,’ notes Heroard, ‘he made everybody kiss his cock. This amused them all. Similarly everyone considered his behaviour towards two visitors, a certain de Bonieres and his daughter, highly amusing: ‘He laughed at him, lifted up his robe and showed him his cock, but even more so to his daughter, for then, holding it and giving his little laugh, he shook the whole of his body up and down.’ They thought this so funny that the child took care to repeat a gesture which had been such a success; in the presence of a ‘little lady’, ‘he lifted up his coat, and showed her his cock with such fervour that he was quite beside himself. He lay on his back to show it to her. When he was just over a year old he was engaged to the Infanta of Spain; his attendants explained to him what this meant, and he understood them fairly well. ‘They asked him: “Where is the Infanta’s darling!” He put his hand on his cock.’

>> No.20498626

That's also true, which is why I said that no one should be watching porn. I'll go with the golden mean here and say adolescents should be allowed to find their sexuality on their own terms, with members of their own age group, in an informed and safe way and neither be indoctrinated by life-hating christians nor by perverted leftists.

>> No.20498643

>Will leftists be able to pull this aspect of their plan off
They managed to normalize gay marriage and transgenderism when 80% of the US population was against them in 2010. Only divine intervention could stop them.

>> No.20498655

yes, 12 year olds will have sexual thoughts. what is a better manner in which to explore these thoughts; a healthy one, or an unhealthy one? porn is not healthy.

the sexual thoughts are not inherently sinful. there are healthy and unhealthy ways of going about sex, sexual thoughts, and teaching 12 year olds how to understand these things.

>> No.20498660

>Only divine intervention could stop them
Cue monkeypox. A disease with a 50% mortality rate that is currently infecting ONLY gay people because they're degenerates who have orgies with random people.

>> No.20498663

agreed. it's just about doing and understanding things in a healthy way. indoctrination isn't healthy. it's just about getting a balanced perspective.

>> No.20498670

The promoted heroes being twerking gangsters does more damage. The tranny only has a point within that context, the drag queens aren't "that bad" compared to everything else.
What's the endgame of all this though? What's the actual point? Just suicide through hedonism?

>> No.20498694

Least masculine trans woman. Sexual biology does not create difference in physical outcome and any argument against this fact ignores basic biological concepts, like my own insecurities, or how my brain was buckbroken by a parentless childhood filled with anime and the internet.

>> No.20498760

on the question of children we should, as usual, start with the greeks and romans

>The child in antiquity lived his earliest years in an atmosphere of sexual abuse. Growing up in Greece and Rome often included being used sexually by older men. The exact form and frequency of the abuse varied by area and date. In Crete and Boeotia, pederastie marriages and honeymoons were common. Abuse was less frequent among aristocratic boys in Rome, but sexual use of children was everywhere evident in some form. Boy brothels flourished in every city, and one could even contract for the use of a rent-a-boy service in Athens. Even where homosexuality with free boys was discouraged by law, men kept slave boys to abuse, so that even free-born children saw their fathers sleeping with boys. Children were sometimes sold into concubinage (...) Plutarch said the reason why freeborn Roman boys wore a gold ball around their necks when they were very young was so men could tell which boys it was not proper to use sexually when they found a group in the nude.
>Plutarch’s statement was only one among many which indicate that the sexual abuse of boys was not limited to those over 11 or 12 years of age, as most scholars assume. Sexual abuse by pedagogues and teachers of smaller children may have been common throughout antiquity. (...)
>Suetonius condemned Tiberius because he “taught children of the most tender years, whom he called his little fishes, to play between his legs while he was in his bath. Those which had not yet been weaned, but were strong and hearty, he set at fellatio” (...)
>The favorite sexual use of children, however, was not fellatio, but anal intercourse. Martial said one should, while buggering a boy, “refrain from stirring the groin with poking hand...Nature has separated the male: one part has been produced for girls, one for men. Use your own part.” This, he said, was because the masturbating of boys would “hasten manhood,” an observation Aristotle made some time before him. Whenever a pre-pubertal boy was shown being used sexually on erotic vases, the penis was never shown erect. (...)
>Intercourse with castrated children was often spoken of as being especially arousing, castrated boys were favorite “voluptates” in imperial Rome, and infants were castrated “in the cradle” to be used in brothels by men who liked buggering young castrated boys.


>> No.20498770
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>> No.20498777

dubs and trannies should kill themselves

>> No.20498784

you overdid it, they're immortal now

>> No.20498803

everytime i thought about giving breadtubers a chance, they pull shit like this

i'll just stick to reading theory on my own

>> No.20498820

What's the goal in all this? Some kind of suicidal race to the bottom to find out how far the limits of hedonism can be pushed before enough people get sick of it?

>> No.20498825

Yeah, so when you started to hit puberty.
So not a child

>> No.20498838

You're a pasty, white kid, Timmy. You can't even look look niggers in the eye and dabble in a different flavor of Christianity every year. Know your place and stop thinking your likes here matter. Go make a meme or something.

>> No.20498843 [DELETED] 

That's still a child in the feminist-ruled anglosphere, you sick fuck!

>> No.20498872

There was most certainly a time in my childhood when I was free from lascivious concerns. I would term this innocence. To take this away before it is naturally set to expire is evil.

>> No.20498875

They seem to be conducting some kind of vast magical ritual to reincarnate Hitler.

>> No.20498884

That's probably the greater curse: to exist for eternity, never able to become a woman.

>> No.20498917
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>Say, little Timmy, do you like movies about gladiators?

>> No.20498927

I agree that it is impossible to truly protect such a thing. You would have to ensure that they never watch television, use the internet, or listen any popular music to have been released over the past 130 years. Such a task is impossible, but to say that a sort of childhood innocence just doesn't exist betrays some sort of bad intention.

>> No.20498948

and now you're on 4chan

>> No.20498954

Read though the articles. Notice anything about the framing?

>> No.20499015

desu my friend showed me porn when we were 7. I have no idea how he found that shit tho, it was cartoon hentai lol.

>> No.20499017
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>> No.20499047

I don't condone watching porn and would intervene if I found out my future children were watching it.
But the difference is that you were seeking this out and were voluntarily exposing yourself to it.
These children don't have a choice in being exposed to fat gay men dressing up as cartoonishly exaggerated caricatures of glamorous femininity.
I don't think there's any way that exposing children to such decadent self indulgence and gender non-conformity is in any way healthy.
I'm extremely conservative on cultural issues and do not think that a culture based on atomized self-expression and individual desire satisfaction. I don't think it's healthy for gender signifiers to be turned into a personals fashion statement that the individual tailor makes as a way of expressing their true self and then seeks out validation for from the Big Other.
Instead I think gender (traditionally understood) is something that has been vetted by history as a way of socially making sense of the differences between men and women's bodies, conditions, desires, temperaments, and spirits. It's a way of ironing out a lot of the uglier aspects of the human unconscious that we can fall prey to. It's a way of preventing us from developing toxic and even destructive habits. Gender is largely a way of taking the raw mater of what nature provides and refining it into something healthy that gives the individual the most satisfaction and those around him or her the most satisfaction.
Exposing kids to drag just creates chaos and confusion and turns gender into a form of self expression rather than a prosocial way of being that harmoniously integrates us into society.

>> No.20499061 [DELETED] 
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Lots of pedophiles use cartoons, it's a grooming staple (picrel). Commission some fetish art, send it to a kid you meet online (deviantart, tumblr, twitter, pixiv, baraag are all easy pickings) under the guise of critique and let it escalate from there. Kids won't tell their parents because they feel like they're being treated maturely. Flattery like that works on kids. Help them set up private accounts and maybe buy a separate phone. Smart pedophiles keep it simple, pics and vids of masturbation, maybe discord calls. No meetings. All this is very common in roleplay and fanfiction because it happens every day. No reason to care, don't be a bigot. No such thing as desensitization.

>> No.20499074

Then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.

>> No.20499082

Yeah and now look at you

>> No.20499093

>A disease with a 50% mortality rate
You're thinking of smallpox. Monkeypox is nowhere near as deadly.

>> No.20499102

I died in that car accident in 2017. My major character flaw was a predisposition of violence towards others and their property.

>> No.20499111

holy cringe

>> No.20499241

i raped someone to death (mine)

>> No.20499266

I can't find this as a pdf anywhere. Do you have a link, anon?

>> No.20499332

>lose oneitis
>lose mind entirely
>schizo intuition rules my life
>ritually start traversing alternate timelines
>get stuck in limbo for a while
>birth my shattered consciousness back into a timeline
>it's this shit show timeline

This all happened over the course of 2013. The timeline I left was probably way less chaotic, but it's all pointless anyway when smartphones have us on a track that eventually conjoins all timelines. Maybe the goals could have been accomplished in the origin timeline without fucking creating an artificial famine, but who knows? I quite literally had to leave. I was in too much pain.

>> No.20499351

Trans people don't dress like it's pride every day, take your histronic bullshit back to pol

>> No.20499361

You know what defines a child? Lack of sexual maturity. Children do not possess the proper biology to interface with sexuality. That's what childhood innocence is and why it is important to protect it from sexually mature adult behavior. There's a biological basis for why the separation should exist. That's not to say that children do not display sexual behavior or are not capable of sexual behavior, but their expression of sexuality should not have to conform to mature standards.

>> No.20499364

>leave the groomers alone, you bigot!

>> No.20499368

You need to lay off the crack pipe

>> No.20499371

Sir, this is a Wendy's

>> No.20499372

The thread is literally about drag queens, retard.
And all my criticisms can easily be retooled slightly to apply to trannies without the loss of anything essential.

>> No.20499376

Oh look, another incel thread.

>> No.20499383

Yes, we do. Expression of the self is important, and we won't be held in check by your superficial prescriptivism. We dress how we want.
Children are eggs. It's our job to help them hatch. Kids sex kids. It's not a problem and never has been. If a child wants to express themselves sexually at an early age, we have no right to interfere with their choice. It's their body. You know who has a problem with that? Parents, who think they own their children. They don't. Children choose. Kids can be be cuntboys. Every medical professional is in agreement on this.

>> No.20499401

No, it's about some retard shitposting on twitter, suck my cock and choke on it bitch

>> No.20499406

I don't know but it must have been pretty bloody awful.

>> No.20499408

Man I don't get it. I'm a communist but I don't like 90% of leftists I see. I don't understand why they say stuff like that. Maybe I'm just old fashioned because I'm from East Germany. But I see stuff like this and just wonder what happened to the left. Why is this something even worth debating about. I hate this place. Can we go back in time please I miss the DDR bros...

>> No.20499411

and then one day, for no reason at all

>> No.20499417

This, uh
This is bait, right?

>> No.20499418

How could someone from Germany proudly call themself a commie?

>> No.20499419
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I have already read lots of anti trans books so by this point id be more interested in reading pro trans literature. What could possibly justify this madness?what is some science or theory i can read which can help me check my privilege and learn more about the awful plight the diverse and vibrant culture of these warm body politically correct victimhood unit NPCs, this snivelling priesthood of pedophilic apparatchiks, cowardly hiding behind political correctness and victimhood in order to rape, groom abuse and indoctrinate our children, purpose engineered biopolitical clientele for pharmaceuticals, the corporate monoculture and the democratic party, i mean these most noble and progressive these most pitiful and wretched of creatures?

Any lgbt/ gay/queer theory/ transgender/ cultural marxism books you would recommend to a straight white cis male who is trying to overcome his deepseated heteronormative prejudices, and be a better ally to our politically correct friends in the corporate social engineering and propaganda/child molestation community? prejudices which cant help but flare up at the beautiful and heartwarming display of diversity and progress in pic related?


People are getting banned for calling out trans activist Alok Vaid-Menon tweet saying that “little girls are kinky” and should be sexualised

>> No.20499420

All existence is cruel. The difference is Christian dogma (so seen by Augustine) seeks to justify some things whilst not others. Children represent a purer, let lesser, type of cruelty than adults. Augustine, though, takes free-will and adult reason to be tools used to mitigate cruelty, rather than to serve the general abhorrence of all life; he follows the Platonic deification of reason which blinds him to the fact that intelligence is also an evil. Children are evil, in that their cruelty is blatant, overt and guided. Men dissemble to disguise their true base goals.

>> No.20499421

The innocence of children is stupidity. They dont know when they do wrong so it isnt a fully conscious amoral act when they are little assholes. You cant test the character of a child.

>> No.20499425

Kids aren't angels, but they're innocent in the sense they don't have a developed and full understanding of the world yet.

>> No.20499427

Based Paederast. If only we could re-inaugurate Hellenic ideals rather than our paltry dregs of a degenerated Christianity, mutated beyond measure by modern capitalism.

>> No.20499433

also source on pic? looks interesting; good acting.

>> No.20499442
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Post-Weimar America that is rapidly approaching.

>> No.20499449

ask any queer person and they will tell you pornography is a liberating force, a weapon in the war against the patriarchy. Marginalized folks have every reason to trust progressive bourgeoisie and managerial strata over fascist white settlers who want them dead.we have every right to deplatform fascists and reactionaries and class reductionists and science deniers and ensure safety for marginalized and vulnerable members of our communities. We have every right to demand the destigmatization and normalization of sex work, mental health, fat positivity, pornography, drug use, decolonization prison abolition police abolition family abolition the sexual enmancipation of children and an end to white supremacy and the gender binary and the abolition of a white supremacist culture based on the tyranny of the written word.

Instead of pandering to the most backward secrors of the working class we should lead the way along with the most advanced ones, black and indigenous people, and queer/ trans sex workers. Sex workers not the straight male labour aristokkkracy who are at the vanguard of the proletarian movement, women and queer people taking the means of production into their own hands by refusing to perform unpaid sexual and emotional labor for white men. The real class struggle is not in factories but in womens bodies. Sexwork is a threat to patriarchy the capitalist system itself it is radically queer because it goes against the idea that sex is for the reproduction of the nuclear family and the patriarchal ideology of romantic love. Its a means for workers to take the means of production into their own hands here and now to abolish the distinction between the private sphere and the public, between work and pleasure and self expression. To break down the walls of lily white christian suburbia into a brave new world of pleasure rebellion and freedom. Yes it is true what they say about us queer postmodern neomarxists We are gonna groom all your daughters to be whores and your sons to be nympho trans sex workers.

>> No.20499451

The world ended in 2012. Pretty sure that's when smartphones and social media became irreversibly widespread thus breaking the seal of Solomon forever

>> No.20499453

Good essay worth reading.

>> No.20499454

incels rise up!

>> No.20499460

>ask any queer person and they will tell you pornography is a liberating forc
That's not true at all

>> No.20499468

>porn is not healthy.
Just curious seeing a lot of anons here say this but can any of you justify why you feel this. So masturbating without an image is cool but with an image it instantly becomes wrong. Why?
Personally I never masturbated or watched porn during most of my teenage yrs. And only really started when I was 18.
Ever since I've never really seen the problem with either. I watch very tame soft core shit. It has zero effect on other people nor myself.

>> No.20499469

Leftist 0olitics is about locking up children in a room and having the most self righteous snivelling illiterate bureaucrats instruct them in the wonders of fisting and white privilege in between false flag shootings

>> No.20499475
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Do you have any thoughts on it?

Just people unable to accept their own lack of self control. Aww whacking it 5times a day wearing you out? Cut it back lol

>> No.20499495

"Childhood innocence is a heteronormative social construct enforced by oppressive power meant to restrict self expression" is a queer theory pillar, so I guess you can read some of that garbage.

>> No.20499496

Why not? Who fucking cares? Lots of folks in the east miss the ddr even though they wouldn't consider themselves commies

>> No.20499498

I’m more interested in the literal sense of this, divorced from the sex politics. Like, kids are cruel and selfish. How can they be considered “innocent” when their first action out of the womb is to produce earrape?

>> No.20499505

Queers are biopolitical clientele for theDNC the sex industry psychiatry pharmaceuticals and the managerial state they are hylics or NPCs attack dogs who have been wholly consumed by pornography and ideology. You dont debate with a rabid dog you dont givr them human rights you rake them out and you put them down

>> No.20499523

...And you have? Lol. Lmao, even.

>> No.20499524

it's going to be white kids only when whites will officially become the new niggers

>> No.20499532

I mean,bros,have you tried bringing up nietszche or any other western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their beady stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating, screeching and snivelling hysterically as if begging to be put out of their misery"wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Hasnt it been deboonked as fake news russian bot pseudoscience?Why read books by dead white men when you could have been watching CNN reading the NYT streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneyplus? your daily mandatory dose of ''ethically sourced'' child pornography? Didnt you know reading antything beyond YA literature is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? How does this further the short term electoral goals of the democratic party? Are you saying child sex workers arent real sex workers?Have you been taking your daily recomended dose of high fructuouse corn syrup your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training as per the domestic terrorism act of 2021"

>> No.20499564

>anti-CRT in schools
what the fuck? I understand radiation but they feel so comfy and nostalgic... kids should know what they missed out on

>> No.20499567

I know another guy like you and honestly I don’t know how you do it, majority of guys I know do not have such control over this as you do, there is this excellent video I will link that goes over the effects of porn it’s an hour long but it’s easy to listen to, it is my some neo-con which I don’t like and it is heavily politicized but I still think it’s an excellent video for anyone

>> No.20499569

Anyone with a functioning brain

>> No.20499572

Self expression as long as it suits the interests of the democratic party and the managerial state otherwise its fascism.

>> No.20499574

>You dont debate with a rabid dog
Which is why nobody takes you seriously

>> No.20499578
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eye cancer?

>> No.20499589

Innocence just means non-sexual to Americans. Are children non-sexual? No. Do children have any special significance to Nature? Obviously not. Does this mean you should fuck kids (a social construct that has changed throughout history)? No.

>> No.20499593

I was molested and started watching porn when I was around six or seven. After a while, I started consuming a lot of cartoon pornography (don't know why, probably some Freudian rejection). Now I have very limited sex drive and am still a virgin. I still masturbate to cartoon coom images and hentai virtually every day. I recognize that pornography was very bad for me, even excluding my early trauma (which accelerated me sexually). It's why I never dated in highschool or college, and why I don't have any friends now.

>> No.20499644

>So masturbating without an image is cool but with an image it instantly becomes wrong.
I wouldn't say masturbation is a great thing but its the interpersonal dynamic that matters. A child watching adults perform sex acts will develop in a way that is less healthy than a child who does not (assuming all other circumstances are comparably similar) whether or not these sex acts are witnessed in person or through a screen. Porn is a technology we did not evolve to use.

>> No.20499686

What are you a prude are you sex negative? Are you a SWERF? Are you an incel? Are you anti-queer? Are you some sort of christian fundamentalist?

>> No.20499714

I'm so sick of faggots.

>> No.20499717

hot smart gay guys are based and /lit/ though.

>> No.20499721

Yes exactly and I am sure you are perfectly sexually healthy and normal. The goal from these demons is mess you up as early in life as possible

>> No.20499730
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>Childhood innocence doesn't exist, so we should be allowed to show gay porn to children in schools
We need to go back to electrocuting fags.

>> No.20499735

is this a real word?

>> No.20499739

No, you mongrels just read faggot books.

>> No.20499741

Theres a certain pathos to people who are autistic trannies but surprisingly well read self awareness heightens mentall illness and awareness of being a monster freak

>> No.20499762
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We care about kids and we'll win. We always do. Exposing them to sex early encourages body positivity and makes pleasure a fun activity, instead of something to fear. Sexwork is legitimized and everyone is happier. Love wins.

>> No.20499786

>What books expand on this idea?

this is an obvious point understood already as being implicit long before augustinus.

children and youth being in the "prime of life" rather refers to we being, at that stage in life, at the most base and superficial level; prone to all errors from lack of experience, prime; first.

>We’re not in hell,
>Seeing as it's becoming completely undeniable that we're in hell

This also is a pre-christian concept; 'hell' as mentioned by Virgil being the state of knowing nothing and suffering as consequence; the "clamor of the underworld" as baseline opinion,

"happy is he who understands the Causes of Things; happy is he who has cast of all fear (of doubt) and (has also cast off) the endless clamor of the underworld (the base opinions of the common people),"

I'm not entirely sure that there 'are' any books which detail this; the notion of 'innocence' of women and children is something which is more of a commonplace cultural doctrine, perhaps largely informed by our own biology and social programming from that biology.

That said, exposing children to mentally disturbed transgender people will only result in them being traumatized by those people and carrying deep scars and resentment about it for the rest of their lives; obviously this is counter productive to the overt aim of this 'program'.

But this program seems based on the notion that kids 'are' stupid and can be brainwashed one war or another; I remember being implictly creeped out by seeing the 'singers, musicians, funny men' on tv as a child who were later outed as being sex offenders.

We implicitly know there's something off with the 'super friendly' type, is my point there.

On the other hand....

>children and youth being in the "prime of life" rather refers to we being, at that stage in life, at the most base and superficial level; prone to all errors from lack of experience, prime; first.

>> No.20499790

This. The great normalization and destigmatization process must be completed! Feminism will win! Sex work! Sex work!

>> No.20499821

The 35 years old gay man who tried grooming me in my teens expressed that there was no thing he loved more than "turning straight boys gay". Or at least convincing them to get fucked in the ass to try. I was obviously super liberal so I cheered for it because retarded teens think of this shit as the triumph of freedom over the boring old square. Years later I realized he was just a disgusting pederast preying on alienated kids in their developmental phase. He became one of those gay Christian activists and I wouldn't be surprised to see him dancing on tiktok.
Homosexuals are like other psychopaths, it's not important if it's a mental illness or they're inspired by Satan, they live to corrupt and destroy, and should be stifled quickly and safely before they do any damage.

>> No.20499823

Some "retard" who has influential people listening to it(?) and represents the trends of public morality

>> No.20499854

A purple haired fat positive goblin comes up to you flaying around wildly and menacingly wielding a huge black dildo. screeching, the goblin demands you refer to it by one out of seven sets of made up pronouns alternating according to their whims and the phases of the moon.

>> No.20499870

I wish I could embrace this right and say that my genderdeity compels me to go around with my cock out and be referred to as The Turgid One but it only works if you're gay. Those fascists!

>> No.20499875

>I was obviously super liberal so I cheered for it because retarded teens think of this shit as the triumph of freedom over the boring old square.
I never understood this mentality; at no point as a child or teenager did I find that 'boring old square' 'stereotype' to exist anywhere as to be rebelled against - and at no point did I not notice that many of the adults who were allowed to be in the room with me were not half-retarded and that their opinions were to be disregarded and their motivations as largely impotent but inherently suspect.

>The 35 years old gay man who tried grooming me in my teens expressed that there was no thing he loved more than "turning straight boys gay"
I would ask what he even meant by 'gay', since the concept has never been really defined or explained as to what it means beyond a sexual act, or that anything 'happens' to the brain as consequence of a sexual act.

I would've seen that a deranged retarded man who did not differ at all in his delusional thinking from the,
>Christian activists
well exactly

>they live to corrupt and destroy, and should be stifled quickly and safely before they do any damage.
Probably so, but you can't deny that you're smarter and more secure as a result of being exposed to that type and figuring it out.

If only more politicians and theorists could be molested or have their own children molested, they would grow up a little more balanced I think and less naive toward the grim realities of other people and their motivations.

>> No.20499884

>That said, exposing children to mentally disturbed transgender people will only result in them being traumatized by those people and carrying deep scars and resentment about it for the rest of their lives; obviously this is counter productive to the overt aim of this 'program'.
>A purple haired fat positive goblin comes up to you flaying around wildly and menacingly wielding a huge black dildo. screeching, the goblin demands you refer to it by one out of seven sets of made up pronouns alternating according to their whims and the phases of the moon.

absolutely this.

but dont talk shit about the moon.

>> No.20499888

A lot of the best books have fags or were written by fags...

>> No.20499896

the point is that children are innately innocent regardless of the media that they consume. i don't care if my hypothetical son were to watch porn and play violent games, it doesn't mean they're no longer innocent, and it doesn't mean that their worldview is underdeveloped.

>> No.20499898

I think you mean pedophiles. Byron was a pedophile, Poe was a pedophile, Wilde was a pedophile. The list goes on.

>> No.20499903

No retard, kids are not eggs. They are little mirrors just like (you). Humans are designed to mimetically copy behavior which is the true source of the npc meme. It is much more efficient to observe and copy behavior mindlessly than to engage the higher order brain functions to consciously influence behavior. Kids should not be copying adult sexual behavior because they aren't physically developed for that behavior. Simple as.

>> No.20499921

But science can and must be used to further the cause of sexual liberation! We can get the children on hormones we can give them viagra we can get them to watch pornography and destigmatize sex work from an early age as an alternative source of income and to further sexual liberation

>> No.20499931

By definition, they are not.
People with ovaries can reproduce bringing age 10-12, most can begin earlier when precocious puberty is activated by routine sexual stimulation. Infants masturbate and have sexual impulses. These are basic biological facts.

>> No.20499936

pdf or epub

>> No.20499942


>> No.20499948

On a base physical level orgasm releases bonding oxytocin. So you are training your body to associate being alone and the hyper sexual images you are consuming with connection. There are no important other elements like the smell of another human partner, skin contact, etc.

The bonding phenomenon is humorous and powerful. You can get comedic outcomes like boomers who can only get an erection when wearing and looking at boots because they left their house to masturbate and fucking pair bonded to the sight of their boots. This is also the mechanism by which you can meme your sexual response onto anything. You absolutely can meme yourself into being gay or whatever else you can creatively think of through repeated exposure and oxytocin dosage.

>> No.20499949

>I would ask what he even meant by 'gay',
Homosexual, the G in LGBTQ+
There was zero ambiguity on what he meant with him being gay.
as with
>Christian activists
He had zero actual belief in God and used spirituality and religion only as fodder to reach young people.

>> No.20499978

>The popular view of Ariès' thesis was dismantled over the coming decades. Slate's Stephen Metcalf describes an "anti-Arièsist" cottage industry whose most notable practitioners include historians Steven Ozment and Nicholas Orme. Orme wrote Medieval Children, a book dedicated to refuting the Ariès thesis, which reviewers agree it did. Orme concluded that "medieval children were ourselves, five hundred or a thousand years ago" and that their parents genuinely cherished and grieved for their children, similar to modern parents. Despite these decades of refutation, the Ariès thesis persists in non-academics, who associate medieval children with "miniature adults." The book had considerable academic influence and began a trend in the humanities where studied ideas are seen as caused by culture rather than by nature, biology, or self. Metcalf described Centuries of Childhood as a book "that, virtually on contact, sets the mind on fire" for its imagination, especially as written in 1960, a time of childhood's expansion. Metcalf asserted that Ariès' method of cultural causes influenced Michel Foucault's thinking, which has since touched most academic disciplines.
Thanks for reccing bullshit.

>> No.20499987

The bible unironically. There is a part that says train up a child in the way he should go so when he grows up he will not depart from it.
But there's also a verse that's says don't mess with them kids or it be better if you had a millstone tied to your neck and you were thrown into the ocean.

>> No.20500001
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on queer theory? I cannot be the only one who is disturbed by what i cannot help but see as a form of coercitive social engineering being aggressively promoted by an ideological and self righteous minority backed by powerful elite interests. is there really any substance to it beyond narcissism, snivelling victimhood and the undeniable helping of pedophilia?

>> No.20500003

Blanchard one day will pay for his mistake to open the doors for mentally ill heterosexual males to transition

>> No.20500005

I agree, because some stuff is baked into genetics like baby birds instantly recognizing hawk shadows. There is a genetic component to memory and that would extend to sexuality. That is why I say children's sexuality needs to be preserved as their own. They need to be allowed to express their genetic based sexuality without interference from adults exposing them to adult sexuality. Children don't need to copy adult sex behaviors because they have their own genetic blueprint to express. Exposing them to adult behavior to copy infringes on the genetic memory territory and overwrites it when the child is not at that development level. This is true child sexuality preservation, but the proponents are degenerates who want kids to conform to adult expressions. That's vile.

>> No.20500035

>There was zero ambiguity on what he meant with him being gay.
Nah you could've changed his mind on the matter. In English language the word 'gay' is just the 1500's-1920's slang for 'cool, hip, light-hearted' and has nothing to do with anal sex.

My point is that 'he' thinks it's something overly profound as to define a persons character entirely around a sexual action, and that the equation between this, that and the word used to describe it is largely baseless.

Honestly, this seems to be all it takes to set a persons mind straight, I know this from experience of having that conversation with a few people who were or otherwise seemed to be heading down the flaming fag path.

>He had zero actual belief in God
>god with a capital G
oh i didnt realize who i was talking to,

I thought you'd reached the conclusion that the personal delusions inherent in those two things were what was propelling his brain to engage first in grooming children for sex and then 'become saved' and go out and engage in grooming children 'to save them', as the two actions are largely identical in their stages and motivations.

i.e. he went from rape and domination with his penis as the tool, to rape and domination with his jesus-heart-aura as the tool.

>> No.20500049
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When will it end? And where will it end?

>> No.20500058

The righteousand wholesale extermination of the politically correct lgbtsjwtfnpc community

>> No.20500067

Anon, you're mentally ill. You probably suffer from delusions of grandeur when you're not feeling persecuted. Please get the help you need while you still can.

>> No.20500119

lol that's pretty transparent, anon,

You must have taken offense at my debunk of religious people and so you call my actual proven method at turning gay people straight to be nothing more than,
"mentally ill"
"delusions of grandeur when you're not feeling persecuted,"
which is an obvious non-sequitur. You would rather, then, that people remained doing evil things if them not doing evil things means they aren't worshiping Jesus.

Shit, man, I was just replying to the subject. Maybe how you think the world is isn't exactly how it is, hm?

>> No.20500128

Satan is prince of this world. We put him on the throne ourselves. If you're awake, you're part of the advance troops sent to take back the earth before Christ returns and utterly destroys the adversary. This is basic theology 101, yet you have so many retards who don't read at all and completely misunderstand.

>> No.20500158

"delusions of grandeur" how did you reach that conclusion? (that sounds like your churches) because I said I had changed a few peoples minds and they'd stopped acting like cartoon-gays? is it grandeur over this?

It's kind of odd that you think other peoples minds can't be changed on things, yet you're engaging in an activist hobby here, trying to undermine other peoples opinions about (what i had said) for the sake of your own political leanings.

and why would i think i was being "persecuted"? (that also sounds like your church)

I'm just curious what you'll say; I know you were obviously just doing a character attack because I said shit like this,
>I thought you'd reached the conclusion that the personal delusions inherent in those two things were what was propelling his brain to engage first in grooming children for sex and then 'become saved' and go out and engage in grooming children 'to save them', as the two actions are largely identical in their stages and motivations.

>i.e. he went from rape and domination with his penis as the tool, to rape and domination with his jesus-heart-aura as the tool.

>> No.20500161
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>Perhaps one of the most disturbing attempts to undermine families can be seen in a slick video produced by LGBT in the City, a multi-media organization that produces talk shows and videos related to LGBT issues and is sponsored by such monster corporations as Telus and TD Bank. To say LGBT in the City has a hedonistic focus would be a grotesque understatement and it might be argued that at least one of their videos encourages the sexualization of children, specifically in the form of an eight year old boy mockingly named “Lactacia.”


>In a slick video released on Facebook with over one million views so far, a hyper-feminized/sexualized 8 year old boy (who some have compared to a drag version of JonBenét Ramsey) is featured partying in a hypersexual adult LGBT environment and telling kids watching that if their parents or friends do not support their desire to be drag (or trans), they need to get new parents and friends. Professional quality video and editing made this call to young children to the queer lifestyle all the more appealing. As “Lactatia” speaks to his peers, while an all too happy host leers, bold text leaps out at the viewer saying “YOU NEED NEW PARENTS! YOU NEED NEW FRIENDS!” You too can be a drag queen or transgender superstar and perhaps head out on the town to party with the wild LGBT boys and “Lactatia.” If your parents won’t get on board, they can simply be replaced with a new “glitter family.”

This would have been unimaginable only 10 years ago, now people are afraid to speak out against it for fear of loosing their jobs and livelihoods. i shudder to think about were the next 10 years of "progress" will take us if no action is taken to stop them. Reminder This is cultural marxism this is the future they want for our children. if you support "queer theory" "gay rights" or "trans rights" if you are on the left this is what you are supporting

>> No.20500167

It's from The Batman

>> No.20500171

The biggest redpill for me was realizing that the old adage "the freer the market, the freer the people" has always been true. The more that sex becomes a commodity and the more that human life becomes reconfigured around market distribution, the more liberated we become. It's a win-win. Women get to make lots of money off their beautiful bodies and men get to have access to those beautiful bodies just by having to pay for it. What could be better?

>> No.20500179
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>> No.20500183

Thanks to the civil rights act soon any man who refuses to hire old fat trans sex workers will have to report for reeducation against ageism transphobia and fatphobia

>> No.20500184

this has been the claim made since jesus and paul; and the stupid people believed that the world was going to end 'very very soon' and it never does.

Why don't you start learning how to engage with the world that believe god created; to learn how and why people do these things that you dislike, instead of ignoring the world that you claim to believe the god created, in favor of depressive ravings from old hebrew hobos who were writing in a culture that achieved no great philosophy, inventions, scientific advances, military generals, good social life, prosperity, etc.

It seems more to me that Jesus was talking about his own society, how they needed to get over the silly dogmas and be more like their intelligent and successful neighbors; the Romans, whereas you want to wallow in self-defeating theology which Jesus was speaking against.

"obey Caesar,"

why don't you do what Jesus says?

>> No.20500185

he's trolling you idiot

>> No.20500200

>imagine winning the genetic lottery and wasting it by becoming a monster

>> No.20500206

Care to explain what the seal of Salomon is?

>> No.20500215
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I always had a live and let live attitude towards fags, but it turns out if you give them an inch they take a mile. literally all they had to do was mind their own business and leave kids out of it. why is it so god damn god damn hard for them to just leave kids out of it and mind their own business? in a decade ive gone from being supportive of them to hoping they are rounded up and shot by the state, no mercy

>> No.20500225

Pretend I'm trolling if you like, you can't make a case to disprove anything I actually said.


You're just mad because the logic applies to you as well, i guess.

>>i.e. he went from rape and domination with his penis as the tool, to rape and domination with his jesus-heart-aura as the tool.

and it implies that you're still a piece of shit despite your superficial pretenses to be somehow holy and pious now for reading the bible a little bit and managing to not follow through on your own urges to fuck children.

is that it? lol

c'mon, say something.

>> No.20500253

When good men are seen as evil, and embrace society's evil to save society.
Interestingly enough, the preventative measure for this seems to be the "African takeover". A quick, youth-driven revolution of violence and rape that doesn't ultimately change anything. The glowniggers are pushing for this, ultimately it lets their masters stay in power.

>> No.20500297
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>Touch grass

>> No.20500300

>pose 0 threat
Kek. Imagine typing this out without laughing considering how many drag queen groomer scandals there have been.

>> No.20500308
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We need only look at history.

>> No.20500309

>The glowniggers are pushing for this, ultimately it lets their masters stay in power.
It is a democracy, anon. You, and those like you, have been the only ones in power throughout all of the bad happening.

>> No.20500314

cope,seethe,dilate etc etc..

>> No.20500317

Trannies are incel class traitors.

>> No.20500323

I think it’s different this time. A redneck might call you faggot and trannie bedhind your back and curse your disgusting bedroom habits but the second you touch his children he’s going to blast your brains off. I really hope Leftist start pushing this agenda hard so we might get a proper reaction this time. Remember, pre-2018 literally no one was talking about trannies and now they are omnipresent

>> No.20500343

Tfw was too molested to be a normal heterosexual but not molested enough to actually get a taste for it and continue the cycle by molesting other children in turn like lgbt do

>> No.20500350

okay but at least you had 11 years of innocence. That's still a pretty good foundation. Not the best, but not horrible.

>> No.20500380
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The average American can't even vote rapists out of office. The power one has is equal to the next man. Optimization is obvious, I suppose but at that point a more tantalizing act presents itself.

>> No.20500418

oh shit, there's a great quote that just i reminded myself of,

"to cling onto innocence long after innocence has faded (or been revealed to be untrue) is what turns people into monsters,"

something to that effect.

i.e. to insist that we deny reality, because reality is grim, is to cover-up the causes of evil which we actually do see but wish to pretend we don't (we fear the social or personal cost), and thereby we enable evil and become evil ourselves, perpetuating it.

if i remember who actually said this, i'll come back and say.

>> No.20500429

Drag queens and small children make the same fashion choices. It is romanticised ignorance to think that dressing as a sloppily executed exotic bird doesn't have appeal to the human psyche, and probably means the "adults" involved want to forget when they got their shitty walmart batman costume judged by bullies.
>books expand on this idea?
Start with the Greeks and Zeus turning himself or half his love interests into birds. People just like feathers

>> No.20500443

>The more that sex ecomes a commodity and the more that human life becomes reconfigured around market distibution
how can you fucking type that and think for a second that is a good way to live.

>> No.20500458

>The average American can't even vote rapists out of office.
that it itself a comment on, "You, and those like you, have been the only ones in power throughout all of the bad happening," as the ability of a democracy to work only works insofar as the common culture of te voter permits, so 'you' have a culture where this kind of stuff is tolerated or a culture, rather, incapable of actually dealing with this, so your political society is still a comment or a manifestation of the culture of the voting people,

still true then that,
>You, and those like you, have been the only ones in power throughout all of the bad happening.

>> No.20500469

T. Boring vanillastraight guy christian trumpublicsn who is probably a swerf and terf as well

>> No.20500480

Well put anon. I agree with you.

>> No.20500491

You can be nonconformist when it comes ti "gender" (ie. getting fucked in the ass and supporting child indoctrination) but you have to be a conformist when it comes to politics and culture and pretty much everything else

>> No.20500496
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Genetic reductivism is too strong nowadays when people tackle demographic troubles. Like you implied, nihilism is a choice people take, so to just let racial characteristics die out about because of state promotion of entitlement and nihilism is gay, it can still be undone.

Here is a list of all the cultural degeneracy that comes as a preliminary requirement to the prevalence of mutants and degenerates behaving as they do today, which such mutants wouldn't practice if it were the 1960s:

1.) Sexual reproduction is now a choice not a necessity anymore:

Less than a century ago, people needed to have children because children were needed to provide for the family with incomes and to care for the old. Today, age care is abdicated to social workers and we have welfare protections to bail out old broke retirees, so there is no NEED to have children anymore, rather to the contrary; they are seen as only a burden on free time, money and career choices. This is due to drastically increased capitalist exploitation from Neoliberalism, making children more expensive in the long run and undermining their social importance with cheap foreign labour.

2.) Lack of Shame Culture due to Feminist Sexual Rights caused by Neoliberalism:

Another problem is not so much promiscuity itself, but rather the lack of shame associated with reckless or inconsiderate sex due to hook-up culture by the normalisation of abortion as if aborting a fetus is a standard medical procedure for a young woman in her lifetime. I'm still in favour of the allowance of abortion for eugenic practices and perhaps for the choice of individuals under strict conditions like less than 3 months pregnancy, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't still be curbed culturally by shaming it as destructive behaviour. Fundamentally, this boils down to the deconstruction of marriage as simply just a legal category and a status symbol due to gay rights as an inevitable consequence of feminism. Marriage is no longer the life-long partnership of a loving couple to have children as decided by the nation or by God.


>> No.20500499

You can have a free market while also having conservative social institutions. This is essentially what the West has been doing since the late 1500s.

>> No.20500503

3.) Nihilism as caused by Neoliberal destruction to the prospect of Homeownership, end of the world prophecies about climate change and the scepticism of reason in Post-Modernity:

I believe there is a deep psychoanalytical problem with young people today, as they can't envision themselves having a family (as incels) but also because they can't anticipate the possibility of raising a family when they have to pay a mortgage for a house, indebting them as wage slaves for 10, 20, maybe 30 years. They also can't do this because they think "what is the point?", if their children will die by 2050 anyway due to climate change. To top this off, a secular and deracinated culture without a national/imperial mythos that is alienated in multicultural society simply can only spend their free time on consumerism anyway; Getting drunk on the weekends at bars and clubs, nice holidays, watching porn, playing video games all day, owning a nice car etc.. all to cope with the destruction of their societies and any possibility to having a family. Society at large is simply not interested in raising children anymore as what is the point in the state of society, especially when your cultural identities and institutions are being replaced with multicultural ones and absurd ones.

4.) Absurdity and degeneracy as promoted by Wokeness from Neoliberal universities and American/Western deep state institutions, exacerbated with internet cults (4chan, reddit etc.) and cults of personalities that freaks idolize

Transgenderism and anti nativism whilst founded by intellectual Cultural Mar** such as Critical theory and ISA's (Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses), gender deconstruction theories etc., are only exacerbated by the internet, and so absurdity can only grow exponentially from social media.

>> No.20500526

>Like you implied, nihilism is a choice people take, so to just let racial characteristics die out about because of state promotion of entitlement and nihilism is gay, it can still be undone.
this is actually a good point; if someone opposed homosexuality they ought not be concerned about it as those gene-pools are evolutionary dead-ends if the instinct to procreate is cauterized by the practice 'of' that habit.

In a moderately long-term understanding of this, this is kind of nothing. There's also something to be said for the least fit amongst us voluntarily opting out of the gene-pool we don't need any more tiny skulled anglo-germans wandering around causing problems anyway.

>> No.20500530

Does anyone else feel a real sense of almost bubbling quiet rage and disgust that WE are considered to be the immoral cunts in this argument, and the absolute fraud in OP's screencap to have the moral authority? All we have is 4chan to express these views. I look into the eyes of my father and even my grandfather, and they have no idea what kind of fucking norms we're being assraped with on the daily. It's like every second our souls and common ethics are being circumcised with rusty shears. I just can't abide it. But I can't tune out either, that would make me useless. My decisions are to have children and educate them at home, or send them to a private school if I earn enough, or to just not bring children into this ridiculous system. It's just... the cultural norms are so lopsided it's fucking disgusting. Every now and then I feel my subconscious pang for some kind of normal, but it will never come. Social media and the gay norms it supports willl assfuck us until we're in our elderly years.

>> No.20500571
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Under normal Darwinian pressures, dysgenically inclined people would still end up reproducing because of the strict societal pressures and facts of life imposed on them. But our society isn't normal. A large reason for the amount of current dysgenics is because they were compelled or funded to reproduce even though they should not have (for the overall fitness of society)

Rather, the extremity of transgenderism, Machiavellianism, white-guilt, anti-natalism etc. is not purely genetic but 100% culturally motivated. All of what were seeing here is caused by those.

>> No.20500577

Lord of the flies

>> No.20500582

Childhood naivety and innocence are real things though, well, innocence is debatable but children certainly possess worldview different from adults. Coomers should not invade children's and teen personal spaces.

>> No.20500612

Childhood innocence is just impressionability. Children can be mean but that's because they don't fully grasp the consequences of the choices they make because their brains haven't finished developing, which implies their conscience is still worth interpreting. it's why we don't prosecute people under 18 when they steal from a store as we do with older people.

>> No.20500623

Aren't these the same people who are thoroughly traumatised for life when molested in their youth? I don't understand how they're so unable to see why normal people would be concerned with this.

>> No.20500638

Those in the LGBT movement are compelled to continue the cycle by molesting other children in turn. Its a form of trauma based mind control promoted by powerful elites in order to demoralize the population

>> No.20500641

I read an article from a senator before about how social cohesion is maintained now through social engineering. One aspect of social engineering involves altering the frequency of cues in advertisements pertaining to acceptance of social deviancy. Prior to periods of economic downturn, sexual and social deviancy are normalized for one reason or another, which ties into various industrial complexes.
Social engineering is a real field and much of what they do is confidential, though it comes down to a matter of data mining and manipulating societal consensus.
In my view, largely developed urbanized areas in the modern post-industrial, globalized world can be considered as analogous to "factory farms". The chaos of the factory farm is managed for the sake of economic and industrial reasons based on periods of economic downturn.
I am just remembering this vaguely. Your idea of new marketing demographics may tie into this.

>> No.20500742
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Have faith, anon. The Taliban proved globohomo can be defeated, and if a bunch of illiterate tribesmen from the Middle East can do it, so can we.

>> No.20500811

>Rather, the extremity of transgenderism, Machiavellianism, white-guilt, anti-natalism etc. is not purely genetic but 100% culturally motivated. All of what were seeing here is caused by those.
ah but you'd have to be dysgenic in the first place to be sucked into those things, so it still works out fine.

let's poison the crate of really bad beer because only the real tasteless types will inclined to drink it in the first place.

it's just a shortcut or a preventative measure which, from a eugenics point of view, has been sold absolutely perfectly.

>Under normal Darwinian pressures, dysgenically inclined people would still end up reproducing because of the strict societal pressures and facts of life imposed on them. But our society isn't normal
you meant they 'would not', i think(?)

Neh this doesn't hold up to scrutiny when you consider that the planet still basically runs and has run for millenia on arranged marriages where the village idiot would still probably be assured of having at least one wife and children.

If anything the absence of this as a positive construct explains lifestyle-homosexuality of men and women, and the other fetishes, as they're not able to find fitting partners without their parents help, and they never, then, do find fitting partners.

I would argue there are plenty more positives to these people not existing in the future through their own reproductive choices, whereas the contrary position (i.e.to oppose this) 'seems' to be that you must actually want all those people to go on existing and still be here informing the democracy in 2070.

i'm not trying to argue you into agreeing with this or anything, it's just an obvious point I think, when the situation is examined clearly; that:
the biggest champion of gay-gender-whatever is championing a eugenicist policy 'against' those people directly.

>> No.20500819
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>> No.20500842

They cannot reproduce hence they fill compelled to groom!

>> No.20500858

This! It’s meme vs gene strategy for reproduction

Funny thing, in the past most faggots were in the closet and did reproduce to fit in society. Today, most faggots are out and about which means that their genes will die with them unless they manage to groom at least 1 person before they die.

>> No.20500864

literally every single ad in my country has one nigger girl in an afro, no matter how out of place she is. it's like it's mandatory. it's absolutely insane because niggers here are not integrated at all. I have not seen a single one that could grasp the local language on a basic level. but in the ads they're among these upper class people doing shit I can't afford

>> No.20500883

?? I read the classics. And I'm not a hot gay guy, Im an ugly bisexual guy who has a crush on his hot gay friends.

>> No.20500901

as things are right now you could literally have bands of niggers raping white women in the streets and the only reaction would be that white people will be told to stay home, and fined for not complying.

>> No.20500911

>but in the ads they're among these upper class people doing shit I can't afford
the ads are designed to make you envy and hate them.

the moment racialism is actually gone there's very little to justify the neoliberal state.

>> No.20500921

>ah but you'd have to be dysgenic in the first place to be sucked into those things, so it still works out fine.
Not always, the most elite Liberals' (Like Contra points) sterilize themselves completely, they proliferate by tweeting on social media; spreading their ideas of negative freedom and trans rights to spread. Stuff like Pornography is a massive external source that proliferates dysgenic tastes and culture, more so that these external transformations will outnumber the legit retards who are genetic dead ends. This is why we need to recreate conservative values to find the 'sources'.

>> No.20500932

I don't envy them because the people in the ads don't exist, and going outside covers the hate part already. All they obtain is that I will try to avoid the products.

>> No.20500950

Fighting for a better policy for the sake of policy, against its subjects, is a Libtard thing. Ive seen nothig like it beisdes Stalinist states. Libtrad societies are fighting themselves in a way, finding issues to "fix" shit even if it will make things worse.

>> No.20500952
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This is the freakishly dystopian nature of it. The totalitarian dystopia was quietly gaining momentum, building up in the background over the past decades — maybe even centuries, if you want to get into lurid theories about some type of Masonic/Illuministic cabal — and has done such a masterly work of social engineering — that it appears to be the most “normal” thing in the world! It’s just the “normal” way modern society is, even “inevitable”, the “freest, most tolerant, enlightened, educated, affluent, and liberal era in known human history”! It was inevitable African-Americans were freed from slavery, segregation ended, given the vote, affirmative action instituted, and then movements like BLM came about; only “racists” and “White supremacists” think “any of this might be going too far; the same people today who dislike aspects of BLM and radical leftist teachings such as critical race theory, are the same who were against the ending of slavery and against desegregation, they are preemptively already wrong, antiquated bigots in the line of slaveholders”. It was inevitable women were given the vote, allowed in the workforce, diversity quotas and scholarships also made for them to “smooth out the wage gap from the history of patriarchal repression,” inevitable gays allowed to marry and then the LGBTQ+ and pride movement come about, then transgenderism finally as the seeming ultra-modern, most sophisticated, “liberal” endpoint of this — normalizing transgenderism, including it in the education of children, puberty blockers, hormone replacement therapy, surgery, and the like.

The brilliant demonism of it is that it’s so hard to go against without becoming the enemy. You are essentially preemptively the bigot, a “far-right neo-Nazi” now even if you fully believe, “I do not think any race is superior or inferior to another, so not want to stone gays to death or execute transgender people, don’t want Blacks back in chains and women back in the household — I simply think the social justice cult which blames all evils in the world on White men, and holds designated minority groups are in all cases the sanctified victim and can never do or go wrong, goes too far in some cases.”

>> No.20501004
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This is the atmosphere they WANT to create — they want radicalization to happen, because the more rapidly and powerfully people can be radicalized (“If I’m already going to be called ‘far-right’ or a ‘Nazi’ for dissenting, why not actually go all the way?”), the more rapidly and obviously dissenters can be singled out, targeted, humiliated and scapegoated, set up as an enemy by the mainstream media, politicians, and the education system, used to heighten the fear of the bogeyman threat of ‘White supremacist radicalized alt-right terrorism and conspiracy theorists’ and thereby, through a vicious circle, further justify repressive measures like online censorship of ‘hate speech’ and ‘conspiracy theories’ and the transformation of the education system into an arm of the state for programming the masses and targeting dissenters.

Essentially, I believe it has all been set up so well to make it so that all dissenters to globohomo can be targeted as “alt-right,” “Neo-Nazis,” “White supremacists.” They WANT this scapegoat just as they WANTED and NEEDED the scapegoat of Islamic jihadi terrorism to justify capturing oil reserves from the Middle East and creating a global surveillance state through mechanisms like the Patriot Act. And yet ironically, I do not support the jihadis or the neo-Nazis, even though I see the massive temptation of throwing your weight behind them simply because they seem like such better alternatives to globohomo.

This is the awfulness of it and mind-rending “banality of evil” Hannah Arendt talked about, ironically in relation to Nazism. Throughout history we’ve had movements like Nazism, Marxism, fascism, we “look back” on them as supposed self-styled “superior objective observers who overcame all that and live in the best, freest, most tolerant and enlightened era in human history” while having a created a system even more totalizing and totalitarian than all of them combined. And if you even point this out or believe in it, the worst part is that you actually sound insane and can be made fun of.

>LMAO the sensitive White male incel thinks it’s the end of the world because we’re giving transgender people rights.

I am a pacifist but the past few years have brought home to me the necessity of bloodshed and death. We NEED civil war conditions.

>> No.20501039
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People I, we, are all close to, friends, family members, teachers, professors, coworkers, employers, they legitimately ARE the problem, ARE throwing their support behind their enemy and are NOT part of the solution and will despise you, make fun of you, view you as “the evil one”, “the stupid one”, “the black sheep,” if you bring it up. I believe coming events in the next few years or decades will bring this out fully — we WILL see civil-war-zone conditions in the West, a class of people (such as today conservatives, those refusing to get the vaccine, and the like) psychologically — it’s a brute fact — cannot handle endlessly being made fun of, made out to be the enemy, disparaged, etc. And the awful fact is it might not even accomplish anything good or great or necessary except to kill and traumatize necessary people who need to be killed and traumatized.

Ironically I and we may even be playing into globohomo’s hands with ideas and beliefs like these — use a civil war, to humiliate and destroy “the enemy” (ourselves) even further and finally set up something like the vicious totalitarian one world government they seem to want.

And yet, since we — a subset of people maybe bigger than we think, being isolated from each other on the web — know and see that the ideal of globohomo slavery they want for us is worse than death, is a worse fate than fighting against it and losing — we are in the best position to give it our all. Those of the globohomo cult will sardonically go, “Wow, YOU GUYS, some of the most affluent, privileged, sheltered people ever think something like transgender rights is worth civil war over?” snidely and smugly, or even some hysterical crying out that they’re the victim and didn’t do anything to deserve this, or some sense of vindication in how morally superior they are and what an evil radicalized bigot YOU are.

They cannot be argued or reasoned with! The only answer they deserve is, “Yes, exactly,” and a bullet through the head.

>> No.20501066

it's over anon
they are 10 years ahead of us all
your reaction is coming 10 years late

>> No.20501095

The true adult prejudice which we must fear is not a desire to protect children ,as this retard who castrated himself claims, but the predatory sexual instinct towards defenseless and innocent children that lurks amongst the homosexuals.

>> No.20501115

Well I don't disagree the people able to be sucked into it 'are' perhaps in the millions, but so what, there's billions on earth to start with. Having a twitter account qualifies as one of those poisoned beer things I mentioned.

especially nowadays when the censorship is so fucking blatant - nobody's there who isn't in some way half-cracked.

My point was that it can be seen somewhat positively in terms of all potential people like that actually drinking the kool-aid of their own free will, and advocating that others inclined to be that stupid also of their own free will drink the kool-aid.

>> No.20501144

From the most apparently rational point of view, it’s indeed “over”, as you put it. But something deeper in my soul tells me we’ll see unexpected things, movements, pushbacks. Seeds of this were to be found in Trump’s very election and some of his more radicalized base — ironically taken by the majority as “proof the world is ending, gone mad, and we’re reverting to White supremacy.” The greatness of it is, I think, that they overplayed their hand — for those firmly stuck in globohomo mentality, their mindset is along the lines of what I just said, but countless people undoubtably had the enlightenment moment of “I and we are already going to be called X” — neo-Nazi, White supremacist, fascist, far-right, alt-right, or what-you-will — “so let’s not worry about what we’re called, realize how demonic and false the enemy is.” I think they overtipped their hand and we’re going to see an inevitable pushback against the school of patient gradualist infiltration and subversion — “the long march through the institutions” — that is coming about as they essentially become more overtly totalitarian. Humanity intrinsically loves freedom.

>> No.20501177

>countless people
99% of people are like herd animals. not even intelligent animals like crows, no, like literal cows. They do not have an inner monologue, they do not have thoughts like that. They have no principles or beliefs and because of this they will simply adapt. The only people who have a problem with anything are people with a soul.

>> No.20501182

You just want to control children and mold them to your worldview. Seems pretty predatory desu.

>> No.20501229

Go back

>> No.20501246

good post

>> No.20501250

almost ever culture on earth ever has had some form of rite of passage for both bois and girls
i fucking hate glowies so much its unreal.

>> No.20501276

i can't help but notice that in previous ages if a foreign conqueror invaded it would sometimes humiliate and destroy the children of the previous ruling class by making them into eunuchs and effeminate creatures,

so what really are they doing to themselves; this 'neoliberal elite', but saving us the bother of having to take over and do to them?

it's just an odd point i suppose, it all resembles a deep death wish, moreso in this kind of conclusion; >>20501144 where it's all like "some big narrative" being played out at the expense of ljust breaking away from all the nonsense and taking care of ones own self,

i mean, what does it matter that people are suffering for spinach costing $60 a bundle if you're able to grow your own? focusing on reality is the important thing.

>> No.20501279

>They cannot be argued or reasoned with! The only answer they deserve is, “Yes, exactly,” and a bullet through the head.
The problem is their large prole army thinks the same of you. And its getting closer to the point where they can send that bullet through your head without consequence.

>> No.20501297
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>social media screencap thread
Please go back to twitter.

>> No.20501304

Augustine was very clearly being rhetorical in the Confessions when he uses children as a recurring framework for human desires. Why are Orthos and atheists so autistically incapable of getting the rhetorical techniques and think that Augustine actually just particularly liked shittalking kids?

>> No.20501308

lmao the Taliban didn't do shit, but hey I'm sure they will need more bodies for those Chinese lithium mines

>> No.20501313

Imagine loosing your shit over a youtuber

>> No.20501351

letting normies on the internet was a mistake

>> No.20501353

Well, yes, this is why I fundamentally and intrinsically dislike war even though those posts might make me sound like a warlike person. But the point is war is war. People are realizing what they’re up against is like what you’re saying and becoming correspondingly radicalized. So at least we might see some chaos and civil-war-like conditions instead of an endless gradual decline into dystopia which refuses to admit what it’s doing, what it’s intentions and goals are and that it’s even making anything worse or plays any role in “radicalizing” people. You’re right — the core of both sides is just as radicalized and essentially even vicious, to an extent having turned inhuman through a vicious circle/feedback loop of simultaneously feeling themselves to constantly be dehumanized as well as through constantly dehumanizing their opponents. In other words, the radical leftist transgender persyn [sic] feels just as dehumanized, “Othered” and scapegoated as the angry young man constantly being told he, the group he’s a part of, is the cause of all evil in the world, then gaslighted that there’s really none of this sentiment towards him or at least not as much as he thinks it is, and even if there is it’s only just and valid recompense for certain historical injustices and really not as much as minorities have faced and do continue to face.

So, to repeat, we might at least have martyrs and people who died trying for freedom, as opposed to just the endless decline. These are conditions in which revolutions take place, such as the American Revolution — when people felt it was better to die trying for freedom than live enslaved, and no matter what others thought about them, that they were “psychopathic,” “had become radicalized,” “were unruly and ungrateful subjects,” and the like.

>> No.20501358

its not just a youtuber is a movement, a totalitarian ideology, lgbt are not adults who just want to be left alone, they are ideological soldiers, driven by pedophilic lust and a victimhood complex

>> No.20501391

This is entirely valid when it doesn’t yet encroach on your life and is, again, a valid enough viewpoint to have — you can be there on the sidelines and view yourself as safe, superior to it all, comfortable in your own life situation, not having to choose a side and viewing both as equally misguided and stupid. My point of view, however, is that I already have chosen a side through an event/circumstance which isn’t the same for everyone and may even make you and others feel cynically and skeptically superior to me — in my case, the vaccine mandate, not wanting to insert a Nuremberg-Code-violating medical experiment into my body. For others it might be something else or even multiple things or nothing in particular but just the whole sense that these people want nothing good for them and their children. So you can view it for the time-being as just something to stay away from and ignore but maybe when/if an actual race or civil war happens this will be untenable — you’ll be forced, in spite of yourself, to choose a side.