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File: 487 KB, 750x750, 1635834724298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20518828 No.20518828 [Reply] [Original]

what's a good book to read if i hate women
not in a high-brow political or moral sense where women are inferior because of dumb natural law things, i just simply fucking hate women

>> No.20518835

>Girls that perennially look like they have a cold
Bros...my weakness...go on...the sirens have claimed me......

>> No.20518839

American Psycho

>> No.20518844

Why do they hug guys over the shoulders?

>> No.20518846

because guys need more physical affection.

>> No.20518854

That's where the male g-spot is located

>> No.20518870

It’s so you can feel their breasts. You’d know if it ever happened to you

>> No.20518875


>> No.20518876

Men are happy to spend their life competing for women. this is not an atheist thing.

this competition is literally the heart of any society.
Men even love more to compete for women in atheism thanks to the jewish shows like how i met your whore mom where the crowd cheers for the gay actor competing for whores lol
In atheism, women are at the center of the society, because according to atheists, women are not ''objects'', so this coupled with the innate male devotion to whores, women are bound to dominate any atheist republic.

Women will always sit at the top of the sex market,& men will always like it.
Over thousands of years men have developed a neurotic narrative where somehow they are the stronger sex for putting their energy into pleasing women and the ruling class. Men are the one talking about hooooonor and how seducing women is awesome. Again even fucking Casanova took pride into a being free dildo to whores.

The day men stop putting women on a pedestal is the day society dies forever. And normies are fucking obsessed with living, with '''transmitting genes'''', like any atheist NPC keep saying, with building crap to fill up their lives with.
And women love to sit on the top of the sex market. Women get free easy life just by existing. That's how fucking insane their life full of privileges is. & women will never ever let this go.

Even in the apocalyptic days that beta cucks keep dreaming about and somehow they survive thanks to all their dubious survivalist skills they learn in atheism by watching youtube, they fancy themselves as providers to women lol. They literally would give lots of free shit to women, from all the hoarding they had done before the apocalypse. All of this because of vagina , fucking lel.

You even had 2 fucking top military guys from Rome fighting over the egyptian roastie known as Cleopatra. that's 2000 years before atheists took power. That's how pathetic military guys are. And how men in general are pussyslaves and wageslaves.

>> No.20518877

Why do they hug guys over the shoulders?

>> No.20518885
File: 39 KB, 409x409, 1582202480979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>men in general are pussyslaves and wageslaves
Not me, I refuse pussy and work

>> No.20518890

behold! the unchosen one!

>> No.20518891

Why do they hug guys over the shoulders?

>> No.20518903

To assert dominance over another financially fragile victim.

>> No.20518904

Why do they hug guys over the shoulders?

>> No.20518907

To strangle them with a John Cena move.

>> No.20518909
File: 1020 KB, 1920x2246, 1620856735073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls hug me over the shoulders because I only date amazons

>> No.20518910

Why do they hug guys over the shoulders?

>> No.20518911

the g spot is above the shoulders?

>> No.20518917

Why do they hug guys over the shoulder?

>> No.20518928

Yeah, I was honestly caught off guard the first time it happened to me.

>> No.20518929

Why do they hug guys over the shoulder?

>> No.20518930

No, it's located thirteen millimeters above the 4th rib on the right side, 2 milimeters away from the axis of symmetry. Keep searching midwit.

>> No.20518933

Why do they hug guys over the shoulders?

>> No.20518937

you can feel their tits if they hug you from the front as well? this makes no sense

>> No.20518942

It’s literally so you can get breast action. They only do it with a guy they like. Like when a guy likes a girl he squeezes her hips when he hugs her

>> No.20518944

Why do they hugguys over the shoulders?

>> No.20518945

so the guys can hold their waist. women are cute and pure and I love them

>> No.20518948

Nigger learn to read

>> No.20518949

Why, though? I want to know.

>> No.20518954

Why do they hug guys over the shoulder?

>> No.20518955

He means it's easier for you to fondle their tits because their arms are raised. If they hug you around the waist their arms are blocking their tits. If he hugs you around the neck/over the shoulder she's basically saying fuck me.

>> No.20518958

Nothing. It was a meme started on chinktok

>> No.20518962

Why do they hug guys over the shoulder?

>> No.20518964

so, your only option is to hug their asses.

>> No.20518967

Why do they hug guys over the shoulders?

>> No.20518969

>being this much of a kissless hugless handholdless virgin

>> No.20518970

it's the best way to get him to do a spontaneous slow dance.

>> No.20518972

Why do they hug guys over the shoulders?

>> No.20518973
File: 36 KB, 660x716, 1625173660222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 5'11''
>women pat me on the head instead of hugging

>> No.20518975
File: 224 KB, 750x1334, D266AE86-144E-4C49-B699-EEA9D8BC7B63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally teenagers know this
It’s because it’s supposed to encourage you to to grab their waists. You virgins likely put your hands on their back like they’re your grandmother lol. I hope you’re tall too. Short girls love to hug over the shoulder so they can feel your cock on their stomach. While your grabbing their waists too. It’s like foreplay before foreplay.

You’ve done this before right /lit/?

>> No.20518976

Cope, seethe, dilate and touch grass, you DYEL KWAB

>> No.20518977

Their armpits spray pheromones on your chest, so as to mark territory.

>> No.20518978

>to fondle their tits
that's not what that meant, retard. it means that you feel their tits pressing against you but that always happens unless they're completely flat

>> No.20518981

Stop spamming this thread, you perma virgin. No one gives a shit about your forced analysis of a meme

>> No.20518989

why are they such whores, bros

>> No.20518990

Why do they hug guys over the shoulder?

>> No.20518991

>not refusing hugs and telling girls you are not a fan of physical contact

>> No.20518993

Why do they hug guys over the shoulder?

>> No.20518994

To assassin your ass in a second with a razorblade between their fingers.

>> No.20518995

Why do they hug guys over the shoulders?

>> No.20518996

Why do they hug guys over the shoulders?

>> No.20518997

Female intuition and instincts.

>> No.20518998

it's so they can reach behind your neck and pull your soul out

>> No.20519001

No you're an autistic retard.

>> No.20519005
File: 275 KB, 750x779, 8D52ECB7-1941-4FF8-95E7-3D240F1131C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do men stare at women when they wear leggings and crop tops all day? Why do men imagine enacting rape fantasies and some even imagine saving women from abuse(wtf?) not to mention constantly slaughter and destroy worlds and their people. Men have killed, raped, stealed and lied dar more than women have.

>> No.20519012


>> No.20519015

Shut up, whore

>> No.20519025
File: 116 KB, 358x358, 1645678338357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i imagine getting raped and i'm a man so your argument is invalid.

also women don't kill and slaughter and destroy because they are physically unable to due to lack of strength. 12 year old boys can beat the shit out of any woman

>> No.20519035
File: 150 KB, 585x400, D628F908-FD35-41AC-9CAF-07A66D7ACFE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women cry when disasters happen and people are dead en masse.

Men stand around and pretend to be “stoic” never feeling a damn.

>> No.20519038

I don't need female validation.

>> No.20519042
File: 16 KB, 268x401, _methode_times_prod_web_bin_29aa68c2-c633-11e7-92dc-06edfbca4aab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do women imagine getting raped and abused?

>> No.20519045

Wanting to cry and retaining a perfectly still face is as satisfying as actually crying, if not more so.

>> No.20519046

Why do they hug guys over the shoulders?

>> No.20519054

>Women cry when disasters happen and people are dead en masse.
no they don't. the overwhelming majority react the same as men don't really give a fuck.
also in the psychological sphere it makes no sense to differentiate between 'men' and 'women' as collectives, see carl jung for this.

>> No.20519056
File: 594 KB, 1346x1005, 1624291544716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at me
>fuck my hole
>sex sex sex
>now gib monies
Meme gender

>> No.20519058

I love women. I want to get a hug and have a wife that asks me about my day and cuddle at night. Also have kids and a big family.

I'm such scum for wanting this bros what do?

>> No.20519060

Why do they hug guys over the shoulders?

>> No.20519067

To read a book behind his back.

>> No.20519068

But... my mom hugs me like that

>> No.20519072

Why do they hug guys over the shoulder?

>> No.20519077

OP here, thanks for ruining my thread

>> No.20519078

So they can wink at at Chad without (You) noticing

>> No.20519082

Why do they hug guys over the shoulder?

>> No.20519085

Your thread was off topic to begin with so it’s fair game

>> No.20519086

Many such cases!

>> No.20519088

I bet no gf of yours was ever good enough for her.

>> No.20519092

Why do they hug guys over the shoulders?

>> No.20519101

They reheat their frozen stiff nipples on a cold day.

>> No.20519102

No special reason you didn't already know. She's making it seem important so she sounds deep and captures your attention.

>> No.20519104

Why do they hug guys over the shoulder?

>> No.20519105
File: 91 KB, 640x968, 1649056673799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20519113


>> No.20519117
File: 142 KB, 735x867, capitalist-pig-does-not-like-woman-at-home-prefers-woman-at-work[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>some even imagine saving women from abuse(wtf?)

I already know this, but thanks for confirming that you psychotic modern women love being abused and are literally incapable of empathizing with someone that wants to help others.

Men love the fantasy of saving a woman from a bad situation, and to provide them with a good life. If only they knew how bad it was, and that women don't want to be saved, and they love their prisons. Single women working corporate jobs making fat stacks of cash to spend on gourmet cat food don't want to be saved - no matter how many saner younger women snap out of the delusion of idolizing corporate drudgery, to trade in their cats and wine for actual children.

>> No.20519118

This. To all of you who are genuinely: you’ve been successfully played and would have raised her engagement. Congrats for being a tool.

>> No.20519119

I wish women said these things to me

>> No.20519123

I hate them so fucking much. Christians are absurd first and foremost in their belief that w*man could ever be the ideal partner.

>> No.20519124

>genuinely curious*
If an e-whore said tomorrow: wait until men find out why women pee the same would move been like, ooooh why is that???

>> No.20519127

A girl hugged me like this (calm your jealousies, gentlemen) and I can guarantee you that's not why, or at least not everytime.

>> No.20519155
File: 94 KB, 640x503, 422DE080-44CE-403B-BC51-332EE5F29B07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you consider what she wants?
Food for thought.

>> No.20519164

You’d rather a man?

>> No.20519171
File: 30 KB, 960x960, 1619621399042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20519175

>Boys cuck... Men get cucked.

>> No.20519205

Never had one. Go away normalfag

>> No.20519213
File: 223 KB, 620x878, Orthodox_icon_of_Theotokos_Enthroned_P1_620x[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you recognise how awful women are, and are still an atheist, you're just as clueless and delusional as these women.

The only rational explanation for the pure insanity and evil of their actions, and the seemingly calculated nature of it despite their obvious incapacity for rational forethought of any kind, is that they are being influenced by, and act out plans concocted by, demons.

When Adam and Eve fell, Eve disobeyed God first, and Adam simped. Human nature was attacked in two vectors - Eve was attacked by Satan through lies, and Adam was attacked through Eve. Man's weakness is women, and Women's weakness is demons, and demons plant foreign thoughts and emotions in you. Since Eve is where human nature was invaded with evil, women are the most vulnerable point of attack for demons. This is blatantly obvious when you see how many women go straight to demon-invocating witchcraft, when this type of thing requires hyper-intellectualised approach for men, with deep theoretical ritual magic.

Why do weak men act like women? The answer is also blatantly obvious - the main reason women act the way they do is because they are weak, not because of inherent gender differences. They are weak intellectually, weak physically, and weak spiritually. Men who are weak don't act like women - women act weak, and weak men act weak.

The whole reason why the Virgin Mary is so mind-blowing, is because it's a reversal of expected nature, prophecied by Isaiah - God always causes reversals of nature when doing something significant, like giving the inheritance to the second-born over the first born. In this case, it's two reversals - one, the reversal of a fallen women being a mother and a virgin, and also for a woman to be the first person to be so close to God that she becomes fully deified and resurrect from the dead like Christ, is a woman - Christ's virgin mother. God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and there is nothing rightly considered more foolish than women. God's power is made perfect in weakness, and women are the weak sex. No wonder God's power was made perfect through the Virgin Mary.

The only thing keeping me from hating women as an entire class of people is the memory of these holy women, and my few experiences with actual pious women who by the grace of God have avoided a life of rampant whoring and kept their souls undefiled, as rare as they are - there is mountains of recorded evidence that it truly is possible for women to not be insufferable, vapid whores, since we have dozens if not hundreds of recorded examples of exactly these good women existing in Church History, and I have met an actual good, pious woman who unconditionally loves her priest husband, who has stuck with him through thick and thin, instead of abandoning him like most other women would in similar situations.

>> No.20519216

Does your mother remind you of the mother in Joker (2019)?

>> No.20519225
File: 2.05 MB, 753x707, 1652687010938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nastiest whores I had the misfortune of dating and fucking were catholics from deeply conservative families. They're all tradwives now, all their filth forgiven by Jesus. There's no escape from the vaginal evil, religion is just another copium to get high on.

>> No.20519242

Men attract the women they are.

>> No.20519244


Notice how >>20519155

Started talking down to you like you were a piece of shit, then unironically gave you an image that said "Boys won't raise their children, men will raise someone else's", saying that you must accept women that fuck other men (that aren't you) and raise the children they're saddled with from their shitty life choice of banging a chads.

That's because psychotic modern women see any sign of desire to be nice to women, as desperate capitulation. It marks you out as a target. If you start thinking of women like a shitty charicature of Conan the Barbarian tier emotionless, calculating, eugenicist tribal warlords trapped in weak bodies, who judge you as a bug to be crushed the moment you show even the slightest sign of weakness, then that will be more accurate than trying to trick yourself into believing that they have empathy.

>> No.20519248

No, but you are effeminate.

>> No.20519255

Admittedly I was a trashy teenager (but wealthy so I dated upper class daughters) but I've seen what happens well-mannered and docile guys who get pussy-whipped into ruin. Cucked few myself back then, seen dozens get abused and exploited. Did they deserve it, attract it?

>> No.20519260


Hey, I'm not saying that if a woman belongs to a religion nominally then that will magically make her not a whore. If you see someone say "I'm religious" then acts like an atheist, you know they're an atheist - just like if you see an atheist start praying when shit gets bad, you know they're not actually an atheist.

I'm saying that I have actually met legitimate, actual pious older women who do not have a background in being whores, who live as actually decent human beings now. This is the only context that I have ever seen a morally acceptable woman.

It would take a literal miracle to make a woman act like a human being, and I'm telling you I've seen this miracle.

>> No.20519274
File: 583 KB, 750x1176, 4ABF9493-8215-41F5-AB46-21AB3238999C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, men who just let their wives/gf do whatever don’t actually care for their lovers. They just want a pseudo mommy. If my friend is doing something dumb I’m calling him out for it even if it hurts his feelings. Even if it risks our friendship.

>> No.20519280
File: 825 KB, 465x498, wholesome-soyjak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This, so much this

>> No.20519288
File: 192 KB, 1440x860, 5146732D-BAA7-4F88-BDE9-CA30A5402537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you say this garbage to your mother? Your sister? Your lover(doubt)?
Your grandmother?
Your hypothetical 10 year old daughter?

I think I know what happened to you.

>> No.20519292
File: 2.68 MB, 360x640, ezgif-4-5e4d2602ee56.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your hypothetical 10 year old daughter?
No but I would fuck her

>> No.20519299
File: 98 KB, 1029x686, 20220605_022353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They hug you over the shoulders when they're into you. Any other hug position is purely platonic. Now you're thinking about every time in your life a girl hugged you, aren't you? Hopefully you didn't miss the sign bro

>> No.20519302
File: 419 KB, 750x1258, 0BAB9A1E-F8B0-44AF-8E94-FEBFE102A9A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a list of what med do that usually turns off or offends women. Maybe it might help some of you idk.

>> No.20519305

I am stronger than you, faster than you, and have a lot more endurance than you.

>> No.20519308

I 100% agree with that image.

>> No.20519317


I wasn't talking to you, cat woman.

>Your lover

The women who gave out the easiest pussy were the ones I treated the worst. See >>20519117

>> No.20519323
File: 45 KB, 784x141, 39FC91B4-09BD-42CA-9F37-5D0AC3A3341D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would LITERALLY fuck you up beyond belief. Expose your radical faggotry to all the unfortunate women in your life. I wonder how many hits to the face you can take before you start pleading.

>> No.20519326
File: 56 KB, 500x609, 1581757492900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The women who gave out the easiest pussy were the ones I treated the worst
This. Took me a painful while to figure this out, but the secret to handling women is treating them like trash. Just ask any Chad.

>> No.20519331

>meme routine

>> No.20519334

don't worry, a girl has never hugged me

>> No.20519336


>the secret to handling women is treating them like trash.

As true as it is, it honestly just makes me sad.

I want to be able to just relax with a woman, and treat her normally, without any hostility. But you have to always be on guard for some stupid bullshit, and be ready and willing to smack it down with prejudice.

Like, bitch, I already have to deal with enough of the world's bullshit and you're trying to start garbage with me at home? I already have one source of exhaustion, and I don't need another.

>> No.20519341
File: 41 KB, 591x570, BE4AAEB9-4464-45DC-9AF7-F73F7DB29B39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been doing it for two years, how’s the book reading coming along cuck?

>> No.20519343


>> No.20519346

Based and misogyny + Irrationalistic theism-pilled.

>> No.20519348

100% same here, but experience taught me that relaxing around women you're intimate with is just inviting a storm of shit on yourself.

>> No.20519349


Unless you're a troon, you're in for a very sad wakeup call when you find out that any random 16 year old couch potato fatass can overpower you with barely any effort, no matter how much you exercise.

If you're troon, then omegalul, stop larping as a wannabe 30+ year old woman-looking-for-loser-man-to-whip.

>> No.20519352

the nastiest whores I've met were ultra liberal rich girls, this is a meme

>> No.20519356

They only get their sins wiped at baptism; all later sins are still good when it comes to a fiery retribution.

The problems are the whores who get baptised after their general female tendencies exhibit themselves .

>> No.20519358
File: 33 KB, 680x763, 646456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been lifting "heavy ass weight" for 3 times a week + HIIT training 2 times a week for 2 years, he would crush who I wonder? You lift to look good and try to be chad, I lift so I can snap you. We are not the same, aesthetic fuckboy.

>> No.20519366

Women 101 is thottish lying. Do you really believe her? I mean in a delusional 'why yes I do believe Jesus was omnipotent and the piece of bread is his body' kind of way, sure believe whatever makes you happy; but in a 'is she really pure?' kind of way: No. There is no women who is 'pure' as such. They all crave the same things, only some haven't been exposed to a propitious opportunity.

>> No.20519367
File: 211 KB, 750x719, 7B3C8F5E-C878-4C11-8493-3C6A7546DE54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is why we have feminism. Because shit men believe in stupid pua nonsense and hurt women which in turn causes them to hurt men. Ever thought about doing this?

>> No.20519372

Can someone post the Heidegger thing for this?

I've now read him, and wondering whether it was accurate.

>> No.20519374


>> No.20519383

i am convinced this faggot just typed up this routine. who the fuck trains push/pull then throws in separate arm days? MAYBE training legs? can't be real. i refuse to believe this shit.

>> No.20519386

why not just leave them alone.
u obviously don’t love them.

>> No.20519389

It’s called PPL you’ve never been to /fit/?

>> No.20519394


>Women 101 is thottish lying.
>but in a 'is she really pure?' kind of way:

This is someone I know personally, seeing her act over a period of time, and she's the real deal. It's easy to see through thottish lying just by seeing the contradictions pop up after two weeks of knowing a woman at the latest, with two hours being the usual and I've known this old woman for about two years. I've overheard her, unprompted, tell her husband that she loves him, in the most devoted way - and he didn't even give an "I love you, too". He's kept her managed, and she stays madly in love with and loyal to him.

What's delusional is denying the fact that demons are involved in how horrible modern atheist/fake-religious(same thing) women are. It's not humanly possible to be as horrible as modern women are by purely human efforts - the only rational explanation is that they are conduits for demons, which also explains their inexplicable attraction to witchcraft and invoking demons.

>> No.20519403

my nigger. you are retarded. push. pull. learn what those mean, what they are. arms are included.

>> No.20519419


>> No.20519429

she's cute

>> No.20519433

Lol enjoy the stench and rough feeling and zero empathy. You think you can rest your head on a man's lap and tell him about your day while he slowly strokes your hair? Lol it’s so hard to even imagine, you need a lass.