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File: 302 KB, 1000x1000, stoner-logical-fallacy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2055230 [Reply] [Original]

do you smoke weed?

>> No.2055236

Do you Quentin? As much as you post here, you strike me as more of an amphetamine type of guy. Also, reported.

>> No.2055235

do you shitpost?
also hitler didn't commit any genocide, please fix your image.
And jesse james was fully justified/a hero.

>> No.2055238

Stoners(next to hippies) are the worst people on the planet.

>> No.2055239
File: 11 KB, 168x218, quentin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2055237
File: 93 KB, 406x700, ladysovcheckthisguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strictly amphetamines and alcohol for me.

>> No.2055244

I would probably enjoy /lit more if Quentin was a faggot in moderation rather than just a faggot.

>> No.2055246

do you have facts to disprove my claims?

>> No.2055250

>also hitler didn't commit any genocide, please fix your image.
Genocide is defined as "the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, Race (classification of humans) , religious, or national group"

Euhm, yes, yes he did.

>> No.2055251

do you have facts to prove them?

>> No.2055253



>> No.2055260

>comparing ingesting psychoactive herbs in private to genocide and rape

You are an incredibly stupid person.

>> No.2055261

Lol, the holocaust didn't happen, dumbass.

>> No.2055263
File: 344 KB, 960x536, ladysovcantbeserious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you.

>> No.2055265

>Implying pot doesn't turn you into a crazed rapey killer.

>> No.2055264

Unlike Quentin's threads, enjoying weed in moderation is a victimless crime.

>> No.2055267


There is no actual, proven scientific evidence to suggest that smoking cannabis is bad for your mental or physical health.

Start making this shitty threads with a focus on smoking cigarettes or having too much alcohol. You know? something that is actually harmful and actually kills people.

>> No.2055268

Once you take a factual glance at the claims of the holocaust, you are struck by how
a) Physically impossible claims are an intrinsic part of the testimony
b) The numbers are absurd and bear no relation to realiy
c) No associated drop in jewish population numbers is noticed
d) jews served prominently in the nazi party
e) the WHOLE STORY is based on the "eye witness" claims of just a small handful of jews. No evidence has EVER been presented at any of these holocaust trials.

>> No.2055269

smoking dope is proven to destroy your mind and make you into a liberal.

>> No.2055273

Oh please, give me one study that even hints that stoners turn into "rapey killers".

The worst you can accuse them of is lacking in motivation/coherence

>> No.2055277


please to note the straw-man fallacy in your image titled "stoner-logical-fallacy.png".

>> No.2055280

Being a stoner makes you an atheists, atheists don't believe in morals/right or wrong, so they feel it's ok to rape and murder. Pretty simple really.
Alcohol has more physical effects, but pot DESTROYS your mind and critical thinking abilities.

>> No.2055284

im 24 been smoking pot since i was 15. i just graduated from MSU 2 years ago, and landed a job with mastercard, starting salary right under $70,000.

i still smoke the greenery everyday, its all about keeping your priority's in order kids.

aside from taking like $50 a week out of my wallet, i haven't found much of a problem with it.

>> No.2055288

This thread trolls on multiple levels. I mean we have the obvious stupidity of the primary argument, but by slipping Hitler in there you open the door for Holocaust denial. Not bad, 6/10.

Still, kindly go fuck yourself.

>> No.2055290
File: 11 KB, 480x360, Sara34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legitimately replying to Quentin.

This board is the worst.

>> No.2055291

Ok that's it guys, show's over, everybody out, we reached the maximum stupidity this thread can hold.

>> No.2055295

oh jeez, this thread is on /v/ too. 2/10 you made me reply. Stay classy /lit/.

>> No.2055292

Oh look, it´s this thread again.

>> No.2055297

1. Wrong board, faggot.
2. Your 'voice of reason' guy looks like a pedantic, supremacist asshole

>> No.2055298


>starting salary right under $70,000.

So weed really did make you a failure?

>> No.2055299
File: 38 KB, 675x612, 1315004498750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2055301

no, i hate stoners and frequently defriend them

>> No.2055302


I just dislike cunts and frequently make fun of them.

>> No.2055310

/v/ Here, do you spam you shitty comics on all boards ? Damn

>> No.2055329

yeah, but he started out on /lit/

>> No.2055348

Mods, where are you?

>> No.2055349

Quentin, you know who loves smoking weed?
Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
It's funny. His upcoming movie 50/50 is about how weed is good and helpful for you.

>> No.2055350

pick 1

>> No.2055355


Shakespeare smoked weed man.

>> No.2055360
File: 20 KB, 491x210, 1311746553332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the mods don't make an exception for you.

>> No.2055361


mods actually 404 threads pretty frequently on this board.

>> No.2055359


In case you haven't noticed Joseph Gordon Levitt is effeminate hipster trash.

>> No.2055362

Yes, but Quentin idolizes him.
That's all that matters.

>> No.2055393

no i don't

>> No.2055405
File: 19 KB, 347x201, antagonize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey Anon, you should go to 420chan. They actually have boards dedicated to drug use.

Not only will your posts actually be relevant for once but you would be trolling your intended demographic.

>> No.2055420

Quentin, you fucking reducto Ad Absurdim'd the shit out of that. That's not the sort of arguement the anti-stoner club really use!

You do not contribute in any way to this debate, go back to tripfag pergatory.

>> No.2055430

occasionally. it's a pretty good drug, but i like having a clear mind most of the time. i hate vocal potheads and vocal anti-potheads though. it's not the answer to all of life's fucking questions dipshits, and it's not spawned by the devil dipshits no.2.

>> No.2055435

quentin is my write in candidate for the 2012 election

>> No.2055441


why do you think stag stopped using him as his avatar?

>> No.2055443


Fucking this, it would be interesting if you actually trolled about weed on a board where it was related to the damn topic. but weed on a fucking /lit/ board dude? What is this fucking /new/ ?

You are the worst troll I have ever seen, It is so blatantly obvious you are trolling, if you put more effort into it, and actually did something instead of just posting comics and then letting them do all the work. For your troll to work you have to actually argue with the people in the thread fuckhead, you give trolls a bad name.

Also, in case you haven't noticed, 80% of the posters in each thread of yours are simply people calling your trolling annoying, the amount of people who fall for it is dwindling with every thread because you just suck at trolling dude.

>> No.2055458

you're getting awfully emotional because of a shit troll. and maybe he wasn't even trolling, but wanted to discuss weed and was too lazy to type an opinion so he used a comic not necessarily reflecting his views.

i do hate quentin though, his shitty
>i seriously hope you guys don't do this
meme infected 4chan like a plague of unfunny shit

>> No.2055460

>meme infected 4chan like a plague of unfunny shit
It's not even his meme. He just claims it is.

>> No.2055474



>> No.2055510

argumentum ad verecundiam

The Quentin logical fallacy. Just because something is illegal does not mean it's bad, or akin to other illegal things. Quentin, kindly fuck yourself in the anus with a jagged knife and die.