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/lit/ - Literature

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20764256 No.20764256 [Reply] [Original]

he's literally dead

>> No.20764261


>> No.20764264

>What will he do without his wires??

>> No.20764266

so,? he is an atheist, and atheism says death and life are meaningless

>> No.20764313

doesn't he believe in gnon or some shit?

>> No.20764564

"It is a long time now since I was afflicted by Bataille’s poem ‘Rire’ (‘Laughter’):

Laugh and laugh
at the sun
at the nettles
at the stones
at the ducks
at the rain
at the pee-pee of the pope
at mummy
at a coffin full of shit [IV 13].

This poem introduces three of the must crucial themes traversing Bataille’s writing: laughter, excrement, and death. Such ‘themes’ are suspended only momentarily at the lip of philosophical intelligibility, and then released into a euphoric immolation upon the burn-core of literature, disintegrating into a senseless heterogeneous mass. His texts obsessively reiterate that the decomposed body is excremental, and that the only sufficient response to death is laughter. The corpse not only dissolves into a noxious base matter analagous to excrement, it is also in fact defecated as waste by the life of the species. For the corpse is the truth of the biological individual, its consummate superfluity. It is only through the passage into irredeemable waste that the individual is marked with the delible trace of its excess. It is because life is pure surplus that the child of ‘Rire’—standing by the side of his quietly weeping mother and transfixed by the stinking ruins of his father—is gripped by convulsions of horror that explode into peals of mirth, as uncompromising as orgasm. ‘Rire’ is, in part, a contribution to the theory of mourning. Laughter is a communion with the dead, since death is not the object of laughter: it is death itself that finds a voice when we laugh. Laughter is that which is lost to discourse, the haemorrhaging of pragmatics into excitation and filth.
Life appears as a pause on the energy path; as a precarious stabilization and complication of solar decay. It is most basically comprehensible as the general solution to the problem of consumption. Such a solar- or general-economic perspective exhibits production as an illusion; the hypostatization of a digression in consumption. To produce is to partially manage the release of energy into its loss, and nothing more.
Death, wastage, or expenditure is the only end, the only definitive terminus. ‘Utility’ cannot in reality be anything but the characterization of a function, having no sense short of an expenditure which escapes it utterly. This is ‘relative utility’. The order of Western history has as its most pertinent symptom the drift of utility away from this relative sense, towards a paradoxical absolute value. A creeping slave morality colonizes value, subordinating it to the definition ‘that which serves’. The ‘good’ becomes synonymous with utility; with means, mediation, instrumentality, and implicit dependence."

>> No.20764566

who this?

>> No.20765603

a retard

>> No.20765626

Don't wish death on anyone but fuck him for turning Sadie Plant into a drugged out femcel.

>> No.20766395

Land just has a Schizo phase and stays offline for some months. No big deal. He'll come back when something big happens that is worth writing about.

>> No.20766663


>> No.20767247


>> No.20767262

So some random e-celeb?

>> No.20767272


>> No.20767278

Stopped publishing books in 2015?

>> No.20767279


>> No.20767411


>> No.20768702
File: 48 KB, 767x739, hellbaked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From his essay "Hell Baked"

>> No.20768710

Oh well never really much cared for him

>> No.20768737
File: 18 KB, 640x360, VF_NickLand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20768739
File: 964 KB, 788x872, 1639575138827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nick Land is going into techno-hibernation in preparation for his new decision shed his human form and manifest himself as the bring of the final form of techno-capitalism. His mortality and human sentiments will be gone, he will exist in eternity as an intangible web of metaphysical hyper-racist techno capital which absorbs everything and all things until it either collapses on itself due to accelerationism, or has taken over the entire universe.