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20962920 No.20962920 [Reply] [Original]

How do I rebel when rebellion itself has been commodified and sold back to me?

>> No.20962928

what's your issue with capitalism?

>> No.20962938

Basing your entire economic system on the material is not good for the soul.

A market is never truly competitive.

Advertisement and propoganda infect every realm of the society.


>> No.20962939

Why do you need to rebel-in-general? Rebellion for and against what?

>> No.20962940

get fucked commie

>> No.20962952
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Any attempt to criticize the current system eventually can be recaptured by the system and used as a justification for said system.

When AOC walks out with a "Tax the Rich" dress, this is what I mean. AOC, who brands herself as 'anti-capitalist,' walks among billionaire CEO's, artists, and other elite. She has essentially become a figurehead of said elite, her brand of anticapitalism used as hip product or meme to consume, and no changes to the system are made.

It's like when Apple branded itself as some anarchist cell destroying the Big Blue of IBM, when in fact, they were just trying to sell more computers.

Or when Burger King's tagline becomes 'You gotta break the rules.'

>> No.20962954
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I made a YouTube video explaining in plain English (and demystifying) all his retarded points.

Le Kurt Cobain can't rebel meme. The funny thing about Fisher's capitalist realism message is that it sabotages Bernie Sander's attempt to rebrand socialism as the new and improved "democratic socialism".
But to answer your question, the only answers and call to actions Fisher made were: politicize mental illness, don't let the opposition be the party of change, and the environmental argument is your best bet to beat capitalism. Like I said, all retarded takes that are a dime a dozen

>> No.20962958

i don't understand what you mean
perhaps you can clarify your thinking on the matter in time. i'd recommend building up a knowledge base in philosophy and how to categorize arguments/ideas

>> No.20962969

You will never be rich, simp for a (((system))) based on exploiting you and everyone you know.

Mark argues that capitalism is more than just an economic system, it melts your brain until your main focus is making money for yourself. All of your ideas will lead to a financial end.

"Oh I have an interesting idea for a story" -> "I can make some money from this."

>> No.20962971

>Advertisement and propoganda infect every realm of the society.
Ok you've actually read Mark Fisher's book and you're alluding to chapter 6 and The Big Other. I do agree with the spirit of Fisher's points but like I mention in my YouTube video, in capitalism, if a company doesn't bring in revenue, it goes out of business 100% of the time (without government intervention). So it doesn't rely on the big other as much as it relies on results.

>> No.20962986

And you will never be the president of the Communist party.

Hunter gathering will melt your brain, until all you think about is how to hunt meat to survive winter.

Agriculture will melt your brain until all you think about is if it'll rain so your crops survive and you survive winter

>> No.20962990

Holy fuck the absolute state of online commies...
You need to go back

>> No.20962992

My issue is that traditional forms of rebellion in the current system have been swallowed up and used against us by said system. Music has been commodified and neutered against any real rebellion. Folk music, which used to be a legitimate outlet of working class angst, is a genre you can make a Spotify playlist out of. Movies, like Parasite, which express deep sentiments about the system, become festooned with awards and critical praise, submerging it yet another one of 'dissident' media, that make you 'think about' your consumption habits, or whatever. Even writing, that outlet that refuses oppression, gets commodified and spit back. One needs to only look at far and corrosive ironic detachment, which was once the language of the oppressed, has become the language of TV drivel and advertisement.

>> No.20962993
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Do the one thing the system doesn't want you to do and doesn't make available as a product

>> No.20963006

First leg: Strong community organization/solidarity
Second leg: Food security
Third leg: Education/Communication
Fourth leg: Defense

>> No.20963007

I agree with the sentiment of your point. I would love if that were true. But it's not. If you business is 'big' enough, you can compete in markets you have no place in.

Amazon gets to open grocery stores, directly competing with local businesses. The difference? Amazon has an army of software engineers and media conglomerates to direct the local market to going to their store, using the convenience of technology and completely overwhelming said local grocer.

I used to think like you. That, in a closed system, everything else being equal, a business that doesn't make revenue goes out of business, and that is their only true motive. But society and economics are so much more complicated than tiny little intellectual scenarios.

If I can be presumptuous, I think you're missing the forest for the trees.

>> No.20963021

Capitalism is fine when the money is sound. If the money is backed by real things, and usury/fractional reserve banking is criminalized, there is literally nothing wrong or oppressive about capitalism.

>> No.20963026

This book is the ultimate bed time book
I love it
Puts you right to sleep

>> No.20963033
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There is nothing wrong with free enterprise and market spontaneity. But these have very little to do with normalized financial speculation and international bankers doing whatever they want.

>> No.20963039

you don't. you embrace being the last man and get jouissance from bursting under the excesses of capitalism. learn to gain ecstasy from watching the end of human beings unfold right in front of you. it's just as fascinating and sublime as if you were able to watch the beginning of human beings come into existence. enjoy the spectacle. that's your only option. stop entertaining those delusions of revolution or of humanity's ability to affect anything in the world in a meaningful way. we didn't bring this current state about so we're helpless when it comes to changing it

>> No.20963044

"Any" attempt? How do you know what is an attempt? Is the existence of a slogan or a sentiment an attempt? Should you expect attempts to be delivered to you on major media platforms? It's just not the case that every contrary impulse can be recaptured by such a system that doesn't even know what it believes in or how it itself functions anymore.

Capitalism eventuated in modern credit money, which is a development of the fact that all money is credit (though not all credit is a means of final payment or money).

Right, we have to correctly identify the problem. We can't assume we already possess a "rule" that will eliminate it, allowing us to dispense with the work of constituting a different form of community.

>> No.20963045

Ok let me ask you this, should LeBron James cut his own lawn? Probably not, he makes so much money per minute that he should probably just pay the $20 an hour to have someone else do it. Should LeBron James file his own taxes? Probably not because it would take him hours to figure out his tax filing, maybe days. On the other hand if he devoted those hours practicing basketball, it would be more efficient. Should we as a society lament inefficient businesses going out of business? Probably not, they should dedicate to providing other goods that they're efficient at. If a factory comes along that can produce 1,000 pencils an hour, then a factory that can only produce 10 pencils an hour should just dedicate to another thing they're efficient at.

Outside of all of this hypothetical musings, the real fact is that Amazon has brought so much affordable goods to so many people, that the federal reserve had to adjust their inflation expectations. Let me say that again, Amazon provided so many cheap goods to poor people, that it causes national deflation. It was like a tax break for everyone.

>> No.20963046
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Just be yourself.

>> No.20963049

OP and any true struggler. The liberals will tell you there's no way and you should give up.
The suicidals will you there's no way and you should give up.
They're no better than CNN/Fox etc. Tune their propaganda out. They have nothing interesting to say.
Like the "no fap" crowd was trying to get people to quit porn, we must quit the mindless distraction of the internet and do "No 4chan November".

My bullet points >>20963006

>> No.20963059

>I think you're missing the forest for the trees.
nta but holy shit, the fucking arrogance that painfully ignorant people like you display is insane. you really are retarded. accept the fact that capitalism has won and we can't escape from it. the only escape that will happen is capital will escape humanity.
and even if escape were still possible, it sure as fuck won't happen by you and your retarded leftoid friends rising up in revolution. there's nothing you can do. and if there were, weak little tranny commies definitely aren't the ones to do it
>inb4 simping for capitalism
this is not simping and I'm not saying capitalism is good, I'm just not lying to myself by thinking things might change.
also your conception of what capitalism even is is so incredibly naive i don't really know where to start. you clearly have the average twitter leftoids understanding of capitalism, which is obviously not good.
I'd bet money on you unironically thinking some shit like "fascism is the end stage of capitalism"

>> No.20963089

yeah op listen to this retard. better to delude yourself and keep fighting an unwinnable fight instead of just facing reality and dealing with it in the proper way.

>> No.20963101

A single ship stuck in the Suez Canal halted international trade by 13%
One single fuckup
Capitalism isn’t nearly as strong as you think it is, and I will simply lean back for it all to come crashing

>> No.20963102

>instead of just facing reality and dealing with heavy medications

>> No.20963103

become enlightened and fight from within

>> No.20963107 [DELETED] 

Mark Fisher wrote for George Soros's OpenDemocracy website. There's nothing rebellious about thinking the government should give more money to niggers. Your political opinions are identical to the WEF. Meds grass dilate.

>> No.20963121

OP, you're clearly a leftoid, so let me try to make you understand this in a language that you can understand and are open to.
"All that is solid melts into air, all that is sacred is profaned." - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
Do you know what this means? Do you understand that phrase? Because what it means is that capitalism subsumes everything it comes into contact with. It *melts* everything. This process has already taken place and there's no fighting it anymore. If a wax figure were left in the heat of death valley, you wouldn't be able to just reverse that process. There's the theoretical possibility of taking the molten wax, bringing it to a cooler environment and rebuilding everything, but there's no practical possibility because capitalism is here to stay. And before your meek mind conjures up images of the workers of the world uniting and steadfastly saying "no more", let me remind you of something your zoomer brain surely has trouble grasping: You are not the first generation to live under exploitative capitalism. This has been going on for a very long time, and the workers of the world have never united. Why? Clearly they don't want to. Before you even think the words "false consciousness", just stop. It's bullshit. If the workers wanted liberation they'd have taken it long ago. Your theories are just wrong.
Now onto the second part of that statement, namely "all that is sacred is profaned".
Leftists in their pursuit of ridding society of it oh-so-evil social constructs have actively taken part in the profaning of all that is sacred. It's astonishing that leftists all know the "All that is solid" quote but none of them grasp what it means and the vast majority of them willingly take part in this profaning.
Without anything grounding societies and communities, what else is there left to value and cherish but profit making?
You leftists go on and on about equality and humans rights, telling yourself that one doesn't need to invoke anything sacred and holy in order to place humanity's collective well-being as the prime objective, but the truth is, you do need something higher. The belief in equality is firmly grounded in Christian ethics. If you oppose that, you oppose equality and human well-being itself and open the door to capital swallowing our entire species whole.

I am, by the way, not a christcuck. I'm not advocating for a return to Christianity.

>> No.20963124

and? what happened after that? did that have any lasting effects?
> I will simply lean back for it all to come crashing
lmao. people were saying that capitalism was on the brink of its demise over a hundred years ago. it always finds ways to continue. like i said, your understanding of capitalism is insanely naive, impressively naive even

>> No.20963132


>the fucking arrogance that painfully ignorant people like you display is insane

>also your conception of what capitalism even is is so incredibly naive i don't really know where to start

>you clearly have the average twitter leftoids understanding of capitalism, which is obviously not good.

>I'd bet money on you unironically thinking some shit like "fascism is the end stage of capitalism"

Fair enough. I'm not an expert on the capitalist system by any stretch, I've read some Rand, Rothbard, and Friedman, but by no means am I well acquainted with the economic theory. I basically going off my observations of the current culture. No, capitalism and fascism are different beasts, and while fascism has its problems, it at least has more soul than capitalism.

But doesn't capitalism pose problems for the right as well? Aren't moral and religious values completely and utterly melted down and reformed by the capitalist structure?


>Without anything grounding societies and communities, what else is there left to value and cherish but profit making?

I completely agree. I think the only thing that has resisted any sort of sublimation by the system is religion. I mean, God knows it tried. Evangelicals are still running around spouting off their shit. But I think earnestly practicing religion is a sincere act of rebellion in this current system. Because Christ's (or Buddha's, etc.) plea for modesty and poverty and prayer and community goes against every antithesis of this current system. A weird paradox though is that Christianity brought this system into being in the first place, so you have to deal with that weird logical quirk. But, I think, on the whole, religion can serve as a out.

>"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people."

This quote, which is so often used as a brow-beat of religion, can be read in a way that shows that religion is, in fact, a relief from the horrible conditions of the current system. Maybe a full and utter rebellion isn't happening soon, but we can rebel through our souls, if that makes sense at all.

>> No.20963133

>I will simply lean back for it all to come crashing
The only thing that will come crashing down is us. See >>20963039
You would really benefit from reading Debord, Baudrillard, Lyotard, D&G and Land.
Actually don't read D&G, you'll just get more stupid ideas because you'll only run with their interpretation and be unable to realize that there are implications in their work that D&G were acutely aware of (because they were far more intelligent than you) but didn't touch on

>> No.20963135

Okay but what if it gets so efficient people become superfluous, what if all space becomes occupied and there's no escape for the foreseeable future what if you're a peasant and just want space to eat but in an unavoidable tragedy its more efficient to consume all the fucking resources for short term gain with out caring a bit about the future. capitalism as a system is a slow moving process of human sacrifice to gods who gives riches beyond compare through efficiency and spiritual defenestration, slating the earth only for human souls turning us into selfish sociopathic deceptive rodents clamouring for food and status. look and how companied will wear out human capital and who knows what else. oh look how efficient they are! yes sure machines are efficient aren't they, but people aren't machines. No wonder the elites of capitalism dream of transhumanism and living as robots, because they're already halfway there. this is Moloch, "in whom I am a soul without a body."

>> No.20963138

The exploitation and alienation of the working class
Capitalist imperialism destroying 3rd world countries
The infestation of every aspect of our life with capital and commerce
The destruction of the environment in the name of material gain for an economic elite

>> No.20963140

The notion that all rebellion is commodified is nonsense anyhow and only applies to pre-packaged rebellion that was never rebellious to begin with: i.e. every flavor of leftism. Ideologies that oppose the current situation aren't "subsumed" by le upper case Capital, they're deplatformed, censored and criminalized. For example, holocaust denial, which I personally find to be really dumb, but Amazon is certainly not "selling it back" to anyone, it's a jail sentence.

and look at this idiot >>20963132
>Because Christ's (or Buddha's, etc.) plea for modesty and poverty and prayer and community goes against every antithesis of this current system
Utterly braindead, totally incapable of any thought not compatible with "the system".
Poverty... community... against the system. Oh lordy lord. They're literally saying "we're all in this together, tighten our belts for the Ukraine, turn off your lights and forego meat for the trillion Africans." We just went thru two years of "masking up for others" as the government flushed billions of taxpayer money down the toilet. Community is the buzzword currently used to defend every destructive government policy. Nothing about buckbroken asceticism, neighbor-loving and enemy-forgiving is a threat to anything lol. Jesus Christ... it's so over. Social democracy versus social democracy. Pick one!

>> No.20963158

>No, capitalism and fascism are different beasts, and while fascism has its problems, it at least has more soul than capitalism.
Fascism is a political form, not an economic system. Fascism is still very firmly rooted in capitalism, as seen not only in the support of capital by fascist regimes but also by capitalists' support of fascism in the 1920s.
>But doesn't capitalism pose problems for the right as well? Aren't moral and religious values completely and utterly melted down and reformed by the capitalist structure?
What do you mean by "the right" ? And what moral and religious values are we talking about ?

>> No.20963181

>learn to gain ecstasy from watching the end of human beings unfold right in front of you. it's just as fascinating and sublime as if you were able to watch the beginning of human beings come into existence. enjoy the spectacle. that's your only option. stop entertaining those delusions of revolution or of humanity's ability to affect anything in the world in a meaningful way. we didn't bring this current state about so we're helpless when it comes to changing it

Wait bruh this is it. This is really it. Like you got it.

>> No.20963237

this has always been the plan. anticapitalism and capitalism was created by the same bourgeois revolutionaries

>> No.20963252

>be Mark Fisher
>be milquetoast limp-wrist academic
>sadfag all the time
>decide to kill yourself because you think techno music isn't cool anymore
>make sure to poison an entire generation of politically and philosophically interested youth with a massive blackpill on your way out, ensuring that at the most crucial hour, there will mobilization

He is one of the greatest faggots of the past 1000 years.
How you rebel is first and foremost to organize a union in your place of work. Unionizing has, you will notice, not been commodified and sold back to you, because the elite are scared beyond shitless of it.

Denmark and the rest of scandinavia is always lauded as the golden standard of what a society can demonstrably be, and what it should be. You know why they are like that? 67% of the workforce are in unions.

Stop reading twitter-theory and organize faggit.

>> No.20963258

>You need to go back
t. post 2015 gaymergate/election tourist

>> No.20963261

I'm genuinely happy that you agree.

>> No.20963263

>Amazon has an army of software engineers and media conglomerates to direct the local market to going to their store, using the convenience of technology and completely overwhelming said local grocer.
1: unionize
2: break the legs of amazon software nerds
3: burn down amazon warehouses

>> No.20963266

>we just need to try out REAL capitalism
Cannot be done. The entire motor of it is speculation, usury, debt and interest.

>> No.20963267

finland and i would assume most nordic countries have työehtosopimus (work condition agreement) which is pretty much pre-agreed upon wages based on your job position, responsibilities and seniority/experience in the field so workers don't even have to haggle with the employer for the basic minimum which is pretty nice if you're full time worker
unionizing works and anyone who doesn't go for it is indoctrinated to work against their own interests for short term gain due to bad support network for the unemployed

>> No.20963345

We will come crashing with it, and be assured that I have read Dolce&Gabana as well as Baudrillard and Debord

>> No.20963365

It won't crash. We will simply wither away.
Maybe you've read them but you clearly didn't understand them

>> No.20963386

Ecological collapse is a crash but maybe that’s what you call withering away. Either way, it doesn’t matter. We’re in decline but most haven’t noticed it.

>> No.20963389

Integration is not the same as suppression. The idea that you should think of yourself as oppressed because capitalism can give you the things you want and then you don't have to overthrow the system anymore is a commie cope. It's meant to gaslight you into becoming a radical who believes that the only way forward is to burn everything to the ground.

>> No.20963443

Organisation is suppression

>> No.20963447

There can be no organization without suppression, but at the same time, a lack of organization means that you're putting yourself totally at the mercy of random fluctuations in the environment. Man-made law is the sublimation of the state of nature.

>> No.20963476

That's materialism, a choice.

Capitalism is voluntary transactions between two parties without coercion. There is no more ethical system in economics.

>> No.20963482

>Capitalist imperialism destroying 3rd world countries

That's the government, you retard

>> No.20963487

why did he do it?

>> No.20963491

This book stole my 2 hour.

>> No.20963537

That specification doesn't even involve capital, numbnuts.

>> No.20963545
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It hasn't you're just not rebelling hard enough.
And by that I mean you actually just gotta storm into the offices of every corporation and hold the CEO at gunpoint.
Let's see them try to commodify that.
This is why they wrote the second amendment you know.
Because in their infinite wisdom at some point they realized that there is no sufficient answer to raw physical power and violence and that regardless of the time period or circumstances there will always arise a time where ordinary people will have need to call upon that power. Violence is the real thing that there is no alternative to. It will always come back and win eventually.

>> No.20963576

only if people were w
ready and willing to engage in violence. it is abundantly clear that they aren't. especially not the trannies who profess that they want to "punch nazis"
case in point, the faggot hasan piker who's all acab when he's safe but calls the cops when sam hyde (rightfully so btw) wants to kill him. he could agree to fight him and (try to) punch the shit out of him but he won't, and neither will twig-wristed trannies, aka the most vocal haters of capitalism .
actual workers are overwhelmingly opposed to the anti capitalist types

>> No.20963601

Remember when the majority of hecking based gun owners thought the election was stolen and did nothing besides kicking over a few chairs, getting a cop killed and forever being the laughing stock of the entire world because of that one larper faggot? Because I certainly do. Because Americans don’t actually like freedom. They like the image of freedom. Try shit like that in France or something and you can be sure that there won’t be a single politician with his head on his shoulders anymore, despite no one having guns

>> No.20963644


America is quite simply an open air strip mall with cattle in it, the sooner it implodes the better the chances of the rest of the world to have a revolution and create social and economic change. Imagine a revolution in Europe with Nato in place, the security aparatus today is too tied up with this international Atlantic intelligence and military aparatus, its quite simply near impossible for a violent revolution to happen in the first world right now.

>> No.20963648

the birth rate is too low for there to be a revolution in the west. you need a huge mass of manipulatable young people to drop a government.

>> No.20963766

Simply look at what the system in power hates, persecutes and punishes the most. Hint: It's not socialism.

>> No.20963790

It’s just not reported about as much. Look at the Amazon workers trying to form a union. Just because most of the spectacle is about right wingers, it doesn’t mean they’re the most dangerous. Making 41% jokes on the internet isn’t a threat to those in power

>> No.20963798

>polnigger mistakes his irrelevance for being the most dangerous movement in the world

>> No.20963816

ISIS? I knew it, Islam is the Truth and Muhammad is God's prophet. Dar al-Islam is the positive counterpart of globalism (the negative satanic inversion)

>> No.20963857
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>100s of millions of people in the afterlife face when

>> No.20963875

>Basing your entire economic system on the material is not good for the soul.
Feels over reals
>A market is never truly competitive.
>Advertisement and propoganda infect every realm of the society.
Another feels over reals

>> No.20963885

> Look at the Amazon workers trying to form a union.
I love you retards talk about how you want to rebel, and think unions are form of rebellion when unions have been the status quo centuries. All unions in the US do is collaborate and do the biding the DNC, retard. You're not rebelling against the system by joining a union; you're making peace with it.

>> No.20963888

>Basing your entire economic system on the material is not good for the soul.
There is no such thing as a "soul." This is just mental illness.
>A market is never truly competitive.
If this was the case, you would have a business or would be able to choose any job you desired.
>Advertisement and propoganda infect every realm of the society.
And this concludes the propaganda you're doing right now - what's your point?

>> No.20963905
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>he’s a Bezos shill and he doesn’t even notice
America is like that demented grandpa that makes you feel guilty because you hate visiting him

>> No.20963927

Inshallah, it is only a matter of time until the ISNA will rise from the ashes of the current infidel empire.

>> No.20963937

>A market is never truly competitive.
This. If we didn't have the right to private property there would be true competition.

>> No.20963944

Stop living with your parents

>> No.20963951

You have been disproven and now Resort to insult me. Must suck having such a low iq

>> No.20963952

You stop being a leftist and grow up, that's literally the answer

>> No.20963953

read my post again and look carefully for an exaltation of retarded rightoids, i assure you you won't find any. but I'm not surprised that a leftoid idiot like you reads criticism of weak trannies as a defense of cuckservatives. also kek at you thinking that frogs still have their revolutionary attitude from a few hundred years ago. unironically kys

>> No.20963958

Every union is a mouth-piece of the Democratic establishment. You are an establishment shill. Unions are not a threat to the status quo; they're just class collaborationism. You're not even an union organizer either. You're a internet tranny who does nothing with life. Stop pretending you're a working class hero when you're a virtue signaling parasite.

>> No.20963959

>capitalism subsumes everything
It's not capitalism. It's human nature. Capitalism is just an efficient conduct of it.

>> No.20963961

You don't have any arguments. You're a dumb tranny shilling Joe Biden's NLBR

>> No.20963969

>because they were far more intelligent than you
Imagine being so cuckes by "theory" that you think the guy who refused to bath his daughter until mold grew on her hair because he thought parenting is fascism is smarter than you.

>> No.20963970

The National Labor Relations Board is filled with Democrats, and is controlled by Joe Biden's goons. They're not going to win in court, and nobody cares. They're just as fraudulent as the Department of Justice that illegally targeted Trump.

>> No.20963971
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You truly think the system we live in now is worth defending? As every single thing is reduced to a monetary transaction and every cultural unit from songs to stories to the family is further atomized?

The only true means to rebel against all of this is the support of a system that would completely destroy it, not simply reform and reshape what they have built. The only system that can change the course of the Occident, and it's native peoples, is National-Socialism. Everything else plays right in to the current systems expectations.

It is an uncomfortable truth to accept, but one we are increasingly coming to understand as the world crumbles around us.

>> No.20963978

>support of capital
What is the alternative? What's your proposal for a working economy without capital?

>> No.20963980

retard. christian smalls is a loser who sold out. someone who rubs shoulders with aoc is not someone who will change anything and is definitely not a threat

>> No.20963983

My life is great. I have a food, entertainment, a family that loves me. Just because you're a loser in life, with no friends, or possibility of success, means everyone is like you. You have to stop projecting your failures onto everyone around you, nigga.

>> No.20963987

that's the answer.

>> No.20963988

Shhh, don't tell him for decades unions have been controlled opposition for the Democratic party to moderate radicalism! You might hurt his petite-bourgeois larping!

>> No.20963991

>he thinks capitalism is a result of human actions
naive, retarded and braindead

>> No.20964000

>getting a cop killed
Nigga, he died on his house a week later. That shit about them killing a cop is the biggest gaslight of the past few years, which is saying something.

>> No.20964001
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You can not make food, nor can you furnish your own entertainment. You are trapped in a gilded cage that feeds you and keeps you in line. Your life is a standard package without high or low. You consume.

>> No.20964004

read my post again you fucking retard. I think D&G were borderline stupid.
>you'll just get more stupid ideas because you'll only run with their interpretation
If you had any brains you'd see that I said their interpretation of their own work is stupid. They do a good job of analyzing things, just like marx for that matter, but their conclusions are just idiotic.
Kill yourself

>> No.20964007

They're paying people 20 dollars an hour pack packages at USP. You're just a bum and a leftist man-child if you're complaining about capitalism at this point. You're basically DarkSydePhil at this point if you think capitalism is hard. Whiny, bitchy, greedy, and poor at finances.

>> No.20964008

btw i forgot, the fact that the retards D&G were far smarter just speaks to your overwhelming retardation

>> No.20964010

>Making 41% jokes on the internet isn’t a threat to those in power
It is though. Now go ba-ACK!

>> No.20964016

I do it all the time. I have a job. You don't have job so you don't. That's you you'll never have sex or have children.
Lyotard and D&G were literal pedophiles trying to lower the age of consent to 13. You are a disgusting pedophile, kill yourself shilling that garbage here. Stop trying to groom people into your sexualization of children cult.

>> No.20964029

1. this conversation is about economics not the age of consent
2. you're just a retard who doesn't understand that the petition was 100% correct and good
3. kill yourself anti

>> No.20964032

Can someone explain to how EXACTLY communism as theorized on paper would actually work and feed, heal and entertain the population?

>> No.20964035

Look at life one thousand years ago before the industrial revolution. Look at life 2000 years ago. People were superfluous, there were literal peasants not just figurative, people were in the rat race from dusk till dawn. They had to work themselves to death. My point is that all this nihilism and complaining about the meaningless of capitalism and meaninglessness of working in a cubicle had been around since the beginning of time, so nihilism has been a constant with or without capitalism. As for the using up of resources, people have been saying that since Malthus and we have more vegetation now than ever.

>> No.20964045

Read my post again carefully and you will find that I’m not anti right wing, I’m anti American
Also, the yellow west protests were bigger than anything Americans ever did and I don’t even remember what those were about

>> No.20964046
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I have a small farm, fiance and expecting a first child. But do address the other concerns i mentioned, with your lifestyle. It strikes me as hollow and without drive. You work all day to consume food, to watch your mavel movies, while another raises your children? That is the future promised here, you will own nothing and be happy.

>> No.20964052

it wouldn't

>> No.20964056

>I’m anti American
based. then let's put aside our differences and let's be buds

>> No.20964059

you people are retarded. if you want to rebel then go shoot at power substations.

>> No.20964065


>> No.20964071
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Read Ellul.

>> No.20964154

>When communist artisans associate with one another, theory, propaganda, etc., is their first end. But at the same time, as a result of this association, they acquire a new need – the need for society – and what appears as a means becomes an end. In this practical process the most splendid results are to be observed whenever French socialist workers are seen together. Such things as smoking, drinking, eating, etc., are no longer means of contact or means that bring them together. Association, society and conversation, which again has association as its end, are enough for them; the brotherhood of man is no mere phrase with them, but a fact of life, and the nobility of man shines upon us from their work-hardened bodies.

>> No.20964235

Never pay for anything again.
Steal everything and piss and poop everythere
Use poop as your weapon of freedom

>> No.20964270

Yup. Logistics and communication are extremely powerful things to control. Maybe even the most powerful?

>> No.20964421

Liked and subscribed, Anon. Loved your critique. Keep up the good work.

>> No.20964456

Hint: It is socialism.
Look at what happened to Chile for example. Or pretty much everytime a socialist rule is established anywhere with american investments.

>> No.20964458

>The conversation is not about the age consent
So why did you shill Marxist intellectuals calling for lowering age of the consent, pedophile?

>> No.20964462

Oh wait
>Because it was correct and good
Okay pedophile. Thanks for letting us you faggot.

>> No.20964466

>Look at what happened to Chile
I am Chilean. Can you explain me what happened here? You're so full of bullshit, lmao.

>> No.20964474

Yeah, you can explain what happened to your leftist constitution a few days ago?

>> No.20964495

I'm not the Anon you were previously talking to, but riddle me this: the executive branch allows for a referendum, but people vote against the proposal in question; the executive doesn't like the result and proposes to circumvent the NO in the recent referendum; how is this "democratic"? Let's nag the general public until we get what we want? lol


>> No.20964496

If Mark Fisher was alive today he would be on HRT tweeting about how great Biden is.

>> No.20964507

Also socioeconomic factors are downstream from culture and culture is downstream from religion. So Fisher can suck my left nut

>> No.20964519

No he wouldn't. Didn't you read his Exiting the Vampire Castle article?

>> No.20964524

Orchestrating a coup d'etat against Allende after all efforts to prevent his election failed.

>> No.20964537

>Also socioeconomic factors are downstream from culture
False. Socioeconomic conditions affect culture and culture affects socioeconomic conditions. It's not a simple one-way cause-and-effect relationship.

>> No.20964571

You are both wrong. It's all downstream from BIOLOGY.

>> No.20964594

Ted K. and Baudrillard already made those points well before Fisher.

>> No.20964604

Where he kept saying "O-of course black LGBT folks must be empowered, but w-what if we also g-give some attention to poor people too? P-please, don't hurt me. I-it's just a s-suggestion. D-diversity is still a m-must"

Yeah, I've read it. What about it?

>> No.20964614

>A market is never truly competitive.
the incredible thing is people constantly say and believe this shit

people are different
no one is equal
perfect fairness and competition doesn't exist, it doesn't exist so hard you can't actually define it beyond generic terms like equality which have no bearing on reality

you might as well have written "cars are bad because we can't fly with our angel wings which would be cooler"

>> No.20964619

Sounds to me like you didn't read it.

>> No.20964622

ITT lefties shadow-boxing strawmen

>> No.20964625

giga kek

>> No.20964638

Become a fascist dicksucker? You're completely wrong, this is definitely a subculture supported however anonymously or reservedly by the system and has a great many commodities for said exchange.

>> No.20964650

Just let yourself enjoy thing.

>> No.20964661

because they were right about capitalism, which is what we're talking about. they were also right about the age of consent but i didn't talk about that until you, the seething anti,brought it up

>> No.20964668

must have been some conspiracy. it's impossible that people weren't in favor of based enlightened objectively correct leftism

>> No.20964670

you realize that congress people are elected right? not exactly "elite" in any traditional sense

>> No.20964772

The left gaslighted the entire country for two years into thinking they were a majority because they won a referendum to write a new constitution by 80-20. Only half of the country voted for it though, and even the right wing was shilling for a new constitution, so the left really didn't have any right to act as if they were the voice of the people, but they did anyway, and they used that perception to win big in the elections to choose who was going to write the new constitution (in which barely anyone voted). After that victory, they abused their power and wrote a turbo-leftist piece of shit that not only would have made us the most progressive country in the world, but they also tried to game the system to make sure they would seize the government by doing things like letting kids vote, guaranteeing a disproportionate number of seats for indigenous people in congress, or imposing that women should make at the very least 50% of government (and up to 100%). For this referendum, though, the vote was compulsory for everyone over 18, no exceptions, and turns out people absolutely despise progressive leftists and the new constitution was rejected by two thirds of the country. They lost so hard that they didn't win in a single region. From 346 cities, they won only in 8, and barely. For two years they tried to tell indigenous people they were being oppressed and that normal people were their enemies, but in the cities with the most indigenous people, they voted even harder against it. They even made criminals vote from jail, and even they voted against it. We, normal people, just were under the impression that we were a minority because leftists would cancel anyone who expressed a different opinion than them. Unsurprisingly, they still haven't learned their lesson and are being sore losers, but now everyone knows that they are a minority and that they deserve nothing but scorn, so the future doesn't look so bad anymore.

Looking in retrospective, it's really odd to think about the last couple of years. It was kind of like a nightmare. Leftists would do and say the most unhinge things and act all smug about it, while normal people had to think carefully about what to say not to get persecuted. Here you have a group of drag queens pulling a flag out of an asshole while yelling "Abort Chile!" in a supposedly family friendly event to shill for the new constitution.

>> No.20964792

>a group of drag queens pulling a flag out of an asshole
WTF at first I didn't understand what you meant, but then I saw the video and they literally pulled a flag out of an asshole

>> No.20964801

>letting kids vote, guaranteeing a disproportionate number of seats for indigenous people in congress, or imposing that women should make at the very least 50% of government (and up to 100%).
jesus fucking christ. please for the love of god and everything that is holy anon, please line them up and murder every single one of them, dear god holy shit

>> No.20964920
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This was a beautiful post

>> No.20964928

>Let's nag the general public until we get what we want?
Pretty much. The problem is that at first it seemed highly likely that the new constitution was going to be approved, so the center and right wing parties, to scrap a win, promised that if it was rejected they would support another process to write a new one. And, to be fair, polls still are saying that most people want a new constitution, but they also said rejecting was going to win only by only 6 points, and it won by 24, so who knows how accurate they are. Personally, I was against writing a new constitution from the start, because I knew the left was going to try to take advantage of it, but after the referendum I think this may be a good time to do it. The progressive parties got BTFO hard, and if people vote right now I can see the far right and the populist party getting a disproportionate number of votes. If we don't take this chance, then in 10 or 20 years leftists will whine again that Pinochet's constitution is illegitimate and must be rewritten, and maybe then they could win.

>> No.20964991
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>in the support of capital by fascist regimes but also by capitalists' support of fascism in the 1920s.

>> No.20964998

>to prevent his election failed
Anyone who tells you Allende was the clear winner is bullshiting you. That election was a technical tie between Allende and Alessandri. It was up to the congress to pick the winner, and they only let Allende become president because he committed not to go crazy and abuse his power, a promise he broke very quickly. In two years he had the majority of the same congress that elected him against him, plus the supreme court kept saying he was systematically violating the constitution. The coup was necessary.

>> No.20965004

>when in fact, they were just trying to sell more computers.
It's a computer company tf else did you expect them to do?

>> No.20965007
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Lol I think you're too harsh on Mark Fisher, but I also don't care that much because your second point about organizing unions is where the real meat is, and I totally agree with you on it. I think that organizing workplaces is absolutely crucial, and even if it is a small step, a drop in a bucket, it seems to be in the right direction. It's telling that a company like Starbucks with all of Wokeist "leftist" rhetoric and posturing is clearly, as you said, scared shitless of it.

>> No.20965010

>until your main focus is making money for yourself. All of your ideas will lead to a financial end.
>"Oh I have an interesting idea for a story" -> "I can make some money from this."
What exactly is wrong with people trying to make money?
Should everyone just be poor then?

>> No.20965011

You first. Lead with your shining example of revolutionary spirit burning bright in the long night of Postmodern Modernity

>> No.20965020

Your mom is downstream from muh dik
Mark Fisher is a glownigger

>> No.20965046

Just grow up, get a job and stop being such a cunt

>> No.20965087

The Fisher types never explain what their rebellion is for, what they concretely wish to acheive. If you want to see how great constant revolution is, look at some Latin American countries. They have had constant revolutions and political instability, and what has it achieved for them? All that it has brought them is poverty.
As for this notion that every revolution is doomed to be absorbed by the "system". I suppose that's true if you define the system so broadly to encompass every aspect of a functioning society. But isn't that just describing a successful revolution? I can't think of any historical revolution that aims at revolution itself as a goal. The very idea sounds like something an edgy teen would come up with. Usually the goal is to get the "system" e.g the government to make some changes, or to replace the government with a different kind of government.