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[ERROR] No.2104541 [Reply] [Original]

Yesterday I finished reading my 52nd novel for the year, which was my goal. I was wondering of those of you that also set goals, how are you going?

Pic related, it's the last novel I finished.

>> No.2104574

First and only bump

>> No.2104582

my goal is to read about 10 per year. I spend most of my time studying engineering and playing with my g/f. I try to mix up the genres where possible (but never fantasy)

The only other goal is to read at least one living author a year. It's usually a disappointment but hey why not.

>> No.2104595

Weren't you so supposed to read high-brow for your 52nd novel, Doctor?

Anyway, I'm at 42 or so. PF Hamilton's brickhouses really stalled my reading.

>> No.2104598

what do you mean by playing?

>> No.2104600

I listen to about 3 audio books every week.

>> No.2104602


>> No.2104604

Yep. I got bored and read this instead.

>> No.2104668


you know, all that shit one does that sums together to form a "relationship"

>> No.2104758
File: 1.36 MB, 1530x4800, read in 2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished my 122nd yesterday, with my goal being 150 or so. It's going pretty well, seeing as I just finished reading 3 amazing books in a row.

Some goals I had besides just the total number were to finish reading all the books in the Bilingual Series on Modern Chinese literature, read at least 20 books from the NYRB Classics catalog (at 14 now), and basically to just read as many good books as possible.

I would love recs, but I have a huge to-read list going already (at www.worldcat.org/profiles/sriq/lists/2581843, if anyone wants to see).

>> No.2104847
File: 1015 KB, 1720x3150, the 2011 visual book list online.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at 94 out of 100 books, I'll probably finished at about 105. The main readers I've focused on are Roberto Bolano, Mario Vargas Llosa, Isabel Allende, DFW, Kafka, Richard Yates, and Paul Auster.


Great work there, lots of books read. Some good ones in there that I recognise, too. But why are 80% of them japanese? Even if Japanese stuff was amazing, it's still bad to just read one type of book, such as genre, time period, or region.

>> No.2104858

I wouldn't say 80% are Japanese. Most of the first half are, but I don't think I've read a Japanese author in several months.

I'm definitely no longer stuck in one area though. Just looking through my recently read, I've got China, Britain, Russia, China again, and Finland, with two female authors and three male. I'm trying to get in more contemporary authors as well - reading Andrzej Stasiuk right now, will be reading Olga Tocarczuk and others soon.

>> No.2104864

Wait, forgot about reading Dazai recently. Still, only 45 or so are from Japanese authors. So that's more like 35%.

>> No.2104867

Op here, I try to be a faggot 365 days a year. Going good so far.

>> No.2104874

Just looking at my kndle and I've read 145 books this year, I've probably read another 50 or so paper books, but I wasn't setting any goals, because I'm not a complete fucking tool.

Why make an effort when nobody's bothered?

>> No.2104878

My goal was 70, I'm at 35 now.. So I've got some catching up to do.

>> No.2104891

Shouldn't you guys be reading because you like it, instead of e-stats?

>> No.2104898

I don't see why you can't do the former and still keep the later.

>> No.2104900

Well, you got a point.

>> No.2104940

Well, I've read about 9 or 10 books, my goal being 12. Currently I'm in the middle of reading Animal Farm (yes, I know, it's something I should have read years ago), but I'm still uncertain of what to read after that. I was thinking of a sci-fi novel, since it's been quiet some time since the last. Either Solaris, Neuromancer or Diamond Age.

>> No.2104941

Not Solaris, unless you're planning to read the new translation.

>> No.2104963

i'm 46/60 books right now. i fell a little behind the pace i was going at because my son was born last month and i only managed to finish 2 books since then

my main focuses have been steinbeck (who i fucking love), dfw (who i don't love), tolstoy (love), kenzaburo oe (sometimes love), mishima (love his prose, hate his message), pkd (love), and austen (am amused by). some assorted modern pop lit (welcome to the good squad etc)

>> No.2104977

Wasn't Diamond Age was good, but I didn't like it as much as Snow Crash or Cryptonomicon.

I'd suggest A Fire Upon the Deep.