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21050733 No.21050733 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favourite ending to a book?

>> No.21050755

>Farewell, Hans Castorp, life’s faithful problem child. Your story is over. We have told it to its end; it
was neither short on diversion nor long on boredom—it was a hermetic story. We told it for its own
sake, not yours, for you were a simple fellow. But it was your story at last, and since it happened to
you, there surely must have been something to you; and we do not deny that in the course of telling
it, we have taken a certain pedagogic liking to you, might be tempted gently to dab the corner of an
eye with one fingertip at the thought that we shall neither see you nor hear from you in the future.

>Farewell, Hans—whether you live or stay where you are! Your chances are not good. The wicked
dance in which you are caught up will last many a little sinful year yet, and we would not wager
much that you will come out whole. To be honest, we are not really bothered about leaving the
question open. Adventures in the flesh and spirit, which enhanced and heightened your
ordinariness, allowed you to survive in the spirit what you probably will not survive in the flesh.

>There were moments when, as you “played king,” you saw the intimation of a dream of love rising
up out of death and this carnal body. And out of this worldwide festival of death, this ugly rutting
fever that inflames the rainy evening sky all round—will love someday rise up out of this, too?

>> No.21050760
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>> No.21051710

I return to this moment again and again because it always makes me weep and when I weep I feel, despite everything I've done that might make it seem otherwise, human. Exactly like everyone else.

>> No.21051732

>In the end, the whole world was an infinite jest.

>> No.21051755
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Be honest OP, did you just encounter this or purposefully recreate my thread from a few weeks back?

>> No.21051766

What is this?

>> No.21051769

A Farewell to Arms really stuck with me

>> No.21051771

yes and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes

>> No.21051779

Medieval Romance by Mark Twain

>> No.21051789

Portrait of a Lady. If you're a hopeless romantic male, it slaps different brah.

>> No.21051796

I'm 50 pages into this, and it's good, but can I expect any of it to connect in some mind blowing way, eventually? I assume no. I'm going to keep reading it either way.

>> No.21051940

>after all, it wasnt just any old rainbow. It was Gravity’s Rainbow.

>> No.21052096

>"Come to think of it," said Bloom softly, as he fluffed his pillow and settled into bed, "this day really has been similar in many ways to the story of the Ancient Greek hero Odysseus, or as the Romans called him, Ulysses."

>> No.21052118

I thought this was John Fowles until I read the date

>> No.21052128

For the most part it fits together, but you have to do a lot of the work.

>> No.21053347

Revelations probably

>> No.21053439

>"Hey, Otto, what did you say the plural of recognition was?"

>> No.21053462
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If you know, you know. The greatest sequelbait of all time.

>> No.21053473
File: 36 KB, 660x716, Oh Dear Oh Dear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With a sudden, inexplicable feeling of trepidation I lifted the receiver.

At first, my straining ears could make out nothing, until — oh horror! — out of that awful, ominous silence emerged the sound of breathing. This was no product of human lungs, nor indeed could I possibly attribute it to any animal as yet catalogued or imagined by our zoology. It was a ghastly breathing — a wet, slow, sucking, fishy breathing — a blasphemous mockery of all earthly modes of respiration.

Then I heard a click, and the connection was broken.

I fell back into a chair. No longer could I cling to hope, and tell myself that those monstrous and indescribable forces had passed me by. No longer. Not after receiving the call of Cthulhu.


>> No.21053587

Tekeli-li! Tekeli-li!

>> No.21053600
File: 59 KB, 320x500, 9780140045451-uk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1400 pages
>ends on a title drop

>> No.21053804

there was a book i read on exchange that I i've lost the name of and really wish I could find it again.

man in turn of teh century england is a fool but well born. life starts to fall apart around him and he ends up finding god. shunned by his family he becomes a like lackey to the church as his wealth and life fall apart around him.

Ends when he goes to a spiritual retreat where his father visits him and the MC is covered in boils and the last line is something to the effect of "the ecstasy he felt when popping them was a close second to the ecstasy he felt in gods warm embrace."

>> No.21053825

The last 100 pages or so pages of Blood Meridian are pretty dank

>> No.21053849

Literally the first time I've seen this book mentioned. Just read it awhile ago: it's great! I cried at the reveal: "It is I!", "Of course he is!"

>> No.21053865
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i've never been so preoccupied with endings, but i always remember this one cut me to the quick

>> No.21053872
File: 178 KB, 720x1061, Screenshot_20220928-072750_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a mediocre book it sure had a great ending.

>> No.21053877

There used to be a dude trying to meme people into reading it, don't know how well it worked.
But what a book. Hits all the big notes: family, betrayal, forgiveness, lust, identity, loyalty, power. Plot is obviously copper-bottomed. Its sort of a Wilbur Smith thriller, but written by genius

>> No.21053936

Wtf GRRM's been writing since the 1800s?

>> No.21054031

In a way every man is a lord. Lord of the flies.

>> No.21054190

>Don't step there
>Why not?
>It's Frank Herbert's Dune

>> No.21054248

>of all the tristom shandys that ever lived, he was the shandy to tristom the most