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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2119370 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of the "difficult" words you use in everyday life?

>> No.2119372

Circumvent. I know, not that difficult, but it blows some people's minds.

>> No.2119374


>> No.2119375

Downregulation,.. Schizoaffective... Hypothalamus... Cerebrospinal... Neuropsychobiology...

Or do you mean words which are themselves complicated? Like hijinx. Fuck! Three dotted things in a row!

>> No.2119379
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>> No.2119383


Fascism is also a word that people have never heard before.

>> No.2119385


>> No.2119393


>> No.2119394


Unless it's being applied to Obama. Not that those people know what it means (Obama is a Communist Muslim Fascist that loves the Jewish media!).

>> No.2119414

Giving taxpayer money to keep corporations from going under is pretty damn fascist.

Just sayin'

>> No.2119422 [DELETED] 

>that feel when you're not that smart but people always say that "you know so many words" in awe

niggas don't even read

>> No.2119428

I was discussing literary criticism of the pentateuch last night and /lit/ was amused that I used eisegetically about an unacceptable interpretation.

>> No.2119431

/lit/ was, or one lousy faggot on/lit/ was?

>> No.2119432

>hurrr you're so smart
The fact is that they're probably smarter than me. I'm just about average intelligence.

>> No.2119436

My interlocutor was, and they were sufficiently intelligent to posit an acceptable, however deeply flawed, counter-interpretation. When I drew attention to the fact that they were ignoring core features of the text, they laughed at my use of eisegetic as if they'd never done any biblical criticism in their life.

Exegesis for life, bros.

>> No.2119437

Not really. It might be fascist if he gave the corporations an official place in government, but lobbying, campaign contributions, etc. are not the only components of a fascistic corporatist state.

>> No.2119438

It's a nice start.

>> No.2119439

Lousy faggot here. I was pretty damn amused when I eisegeticized yo momma last night.

>> No.2119446


Yeah, that's fucked up but it's not fascism. Just government supported capitalism.

>> No.2119451

This coming from a dude who didn't even have his facts straight.

>> No.2119454


bibles have a jesus in its

>> No.2119458

Genesis is, was, and always will be fundamentally disconnected from the narrative in the other four books.

Fuck you and your post hoc connection of various trends in 4th century Temple redaction.

>> No.2119462

I know you are interested in this shit, and it gives you a big ol boner to spam 4chan with it night after night, but, yeah, no. The rest of us don't care and are bored by your pedantry. Kindly stop.

>> No.2119464

The fascists are turning this into /new2/ and you care about literary approaches to the pentateuch?


>> No.2119466

No. I don't care about it. Perhaps you didn't read my post. Try again, this time noting the explicit instance of the words "we don't care and are bored by"

>> No.2119468


Okay Susan, I'm sorry I shat in your cunt and farted in your treehouse.

>> No.2119470

It's okay, bro, I care.

>> No.2119476

Green text is an asshole. I'd rather get texts like that than the boring, pointless ones everyone else sends.

>> No.2119478

I don't really use big words every day.

>How fortuitous!

I also say superfluous a lot because it feels nice.

>> No.2119495

Not hard to impress people anymore. I was recently on the phone trying to schedule an inspection for my truck. Girl on the other end was confirming she had the make and model right and I said "Correct."

It blew her fucking mind, /lit/

Also it surprises people when I say "I'm well" instead of "I'm good"

>> No.2119524

>go to Southern school
>previously attend Northern school
>have people tell me to stop using big words
>most seniors can't pass simple statewide testing to prove you are capable of reading.
>pass test with no problem
I ain't even trying to make them look bad, southern public education is a joke. Although the colleges are pretty sweet.

>> No.2120667
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>> No.2120676


>> No.2120687

Surreptitiously, as well as any excuse I may have to use the word "infundibuliform".

>> No.2120690

I said 'vicarious' in the pub the other day. It was completely inappropriate and I felt like a right douche.

>> No.2120694

I would have defenestrated you if you said that shit around me.

>> No.2120697

Rightly so. It was an execrable faux pas.

>> No.2121163

An egregious invocation of circumlocution, fo shizzle

>> No.2121173

I say facilitate every once in a while. The "difficult" words come into play whenever I'm talking about technology, science, and politics.

>> No.2121198

wait? you think genesis is disconnected from the narrative of the other four books? Not DEUTERONOMY, I know youre a fucking troll, but fuck. Cmon, that one was literally tacked on a few hundred years later and written by some priests after the other four. Genesis is at least coherent in style with the other stories copied from oral tradition.

5/10 you made me bite, but apparently no one else.

Also vehemently always surprises people.