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/lit/ - Literature

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21453629 No.21453629 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21453640

he's going to prison and got ratio'd by Greta Thunberg
should tell you enough

>> No.21453641

Tate is the embodiment of nigger tier "masculinity" that is just vanity and glamor.

>> No.21453643

OP if you're insecure about your reading hobby then perhaps you should think for yourself what value it adds to your life instead of using an awful social media celebrity's opinions to bait people into giving you a reason to read.

you can do better OP. we all can. this board doesn't have ro be about refuting controversial attention grabbers. but sharing the value we find in books. and there are plenty of threads that do that in myriad ways.

>> No.21453645

Why do you need to reply to this junk?

>> No.21453646
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Idk this one seems insightful

>> No.21453648

Average retards copulating with ADHD retards is how we end up with dysgenic retards like this guy. Read to your children and don't have sex with stupid women no matter how hot they are, and maybe the quality of the average Joe will increase.

>> No.21453651

Test ...

>> No.21453653

People forget to sage, also mods suck ass now

>> No.21453654

Books provide a susinct way to be introduced to points of view different and contrary to your own, and if you read good books they will be well rounded and convincing. Anyone who truly has a lust for the far reaches of the human experience will always make time for reading, because most personal limitation is just a limitation of exposure.

Tate just wants to fight. Figures himself as some general yet he only wants to bash women and trannies because he is limp

>> No.21453655 [DELETED] 


>> No.21453657

He wants to do exciting things to block his brain from thinking about how rotten a person he is. Reading a book would let his mind slow down and learn something about itself. Deep down he knows how awful he is, and he knows if he stops for a second then he will question himself and destroy his only source of income.

>> No.21453661

He was ifyouknowwhatimean

>> No.21453662

Test ... Test ...

>> No.21453663


>> No.21453666

Test Test Test

>> No.21453668

>no refutation


>> No.21453672

Seething this hard, lol.

>> No.21453675

Test test ... test test

>> No.21453676

>says cooking is for dumbasses
>gets arrested for ordering fast food

>> No.21453677

i would be too if a scandi with fetal alcohol syndrome got me arrested on human trafficking

>> No.21453681

Test test test test test test test kek kek umad

>> No.21453687

>babby's first ban evasion
go back to skype

>> No.21453688

Back to funnyjunk we say bumperino around here
Also Tate is not going to fuck you bro

>> No.21453690

I am not evading a ban yet. I am trying to figure out if the thread is getting spammed by bots.

>> No.21453693

dead internet theory is real, change your posting habits and watch your "contemporaries" change accordingly

>> No.21453698

Le wacky bumperino to you too mlady

>> No.21453717

that's not even the issue. I have ADD and I can read just fine.
Zoomers are just retarded

>> No.21453725

>kids these days amirite
surely the REAL problem is (youngest generation) this time around, what an astute and intriguing observation. any more original ideas

>> No.21453732
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New Top G just dropped

>> No.21453746

Monkey Tate sucks so hard.

>> No.21453751

I was asked to refute, so I did. It's just some tiktoker

>> No.21453766

>whiteknighting for your degenerate e-celeb

>> No.21453771

If you had fast cars and bling I bet your opinion would change.

>> No.21453775

Was Jordan Peterson too intellectual?

>> No.21453780

this whole ordeal is so fucking funny. Greta is a retarded brat, but her latest Tweets were hilarious.

>> No.21453785

btfo by an autistic kid

>> No.21453803

Tate argues that he does not find reading entertaining and would rather have sex, drive cars or fight with people. It comes down to personal preference. I don't see anything wrong with this.

>> No.21453808

nothing to refute
just his opinion

>> No.21453809

No chin.

>> No.21453815

unironically not an argument

>> No.21453821

Based. Publicity will only make his brand bigger. Ahahaha this is too good. Couldn’t care less about his opinion on books, he makes basedboys seethe.

>> No.21453823

people like him will love the idea of podcasts and talking to other successful people, but as soon as someone writes it down they get bored

>> No.21453833

I can't imagine anything more humiliating than getting owned by Greta.

>> No.21453842

At least he's upfront about it, instead of promoting self-help nonfiction shit.

>> No.21453847

>going to prison
from top G to topped G

>> No.21453871
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Uhm, Greta bros?

>> No.21453877

I'm not the one in jail ;)

>> No.21453881

The pizza box was the proof you dummy. Maybe if he read a little books he'd have cared more about the environment!

>> No.21453884

They only found out his address though by looking at the pizza company he ordered from and phoning them

>> No.21453891

correct as was the intention. neither is his opinion

>> No.21453897 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.21453898

what an utter faggot. hope he gets his ass stretched out in jail. had a tiny ounce of respect for him before but seeing how he is just a con artist peddling his low-frequency filth to the genetically low-test "males" who are just true betas in denial.

I can't believe I like Greta now.

>> No.21453900

Romania is twice the size of Alabama.

I am astounded people don't think that would need somehow narrowing down, even if police weren't dumb, lazy, corrupt fucks.

Even a district in a city would barely be enough.

>> No.21453901

you really love sucking on Muhammad Tate's tinypeni don't you?

>> No.21453915

It's hedonism but he doesn't know that word because he doesn't read.

>> No.21453924

He's Muslim.

>> No.21453925

They knew his address already, there was an earlier raid there this year. This raid was probably planned ever since Tate announced he was already in Romania, the pizza box at most just signaled to the police that he'd be found if they went there at once.

>> No.21453934

There won't be much entertainment in a Romanian prison. Start reading, Neo

>> No.21453942

He's in jail for questioning, only. He's being released soon. No charges yet, the case's still under investigation.

>> No.21453947

weird cope

>> No.21453991
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Will Andrew join the climate strike now?

>> No.21454004

that's now several tweets that confirm that Greta is a size queen

>> No.21454010

76:9 win:loss ratio in kickboxing
I think he'll be fine in prison

>> No.21454016

none of that makes his skin less penetrable

>> No.21454019

Yeah police often investigate people at the start of an investigation so they have a chance to destroy evidence.

The only thing dumber than Tate is his little incels.

>> No.21454023

Romanian prison is almost Brazil level.

>> No.21454026

Ah kickboxing, the sport of desperate 'stay away from me' kicks

>> No.21454035

In kickboxing you don’t have to fight multiple people at once and you don’t have to worry about being shanked

>> No.21454047

fighting plumbers in romania doesn't mean he's actually a decent kickboxer, also, any sambo guy as undersized as they might be will take him down and submit some cum into his holes

>> No.21454056

I know what we're all thinking 'romania is the kick boxing capital of the world' but weren't his last three fights against Romanian nobodies? And he has connections to Romanian organized crime. Kinda throws that whole win record into doubt.

>> No.21454067

Do femanons actually think he is hot?

>> No.21454068

Probably written by someone else managing her account, but still. Tate keeps getting btfo, and anons love these types of bread and games.

>> No.21454087

Doubt this guy's ever been in a fight. His idea of living on the edge is driving supercars that he got on daddy's money and fucking whores. He's also bald.
To refute him and his breed of mindless hedonism, I'll quote socrates and say it's better to live as a dissatisfied human than a satisfied pig.

>> No.21454184
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Now he fucked up. That's sick.

>> No.21454190

His brother literally paid random fat fucks off the street to fight his brother in kickboxing “championships.”

>> No.21454200

someone flaunting money and expensive stuff on the internet is nothing new but aren't luxury cars like the worst big purchases to make financially because of how fast cars depreciate? at least with big gold jewelry it's a precious metal

>> No.21454205

>18 year old child

>> No.21454230


Reading is to acquire knowledge.

Seems like he's bashing on people who read for entertainment. It's an argument between sensual vs cerebral pleasure.

Seems like he prefers high dopamine sensual activities. Nothing wrong with either.

>> No.21454241


People on lit actually buy into the climate (in my days it was called global warming) hoax?

Ah, what did I really expect from a bunch of limp wristed marxists.

I'd also wager that if you believe in the climate alarmist hoax, then you're 90% likely to have also bought into the Covid 19 mRna hoax.

>> No.21454246
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Let's try to put this in terms that zoomers/newfags will understand:
Do remember in highschool (which wasn't that long ago for most of you) there were actual tough, alpha guys? Some of whom were also intelligent, motivated and successful.....Tate isn't one of those people.
Tate is the low class bully who would pick on the vulnerable and sexually assault the retarded girl. Often they were spoiled but unloved by their parents.
This type of guy ALWAYS had a harem of beta-boys following their every move and hanging on their every word like they're some kind of prophet. (I think they find the spectacle of dominance and submission in teen bullying titillating but that's for another thread). If you become infatuated with guys like tate, and especially if you give them your money, you are one of those beta-boys.
I mean he's quite open about targeting beta faggots. Buying into his bullshit is confirmation in his eyes and the eyes of wider society that you are a beta-boy.
Men don't pay grifters like tate to get access to a half-assed discord server.

>> No.21454249

Nobody who gets punched for money is smart

>> No.21454253

> being proud of being old and getting mindfucked by 90's propaganda

>> No.21454260

Global warming is a hoax too bro

>> No.21454265

Unironically based kek

>> No.21454266

other than think of the millions of betas that lick up his vomit and go ahead and ruin themselves taking his word as gospel.

>> No.21454270


>> No.21454282

He's already out

>> No.21454318

You're not going to be able to gain any sort of specialized knowledge without reading an awful lot of books. If you want to do something valuable with your life, you're going to need to have specialized knowledge. People who can readily assimilate such knowledge will also naturally find themselves reading for pleasure - branching out into multiple subject areas to gain greater insight overall. This insight, whilst helpful, is also an end in itself.

>> No.21454351

>power means nothing
>he’s not successful or motivated because I say so
The internet has been talking about him nonstop for like a year now, he rakes in money from his programs, spreads ideas about following your own path and being strong, gets women, doesn’t preach stupid shit like religion or muh god plan. Nah Andrew is based and I like him more than any other influencer. He may be a villain and a bit obnoxious but he’s living how he wants and reaping massive rewards. There is nothing after this life, there is nothing else. He is spending his best years on top of money piles and telling men to do whatever the fuck they’d like. That is based. That is cool. And he doesn’t push some faggy idea of returning to tradition. And it doesn’t matter what you guys think or any feminist or any beta feminist follower. Not at all. there’s a reason he’s buddy buddy with Adin Ross and goes on his stream. It’s fucking over gen Z is going to light this world on fire. I don’t know who is controlling Andrew Tate but they’re actually going to help us move forward. Finally.

>> No.21454366

He's like Bronze Age Pervert but not a poser.

>> No.21454393

you will never not be a mulatto

>> No.21454403

i can't help but notice that ... i have never seen a picture of andrew tate with a woman.

>> No.21454409

Be alpha male that can supposedly get any woman

Has to traffick minors to have sex

>> No.21454411

He's operating a pyramid scheme based on dropshipping. There's not one shred of evidence anyone has gotten any richer following his advice.

>> No.21454414

i know a kid who spent his whole covid check on some stupid bootcamp with a washed up minor ufc hasbeen and all he got was links to some private youtube videos and a dead chatroom. this dude has never competed in any combat sports btw.

>> No.21454571

he’s black

>> No.21454576

>had a tiny ounce of respect for him before

>> No.21454633

He reminds me of Sam Pepper.

>> No.21454660

Retroactively refuted by Greta (pbuh)

>> No.21454710
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>Nigger-tier mindset
>Completely consumer
>Has absolutely nothing important to say
>Ruins his cigars with a zippo
>Think i saw hi-points in the raid vid

The embodiment of all that is wrong with the West, I hope he hangs, not for what is being charged with, i do not care, but hanged for what he is.

>> No.21454713
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>> No.21454831

According to scientist penises are shrinking generationally. Your johnson won't shrink any further, at least not because of pollution, it's your son who may be affected. But if you don't plan on having one you don't really have to care about that. Failed gotcha