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21524487 No.21524487 [Reply] [Original]

Upper class = degenerate and frivolous
Middle class = moral and noble
Low class = degenerate and stupid

Simple as

>> No.21524495

which class do mexicans belong in?

>> No.21524513

Social class in the current year is far more to do with culture/values than wealth.

Skilled tradesmen make more than most blueticks on Twitter.

>> No.21524692

It's hard to say, some are intelligent and just failed to thrive for some reason.
Somewhere out there is the world's most brilliant begger and he's probably a genius.

>> No.21524737

One thing I have noticed over the years:

If person A criticizes person / group / idea / thing B for being "middle-class", you can be sure of two things:

* A is trash
* the less of B you have, the worse your society will be

Typical example:
— I don't think people should get drunk and vomit in the streets.
— Don't be so middle-class.

Note: Marxists do this a lot but they say "bourgeois" instead of "middle-class".

>> No.21524747

>t. middle class rainbow-techie bugman with a city bike
Cope, I'm not remotely a Marxist and I would hang you fuckers from lamp posts.

>> No.21524753

The real upper class is not defined by wealth. What you’re talking about is the wealthiest part of the middle class.

>> No.21524775

My family (my dad and grandfather lol) are in the <1% of America and I would feel shame describing us as any the ing but upper middle class just because the leap to genuine rich upper class is so much greater in every aspect than the drop to <$1mil income classes.

80% of the population is lower class and +19% is middle class and there is no denying this.

>> No.21524882

Upper class = degenerate and stupid
Middle class = degenerate and stupid
Low class = degenerate and stupid

>> No.21524896
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Recommend Russell for discussions of class. Note that his final chapter on class x is really just upper-middle larping about not being upper-middle, which is ironically the most quintessentially upper-middle thing in the world. The rest is still relatively accurate despite being ~40 years or so old.

>> No.21524901


>> No.21524905

I work in construction with a lot contracts in upper middleclass suburbs. These are always the faggots with Ukraine flags flying or pro-abortion/anti-gun/LGBTQ signs displayed in their lawn.

>> No.21524906
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>Social class in the current year is far more to do with culture/values than wealth.

>> No.21524907

Haha and I’ll cave your mothers head in with a rock after making her eat my shit while on the phone with you
>anonnnn please hel-*CRACK* *CRACK* nooooo plea-*CRUNCH* AHHHHHH AHHHH AHHHHHHH

>> No.21524916

Middle class is just the lower class with log burners, slate kitchen tops and wine rather than cheap larger. Get your head in the game my na.

>> No.21524923
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>the moral and noble middle class has the lowest fertility rate

>> No.21524933

They're the only ones stupid enough to work 80hour weeks for the promise a £400 PCM post tax pay rise in 5 years time. The poor won't and the rich just pay chumps to do it for them. The middle class don't have time for living a meaningful life - too busy writing Co tracts and analysing data.

>> No.21524945


>> No.21524955

If you think the 90th-99.9th percentile are anything other than middle class you're deluded.

>> No.21524962
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There is only the noble and the peasant. The humble hardworking peasant who owns his land and his own work is the beating heart and burning soul of the nation, where its true value in blood and traditions are kept. The noble is the mind and spirit of the nation, guiding and shaping the nation on the course that inceases the honor and prestiage of both blood and land.

The middle-class is a parasite on the back of the strong peasant-yeoman who must labor all the harder. All the while he tries to trip and damage the noble and steer him wrongly so that the middle-class may wrongfully usurp the mantle of leadership.

The middle-class should be wiped out. They always agitate for change and destruction in the hopes that their station may be improved upon rebuilding society.

Every single destructive revolution was born, plotted and enacted by the Middle-Class. So too was every philosophy and world-view that advocated the destruction of the family, the nation and currently even sex. It should be no suprise that jews occupy this class.

>> No.21524970

Fascism was a middle class revolution you dolt

>> No.21524998

Sure it was

>> No.21525054

It's true, at least in America.

>> No.21525076
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Read a fucking book, National-Socialism was a working class anti-marxist nationalist movement that grew rejected common Socialist discourse for their own national devision of society instead of a class. Hitler rejected middle class members instead favoring his rough, working types that formed his beloved Stormtroopers. Only after they were established did he allow middle-class in.

You display all the hallmarks of the Middle-Class

>> No.21525078

Here in Mexico there are many kinds of people as well. I'm middle class and my family is extremely conservative and noble. I have cousins who are richer and they are definitely amoral and frivolous, esp. with money.

>> No.21525090

Are you comparing your family to billionaires or something? The lifestyle of the average 1 percenter and billionaires isn't that different.

>> No.21525153

This exchange is a perfect example of the difficulties that come with a careless use of the term "fascism" that too hastily incorporates affiliated, though distinct movements. You are certainly correct on the point of the proletarian character of National Socialism, but OP is mostly correct about the bourgeois nature of Fascism (i.e., Mussolini's movement).

Although Mussolini was a former socialist-turned-nationalist, it is well known that Fascism came to adopt many elements of the middle class, a phenomenon critiqued extensively by Evola throughout his oeuvre. Fascism chose to appeal to bourgeois sentiments in order to maintain its goal of class-cohesion, and this was only intermittently interrupted by the much more Marxist-influenced voice of Gentile. After 1943, however, with the birth of the Salo Republic, Fascism turned back heavily to Mussolini's original working-class roots.

>> No.21525219





>> No.21525264

>, it is well known that Fascism came to adopt many elements of the middle class, a phenomenon critiqued extensively by Evola throughout his oeuvre. Fascism chose to appeal to bourgeois sentiments in order to maintain its goal of class-cohesion, and this was only intermittently interrupted by the much more Marxist-influenced voice of Gentile.

Ive not read a great deal about Italian Fascism. What specifically was Middle-Class about it?

>> No.21525369

upper class = good if they increase wealth, bad if they decrease it (nepotists)
Middle class = good if they don't scheme to steal from upper
lower = probably did it to themselves or bad parenting. MAKE ROOM (1966)

>> No.21525385

extremely underrated book

>> No.21525399

Supremely based

>> No.21525405 [SPOILER] 

As a movement oriented towards class-cohesion, Fascism had to find a way of promoting that unity. Mussolini was far less interested in race and anti-Semitism than Hitler, and his general theory was that the nation served the state (contra Hitler, where the State existst to serve the nation).

So, catering to the "middle" rather than emphasizing one of the extremes was already a possibility for his political program.

Fascist culture adopted several bourgeois elements over the years.

- Nationalism generally. This is inherently anti-aristocratic, and appealed to Romantic concepts that placed the nation over the Church. While it may be argued that nationalism is a working-class ideal (and it certainly is popular with the dregs of society), its historical formulation was in the liberal, Third Estate environs of the French Revolution (and not in the crass, materialist, much more plebian formulation of Hitler). Nationalism appeals to the bourgeois mind because of its homogenizing, leveling, conformist tendency.
- Anticommunism and anticlericalism. Pretty self-explanatory. The former could not take an aristocratic approach (like Prussia), and the latter could obviously not take a leftist approach. BUT the eventual concession made to the Church in the Lateran Treaty was another example of Enlightenment-style compromise between Church and State, with each entity occupying separate functional realms.
- Imperialism. Italy's goals of imperial expansion, despite all of Mussolini's rhetoric about a New Rome, were basically identical in motivation to the projects of the Western democracies, i.e., material/economic gain.

A good place to start is Evola's A Traditionalist Confronts Fascism. It's not like his other, esoteric work; he was a critic of the movement who lived through and collaborated with Mussolini's regime.

>> No.21525434

All because different groups use nationalist rhetoric isn’t a gotcha. they’re all very different.

This concept has existed long before fascism and can be carried out by other political ideologies and systems outside of it. Historically it was carried out by the founding fathers of the United States who were mostly liberal humanists inspired by the bourgeois values of the enlightenment. Something that fascism explicitly and outright rejects.

The early and current United States had policies that disproportionally affect people of color. From chattel slavery to the profit based prison industrial complex, racial segregation to reverse redlining, the effects and appearance of white nationalism and white supremacy can manifest in many ways, you don’t need to be a fascist to be a racist and thinking this way can remove the nuance in which it can come about. For white nationalism, the crossover into fascism has to be through an ultra-national rebirth free of all of its current anti-fascist liberal presuppositions.

>> No.21525456

Corporatism is the 'end goal' of Fascism, 'class collaboration' isn't btw. People confuse the two. Every 'socialist' country which has ever existed was in fact corporatist. Corporatism for Fascism is simply the recognition of the reality that the 'economy' is not something static. The Doctrine of corporatism was instated to reduce the marginalization of any one class' interests while increasing the productive forces in a way in which the state deemed to be desirable. The end goal of course being a developed and modern Italy. It was very successful, the government would embark itself in the establishment of 436km of highways, 5160km of electricity lines, 22,800km of railways, and the design and advancement of technological goods that were ahead of its time

>> No.21525465

yes, board members live in a different world already from upper management.
Already starting to not be comparable.

>> No.21525499

It is. Average 1%er is employed by a billionaire. Billionaires have the capital to completely change the structural, political and economic outlook of wherever they choose to live. Average 1%er has a mortgage and cars on finance.

>> No.21525523

Sure, but the necessity of positive class relations for corporatism demands a program of class that supports the coexistence of the classes and hence requires the mediation of possibly competing class interests. Supporting the moderatism of the bourgeois was the way to do this.

And sure it was successful; I would note that emphasizing the material achievements of the Fascist regime is exemplary of middle-class motives.

>> No.21525526

Almost hard to believe that fertility doesn’t go back up until you get to $150k but since it’s household income that might mean a husband that makes $100k and a wife who earns $50k and that would make more sense.

>> No.21525618

>ut the necessity of positive class relations for corporatism demands a program of class that supports the coexistence
Historically, that is not correct for Italy. It may be said that Corporatism wants to remove class but everyone is moved to something greater: an ideal greater than the accumulation of capital. And, rather than attacking the higher classes, it may be better to help the poorer among us. Now, because the richer are always going to attack the poorer and go against the whole they must be cut down to size. The same goes for labor which, under Marxism, is made above the nation.

Now, it should not be hard to explain the heavy amount of nationalization existing in Italy as Fascism marched on. It does lead to more state control and intervention but this is not a bad thing. In Article 9 of the Constitution of Fiume, it states:

>The State does not recognize the ownership of property as an absolute and personal right, but regards it as one of the most useful and responsible of social functions”

and Rocco states that it’s only to be a tool in The Political Doctrine of Fascism. Therefore:

>Fascism accepted from Syndicalism the idea of the educative and moral function of the syndicate. But since the intention was to overcome the antithesis between the State and the syndicate, the effort was made to enter the system of syndicates harmoniously into corporations subject to discipline by the State and to thereby give expression to the organic character of the State. In order to give expression to the will of the individual, the organic State must reach him, not as an abstract political individual that the old liberalism supposed — as a featureless atom. The organic State sought to reach the individual as it could only find him, as he in fact is: a specialized producer whose tasks moved him to associate himself with others of the same category, all belonging to the same unitary economic organism that is the nation.” - Gentile, Giovanni

In fact, this is precisely why in 1934, Mussolini boasted that three-quarters of Italian businesses are in the hands of the state. Making the Italian economy one of the largest examples of economic nationalization. This process sounds more lucrative than simply 'collaborating' with two classes, it's a given process to something greater.

>the material achievements of the Fascist regime are exemplary of middle-class motives.
Yeah, I suppose we rather just live in piss n' shit while being ruled by a privileged cast of retards, because dat be a middle class thang.

>> No.21525637

Upper class and low class is like the midwit meme. They can shake hands while the middle big boys seethe.

They're the only people who shape history and do important things and lead interesting lives. I've seen it myself. Obscenly rich people like peons who know their place much more than affluelent suburbans. The upper class sees them as people. The middle class likes to berate and belittle them to feel better about themselves.

I like movies where rich people put middle class scum in their place. They are without a doubt the worst.

>> No.21525645

t. big boy

>> No.21525656

>10% of population
>87.8% of wealth
Lmfao try 99.99% you retard

>> No.21525694

>humble hardworking peasant who owns his land
Peasants don't own land you extremely-online moron

>> No.21525827

Upper class = maintain societal norms and discriminate value
Middle class = democratize things to the lowest common denominator
Low class = eat, sleep, work

>> No.21525833

stay on your side of the border pablo

>> No.21525849
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I fucking hate middle class, bros.

Any books for this feel?

>> No.21525888

It's easy to romanticise the very poor, when you don't have to deal with the way that they ruin everything around them.

>> No.21525901

It doesn't bottom out like that.

Sociologically it tapers off after the expansion of the lower class. Because of welfare and other systems of economic assistance (like easy to find jobs), there are actually far fewer incredibly destitute people than there are just poor people.


>> No.21526021
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This, you have leaders and you have doers. The middle class are creatively and morally bankrupt.