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21676763 No.21676763 [Reply] [Original]

When does this get good?

>> No.21677059
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This reads like Oscar Wilde

>> No.21677068

it doesn't, it's lauded by dumb women for its fem power message. the reality is it's the crude and 'satirical' views of a hermetic wench that leeched off of her father's money. she peered in at the wealthy from time to time from afar, thought herself vastly superior, and then wrote this absolute tripey bollocks. is it any surprise she died alone? conceited rude fucking hag.

>> No.21677085

Bro this is about the book not about the author wtf

>> No.21677090

and the book represents her views. they're nonsense. the book itself is just trying to satirise the british bourgeoise class, but it's from the perspective of an autistic retard that sat in the corner screeching. it makes the satire worthless because she didn't understand the subject matter to begin with.

>> No.21677099

She could at least present her allegedly wrong views in an interesting manner, but this swings between boring and cringe

>> No.21677107

>she didn't understand the subject matter to begin with.
Can you explain what's the correct understanding?

>> No.21677112

no i cannot, because i am not 19th century aristocracy. would you trust an autistic person to tell you about the social dynamics of a room? the time period doesn't matter because her character was such that she's unreliable in her commentary on society. she was a shut-in, a hermit, and a moocher.

>> No.21677122

My wife....

>> No.21677123

How do we know it's wrong if we don't know the correct interpretation? She wasn't diagnosed with autism, so we can't easily dismiss her.

>> No.21677131

my family are very bourgeoise. during austen's time they would've been the type of 'suitor family' invited to their galas. they were horrid bastards, but she didn't understand them.

>> No.21677139

I feel like you're too emotionally involved in this anon

>> No.21677151

i'm just saying, i'm not involved in it, but i have enough close relatives that descended from bourgie behaviour. there are pervasive attitudes that trickled down. you know how harry is called 'spare'? all bourgie families behave that way. oldest male gets the best treatment. rest of the children are garbage unless it looks like oldest male will fail. as the third born i was not ever a priority.

>> No.21677166

Can't say that the tragedy of rich children is very relatable to most people I'm afraid

>> No.21677199

exactly. she just didn't get that brand of society. i'm not saying they were good, but her views are superficial at best, outright wrong in many cases. life is about how others treat you. bourgie isn't always good. my parents weren't terribly rich (squandered generational wealth) but still behaved bourgie. it's pretty shit getting the bourgie treatment but having none of the perks. over 100yrs the family have squandered about 100m of investments. dad still acted like he was of that realm. it was misery.

>> No.21677360

Nobody in pride and prejudice is bourgeoise

>> No.21677533
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Is there anything a normal man can get out of this book? There must be something, but I don't see it.

>> No.21677608

it's literally about aristocrats.

it's a gurl power book written by a hermit that lived on her dad's money. it's a bag of nothing.

>> No.21677731

Aristocrats are upper class, bourgeoise are the risen middle class. For instance Patricians versus successful Plebians

>> No.21677758

do you just lie about everything that fits your narrative?

>> No.21677887

>it's a gurl power book
How? Lizzie is portrayed as a prejudiced cunt while Darcy as the kindest hearted gentleman suffering her pride.

>> No.21677966

I wish to read this as fap material since I have to force myself to watch porn to coom. Lit may be more up my alley, but I don't have time.

>> No.21677978

when it ends

>> No.21677994

In the first page

>> No.21678002

Elaborate what makes it good from the first page

>> No.21678344

>Charlotte Brontë, however, in a letter to Lewes, wrote that Pride and Prejudice was a disappointment, "a carefully fenced, highly cultivated garden, with neat borders and delicate flowers; but ... no open country, no fresh air, no blue hill, no bonny beck".[43][44]

Was she bitter or is she better than Austen?

>> No.21678374

You need to read it to understand it.

>> No.21678391

>reading books written by women

>> No.21678401

>t. never read it

>> No.21678472

I thought this book was charming. Imagine being part of that society and marrying women like that. That was a much better social system than we have today.

>> No.21678714

wtf does that even mean

>> No.21678757


>> No.21678820

The metaphor is pretty obvious, she found it too prim and domesticated.