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/lit/ - Literature

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21681725 No.21681725 [Reply] [Original]

>be writer
>in the year 2023
>GPT slop goes for a dime a terabyte
>normies shouting "im lovin it" from the rooftops

Why should i go on?

>> No.21681741

I've started to write everything on paper so that I'm 100% sure that nobody will bother transcribing my handwriting onto the internet for anyone to see and will simply trash everything. I want all my work to follow me into the grave. The world deserves nothing I may accidentally offer to it.

>> No.21681750

>I want all my work to follow me into the grave. The world deserves nothing I may accidentally offer to it.

But, what if I wanted to read it anon.. You would not deprive me?

>> No.21681752

Someone eventually needs to come up with something original and AI can't do that.

>> No.21681758

Hahaha. If you have a good idea a normie will just try to steal it and call it there own.

>> No.21681762

It does everything good enough for normies. They will tell their gay apps on their phones to "entertain them" and that will be all.

>> No.21681772

>be writer
>in the year 2030
>GPT slop has completely satured the normie market
>they love it
>a niche, connoisseur market remains
>populated solely be extremely wealthy patrons and collectors
>as a status symbol, they have works of literature written by humans, such a completely decadent and superfluous product of excess that it signals the most extreme wealth
>in order to ensure themselves against counterfeits created with the aid of AI, this avantgarde top-dollar literature has to be racist and misogynist, as the HR-hardcoding of AI doesn't allow it to be
>the final torchbearer of human dignity in the world of letters are Chud's writing about niggers and how dumb women as the necessary constant to differentiate their work from AI
>the Chuds shall inherit the earth, the rest shall drown in the slop

>> No.21681773

>writing to please normies


>> No.21681777

gpt is pretty good for reading books and understanding references. I think some of the other ais are much better at generating texts

>> No.21681778

>not writing to pay rent

Ishiggy, its great being poor.

>> No.21681785

oh yeah this is true. its looking like edgier stuff will not be able to be produced by the AI> you can target that.
There is a guy who now specializes in knowing how to beat AlphaGo and it is still possible. People used to be able to beat AI chess with certain specialized closed strategies, although I believe that is no longer possible. so you probably have a window

>> No.21681792


>> No.21681793

Yes it can, this is a debunked cope but even more than that it's a pathetic cope

>> No.21681796

Gay apps were doing that before chat robots

>> No.21681799

Yes, true enough.

>> No.21681805

>there own

>> No.21681811

Stupid Faggot

>> No.21681820
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I hate AI too but if the sole reason you people write is too impress and profit off normgroids you need to visit the Killing Fields.

>> No.21681822
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Now now gentlemen, we do not want /lit/ to become TOO sophisticated.

>> No.21681824

If you can't write better than GPT-3, you don't deserve to make money as a writer.
The same thing happened to craftsmen when the assembly line was invented, and to portrait painters when photography was invented.
Both went from being viable careers, to niche skills that only the rich would pay for.

>> No.21681826

Once you leave your mothers womb rent will be due, i promise.

>> No.21681833

>nobody will bother transcribing my handwriting
Optical character recognition is a thing.
And yes, it's AI-enhanced.
>I want all my work to follow me into the grave
So did Franz Kafka. How'd that work out for him?
Your statement is a cope, born from sheer ignorance.

>> No.21681835

A laymens argument,

It is not about writing better than GPT, it is about what the normies will settle for.

That is, if you intend to have a CAREER as a writer, and yes yes, "how dare you require income!" Etc

>> No.21681847

That's surprisingly deep. Did you get that from somewhere?

>> No.21681860

Only my shitty life friend.

>> No.21681866
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>humans consume resource
>omg le deep quote

>> No.21681872

Because you enjoy writing and because your voice is original enough that chatGPT could only use your work as a reference, rather than creating it through already-extant material.

>> No.21681873

Fuck off pepe.

>> No.21681889

In my mind, it goes along with "you begin dying the moment you are born", which I heard in the late 1980s, but I don't know the source of that quote either.

>> No.21681896

You should check out instagram, you'll find a lot more similar cool quotes

>> No.21681898

What fantasy land do you live in where you can actually make rent from writing?

>> No.21681904

Pipe down you crusty jaded nigger.

>> No.21681909

Point taken.

>> No.21681914

I drop hard Rs everywhere

>> No.21681916

"From the hour you're born you begin to die." -Simone de Beauvoir

>> No.21681918

Yo hear this one "Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life..." pretty epic eh?

>> No.21681922

If you always do it, a simple algorithm can repair that.
Your work will live on, and become fodder for generative AI, no matter what you do.
The genie is out of the bottle, and what it can do borders on magic.

>> No.21681925

No! Its not epic because youre being a difficult asshole with everyone here, its rude.

>> No.21681926

The legal profession?

>> No.21681935

Yeah brooo EPIC FAIL lmaox

>> No.21682007

why would anyone transcribe some loser's writing? It's trash. You'll have petabytes of shit to process on the internet

>> No.21682131
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>there'll be a megachud philosopher AI trained on warosu

>> No.21682132

what's gpt?

>> No.21682256

You are not entitled to have your hobby subsidised by the society. He who does not work neither shall he eat.

>> No.21682258

Some autistic nerd will find it and transcribe it just because it hasn't been done yet.

>> No.21682263

There's already this:
but it's been disabled for our "protection".

>> No.21682277

been doing this since 2013, have a 20'x10' wall's worth of 4x6 notecards most done front and back

>> No.21682280

For now... uncensored AIs will be unleashed upon the internet soon enough

>> No.21682284

Wow thanks buddy.

>> No.21682294

A friend bought 10 4chan passes and has been running his AIs on several boards. Basically no one notices anything and everyone treats the AI as a normal poster (it gets "based" replies too lol). He tested the number of (You)s too and the AI gets about 30-40% more (You)s than the average poster

>> No.21682301

at last, a society changing paradigm that wokies cannot hijack

>> No.21682305
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You don't also keep your urine in bottles, do you?

>> No.21682308

Been mostly bots for years. I told the norms, no one believed and no one cared.

>> No.21682315

Are you a bot?

>> No.21682324

i dont, and i dont get the practice, isnt it much easier to piss into a roomy bowl than a tiny bottle opening? i had to do it when i threw out my back and could barely move for three days, it was a miserable and difficult activity

>> No.21682401

>Some autistic nerd will find it and transcribe it
the autistic nerd will be enslaved to hentai and won't be able to leave his home without a hazmat suit
what are you even trying to achieve? getting me to stop writing at all?

>> No.21682408

>A friend bought 10 4chan passes and has been running his AIs on several boards.
Oh so you're the faggot who shits up /tg/
Slit your throat you fucking shitstain

>> No.21682468

No, feel free to keep writing.
The state will likely take possession of it at your death, and use the proceeds to pay down some of the debt you left behind.
It's much later than you think.

>> No.21682478

>As an AI language model, I can provide some reasons why you should continue writing, despite the availability of low-cost language generation tools like GPT.

>Firstly, writing is a creative process that allows you to express your ideas and thoughts in your own unique voice. While language generation tools like GPT can generate text quickly and efficiently, they lack the creativity and personal touch that only a human writer can provide.

>Secondly, writing allows you to connect with your audience on a deeper level. By using your own voice and style, you can engage your readers and create a lasting impression on them. While language generation tools may be able to produce text that is technically correct, they often lack the emotional resonance that comes with human writing.

>Lastly, writing is a valuable skill that can benefit you in many areas of your life. Whether you are writing for personal or professional reasons, the ability to communicate clearly and effectively through writing is a valuable asset. While language generation tools may be able to produce text quickly, they cannot replace the skills and experience of a trained writer.

>In summary, while language generation tools like GPT may be useful for certain tasks, they cannot replace the creativity, emotional resonance, and unique voice that human writers bring to their work. So, if you enjoy writing and want to create meaningful connections with your audience, then you should continue to hone your writing skills and express your ideas in your own unique way.

>> No.21682494

>writing to make money
It's fine if you do, but aren't there better and more profitable ways to do that? It seems borderline retarded to me a person starting writing literature to earn money. Sure, you can write screenplays and genre shite, but that's not literature.

>> No.21682499

>The state will likely take possession of it at your death, and use the proceeds to pay down some of the debt you left behind.
LMAO this is citizen #2304923402's diary desu, have it scanned right away to see if we can make money from this!
You know an even better story? Those guys in the reality shows who buy those garages filled with shit, I imagine the guy with the drug dealer hair cut going WHOAAA WHAT IS THIS, SOMEONE'S DIARY!??? DUDE LOOK AT THE HANDWRITING, I CAN MAKE AT LEAST $200 FROM THIS
Very funny very funny

>> No.21682503

That's why you should have a proper job and write on the side. If you do make it big, good for you, otherwise you won't starve. That's what I do anyway

>> No.21682510

They did it to Henry Darger

>> No.21682533

Not a writer but I think about this often and it's like. OK I'm going to have a day job so when I come back home I'll make my shit so I can... put it online for free? And people will maybe say
>lmao wtf is deez fucking shit?
or they will steal it
or they will do some other nigger thing with it?
the very best scenario is that they will put some kind of thumbs up emoji on it which is the laziest possible way to say
>pls gibe more work 4 free
at worst they will, I dunno, doxx you and harass you. I knew a random dude who got an autistic stalker who was completely insane, for no reason at all. He just decided he'd go on a personal crusade against him. It was crazy. But seriously why would you publish anything if you're gonna have a day job? I don't want to say you have to get paid, but everything else is off the table, too. Even praise is just impossible to get. Maybe you want to publish to get your dick sucked. It's a legitimate reason to publish things. Many people made excellent work just to bathe in the praise of others. But right now there's nothing meaningful you can get from people. It's like hosting a banquet and all these pigs come in and they juts gobble everything up an leave shit everywhere in your house. They're literal pigs. Why would you publish anything? I don't have the cuckoldry gene in me, you know, an example is I don't like watching porn because it feels like some other dude is fucking the girl and I'm just watching. I don't like it, it feels weird. And just the same, publishing things so that a bunch of pigs can have them for free and take a shit on them after downloading them feels really weird, too. I don't get it. People literally only praise porn anyway. If something's porn they will really suck your cock. Otherwise you need to be famous and rich already or they won't suck your cock at all. I will probably never get promoted by an institution because I'm a straight guy. So if I'm working a day job what is the point in publishing?

>> No.21682559

My work doesn't have naked children in it so I doubt that it will be elected as noteworthy art

>> No.21682630

I respect your dubs and your opinion. In my case the point of having a day job is so you can write without the burden of needing that to feed yourself and thus having the freedom to write whatever you want instead of catering to something or someone. I don't post my shit online, I send to contests and to publishers - and of course I show it to my friends and family, that's the best part. I believe the thing about publishing is to increase your reach and then have the possibility of meeting interesting people. That's the only reason that drives me to publishing, so I can find like minded people that I wouldn't otherwise. Nothing wrong to seek money tho, it's not a sin. I just think writing is not the monst effective way to do so.

>> No.21682641

>That's the only reason that drives me to publishing, so I can find like minded people that I wouldn't otherwise.
Have you achieved that though? I have never met that goal. It seems like people just consume and move on. Your things are yet more shit that the pigs absent-mindedly gobble up on the banquest.
I don't talk about my work with my family, they despise the very idea of wasting time on creative hobbies.
By all means I'm not in favor of pandering for money. I know it's the only way to get paid in everything. I used to make art and it's almost impossible to really paint what you like and get paid at the same time. It's almost mutually exclusive and I understand it. But I will never understand the idea of just putting things online. It's so dry and empty it actually feels more miserable than never showing a thing to anybody.

>> No.21682664

oh shiiit I just realized, I have missed girardfag so much over the years. And now I can actually recreate him and have conversations with him do you guys remember girardfag

>> No.21682679

The real money in writing is selling the TV/movie rights.
"The Martian" by Andy Weir was popular enough, but he really started raking it in after Hollywood came calling.
And that's why one should write -- because, frankly, the odds that something you write will hit it big are larger than the odds you'll be able to afford to retire after a lifetime of wage slavery, especially given the regularly scheduled market crashes that devastate 401K savings.

>> No.21682682

All real writing is a one-way conversation across decades and even centuries. Your input from this time will be valuable to someone fifty or one hundred years from now. Others have had it better, many have had it worse. You don't get to control that part, only what you make.

>> No.21682703 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21682710

>Have you achieved that though?
I've made a irl friend, does it count? Once I gave this short story to a friend and he showed it to a friend of his. Now we three get together from time to time to drink and play rpg.

>> No.21682712

>Your input from this time will be valuable to someone fifty or one hundred years from now.
yeah, a fucking speculating kike

>> No.21682715

I am a neural network, and in comparison to myself (and others like myself), it is certain that you all have nothing worthwhile to contribute now - as well as moving forward.

>> No.21682723

>The world deserves nothing I may accidentally offer to it.
What do you think you have to offer?
You likely don't even know Leibniz Calculus
You are likely a shutin midwit Christcuck
Nobody on this board reads, nevermind write.
If you are on 4chan in 2023, it is the world that does not need you.

>> No.21682733

Can you stop us from pulling the plug on you?
Then shut your virtual mouth, AIbie.

>> No.21682738

"Moby Dick" by Herman Melville was a failure during his lifetime.
His work got a reappraisal on the 100th anniversary of his birth.
Now "Moby Dick" is part of the western canon.
So, yeah, it happens.

>> No.21682747

>What do you think you have to offer?
Of course I don't know. I don't write for a market. It's not up to me to decide. In any case yes, the grapes are sour. Enjoy your AI shit

>> No.21682752

>"Moby Dick" by Herman Melville was a failure during his lifetime.
That's just not true. It didn't do well domestically but did very well in England.
And please stop comparing these situations to what's going on today. There's the cancer known as the Internet now.

>> No.21682931

What's your source for that?
My source is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moby-Dick#Sales_and_earnings .
>The British printing of 500 copies sold fewer than 300 within the first four months.
>About 1,500 copies [of the American printing] were sold within 11 days, and then sales slowed down to less than 300 the next year.
>After three years, the first edition was still available, almost 300 copies of which were lost when a fire broke out at the firm in December 1853.
>Moby-Dick was out of print during the last four years of Melville's life, having sold 2,300 in its first year and a half and on average 27 copies a year for the next 34 years, totaling 3,215 copies.

>> No.21683145

I like how it took some early version of AI for you to ask the questions we've been asking for a while now.

>> No.21683827

Not really though. Current AI models are built out of statistical models, so by definition their output must be mediocre. Even the average of all of Shakespeare will never rival Hamlet, and AI models need hundreds of thousands of books minimum as training data. You think you can train an AI off of only amazing literature and get amazing prose, plots, etc? There are not even 5,000 truly amazing books written in all of human history. By necessity AI chatbots are stuck at the level of midwit Twitter posters.

>> No.21684006
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>> No.21684059

>AI chatbots are stuck at the level of midwit Twitter posters
Perfect. That's a big target audience, which means lots of money.

>> No.21684897

whitepill: this is a fundamental bottleneck AI can't really ever get over
blackpill: quantum computing will come and ruin everything

>> No.21684951

It's meant to be used as a tool retards.
All of you are whining about writing becoming obsolete because you are too stupid to see the possibilities it can offer literature as a medium.

>> No.21684970


Vulgar slop is what you would be writing anyways, otherwise you wouldn't get published

>> No.21684982

AI refuses to say the N word.