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21804519 No.21804519 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that go in-depth about gun culture? Been meaning to read more about it since I’m begun to take an interest in them.

>> No.21804578

small arms retardation is red herring pushed by the bioluminescent agents of the government

nothing secret about weapons handling, you can download army manuals and read them once or twice, the key is to perform counter ambush drills so often that you start to automatically scan the area for cover

if you want to fight in the open, mortars and machinegun sections is how you do it
junlge/tunnel/urban type terrain where you dont see shit? grenades and flamethrowers
recon and patrol the area? armored cars, immune to small arms
ambush? mines, light machineguns, crew weapons
attrition warfare? snipers

there is basically no area where small arms win
only job a rifleman does, is getting killed so the real guns, such as field guns, anti air guns, towed guns, railway guns, self propelled guns, anti tank guns, smooth bore direct fire autocannons, etc etc, can be put into position

>> No.21804620

the taliban won

don't buy a gun op you'll go down a rabbit hole of "just one more" and then you'll have ten

>> No.21804651

taliban won against afghan ghost soldiers and corrupt puppet regime, it has nothing to do with actual armed combat where small arms are completely useless and the fact that small arms are red herring pushed by the glowies in order to promote false sense of security

small arms fags are absolutely never gonna make it, also ops is asking what books to read in order to get bigger biceps and gets better at running and climbing, its not how it works, this entire thread is so wrong on so many levels

>> No.21804652
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>> No.21804661

>guerilla forces won but they would have lost in a pitched battle

>> No.21804679

>winning against ghost army of a corrupt puppet regime
>winning against an enemy that doesnt even exist
woah dude, small arms were so effective, my consoomptive habits have been justified! quick hold my post real quick, i need to buy another pigeon caliber civilianized jam-o-matic 3000, i know its not really automatic but i can pretend it is while making pew pew sounds

>> No.21804696
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>my consoomptive habits have been justified! quick hold my post real quick, i need to buy another pigeon caliber civilianized jam-o-matic 3000, i know its not really automatic but i can pretend it is while making pew pew sounds

>> No.21804698
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>but apart from the Taliban, the IRA, the Vietcong, the M-26-7, the Mujahideen, and the Mukti Bahini, what have small arms ever done for us?

>> No.21804706


>> No.21804759

>taliban fought ghosts
>ira failed, who controls northern ireland?
>vietcong had soviet migs
>bunch of literally who terrorists, didnt even achieve statehood
lmao even
there is a reason they allow you to own small arms

>> No.21804762

>there is a reason they allow you to own small arms
following this logic, why are they so desperate to take them away? you can say that it's a distraction and they don't really care, but look at australia

>> No.21804799

you can brag all over social media you have illegal pistols, police might call you for a talk at the police station a month later when they find time
now take a picture next to a real weapon, such as a howitzer or a crate full of thermobaric rocket grenades, watch as the nearest military base sends the helicopters the same hour with 5 fast rope squads on your roof while mine resistant armored cars are surrounding your you

>> No.21804822

>doesnt know northern Ireland is controlled by Sinn Fein
>implying the Migs swung it for the Vietcong
>M-26-7 and the Mukti Bahini didn't achieve statehood
>changing those goalposts in the first place
I accept your concession

>> No.21804875
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Northern Ireland is controlled by sinn fein because the catholics are more populous, the IRA did nothing to change that
The "vietcong" were merely a thorn in the side for the USA, the NVA were the ones who actually won vietnam
Your guns are paperweights, LARPer

>> No.21804896

honestly true, so many fucking old boomers who own like 80 rifles because they have no other hobbies

>> No.21804901

what's worse is that the old fudds have fully jumped on board with gay ass AR platform mods and putting dildos and multiple scopes on their guns so they can shoot at paper targets from 25 yards away better

>> No.21805107

>winning against ghost army of a corrupt puppet regime
You're right this would never apply to Americans
Also there is a dr seuss poem out there explaining the role of small arms in modern combat

>> No.21805261
File: 71 KB, 682x1000, unintended consequences.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quintessential and seminal, though full of boomer`s hopium and copium.

>Well, guys, the tide has turned. It's time you thugs had a little history lesson. I don't suppose you're familiar with what happened in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943. A small smile appeared on his lips, as Henry remembered something. It's just like the story Uncle Max told me when I was a kid. About Billy Dell, pulling a Paul Bunyan. Henry Bowman's right hand tightened around the walnut grip of the Solothurn S18-1000. The weapon had been a present from his father, given to him on his fourteenth birthday in 1967. Cost $189.50 back in the sixties Henry thought irrelevantly. He thought that was a steal. Dad's friends thought it was astronomical. Wonder what they'd think now. (...) The helicopters appeared over a ridge that Bowman had previously determined was a little more than two miles distant.(...)Three of them. Bell turbine model, Jet Ranger or its descendant. A door gunner with a belt-fed machine gun poking out of the right side of each one. Possibly the Belgian MAG-58, but more likely M60s, he thought with derision. They should have brought armored Apaches carrying napalm, he thought. Or nukes. A grin split his face. Oh, those poor bastards.

>> No.21805285

>tubular magazine
>end not flush with barrel
If you want to study gun culture, you should first develop a sense of gun aesthetics. Go to desu archive and look at some /k/ino threads.

>> No.21806578

Call me by your name

>> No.21806661

From what I've seen on /k/ (before it became the gay slav war board) mainstream gun culture is full of retards, and is not worth associating with. Guns are cool, don't get me wrong, but you'd be better off going shooting with some buddies and learning from them. Don't waste your time getting into gun culture, because it's mostly just the same kind of shit-flinging that goes on with philosophy on this board.