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/lit/ - Literature

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2200126 No.2200126 [Reply] [Original]

hi /lit,

im looking for an awesome autobiography to read. So far I've only read B.Obama's which I found annoying and a whole ton of sporting ones. Looking to get into something epic / inspiring etc.

>> No.2200143

Yukio Mishima's Sun and Steel

>> No.2200145

If Chins Could Kill, Confessions of a B movie actor

One of the funniest autobiographies ever. Most biographies suck. Shits all ghostwritten.

Leon Trotskys autobio is good as well.

>> No.2200152

thanks, checking out chins. tbh im looking for something more mainstream, something light. found

>> No.2200156


thanks, 3 pages in and chins seems awesome. if you have any other recs please give!

>> No.2200164

It's actually a memoir, but I'd recommend With the Old Breed. Fascinating first hand account of the Pacific War in WWII.

>> No.2200167

the bible

>> No.2200169

The Autobiography of Malcolm X

>> No.2200840
File: 34 KB, 482x203, Isaac Deutscher - Trotsky bio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2200845
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Bizarre episode

>> No.2200847
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Best America ever.

>> No.2200850
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>> No.2200851

Obama's Tales from My Father is a MUCH better book. He was already planning on running when he wrote Audacity, so it's more of a book selling him and his ideas to the American public than an autobiography.

>> No.2200860
File: 35 KB, 311x475, 804908-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2200863


It's called "Dreams from My Father", moron.

>> No.2200864

Yup, that one. Great read.

>> No.2200865

if i did it

>> No.2201094

Definitely that. The Autobiography of Malcolm X is the best autobiography I've read to date, and it definitely is "epic/inspiring".