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/lit/ - Literature

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2200358 No.2200358 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /lit/ generally hate Ayn Rand and Atlas Shrugged?

Seems to be a pretty common position around here.

>> No.2200360
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Because it's dogshit.

>> No.2200368

because they're supposed to. same reason they like what they like. motherfuckin second-hand life bitches, all of them.

>> No.2200369

sure thing, not disputing it, but why?

her prose?

enlighten me.

>> No.2200373

Because 4chan is about as socially liberal as you can get, and social liberalism often becomes fiscal liberalism, thus 4chan is a haven for commie hipster college kids.


>> No.2200384

so there's no reason other than "/lit/ users dislike it because others do/they're commie hipster college kids" ? Any /lit/ users willing to dispute this and provide real reasons they dislike it?

>> No.2200390


Liberal my ass. 4chan is a racist misogynistic conservative sewer. The only reason they don't like Rand is they were told they shouldn't, most likely after playing fucking Bioshock.

>> No.2200392

they're really bad books, and most /lit/izens disagree pretty hard with objectivism so they don't even got that going for them

seriously though ayn rand is not a great novelist at the best of times and atlas shrugged is just atrocious

>> No.2200395

Fair enough. ignoring the aversion to objectivism then, what makes her books so bad in your eyes? her prose? her pacing? something else maybe?

>> No.2200397


why do you give a shit? like, serious question: if you want to post about the book post about the book, but what's the value of some stupid metadiscussion of why a lot of people on a board don't like a book?

>> No.2200403

i've seen the oppinion posted here many times with little to no justification. I'm genuinely interested in what makes people hold the opinions they do. is that such a terrible thing? I thought discussing literature and people's attitudes to specific literature on a literature board would be pretty appropriate.

>> No.2200405

Her prose sucks. Her books are way too long and boring. And I've seen for three dimensional characters in newspaper comics. Also if you have to shove in a long boring 60 page speech to bring across your message, you shouldn't write literature.

>> No.2200409

her non-atlas shrugged books have at least some merit, although they still suffer from flat prose and unrealistic characters. atlast shrugged takes all her flaws as a writer to the next level - it's incredibly over-long, the characters are basically one-dimensional and incredibly unrealistic, the prose is terribly dry, it's didactic as hell and has a completely ludicrous plot, and - oh yeah - she literally includes a 50 page speech at the denouement explaining her political ideology

like, that alone right there pretty much makes your book bad

>> No.2200410
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>he believes people actually mean what they post

>> No.2200413

it varies from board to board, but on the whole 4chan is indeed leftist as fuck. /lit/ especially is an absolute haven for utter latte leftist wankers. the racism and chauvinism was always tongue in cheek, a parody of ignorance. /new/ was the only bastion of conservatism around here, before moot and the mods squashed it. the only area where i'd say there's a pretty even split between conservatism and liberalism is the issue of women's rights -- due to all the resentful ronery guys that haunt the place.

>> No.2200414

nah a lot of people are straight-up racist and misogynist. probably liberal, though. just liberals who have crazy racist + misogynist views.

yeah, there's a certain amount of trolling, but you're crazy if you think there's not a ton of unironic misogyny on 4chan

>> No.2200415

That's because jokes about bitches are funny. None - or very few - of these people are like that in real life.

>> No.2200416

For me, its the fact that it is overly long and poorly written. She wrote it in 2 weeks while on meth. Not a joke. She also acted like the entire country couldnt exist without those industrialists, or that companies are structured in such a way that the innovators are on top, as if one person runs a company. Its rife with technical issues, it uses this weird idealized conception of how corporations work, and the characters are inconsistent. For all that the book is about greed, and there is dichotomy of the industrialists vs the government, the greedy government should just size the companies and force them to provide services. For all that she is against government rand never advocated anarchy.

>> No.2200418


Thank you very much for your posts.

>> No.2200419

i know they're not ranting about bitches and whores all the time, obviously, but i think you're crazy if you believe that these aren't views they hold. you're crazy if you don't think that a good percentage of nerds on fucking 4chan are actually misogynist

seriously, why do you doubt that this would be the case? it seems unsurprising as fck, you really think that literally everyone who ever talks about "nice guys" or "bitches and whores" or has crappy opinions about rape is trolling? you're fucking mad. similarly with the racism, a lot of the more out-there stuff is trolling but a lotta nerds got some pretty regressive opinions

i'm really not sure why you're insisting that all 4channers are really enlightened and rad, this is generally a characteristic of nerdy dudes who post a lot online: they have terrible fucking opinions (muhc like my posting)

>> No.2200424

>4chan is indeed leftist as fuck

not sure if serious

>> No.2200425


They're a minority, they just shout louder.

Actually that's true. Start a political compass thread on any board, everyone's in the leftist zone (except maybe /pol/ which has 50% of people in the purple zone).

>> No.2200426

i didn't say everyone was terrible. i'd say probably like 40 percent of 4chan posters are at least somewhat racist or misogynist.

>> No.2200437 [DELETED] 

Why are you talking to me in an aggressive tone, bitch nigger.

>> No.2200444

I've haven't read Atlas Shrugged, but I've read Anthem (pretty good intro to Rand, a quick, well-written read, major drawback is it's a huge rip-off of Zamyatin's 'We') and The Fountainhead (Thought this one was fantastic, aside from her descriptions of settings and her inability to properly describe the apparently incredible structures her protagonist was creating, her characters and they're development were ever-evolving and interacting in fascinating ways. A great read for the characters alone, with her philosophies blended in more on a personally inspiring level than the massive editorials AS seemed to be weighted down with.)

I think Rand was a great thinker, and a dangerous mind (not to mention the most alpha woman of the last century). She was also wrong, A LOT. She's inspired many a lunatic who has fucked up this country (Alan Greenspan) and also those who would fix it (Ron Paul). I think everyone should read her, and pick and choose what does or doesn't suit you.

>> No.2200447


fiscal liberalism is exactly what Rand stands for. Jesus Christ.

>> No.2200452
File: 86 KB, 720x720, izzat_so.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't come to //lit/ in months.
>An Ayn Rand thread is on top.


Nothing changes here.

>> No.2200453

/lit/... /lit/ never changes.

>> No.2200461

As a peice of literature, it's just awful. Mr Rand, cannot write worth a damn.

>> No.2200473


If its anywhere near as bad as that sentence, you're right.

>Mr Rand

>> No.2200478


>> No.2200500


Needs more Clozapine.

>> No.2200508

Worst shit I've ever fucking read. Ever.

This is coming from a hard-right libertarian.

>> No.2200573
File: 90 KB, 500x281, bb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see that awesomely shitty smile in OP's picture
>ctrl-f jesse
>ctrl-f pinkman
>ctrl-f breaking bad

What is wrong with you people?

>> No.2200577

Typical response from a brainwashed victim.

Don't worry, I'll save you...

>> No.2200578

It's an all-purpose 'won't let me post without a picture' pic. I've seen it lots of times, and didn't even know (before your post) what it was from.

>> No.2200620
File: 49 KB, 428x320, 96-62b0ebf8_533f_0876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went to the same Catholic high school as Bill O'Reilly and a large amount of other big shots in New York
>many graduates refer to Atlas Shrugged as their personal guide in life
>mfw we are supposed to be Catholics, ie. follow the teachings of Christ

>> No.2200624

Well, at least now you now what's the greatest tv show still running when you happen to wish to enjoy some other entertainment than reading a well written novel at some point in time.

>> No.2200627
File: 22 KB, 489x690, bbad2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atlas Shrugged is atrocious. High school creative writing.

>> No.2200638

>mfw I went to a Catholic school and all the teachers held revolutionary socialist beliefs(thought they obviously wouldn't call themselves that) and all the students were right-wing libertarians and every class devolved into some kind of political debate

>> No.2200661

I like Brandon

>> No.2200663

shit, me too. Jesuits were commies trying to get the spoiled rich kids ready for college.

>> No.2200664

Yep. Yep, yep, yep. Jesuits were awesome as hell, though.

Ahhhhh, St. Ignatius College Prep...

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>> No.2200697

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