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22021569 No.22021569 [Reply] [Original]

There’s little point in reading after reading post modernism. If nothing qualitative is grounded in truth then all that matters is how interesting an idea sounds in your head, and what is meant by 'how interesting' is actually something closer to 'how transgressive.' The last 100 years of philosophy is just a big dick measuring contest to see who can come up with the most schizophrenic and grotesque ideas in the most compelling language and force feed it down academia's throat. It all just leads to mental illness

>> No.22021649

There's no point in reading philosophy after the Greeks, maybe some German stuff here and there but that's it.

>> No.22021657

i can't blame you for coming to that conclusion; unlike what the poster above says about the germans, they are responsible for the most grotesque, fancifully elaborate assault on sanity that philosophy has ever seen and it has won out in our culture. the german idealists are responsible for this current, dreadful state we find ourselves in.

don't give up because of them, get reacquainted with aristotle and come back to reason. aristotle wasn't perfect but he has enough for you to refresh.

>> No.22021658

>I can't read philosophy aimed at people with basic education

>> No.22021664

All knowledge attained is mental illness OP. The less you know the better you feel.

>> No.22021668


>> No.22021672
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>know nothing and only ever listen to your feelings
bet you want me to listen to our dear leader for my guide too, huh?

>> No.22021678

I dunno, I mostly just read for my blog and job, to gain insight for educating the disabled.

>> No.22021681
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Middling to low IQ perspective

>> No.22021690

Transgender perspective

>> No.22021762

>The greeks
And what about Platon? His authoritative political philosophy is grim too?

Btw what you think of Hegel and Kant?

>> No.22021845
File: 154 KB, 1300x844, JohnZerzan-0639-1300x844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if u want practical philosophy that addresses the real world and actually comments on the human condition for the everyman in the 21st century, read john zerzan.

(even tho most on here wouldn't even consider him a philosopher, but only because they have been mindbroken by academia)

>> No.22021850

yes but have you finished anti-oedipus yet? and understood it?

>> No.22021876

Philosophy deals with the fundamental known, knowledge is an average of all your analysed data. Philosophy is analysis of knowledge in retrospect. Retrospectively, this is fundamental because it's knowledge-breaking, changing all of the average at once.

Thus, philosophy has a common use and your synopsis is false on many accounts. In fact, it was very stupid reading your academic hypocrisy and wigwash.

>> No.22021893
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Welcome to the big boys club anon. I think there might still be a seat left for you in the back by the toilets.

>> No.22021895
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Studying philosophy in academia is stupid but to have key understanding of what philosophy is, is important.

>> No.22021903

People like OP just don't want people to learn how to think for themselves; to be drawn into any old sales pitch or 'peer reviewed thesis'.

Honestly, stop posting on 4chan... Y...you ruin it.

>> No.22021916 [SPOILER] 

You are a nincumpoop OP

Like a little orb shit that just pops into the situation and has no real baring on your ass or poo.

>> No.22021932
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Pic related. It's the effect of academic societal influence.

>> No.22021946

You seem to be man of text definitions rather than clear knowledge.

Let me put this straight for you...

Fuck off - you retard

>> No.22021954

Na, I'm just playin'

Enjoy yourselves x}

>> No.22021960

Have you considered that the post modernists are wrong? It's just a reaction to World War 1. We can (actually, we inevitably must) move on from that.

>> No.22021962

Go read some Hegel

>> No.22021978
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>> No.22021982

I mean I could be wrong about much about what I said and it could do with a correction but I'm at least round-about correct.

>> No.22021986
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Per se, you could correct my definition of philosophy with...

Philosophy is using the logical regularities noted in the consolidated reality (what is supposed to be known) to analyze the novelties that the use of new technologies makes evident or to rethink facets of that reality that, under new paradigms, are no longer coherent with the accepted model.

>> No.22021994
File: 3 KB, 186x186, 1663932028834294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an age of corruption
what does that even look like?
what does a "non-corrupt" age look like?

>> No.22023484

The philosophical zeitgeist of the metamodern current is that of etymoteleological distillation; the pseudophilosophical or sophistical trend of the hypermodern current is that of spurioarbitrary pollution.

>> No.22023506

I agree. All of philosophy is gay. This is why I now support a Hobbesian political worldview—a strong centralized authoritarian state that protects people against violence in exchange for some individual freedom.

>> No.22023603

>nothing qualitative is grounded in truth
what does that even mean? think you should keep going if you're still coming out with phrases like that

>> No.22023629

Gee. I can’t wait to have my little bit of freedom from behind my computer screen during my 3 second breaks from my 16 hour shift at the bureaucracy. I’ll be free to eat these bugs or those bugs!

>> No.22023648

Kegels are good for your pelvic floor. It helps with healthy pregnancy, healthy genitals (for men and women), highly improves posture, and treats/prevents incontinence and lower back pain. I would recommend it.

>> No.22023659

This has to be satire—this is the greatest argument in favour of studying diverse philosophies on the thread.
OP, you’ll become this if you give up on learning philosophy, a fate worse than death non-hyperbole.

>> No.22023695

Philosophy's still around for the same reason it's always been around: to ground difficult ineffable concepts into systems that can describe them. By describing them, we can anticipate stuff which helps us steer ourselves and so our world.

Then the argument goes "what kind of world do we want then?", and that's where you'd come in. You'd say it's all value judgements, a "good" world is nothing if we can't agree on what "good" means etc... Which is true, and while it's tempting to say that everything is nothing since it's all moving all the time forever, but here's the thing:

Good things are good. People like being good to each other.

It's really that simple. Everything else is a spook. It's unknowable fluff, but we can and do orient ourselves about it. Good is good, but we need that tension that comes from the arguments over what good is to preserve the yearning in the first place.

tl;dr I'm a schizo daydrinking faggot

>> No.22023807

Here's a vague sketch based on summaries and second-hand sources:

"Post modernism" refers to only one of three distinct schools of Post-Kant thought.

Post-modernism is the french generation of the post-Kant philosophical tradition beginning with Hegel, called "Continental philosophy", our first school of thought, which follows this linear genealogy of thinkers: Marx, Nietzsche, Ferdinand de Saussure, and Heidegger. Kant, Hegel, and these four men all are the German generation of continental thinking, which peaked with Husserl. Following their steps are the French thinkers: Foucault, Deleuze, Derrida, Lacan, and Satre.
These frenchies are failures in terms of producing actually useful concepts; they're nothing more than glorified skeptics. Read the Germans instead, up to Husserl, and continue with Weyl.

The British post-Kantian tradition is called "Analytic philosophy" and was basically the main cause of modern logic, linguistics, computer science, and mathematics. It follows this linear genealogy of thinkers in two phases: The first phase began with Frege & Peano & Russell, and ended with Wittgenstein. The second phase began with Wittgenstein, Quine & Popper, continued with Austin & Kripke & Searle, and continues to this day.

The third school of post-Kantian thought is American pragmatism, with a very clean genealogy of thinkers: Charles Sanders Peirce, then William James, then John Dewey, then Richard Rorty, and I think theres some contemporary pragmatists today.

Contemporary philosophy is far more diverse than you think it is, OP.

>> No.22023824

>Implying there isn't a world of depth in the Greeks alone
Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, Augustine, Hume, Kant, Schopenhauer, and Nietzsche are already enough to spend a lifetime on and anyone else is unnecessary. Personally I also recommend the philosophies of Goethe and Bergson who are criminally underrated today. I'm not saying I agree with all these philosophers btw, (some must be refuted,) but between them, they cover pretty much every worthwhile question, of which there are only so many if you avoid falling into the brainworm traps of the Hegelians and Marxists.

>> No.22024604

This is what I hate about philosophy:

Your idea is perfectly fit and logical, as it makes sense.

Then comes along Hegel and we end up in this mess.
This is why I hate philosophy, nothing makes sense anymore.

>> No.22024728

Your fault

>> No.22024861

Why are you acting like philosophy is linear? Retard, if you don't think postmodernism is a productive form of philosophizing, DON'T READ IT. Read some god damn Analytic Philosophy of Language. Boom. Truth restored. Postmodernism does not have the final say on Truth, because even concepts such as social constructivism which are meant to destabilize Truth are just one interpretation among many. Yeah... people in the past have been wrong and influenced by their surroundings, including their perception of truth... NO SHIT RETARDS. But this doesn't negate the general progression and building block dialectic of Formal Logic, Mathematics, Meaning Theories, etc. Sure they may only be Truth* or "Truth," but there is only so far you can go in denying Truth while still working within the paradigm of language. We affirm and deny the truth of statements all the time in normal life. It's not just gonna zap out of existence.

>> No.22024972

>random nigger good and is not academic
>academia biased and bad
Always the same shtick with the retards. At least it's not rand this time

>> No.22024993

>And what about Platon? His authoritative political philosophy is grim too?
yes, it's quite grim. i'm not a fan but i have no particular disdain for him either. and it's not only his political philosophy that is grim, he is grim the whole way down to his metaphysics. aristotle is far better in that respect, even if he does accept a teleological view of causality.

>Btw what you think of Hegel and Kant?
they're dubious philosophers but one must take them seriously, if only to find your way out of the tapestry of confusion. i won't comment further, as i'm still learning and i don't want to be overly harsh.

>> No.22025060


>> No.22025067
File: 25 KB, 500x500, 8A350C41-4083-4A3F-90AD-FF60E063524E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only read poetry. A novel? Don’t make me fucking laugh

>> No.22025280

Even after all these years when I see this pic posted I still want to jam my fuck in her face.

>> No.22025336

>He thinks you can be done with philosophy
Babygirl you come across as a person who hasnt even started.

>> No.22025824

I'm going to start with the Greeks and then I'm going to finish philosophy when I read all of Plato's works.

>> No.22026376

Hume isn't German or Greek

>> No.22026492

why cant the French do philosophy? it is like truth is not in their thought process, only style

>> No.22027416
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>The last 100 years of philosophy is just a big dick measuring contest to see who can come up with the most schizophrenic and grotesque ideas
Isn't the whole point of post modern that you get to deconstruct everything yourself and build your own ideas out of more or less the same building blocks as everyone else to see what crazy shit people can come up with. Pretty much all of the most intuitive questions one would be asking about life have not only already been asked, but also answered by people a lot smarter than you before. So the only logical conclusion would be to play the numbers game and provide everybody with the base material to propose their own view of the world which by correlation will produce more authentic ideas as well as a lot of shitty ones, but those ones can be wheated out with enough experience.

>> No.22028139

>There’s little point in reading after reading post modernism.

Dude doesn't know about meta-modernism which is the current era we are in. Bo Burnham's Inside and things like Corecore on tiktok are the metamodern zeitgeist. Reading this post felt painfully outdated. Postmodernism is irrelevant now.

>> No.22028144

bro thank u for articulating this n giving a label to this phenom i am so gay for ur perspective that i'm going to ask if u can rec any further reading on the subject or if you'd like to tell me more yourself

>> No.22028148

Inventing all kinds of derivative modernities is peak post modernism

>> No.22028155

>I'm to intelligent to know my own limits

>> No.22028198

It's not derivative. It's a returning to modernism but with a playful and light tone instead of the seriousness of which modernism took itself.

>> No.22028409
File: 1.46 MB, 2289x1701, 1611312397491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out the philosophy of NDEs. So unironically study NDEs and realize that there actually is an afterlife and that we are eternal and will go to heaven unconditionally when we die.

Here is a very persuasive argument for why NDEs are real:


It emphasizes that NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and when people go deep into the NDE, they all become convinced. As this article points out:


>"Among those with the deepest experiences 100 percent came away agreeing with the statement, "An afterlife definitely exists"."

Since NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and they are all convinced, then 100% of the population become convinced that there is an afterlife when they have a sufficiently deep NDE themselves. When you dream and wake up, you instantly realize that life is more real than your dreams. When you have an NDE, the same thing is happening, but on a higher level, as you immediately realize that life is the deep dream and the NDE world is the undeniably real world by comparison.

Or as one person quoted in pic related summarized their NDE:

>"As my soul left my body, I found myself floating in a swirling ocean of multi-colored light. At the end, I could see and feel an even brighter light pulling me toward it, and as it shined on me, I felt indescribable happiness. I remembered everything about eternity - knowing, that we had always existed, and that all of us are family. Then old friends and loved ones surrounded me, and I knew without a doubt I was home, and that I was so loved."

Needless to say, even ultraskeptical neuroscientists are convinced by really deep NDEs.

>> No.22028413

ITT we pretend that Anglo-American philosophy does not exist.

>> No.22028724

If Inside and Corecore are our cultural zeitgeist at the moment, I may need to burn my possessions and venture into the great unknown. Inside and Corecore might have the benefit of being post-ironic, hip, or whatever, but our artistic and discursive flows of desire can be better spent on things outside of a painfully empty echo chamber of digital space. Time to deterritorialize.

>> No.22030317
