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22302972 No.22302972 [Reply] [Original]

Life changing literary quotes.

>> No.22302977

I wanna read more female authors. At least the good ones. I only know a handful of them. I don't want to be a misogynistic retard. So recommend me female authors and poets. I know some Shelley, Austen, Woolf, Brontë sisters, Emily Dickinson. Any more recommendations for me.

>> No.22302978

She was so pretty. Why did she have to say such stupid things and marry a jew?

>> No.22302997

Amy Hempel is the best short story writer alive. Read her story The Harvest.
Flannery O’Conner.

>> No.22303001
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>She was so pretty
I think /lgbt/ might be more up your alley

>> No.22303013

Ayn Rand

>> No.22303017

only read Rand to further fuel your misogyny

>> No.22303021

>to further fuel

>> No.22303038

Funny of you to say since... Tastes are arbitrary, I'm only interested in real female women currently.

>> No.22303055

Only misogynists read Rand to fuel their misogyny. There's no other reason to read Rand. If you aren't a dedicated misogynist, Rand will be thoroughly unconvincing and just weird and deranged.

>> No.22303079
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>> No.22303093
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literally me

>> No.22303121

you know she didn't want poor people to learn how to read right

>> No.22303150


>> No.22303166

Don't waste your time with Woolf. She isn't in the same league as the others you listed. I recommend you George Eliot, Flannery O’Connor, Gertrude Stein, H.D, and Marianne Moore.

>> No.22303185

"In infinite space, every point is the center." - Gustav Meyrink BTFOing Woolf

>> No.22303567
File: 76 KB, 850x400, quote-in-the-end-things-must-be-as-they-are-and-have-always-been-the-great-things-remain-for-friedrich-nietzsche-40-92-98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and reading Beyond and Good and Evil was like escaping from a shell for me

>> No.22303571
File: 58 KB, 850x400, quote-show-me-a-sane-man-and-i-will-cure-him-for-you-carl-jung-15-14-95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22303580

The Wine of Satan by Laverne Gay

>> No.22303589

If you like stream of consciousness, Woolf is mandatory reading.

>> No.22304602
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>> No.22304657

Saved. Thanks frogfren

>> No.22304673

It's reasonably wellknown that her mom was considered a great beauty and Virginia was angsty about it (i.e. she has a horse face, anon).

>> No.22304683
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>> No.22304733

>nothing matters wubba lubba dub dub
>i hate we didn't kill all the jews
>keep your head down unless you are le clark kent superman
>we live in a society
>i wanna be a whore
can we up the game a little here

>> No.22304768
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>le cynicism
>le i can't be impressed

>> No.22304770

what a massive faggot you are

>> No.22304779

what a dam stupid quote... "Matter to whom?" To me? No! To humanity? No! To an astrophysicist? No! eating and sleeping are still more important. Stupid quote. To God? Really?

>> No.22304893

make up a better quote refuting it. i’ll wait.

>> No.22304987

Love this lil mf like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.22305111

How deep

>> No.22305223

Like me inside your mum

>> No.22305267
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lmao based

>> No.22305273
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>Don't ask for guarantees. And don't look to be saved in any one thing, person, machine, or library. Do your own bit of saving, and if you drown, at least die knowing you were heading for shore.

>> No.22305855
File: 83 KB, 850x400, honor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Honor, not bread at all costs.

>> No.22305919
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>>i wanna be a whore
Who are you quoting? Her mom was a model and Virginia wrote about her insecurities in comparison. Pic-related is after she'd already pumped out 3 kids by her first husband.

>> No.22305920

What a smug little bastard

>> No.22305922
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And here's Virginia Woolf wearing one of her dresses for a photospread in Vogue.

>> No.22305967

No seriously, LITERALLY GENUINELLY what the fuck did she mean by this

>> No.22306061

Hitler saved he/her

>> No.22306082

>men project ideals they desire onto women, who don't really have them
seems pretty straightforward to me

>> No.22306122

Agreed, the other anon needs to read it a few more times I guess.

>> No.22306139

I used to feel like this, now I'm content with my life but incredibly unfulfilled and failed in my art. I've tried writing a lot of stuff and tried to improve but people still harshly criticize my stuff at best, completely ignore it at worst.

>> No.22306575

How exactly do I eat honour?

>> No.22306581

He was a well read and published author, not to mention a doctorate.
Are you any of the above?

>> No.22307191
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classic feminist

>> No.22307200

Jung was 6'1".

>> No.22307740
File: 66 KB, 850x400, quote-where-am-i-i-don-t-know-i-ll-never-know-in-the-silence-in-the-silence-you-don-t-know-samuel-beckett-54-9-0902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22307767

He clearly meant to reply to the post below yours

>> No.22307768
File: 138 KB, 1050x640, Quotation-Franz-Kafka-You-do-not-need-to-leave-your-room-Remain-sitting-15-19-66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made me embrace NEETdom and now even if my mother walks past my room crying and I simply don't care
thank you kafka

>> No.22307857

Otherwise, you'd just fuck some dude with a pussy. Most sane men aren't mentally able to do that.

>> No.22307859

Love this heckin absolute unit of a chonkerino like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.22307969
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>"Be my speed".

— Alexander III of Macedon.

>> No.22307974

I'm reading some of Atwoods short stories and liking them so far

>> No.22307986

lol what an autist. Hopefully he died honorably (read: at an early age) so that he couldn't spew out more inanities.
>inb4 muh country and natio above alles
brother, you have nothing in common with your ancestors of 500-1000 years ago. Culture changes, like everything else. That's why nationalism and conservatism is flawed at the core. Only change is constant.

>> No.22308000

Never heard of codreanu before? don't bother speaking again

>> No.22308076
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The Yellow Wallpaper is short and powerful psychological proto-horror

....for some reason its on the National Institute of Health website

>> No.22308081

that's cope. read his letter to his father, that'll fit OP's brief for a bunch of you

>> No.22308084
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OP, what could I say to you that would be of value, except that perhaps you seek too much, that as a result of your seeking you cannot find.

>> No.22308146

>brother, you have nothing in common with your ancestors of 500-1000 years ago
Codreanu had that roman legionary phenotype albeit

>> No.22308326

>le optimism
>le I can be impressed