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2233913 No.2233913 [Reply] [Original]

What was the moment where you realized you weren't as intelligent as you think you are?

Mine was today.

I'm currently taking a college English class where the grades consist of three papers and a presentation. For each paper it's a requirement to meet with the professor to discuss my paper projects. Today I had one such meeting for my final paper and she told me "you know what, you act smart. You try to sound smart. But you're not smart. Your writing is poorly researched and I can tell you take facts out of context. You're not smart. You're a bullshiter. You're not smart, you're just good at talking. I'm not sure whether to fail you for being a bullshitter or pass you for being so damn glib."

This was kind of heartbreaking for me, because I always thought I was smart enough to bullshit my way through whatever college class or college major I wanted. I just figured college classes were bullshit intended for people who knew how to bullshit. But now I realize they're not, even in the liberal arts.

>> No.2233916

it's not that you're not smart, it's just that you need to actually do the fucking work. everyone does. it's what makes you talented and knowledgeable and not a god-damn faker. shit.

>> No.2233919

Yeah, if you didn't realize college was about actual shit, you're a bit retarded.

>> No.2233924

This is a great opportunity for you and your professor sounds like an amazing guide. Follow her advice, do the work she assigns, and you will finish this semester a much better student (and maybe person) than you ever were before.

Smart is a skill you haven't developed because you're bullshit has always been enough to fake it. You can be smart with practice.

>> No.2233927

I see what you did there

>> No.2233930

I think a vast majority of liberal arts professors know a "fake-it-till-you-make-it" dipshit. The difference is that this teacher wants to bust your balls whereas most of them read the first paragraph of a paper, think "oh, Jesus, here comes some bullshit." and they just give the author an A- so they don't have to read the paper nor think about the ramifications of the grade.

"No pressure, no diamonds," said Thomas Carlyle. Well, OP, you haven't produced diamonds, ever. Here's some pressure.

>> No.2233940

you should have said,
"You know what, you act intellectually superior. You try to sound intellectually superior. But you're not my intellectual superior. Your derisiveness is rife with movie cliches, and I can tell you can't back up your assertions about my proposal. You're not intellectually superior. You're a professional bullshiter at saying professorial-sounding things. You're not intellectually superior, you're just good at sounding like you are to someone who watches a lot of TV. I'm not sure whether to report you to the department head for being a bullshitter or stay in your class for your being almost kind of hilariously glib. Ten out of ten."

>> No.2233944

Perhaps you should check your calendar. The semester is over. The OP is working on his final paper.

>> No.2233945

lol yeah, repost this in /sci/, they'll probably get all indignant and call the professor a bitch/cunt

>> No.2233947


Not OP, but I actually failed a class by saying shit like this once near the end of the term. College is about sucking up. College exists as a 2-6 year hazing ritual where you have to suck up as practice for more sucking up in the workforce. Part of why I'm determined to become self-employed and set my own hours after I graduate. Also part of the reason why I gave up the idea of becoming a career student the moment I first set foot in an actual college class.

>> No.2233953

>I went to a shitty McUniversity and it wasn't anything like Good Will Hunting said it would be

>> No.2233962

And where to you go to college, OP?

>> No.2233965

College is about developing mastery of content to back up your big teenage mouth.

>> No.2233966


when you meet with her, and she gets finished with her tirade, just act really humble and ask her where you need to improve. be sure to take a lot of notes as she speaks, as though it's a lecture. then do exactly what she fucking says. you'll thaw this frigid bitch's icy heart by endearing yourself to her, and she'll give you a decent passing grade, even if you're still bullshitting a little.

>> No.2233967

Quick thinkIng and a silken tounge are too easy to leach off.

>> No.2233968

Read the texts you have been assigned, you idiot.

>> No.2233969

But I'm a cat...

>> No.2233972

I read the first line of the OP and lol'd.

I have no idea. It's a hard question. I suppose it was sometime during university. I saw people who were driven and had read so much more than me. They would reel off names and ideas and I'd be slightly awed and I'd stay quiet so I didn't show my ignorance. Then of course, there's any time I encounter someone who studies any of the sciences. Those guys make me feel pretty dumb. Maths too, that stuff really fucks me up. Oh, and computer programming. Christ, there are so many things that elude me.

4chan makes me feel dumb too every so often (not that often, granted). There are some very smart and talented individuals on here.

>> No.2233976


The joke is that all the books in OP's pic are fantasy books written for young children.

>> No.2233984
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>imppppppppppllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyying that glibness is not the same thing as "social intelligence."

Unless you manage to bullshit papers using your physical attractiveness alone, then your ability to speak and convince others of the validity of your position is considered a form of intelligence.

Don't let your fucking prof talk to you that way, man.

>> No.2233994

I once had a professor sit down with me and have a similar talk, OP.

Except it was the exact opposite. She basically told me how great I am. How I was in the top of the class, how my writing and exams were both stellar. How my class contributions were interesting and meaningful.

It didn't totally go to my head or anything.

>> No.2234012


I regard professors who give me that speech the same way I regard girls who act sexually attracted to me: I acknowledge that they shower the same kind of flattery on every other single person they know.

The only time I've ever gotten that "you're an awesome student" speech and felt like it was meaningful was in a history course I took where most of the class dropped and the few who remained were mostly slackers, dumbasses, and losers. I think I was possibly the only person who actually earned an A in that class that semester.

>> No.2234015
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> I just figured college classes were bullshit
Take some chemistry, OP. You'll learn to not bullshit in no time.

>> No.2234017


Yes lucid thought is an intelligence but it won't get far. History is full of people smarter and faster and although op may be quick witted it does not excuse from laziness and ignorance.

>> No.2234021


sounds like she was on her period or something

sometimes teachers, especially women teachers, start to bleed out their vagina in gushing torrents of tidal crimson, leaving death in their wake. i was once caught in such a tsunami of period blood. All because i used 5 block quotes in a 1000 word paper. what gives yo

>> No.2234027


Try having an Asian female teacher sometime. I've been through three Chinese classes, a Religion class and a Poetry class with different Asian woman teachers (there are a lot of them here on the west coast). The tsunami of blood fills the room. I think that's why Asian women are such horrible drivers.

>> No.2234030

oh god op, I'm similar to you, I'm a Poli Sci major, and for my entire academic career, I've gotten by just fine with half-sleeping in class, and somewhat paying attention. Then when the paper comes along, I just string together the greatest bullshit i've written and get an A or B. Unfortunately I know this isn't gonna last since I just transferred into Uni, so I'm gonna need to shape up some time soon >.< life sucks man

>> No.2234035

she wants...
to fuck...

>> No.2234040

I agree. I was just saying that OP shouldn't take it like a bitch.

Also, I find it funny that his professor pointed out that he took facts out of context as evidence of his intellectual inadequacies; the point of "bullshitting" being to write a somewhat coherent essay while twisting and distorting what few facts you have at your disposal.

>> No.2234044


Already transferred, and yes, there is a long as fuck period of adjustment. Community College is just "do the work, get by." University is "you've got some good sources, and you make some interesting claims... but do you have any extra facts to back that up?"

>> No.2234051 [DELETED] 

When i got below average marks on my high school certificate. It made me feel stupid as even though i didn't study or do any work while in school i had gotten top marks(second in science in my entire year)for my school certificate a few years ago with the same work ethic. Ever since then I've felt stupid.

I was also rejected by the army based on my class scores(found out later it was a mistake but it was a real kick in the balls as it was my only plan and i lost all motivation to join after the event).

>> No.2234056


get her to post here and reply to every thread on every page

>> No.2234073

You, or somebody, post one of your papers here so we can see just how much you're bullshitting.

Me, I'm not that great of a paper writer, but I've never gotten downgraded for straight-out bullshitting. What kind of garbage are you pulling out of your ass?

>> No.2234081

When I went to a high school out of my leauge. I went from getting a straight 4.0 to holding on to a 3.0. I just started to get bad at math, Latin, and for some reason could never get German.

>> No.2234077

I think it was necessary for op, like most of us, to be shown that slacking off is for bitches and needed to be whipped like one.

>> No.2234089

>whipped like one

/d/ much

>> No.2234100


seeing as how their vaginas run horizontally, the period blood is already of a y plane crescent shape pre-discharge, the centrifugal force of the vertical gushing being absent here, leaving the momentum to be strictly used in the forward thrust of this structurally optimal outpour, making the blood wave that much more menacing.

>> No.2234107
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Sounds like she was trying to motivate you. If you were just some dumbass she'd have given you a bad grade and forgotten about you, but clearly she thinks that you're talented, or would be if not for that big fucking head of yours.

You aren't allowed to get emo about this, OP. The subtext of that little lecture was this: Stop wasting your fucking talent and give a shit.

I had a professor give me a much more devastating rebuke. When I was applying to grad school I asked him for a letter of recommendation. His response: "No. You're not ready yet."

At the time I got PISSED, I thought he was being a dick (and he probably was), but looking back he was right. When I took his class I was a "B" student who coasted by on natural talent for my entire life. I was smugly cynical in a way that only an immature kid can be, and worst of all I didn't give a damn. That was my wakeup call, and when I finally did get into graduate school I busted my ass and was better for the experience.

You've been given a gift. Don't waste it.

>> No.2234113
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>vaginas run horizontally

>> No.2234126

Never happened to me. I was bored out of my mind in high school. Actually having things (usually lots of things) to learn in college, and now graduate school, made things exciting and interesting for me. I took a bit of everything in addition to my major and loved all of it but physics. Actually I loved the theoretical part of the physics, but I couldn't reconcile the letters in the formulas to the real world. Just couldn't do it. Oh well.

>> No.2234131

Basically, it's like this.

Intelligence has a lot to do with work ethic and masochism. You almost have to WANT to kill your social life, but in a productive way. When you see everyone else having fun and drinking and boozing, you're sitting and reading and engaging with stuff. You're building up your intertextual-net.

Intelligence is knowing what hard work is, and where it'll get you. It's also knowing when to stay quiet.

>> No.2234139

You enjoy spending massive amounts of money to let people talk to you like that?

>> No.2234183


That's what college is, after all.
You spend somewhere between 2 and 6 years (depending on your degree program) having your knowledge evaluated so that an institute of higher education decides it is acceptable to confer a degree upon you. This degree is important because it allows potential employers to know that you can read well, can write well, can take instructions well, and can know what the fuck you're talking about when you open your mouth.

>> No.2234185

A degree is like money.
It's a symbol of the work you've done.
Why would you want a worthless degree, OP?

>> No.2234194

You can go to school thinking that you're buying a diploma, and when you get out you will apply for jobs that value a diploma.

You can also go to school thinking that you're interesting in improving yourself. At a good university you have access to wise, experienced, educated, and viciously smart individuals. There are more opportunities than you will have ever again.

You have access to laboratories and equipment.

You have access to libraries and librarians.

You can ask to have coffee with a professor who wrote the book on your favorite subject.

You can find people your age who think and dream like you do.

College is what you make of it.

>> No.2234332

she wants to fuck

>> No.2234370

I went to a really shitty middle school and bullshit my entire way through it. Then I decided to step it up and went to a private high school. No more bullshitting. I had a 3.75 and was in the middle of my class, right above the stoners.

>> No.2234447

I love this thread.
I was right there. I can see myself. Fresh out of highschool. Gave a total of no fucks. C's all the first semester. Fortunately my English professor reached out to my state of mind. He called me on my shit, and gave me the tools to break out of my bull-shitting ways. Unfortunately I never took the time to appreciate and utilize the lesson he had impressed upon me. My problems began with a woman...

By the end of my second semester, I'm making all A's. I was so full of myself, I would have written a fucking dissertation on anything for anyone. Pulling words and facts straight out of my ass and placing them on paper. I was a god damned genius. Summer break starts and since I feel like hot shit I pick up the first woman I find for shits and giggles. I couldn't have imagined the possible outcome. Couple of months later. She's left the state and circumstantially a whole in my defenseless heart. This last semester was rough to say the least. I used to pride myself in my ability to logically reason away my emotions. I now see things a bit differently, but feel more lost than ever.

For all the things I thought I knew, I really knew nothing at all. I once thought I was truly happy... I suppose I was if only for my ignorance.

My friends, we are not intelligent. We are but masters of our egos and areas of expertise. When you come to entertain the idea that your area of expertise is knowledge of many things take comfort in knowing you are not the only one to have done so. The more you learn in one area, the more you come to realize you know nothing at all in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.2234452

>talks like a fucking limp tissue soaked in jizzum
>My problems began with a woman...
>My friends, we are not intelligent

Don't transfer qualities true of you to the human race at large. That's poor argumentation.

>> No.2234459

OP, I'm like you, but I don't talk to anyone. I'm quite good at bullshitting writing assignments, but not so much at talking.

>> No.2234463
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>the more you come to realize you know nothing at all in the grand scheme of things.
>the grand scheme of things

>> No.2234494

Well OP, I must admit that I am feeling some remorse for you, because I know how hard it 'can' be when somebody of experience throws the hammer down on your self-esteem. It is just degrading to be in your position, but if you have your head up high, then your English professor will regret having said that to you and it will eventually manifest into a hindrance (on your douchebag professor's behalf).

>> No.2234502


lol, that is a very blunt approach in the grand scheme of things...

>> No.2234523

I'm sure as a race we are highly intelligent because we contain all the knowledge there ever has been or ever will be. Intelligence is relative and a human construct. What I was trying to infer was that one person, such as yourself, can not possibly contain all the knowledge that is obtainable. We are highly ignorant of most things, and even the things we think we know to be fact are generalized and possibly wrong. Religion, for instance. The relationship part was just a misguided tangent and was probably misinterpreted as my main reasoning. It was not. Things that I have researched in depth have only spawned more questions than could be answered with certainty. It is well known that much of our knowledge is based upon strong theories. I feel like, as a society, we forget this idea and accept far too many things without question. I know this uncertainty is an integral part of human existence, I just find that certain people with massive egos like myself sometimes need to be metaphorically kicked in the balls otherwise they become very unappealing to other people.

>> No.2234525

the greatest mistake you can make in college is assuming the professors don't deal with students year after year as a part of their job

>> No.2234528

OP, your problem is that you were a complete know it all and pretended that you knew everything about everything

now you realize how full of shit you were

and to answer your question, no I don't think I know everything

>> No.2234534

pretentious isn't just a buzzword, you know

Adjective: Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed.

you can't fool college professors with this because they prize research above all else

>> No.2234541
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I'm heartened by the surprising honesty of OP and this thread in general. Maybe there's hope yet.

>> No.2234611

I just turned in a paper today. I thought I did pretty good, but the class is just above entry-level comm college English. Should I post it?

>> No.2234615

Every time I've thought that I'm savvy, I meet somebody who's savvier. It's the god-damn trystero, guys. When you think you have things figured out, there's something deeper.

>> No.2234622
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>When you think you have things figured out, there's something deeper.
That's kinda part of the fun, though.

>> No.2234633
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I have a paper due at the end of the week in my Macroeconomics class. Because of all the crazy shit happening in my life (currently and these last few months) I haven't really been participating as well as I should (I also take the classes online, which I know was a fools choice since it makes the classes a trillion times harder). This bitch is supposed to be about a country I should have been studying for the last three months. I believe this is also for the same teacher that can't spell the word "questions" (she never writes the 'o'). I don't understand anything in the class, and yet I still convinced myself that I'm as intelligent as I think I am because a class I AM failing, I raised the grade with a essay I completely bullshited. In a art class. I don't know what the fuck's going on, but goddamn I'm proud of myself- though not for failing. Mfw: I'm so shitfucked.

>> No.2234644

>I believe this is also for the same teacher that can't spell the word "questions" (she never writes the 'o').
>In a art class.

Nah, you're probably not that fucked, anon, unless it's like an upper-level macroeconomics class or something.
Take some real classes>>2234015
if you want to learn to be truly shitfucked.

>> No.2234660

The macro teacher can't spell.

I have to sign up for real classes this coming semester, I came in so late the beginning of this year I ended up taking my bullshite classes early. If I don't pass these classes though (which is a very possible outcome of some retarded system and my own idiotic, lazy actions {or lack thereof]) then I won't be getting funding for college.

The the whole "shitfucked" thing, comes into play.

Also, I'm attempting to avoid chemistry until absolutely possible, math and science aren't my forte.

>> No.2234661
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I have to go to bed but I'm definitely going to give you guys a link to my term paper tomorrow after I get back from class

>> No.2234711
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>mfw when I've never thought I was really intelligent, I just knew a lot about what I like
>mfw I just know words the best out of those things
>mfw I'm lazy, do half the work assigned, dissapoint my professors who tell me I'm better than that and still get decent grades at University
>mfw when OP is a bitch

>> No.2236518

Hey guys tell me how much of a bullshitter I seem to be:


>> No.2236580


Nice copypasta

>> No.2236602


I see that posting this on /lit/ came out to be a very therapeutic experience for you, OP.

>vaginas running horizontally

>> No.2236603

When I realised I am far more influenced by journalism and documentaries than literature. I don't feel less intelligent, but my capacity to surprise myself was surprising.

>> No.2236606

I applaud the courage and lack of self-deception in the OP. By and large, we're not as smart as we think we are. Knowing, understanding, and accepting this fact is the first step on the road out of narcissism and toward maturity.

>> No.2236616

what does maturity offer above narcissism?

>> No.2236617


>> No.2236619

what does reality offer above delusion?

>> No.2236642

>What was the moment where you realized you weren't as intelligent as you think you are?

Never happened. Moving on.

>> No.2236709

I wouldn't be totally discouraged by this. None of the faults she pointed to are necessarily due to a lack of intelligence. Also seems sorta silly to draw these conclusions from a BS-tier effort not cutting it.

Could you elaborate on what she might've meant in saying you 'act smart', OP?

>> No.2236904

ok, so i was actually paying attention to this thread but the annoyance i got from this made me stop. i can't do it anymore. it seemed like an ok thread, like a high-tier (old)/r9k/ type thing, but i can't do this anymore. gonna go read a book now guys, peace.

>> No.2236921
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English teachers hate everyone. (It has to do with the fact that they're stuck teaching 'tards instead of writing novels.) In my experience, when most people start making vitriolic comments about your character it's because they have something about themselves that they hate.

Most people think they're smarter than they actual are, and it's ok if you're not the most intelligent person out there. Being a good person and being successful doesn't hinge on just being smart. A person of average intellect who is motivated will end up better off that someone who's smart but lazy.

I've had teachers say demoralizing things to me too, and maybe there was some truth in the things they said; but I'm not going to let their opinion keep me from going after what I want, or building myself into the person I want to be. You're never going to be the smartest, strongest, fastest, or best looking human being; and that doesn't even matter. Some motivation, brains, and courage will get you most anywhere you want to go.

>> No.2236931

> it's ok if you're not the most intelligent person out there.

it's really not

>> No.2236936

Similar to OP, the thing I've experienced is that when you've been faking it for all of your previous education, in college you get eaten alive by colleagues who've been building their skills their whole lives.

"Man up and do the work" just doesn't cut it. I had no idea how to actually study and memorize huge volumes of data on purpose because I was so used to intuitively remembering whatever was interesting and winging the rest while getting praised for it.

There has to be a method to the madness. How DO you kick ass in college when you're basically stuck at an elementary school learning level?

>> No.2236940

I know I'm not the most intelligent person in the world. At the same time I've never met anyone the same age as me who was a lot more intelligent than me. I have friends going to ivy league schools, and they all respect my intelligence. Although they are quicker than me mentally. I don't think there is too much of a difference in intellect between most people.

>> No.2236950

When I was writing some paper on David Lewis's Backwards Causation and Got a C- in my honors year. I still am ashamed of that grade. I wish now I had put more effort into that paper instead of fucking around. I guess that was the first time I properly appreciated that I wasn't smart enough to get by without having to do a bit of work for some things. It also made me feel bad that I had only bothered to do superficial analysis in other papers and got away with it, when I was capable of doing better.


>> No.2236957

Always liked to learn but I never really thought I was all that smart to begin with, and if I don't know something I'll admit it and maybe go learn about it. Now I look back and realize that I just started having intelligent conversations with people and craving that type of discourse, even though I know that I'm probably a bit of a derp. You'll never know everything, so I'm sure as hell not going to assume I'm smart to any absolute degree. There are different types of intelligence, and bearing in mind your limitations is an important thing for anyone to do. It's not how much you know, but how much you do not. Plus, the learning is more fun than the knowing.

>> No.2236965

Your friends who are going to the Ivy League schools have played more cards than just the "intelligence" one.

Life is like Chess. Yes, it's easier if you're smart, but being smart won't always be enough to win. You need to blend several attributes. The people who come out on top usually have a blend of these things.

I don't know how many times I've heard people moan "oh, getting good grades in school isn't just about being smart." They're right, it isn't; but they're missing something important in their own proclamation. Usually the people who say these things haven't put in the hard work and sweat to figure out that school is a system, and mastering a system takes work. What good will intelligence do you if you can't take that strength and point it towards something?