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2239346 No.2239346 [Reply] [Original]

This is my to-read pile for the holidays. It's entirely possible to read all of it, but it's the holidays and I'm probably going to do shit like getting drunk with grandpa instead of actually reading.

So, /lit/, where should my priorities lie?

>> No.2239351


>> No.2239360

Read the Tolstoy last since you won't want to read the others after

>> No.2239370

hmm...is it going to be a life-changer like it was for Wittgenstein according to the blurb on the back cover?

>> No.2239371

I see Proust in the back, OP. Take that and don't put it down till you've finished it.

>> No.2239375

It's been finished, son. God-tier of the god-tiers. I'm hoping for some x-mas gift certificates so I can buy the rest of the series.

>> No.2239387

Horrible collection of stale fiction.

Do some original reading. Looks like you spend your life reading what you think you ought to.

>> No.2239388

Definitely read Austerlitz and Speak, Memory. Should make a good pair.

>> No.2239389

gravity's rainbow

>> No.2239393


"hodor," said anon

>> No.2239396

little harsh imo, maybe this is what he likes???

duder gravity's rainbow is such a massive project, i don't think you can treat it in this 'reading list' kind of way. not a viable approach imo, the same way it's not really a viable way to approach proust.

>> No.2239404

lol it's what I like, stay jellymad.

Sorry if I wasn't clear. The Proust and Gravity's Rainbow isn't part of "the pile." They were just sitting around when I took the picture. I read them already.

>> No.2239410

Sunhawk, is that you?

>> No.2239412

No, I'm not fucking Suncawk.

>> No.2239440


V. is the better novel. M&D is the best of all. These are, of course, only my meek opinions of Pynchon's work.

>> No.2239456

Go for Alice' Adventures in Wonderland. It's an incredible story. The others might kill your holiday buzz.

>> No.2239463

wow, I've only read one of those [spolier]Alice the kiddies book[/spoiler]

Don't I feel shit-tier

>> No.2239481

Hey I have Jose Saramago's Death with interruptions to read this holidays to bro! haha

>> No.2239482

>They were just sitting around when I took the picture. I read them already.
>They were carefully positioned within the frame so everyone can see how well read I am.

Anyway, Alice's Adventure seems like a great book to read at Christmas. Speak, Memory is my favourite of the pile, though (that I've read so far.)

>> No.2239488

My nigga! M&D is god-tier and it's actually the book sitting below Ada & Ardor.

Was considering just rereading M&D over the holidays but I'm opting for reading multiple smaller novels.

>> No.2239491

>not reading Lolita
>what are you doing, motherfucker

>> No.2239497

Lolita's great and all but I suspect he's written better (ie Pale Fire, Ada, Speak, Memory).

>> No.2239545

Honestly, I've read all of those and 'Lolita' is the best.

My ranking goes: Lolita > Speak, Memory > Ada > Pale Fire > Pnin > Laughter in the Dark.

>> No.2239558


wtf at that edition of austerlitz? it's literally a third the thickness of my one

did you get it abridged or something?

>> No.2239560 [DELETED] 

you should read The Catcher in the Rye at least once every Christmas if you're not a heartless automaton.

>> No.2239565

Skip Tolstoy. Dostoevsky is the only Russian worth reading.

>> No.2239567

Hated Crying of Lot 49, absolutely loathed it.

>> No.2239569

>Alice's Adventure seems like a great book to read at christmas
why? iirc it's a summer adventure into weirdness

>> No.2239572

>clearly doesn't appreciate the beauty of Russian literature.

>> No.2239585
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>implying you know shit about russian literature

>> No.2239639

I've read mostly all of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. Tolstoy is by far more to my taste.
It's not abridged. I've seen hardcover editions of the book and they were huge.

>> No.2239709
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why dont you read a book you actually like?
its the holidays, you deserve it.
now go get a dan brown novel and go to town, instead of getting some weird high from having people think you're an "intellectual" for your fancy, smart russian books

>> No.2239714

Who the fuck reads 15 books over the holidays?
Just go hang out with friends and read like 3.

>> No.2239724
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>> No.2239727

> Who the fuck reads 15 books over the holidays?
Just go hang out with friends and read like 3.
> It's entirely possible to read all of it, but it's the holidays and I'm probably going to do shit like getting drunk with grandpa instead of actually reading.
> its the holiday...going to do shit other than reading

Can you read at all? OP is asking to narrow down his choices because he won't read all of them because it's the holidays.

>> No.2239734
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>> No.2239736

>getting drunk with grandpa instead of actually reading.

>> No.2239748


>implying 15 books is a lot to read over the holidays, assuming 'the holidays' denotes a period of almost a month. Having said that, you couldn't read 15 books if some of THOSE books were in it.

>> No.2239749

Well, through the looking glass is near winter.

>> No.2240107

Ada! It's gorgeous.

>> No.2240147

Hey /lit/, need a new book after finishing "The Stranger" by Camus. Loved it. Advise me on something i should read at least once in my life.

Thank you

>> No.2240159

shoplifting from american apparel

>> No.2240157

Steppenwolf, by Hermann Hesse. If you want something shorter, Siddartha, also by Hermann Hesse.

>> No.2240161

Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

It's fucking awesome.

>> No.2240178

That book made Ken Kesey sound like the coolest motherfucker ever.

>> No.2240183

read siddharta and loved it.

I'll probably go for Steppenwolf, i was about to get Utopia too or maybe 1984.

>> No.2240193

The Fall > The Stranger
But if you read too much of that shit you'll get depressed.

>> No.2240197

Don't need a book on the same theme, I just want to read some great books.

>> No.2240198

The Berenstain Bears and the Slumber Party

>> No.2240497


>> No.2240499


>> No.2240960

I feel like Alice or Crying of Lot 49 would be a nice warm-up~