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22414494 No.22414494 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the most punk book you have ever read?

>> No.22414502
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ITT: we argue to bump limit over a stale repost

>> No.22414518

You have to actively gatekeep leftists from everything you value or this happens

pull the weeds out by the roots

>> No.22414562


>> No.22414584

Probably Joey Keighley's ''I, Shithead''.

>> No.22414604

You are not wrong, but this would have likely prevented hardcore from ever achieving the critical mass that it did. Hardcore was a pipe dream, waiting to fail from birth. I am not sure if I would have preferred to know this from the beginning or not.

>> No.22414623

Might is Right
I'm Jewish btw

>> No.22414635

Punk has been /fa/ since 1986 or so when everyone realized the value of punk.

>> No.22414686

wasn't being punk about being free spirited and thinking for yourself against what tptb wants (you) to think? or just being a foot soldier for tptb and the mainstream narrative?
maybe i got it all wrong

>> No.22414695

probably Lipstick Traces by Greil Marcus

>> No.22414706


>> No.22414724

First wave was full blown capitalist mainstream bullshit. A small group co-opted it as it fell from general popularity and started something completely different. The term ''punk'' was largely rejected for a long time within the ''hardcore'' community - ridiculous though this was. Timeframes and population groups need to get parsed to get a real answer to your question.

>> No.22414731

Shut up, Moldbug.

>> No.22414737

>You have to be against the authority!
>Wait but you have to respect social hierarchies anyway!

>> No.22414757

NTA, but what social hierarchies are you referencing?

>> No.22414776

A true punk would reject all language or even the very notion of language. Everything else is posturing.

>> No.22414786

The ones in the poster.

>> No.22414791

Punks are retarded and should be exterminated.

>> No.22414792

>a true punk wou-ACK

>> No.22414796

I have an essay from an indie mag from the early nineties that did just that. It rejected all notions of syntax, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Acting such, he failed to make a compelling argument for his case. Only literate power brokers will ever make a compelling argument for illiteracy.

>> No.22414832

OK. I don't generally taxonomize those groups as ''hierarchies''. ''Hierarchy'' strongly implies a stratification, whereas there is often no more than conglomeration present for those groups. Regardless, it is nigh impossible to escape taxonomy. Are you just noting this fact?

>> No.22414842

This post is off topic. Window closing in 3.

>> No.22414868

Yes, 7 Seconds and Youth Brigade can chant about unity all they want. When the veil is pierced, one sees the orthogonality and conformity as the foundation of this unity. There are power structures present everywhere. Biafra espoused ''power is boring'' for the purpose of disaffecting people from seeking power, yet also ran for political office. There is no escaping the grasp of power structures and the inherent conflict thereof.

>> No.22414876

Books and philosophy are inherently /lit/. Go back to your hugbox.

>> No.22414889
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>> No.22414928
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>> No.22414935

Excellent post anon, it's like I'm talking directly to Henry Rollins.

Do you know if it has been digitized and could be seen online? I am kind of curious to see it. I also know alot of the music mostly stuck to power chords, 4 bar blues, and other common tropes in rock, for the purposes of selling stuff obviously but from what I understand of music I would say the average jazz artist is probably more punk in terms of defying conventional norms even within their own industry. That was more along my thought process when I posted my previous statement, who defines what a true punk is since ultimately in order to meet the criteria you have to conform to something.

>> No.22414943

Those groups themselves are not the hierarchy, the stratification comes from grouping people in the dominant in-group or the subordinate other.

>> No.22414950

God is punk beyond belief.

>> No.22414961
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What happens mother fucker? That greedy dumb fuck landlords get lynched so that regular working class thrive just a little bit?
Or education, health, industry gets more acessible for common people?
Disabled, disadvantaged, poor people can get higher levels of income, better life overall?

Wow you MUST leftists away bro or else life might get better.


your next line is "mao zedong killed gazillion people"

>> No.22414962

Thread theme:

>> No.22414968


>> No.22414975


Keep coping capitalist scum. Revolution is coming. If not now when?!


>> No.22414978

By that point it was more about fashion than anything else, punks were just another group of kids hanging out at the mall food court rebelling against their parents within social acceptable means. Also, hardcore, post-punk, grunge, no-wave, etc; punk was dead as a movement, it had become a brand which enabled the unfortunate 90s punk to happen.

t. old

>> No.22414983

>Do you know if it has been digitized and could be seen online?
I doubt it. Publication was probably in the hundreds. Dude that published it ran off to SF to be a professor and now has a tranny baby. The reason I was querying anon about specific time periods earlier is because there was a radical shift in ethics and local control. When publishing was still heavily a top down affair, second wave punks bought their own record presses and silkscreened their own shirts. Covers for 45s were largely printed on Xerox machines. Jazz did not do this. They were still largely beholden to the publishing industry. Yes there is SST, Restless, Epitaph, et al, but there was also a lot of truly independent publishing.

>> No.22414990

Point taken.

>> No.22414995

They rage on behalf of the machine, now. I still think you small like bait. You lack nuance and strawman too hard.

>> No.22415028


Oh noooo leftists support trans people and against your Heckin's based Orange man? Americans are retarded people.

>> No.22415035

>By that point
That was first wave that had already died. Hardcore was still critical mass through 86 or 87. This is generally considered to be the tail end of the golden age. Sure, Ness was railing against fashion with his perfectly manicured facade, but he was glomming onto an ethic larger than himself. I still remember the lament of first wavers that punk was dead back in 86. Yeah, we shit on its grave. We literally were oblivious at the time that they were lamenting that which we reveled in seeing die. The 90s? People were going to latch onto the carcass, so be it. Once you let something go, the scavengers get their choice of what you abandon. How would one prevent that?

>> No.22415037


>> No.22415038
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Rage For The HR Departments.

>> No.22415043

Definitely bait. I will not engage you until you get something right.

>> No.22415065

Based D.O.A. Fan

It did create some great bands. I’m actually going to see Cro Mags next month.

>> No.22415070

Last exit to brooklyn.
Selby punishes all the characters within.

>> No.22415073

I actually picked the history of SST yesterday, Corporate Rock Sucks

>> No.22415084

First wave and second wave were done by 86 and so was punk.
>I still remember the lament of first wavers that punk was dead back in 86
lol, larp.

>> No.22415091

Good read, also:
Please Kill Me by Legs McNeil and Gillian McCain
Punk Avenue by Philippe Marcade
Lester Bangs' comp Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung has some of his best articles on punk, as does Richard Meltzer's A Whore Just Like The Rest

>> No.22415097

>Please Kill Me by Legs McNeil and Gillian McCain
Had a friend review that recently on his blog

>> No.22415109 [DELETED] 

Anyone read the Skinhead series (ends with Suedehead)? There's also that black author who churned out tonnes of books until he died of an OD (crime novels).

>> No.22415118
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Anyone read the Skinhead series (ends with Suedehead)? There's also that black author who churned out tonnes of books until he died of an OD (crime novels).

>> No.22415143

>Cro Mags
Catch the vocalist. He will likely largely confirm everything that I have stated here. They were some of the remaining wave that was around when I was a pipsqueak. As far as ''I, shithead'' goes, it is mostly just stories. You need to read your own interpretation into it. I find this odd, as Keighley was very outspoken on stage. Outside of the music, I do not think that he has a lot of ability to make a compelling argument. Just being honest here.

>> No.22415151

>I actually picked the history of SST yesterday
I do not understand this statement. Particularly the word ''picked''.

>> No.22415156

>lol, larp.
So it goes. Two broads in my German class were first wavers.