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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 91 KB, 882x1200, Lovethcraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22441982 No.22441982 [Reply] [Original]

I miss him bros

>> No.22442151

sterlizt stop posting gems

>> No.22442174

i guess you never piss

>> No.22442178

i don't he wasn't a good writer. come chimp at me you children

>> No.22442263
File: 158 KB, 641x997, lovecraft grave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I miss him bros
No one has even come close. His highfalutin gibbous moonery is a massive feature, not a bug, and it simply can't be replicated now without seeming ridiculous. It's the same why no has ever touched Tolkien; no one has his mastery of formal, quasi-biblical language. And if they did it would just seem pretentious today.

>> No.22442366

Did you read his letters?

>> No.22442419

He would have been roiling more so becayse of the Elder Thing on top of her head, rather than the fact she's black.

>> No.22442512

>highfalutin gibbous moonery
I am gonna start using that anon thank you.

>> No.22442517

Yes I did. Why do you ask anon?

>> No.22442599

did she pee on his tombstone?

>> No.22442746

Because no one bothers to read his letters even though they are way more kino than his stories.

>> No.22442987

Yes they are very good. I really enjoyed them.

>> No.22443078

I think it's sad. There was a lot of potential in his books. He created very interesting worlds and then ... nothing.

>> No.22443106
File: 118 KB, 513x181, Classic Lovecraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha, he still got her from the grave

>> No.22443152


>> No.22443340
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>> No.22443349
File: 618 KB, 853x853, 1692903199348514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miracles do happen

>> No.22443528

and now the worlds he created will be ass raped by modern values and different writers

>> No.22443539
File: 9 KB, 202x184, hehhheheehheeehhheeeeehehheheehheheheh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22443611

What I like about HP Lovecraft is how his racism feels so natural and normal. It's not like todays transgressive edgy type of racism. It's more like an observation. "Hmm the people in this town look weird, they must be mixed". It just makes sense.

>> No.22443615

Could this be the dawn of a new literary movement, racist naturalism?

>> No.22443779

from his story "Herbert West"
>The bout was fought by Kid O'Brien - a lumpy and now shivering young man with a decidedly un-Anglo-Saxon hook nose - and Buck Robinson "the smoke of Harlem". The Negro was knocked out and didn't seem able to get up.he was a repulsive, gorilla-like fellow, with arms so long I couldn't help calling them forelegs, and a face that conjured up terrible secrets of the Congo and drumbeats under the moon.

We will never have descriptions like these,ever again. He was the true,disenchanted racist
Hya hya Chtuluh ftaghn! :-)

>> No.22443789

>a face that conjured up terrible secrets of the Congo and drumbeats under the moon
Kek, what a description

>> No.22443827

i read his letters but never read his poetry. I bet it was something inspired by Lord Dunsany, his favourite author

>> No.22443858


Despair, by HP Lovecraft

O’er the midnight moorlands crying,
Thro’ the cypress forests sighing,
In the night-wind madly flying,
Hellish forms with streaming hair;
In the barren branches creaking,
By the stagnant swamp-pools speaking,
Past the shore-cliffs ever shrieking;
Damn’d daemons of despair.

Once, I think I half remember,
Ere the grey skies of November
Quench’d my youth’s aspiring ember,
Liv’d there such a thing as bliss;
Skies that now are dark were beaming,
Gold and azure, splendid seeming
Till I learn’d it all was dreaming—
Deadly drowsiness of Dis.

But the stream of Time, swift flowing,
Brings the torment of half-knowing—
Dimly rushing, blindly going
Past the never-trodden lea;
And the voyager, repining,
Sees the wicked death-fires shining,
Hears the wicked petrel’s whining
As he helpless drifts to sea.

Evil wings in ether beating;
Vultures at the spirit eating;
Things unseen forever fleeting
Black against the leering sky.
Ghastly shades of bygone gladness,
Clawing fiends of future sadness,
Mingle in a cloud of madness
Ever on the soul to lie.

Thus the living, lone and sobbing,
In the throes of anguish throbbing,
With the loathsome Furies robbing
Night and noon of peace and rest.
But beyond the groans and grating
Of abhorrent Life, is waiting
Sweet Oblivion, culminating
All the years of fruitless quest.

>> No.22443866

Wasn’t it because he was extremely autistic and just scared of literally everyone not the same exact as him? “Hmmm this guy isn’t the same exact type of white as me. Terrifying!!”

>> No.22443883
File: 286 KB, 641x1223, 9k=.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spread it far and wide anons

>> No.22443895


Similarity breeds contempt. Racial uncanny valley

>> No.22443973

Modern men call each other "crazy" and "schizo" or maybe say "take your meds" to someone who they dislike.
Lovecraft would have call them ugly or savage or impure. But why bother psychologizing your enemies? Just call them evil and move on.

>> No.22444007

>Lovecraft got his first job through being an effort posting shitposter

Man I wish the literary world was still as wild and vigorous as it was back then.

>> No.22444019
File: 726 KB, 674x833, image_2023-08-31_191528192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an alternate, more subtle, cut ;)

>> No.22444104

Why do people meme on Lovecraft’s prose, calling it purple and convoluted when he himself called Henry James prose as pompous, and one of his main criticisms regarding Gothic fiction was with its writing style that he derided as being pompous/overwrought?

>> No.22444119

Because he was self aware about it, and also had a peculiar, personality. When he managed to overcome his literary deficencies he produced some masterpieces IMO

>> No.22444483
File: 146 KB, 641x997, lovecraft grave 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, I think removing the underline is good. But it lends itself to accusations of photoshop. Here's another alternative.

>> No.22444493

That dorag must REEK

>> No.22444500

I assume most people here know Call of Cthulhu is a popular rpg. The utter faggot jannies on /tg would ban anyone who posts this image INSTANTLY. They're absolutely as bad as anything on reddit and nearly as bad as rpg.net. I'm talking if you post it 100 replies deep in a thread, not as a new image.

>> No.22444600

Lovecraft was "old good new bad" and barely had any friends for the first two decades of his life. Literally autistic incel tier. He grew up eventually but died too soon for it to take visible effect.

>> No.22445154

Kek this one is superb.

>> No.22445253

CAS is better than Lovecraft.

>> No.22445254
File: 74 KB, 750x609, 1628323214519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22445538

baste and from beyondpilled

>> No.22445620

Someone with twitter should send this to her kek

>> No.22445712

absolutely based senpai famalam

>> No.22446539

I fhtahgned

>> No.22446630
File: 183 KB, 1282x2015, 6so11u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
