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File: 199 KB, 750x953, F1BFA313-8461-4A26-A664-3F89D280752C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22473509 No.22473509 [Reply] [Original]

Will you be reading noted academic Costin Alamariu's new book upon release?

>> No.22473522

You /pol/tards could be reading the Western canon and instead your waste your time with this twitter bullshit. I truly don't get you.

>> No.22473578

It's a dissertation on Plato and Nietzsche, it's directly related to muh Western Canon and they're required reading to understand it

>> No.22474536
File: 1.21 MB, 3829x4096, FX40grbVQAUhhxP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont read ziojews

>> No.22474575

Bill Kristol is his new pseud-onym?

>> No.22474582

It's just a joke. There's a video of him harassing Bill Kristol about immigration at an open mic and he rails against him constantly

>> No.22474598

>oh Bap-sama, please fuck me with your larper text!!!!
>no fuck me Bap-sama, fuck me!!!!!

>> No.22474599

>Smith, Sidorksy, and Garsten have all gone on record saying they disavow Alamariu or else condemn BAM
>Curtis Yarvin is barely a friendly acquaintance
>Murphy interviewed him once
>The Efraim Karsh thing is just made up
This image was created by fans of Nig Fuentes and Keith Woods to distract from BAP's very justifiable criticisms of them unironically supporting interracial-porn-promoting schizo rapper Kanye West and other various negrolatry

>> No.22474605

I've already read his dissertation.
It's fine, but his twitter audience certainly does not have the attention span required to read it.

>> No.22474609

this guy sees this every single day. you do not understand.

>> No.22474626

How to expose bapoids with six simple questions:
>Is Israel's existence an existential threat to the West?
>Are Jews an existential threat to the West?
>Is Israel European?
>Are Jews European?
>Would you support multiple policies that are beneficial to the West but an existential threat to Israel and Jews?
>Who has benefited individual less pozzed Western nations and has harmed globohomo entities like NATO more; China or Israel?

>> No.22474627

Holy cope

>> No.22474633

>Smith, Sidorksy, and Garsten have all gone on record saying they disavow Alamariu or else condemn BAM

>> No.22474640

>"Is coming very soon"
So he finally outs himself as BAP, and the dox of BAP being a faggot jew descendant of holocaust survivors was true all along to the surprise of noone.

>> No.22474646

nobody fucking cares you homosexual fanboy they are all irrelevant

>> No.22474649

funny how literal jews are whiter than costin... wat means? gypsoid lineage interloper perhaps...?

>> No.22474660

>>Is Israel's existence an existential threat to the West?
As it exists now, yes
>>Are Jews an existential threat to the West?
>>Is Israel European?
Only if they kill more brownoid Palestinians
>>Are Jews European?
Of course most are genetically, any other answer is just unnecessary cope
>>Would you support multiple policies that are beneficial to the West but an existential threat to Israel and Jews?
>>Who has benefited individual less pozzed Western nations and has harmed globohomo entities like NATO more; China or Israel?
Obviously China. Israel is receiving heavy pushback on their plans to deport the Eritreans. We'll see if they can overcome Globohomo and Global Negro Communism or if they're bound by the same powers as everyone else. The original idea of Israel in the concception of Moshe Dayan isn't necessary a problem, but Israel as it currently exists is.

>> No.22474665

Becos Constantin Alabama is cute rosy medboy

>> No.22474667

He looks like Hitler's prized specimen what are you on m8

>> No.22474676

Oh is this another BAP Derangement Syndrome Thread? I wonder what sort of dyel spictroon seething we're gonna get this time

>> No.22474677

Lol congrats, bap hates you and you aren't a bapoid
One correction:
>Of course most are genetically
This applies to american jews after decades of outbreeding. Any other jew is very genetically similar to iron age and antiquity levantines and is 20-25% natufian. Which means they are half levantine at the minimum. Even with european-born askhenazis you don't get lower than 40% levantine despite selecting for lighter skin to blend in better (camouflage).

>> No.22474680
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follow your leader

>> No.22474681

Daily BAP threads now?

>> No.22474688
File: 166 KB, 750x1023, FD1735CD-EF44-4CFC-9464-B75A90F2A9F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't REN, Bureacrat, 0hp, Wheelwright, Soso in the talmudic network? Is it because all his actual associates are not jews? If you go by this metric the guy's personally harassed more jews than he's ever been associated with

>> No.22474710

Anon x.com isn't real life. These aren't part of any significant real life network although 0hp is a zionist and bureaucrat is a jew.
Same reason Luttwak isn't there. Costin has a propensity for promoting people who fought for the IDF but afaik he's not closely connected to him.

>> No.22474712

this is the quote

>> No.22474724

>Lol congrats, bap hates you and you aren't a bapoid
Umm no
You've never actually listened to anything of his have you

>> No.22474726

>selective breeding
Women shouldn't be able to choose their partners

>> No.22474732

Both China and Israel are bad. Neither country has white people

>> No.22474733

>The people you talk to all the time aren't your real associates
>It's actually your college mentor who you've spoken to maybe twice in your life and haven't seen in a decade

>> No.22474740

>dedicates his entire thesis to him and calls him his personal mentor
>but those retweets tho!
Jidf isn't sending their best

>> No.22474770

What do you think about Adolf Hitler’s Talmudic network (consisting of those instrumental to Hitler’s rise, such as Hanussen and Max Naumann)?

>> No.22474778

Hitler was a zionist and was open about Israel being a necessity. Iirc he even got funding from some jewish banks
No surprise he lost, destroying Germany forever.

>> No.22474820


>> No.22474826

>>dedicates his entire thesis to him
He dedicated it to his parents. Maybe in the future you could refrain from claims that are easily proven untrue

>> No.22474857

You fags call BAP a LARPer and the way you "expose" him is by saying he does not LARP as hard as you wish he would. And I don't even like BAP.

>> No.22474890

nonsensical pilpul. My criticism of bap is that his entire shtick is a thinly veiled attempt to divert attention from jewish power harming the west and redirect it to china/browns/anyone else. And he truly believes this, he's not some kind of paid psyop. He's just a zionist like his dad, but he also likes the west and larps as a westerner. He's far less smart than you think I think he is.

>> No.22474899

I get the criticisms but Jewish money power but Zionism is still OK with me. I've yet to see any credible linkage between the two except muh Lobby boogeyman.

>> No.22474918 [DELETED] 

>>My criticism of bap is that his entire shtick is a thinly veiled attempt to divert attention from jewish power harming the west and redirect it to china/browns/anyone else.
>Noo stop diverting attention from one ethnic mafia! You have to love chinks and spics and niggers and poos (who are becoming as serious an ethnic mafia as jews) and trannies. You have to allow "based" muslims into your countries to own the jews!
You people are a joke and if a second hitler appeared today you would call him a zionist and a degenerate

>> No.22474932 [DELETED] 

you have no argument, just seethe

>> No.22474957

Zionism is a problem insofar as Israel and Jews are a problem. Otherwise it would be like Kazakh nationalism.
I don't think he's an actual paid spook although his brother works for the Eurasia Group and is, literally, a jewish banker. Smith has said at Mosaic mag that the BAP persona was never part of Costin and he has "obviously crafted this persona". So at most you can call him a grifting jew (redundant), he did deny his jewishness after all and bans accounts who call him out for it on sight to prevent his fanbase from knowing, which would dry the shekels up

>> No.22474968

>if you don't worship a homosexual zionist jew and ignore his deliberate obfuscation of the most powerful entity that preys upon the west then this means you heckin love pajeets and muslims!
least deranged bap fan

>> No.22474975

The argument is you're a retard, you're calling someone a zionist who isn't a zionist, and your nonsensical paranoia regarding zionism overwhelms any rational perception of other threats

>> No.22474983

>Smith has said at Mosaic mag that the BAP persona was never part of Costin and he has "obviously crafted this persona".
There's a recording of him in high school where he and BJ Novak from the office replaced a museum tour recording with him talking in BAP voice as a prank. Obviously someone he only knew in an academic setting didn't see the Bronze Age Pervert

>> No.22474987 [DELETED] 

no argument, just ad hominem
state your IQ before I engage u further

>> No.22474996 [DELETED] 

oh the samefagging retard
did bap molest you? you love that gay jew that's for sure

>> No.22474997

You're mentally ill. Jews are not a worse immediate threat than millions of brownoids flooding into white countries and no, the jew mafias are not the only ones that advocate for this.

>> No.22475002 [DELETED] 

don't care lol false dichotomy
you sound like an immigrant muh jews muh jews are so cool

>> No.22475009

All other threats are threats because of jews, though.
Smith was referring to costin's "white supremacism". Which he uses to garner an audience of paypigs
He has gifted Sun and Steel to Smith so his thought wasn't some kind of mystery. BAP is basically the slop version of Costin meant for consumption, to put it this way

>> No.22475013

Directing attention from the perpetrators of demographic change to the pawns once called out, classic talmudry.

>> No.22475015

>It's ad hominem when I say something baselessly incorrect and people call me retarded

>> No.22475016

>Jews are bad Jews are bad waaaah

Yes we get it but some Jews can be based. Besides BAP there are guys like Bobby Fischer and Murray Rothbard. Don’t be retarded. BAP’s support for Israel is tactical not about subversion

>> No.22475017 [DELETED] 

you're talking to a schizo bap'er who was caught samefagging yesterday on a BAP thread
something about BAP seems to attract mentally ill beta males who need a homosexual e-daddy

>> No.22475019

>the jew mafias are not the only ones that advocate for this
Of course not, so are many christians or globohomo enjoyers (their existence owed to jewish funds), and yet jews are the only ones who will force politicians to do it using their banks and media orgs, and you don't like us noticing this. Fuck off jew

>> No.22475020 [DELETED] 

>Jews are bad Jews are bad waaaah
great post! jews rock~

>> No.22475021

>The perpetrators of demographic change are all jews alone
>Please ignore all the marxist whites, blacks, pajeets, arabs, and all manner of other retards that also advocate for it
You're trying to shift away the real blame for this onto one allowable group, there is no world where if you deported all jews suddenly these problems would go away. It would help, but they would not go away. This is internet-based delusion. 4chan is not real life

>> No.22475026 [DELETED] 

>please goy, talk about marxist whites, blacks, pajeets, arabs
>don't even think about jews though

>> No.22475031

You need to log off

>> No.22475034 [DELETED] 

lol u mad, samefagging tard?

>> No.22475037

Yes there are various jews who are antisemites, anti-zionist etc. The criticism against bap is this >>22474890 which would remain true even if 90% of jews in israel were against zionism (they aren't)

And I don't think costin is a subversive plant on a contract. He does it for free

>> No.22475039

>and yet jews are the only ones who will force politicians to do it using their banks and media orgs
Jews have mafias that control finance, media, hollywood, pornography, these are not the only ones. Pajeets have almost fully subverted Silicon Valley in quite the same way as jews and other groups have their own form of blackmail. Sperging about zionism is fine in moderation, when it precludes everything else and drives you to accuse allies baselessly of being zionists it's a problem

>> No.22475042

It's fine to talk about jews. BAP does it. Everybody does it. When it becomes a paranoid obsession then it's a problem

>> No.22475046

Israel is part of the west in a way. The main pillars of the west are Athens, Rome and Jerusalem. Judeo-Christian culture as a basis for civilization is undeniable even if one isn't a Christian

>> No.22475047 [DELETED] 

>>baselessly of being zionists it's a problem
costin and bap are literally supporters of netanyahu retard. it would not be possible to be more zionist
get a grip

>> No.22475049

Holy shit, we get it. You don’t like Jews and they are the source of the world’s problems. Your personal problems, too. If you aren’t going to do anything about it then stfu. Cool, you (((named))) them. Truly a man of action who will solve the Jewish problem

>> No.22475050

Nobody knows what you're talking about you need to touch grass anon

>> No.22475053 [DELETED] 

(samefagging tard)
you're not good at this whole posting thing btw
maybe twitterniggery is more your thing

>> No.22475057

>Netanyahu wants to deport Eritreans and slaughter Palestinians
>BAP says this is good
/pol/tards condemn him for being too racist

>> No.22475058 [DELETED] 

>moving goalposts
I don't give a flying fuck about the middle east or their niggery
They're all zionists and I accept your concession by admitting Bap and Netanyahu are zionists

>> No.22475063

Yes I admit that Benjamin Netanyahu is a zionist you got me there

>> No.22475066

>>Please ignore all the marxist whites, blacks, pajeets, arabs
Which are footsoldiers (at most pajeet ceos) of vastly more powerful and wealthier jews who enable them
The only equivalent criticism to non-jews would be saudis funding mosques and imams, obviously noncomparable to what jews do. Focusing on jews doesn't mean you ignore the others, only that you know who's responsible instead of going in denial if not deliberate omission about it like bap does

>> No.22475067 [DELETED] 

you got btfo, thanks for playing

>> No.22475082

Jews are the ones turning all women into high body count whores and putting trannies into video games don't you know? They personally rig dating apps so /pol/fags can never lose their virginity

>> No.22475087

>subgroup jews; subgroup elite jews; subgroup elite jews who are antiwhite. Conclusion: all jews.

You see the problem here? Of course not but you're still stupid for it. Pick fights with the richest ethnominority from a position of weakness specifically over their race and expect to win... this thread is retarded

>> No.22475092

Jews are currently the most powerful mafia, with others being present as well as you correctly mention
The issue is that costin simply ignores this. He'll talk 200 times about random favela slums in bumfuckistan to his audience before he mentions fucking blackrock. Literally ignoring the elephant in the room

>> No.22475099 [DELETED] 

his new book is about how thugs and blacks are actually based
blackrock? WTO? outsourcing? multinational finance? federal reserve? fuck out of here with that shit, we wuz thugs

>> No.22475100

>If you aren’t going to do anything about it
BAP and his fans certainly aren't going to do anything about anything they're busy larping as Conan online

>> No.22475103

Are you actually retarded

>> No.22475105 [DELETED] 

:o) cope and sneed

>> No.22475107
File: 200 KB, 645x773, 12848491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jews are the ones turning all women into high body count whores and putting trannies into video games don't you know? They personally rig dating apps so /pol/fags can never lose their virginity

>> No.22475109

jq fags actually believe stuff like that. They really believe if jews didn't exist people wouldn't be degenerate

>> No.22475111

What book are you referring to haha? Are we at the point now where we're just completely inventing new BAP books straight from our imaginations?

>> No.22475112

Hit close to home?

>> No.22475117

You can go on /pol/ right now and see people saying exactly that with 0 irony

>> No.22475118 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 194x259, portrait of a bap fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22475123 [DELETED] 

(uncool guy who isn't in BAP's trusted circle)

>> No.22475124

The thirdies and browns in your countries are a smaller percentage of their people than the country-owning jews who run your countries to the ground compared to the total amount of jews
You have no argument and strawman constantly. Jews are the number one threat with others being a second yet bap will never bring this up and never has and in fact downplays it and would rather talk about random desert monkeys

>> No.22475125


>> No.22475127 [DELETED] 

Jews rock, brother! why you getting mad?

>> No.22475135

>Is Israel's existence an existential threat to the West?
Not really. They haven't figured out the Palestinian thing yet and feels like time's running out on that.
>Are Jews an existential threat to the West?
When they act as an organized bloc yeah but they're not what they used to be these days. Jewish self-interest is far from the main thing.
>Is Israel European?
who cares
>Are Jews European?
>Would you support multiple policies that are beneficial to the West but an existential threat to Israel and Jews?
You would have to clarify.
>Who has benefited individual less pozzed Western nations and has harmed globohomo entities like NATO more; China or Israel?
Who gives a shit. Neither of those countries give a shit about you and Hungary won't save you.

>> No.22475139


>> No.22475142

>the problem is unique to ethnic jews, who are evil because they are jews
There's a reason you fags will never have power, and it has to do with the completely backwards way of approaching power politics. AF only started to take off when people like loomer were around and now with that over it's completely dead. Even Spencer had the intelligence to court Israel and he wasn't particularly bright either

I'm expecting a skinhead and obnoxious personality to appear any minute now

>> No.22475146
File: 36 KB, 750x205, 6D56A2F5-9D15-49D8-817A-29E65E1D79DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trying to imply something anon?

>> No.22475147
File: 12 KB, 192x180, 11385800191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jq fags-ACK!

>> No.22475150 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 750x1000, bap credo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews rock, brother. I'm glad you agree!

>> No.22475154

You have not addressed once that bap does everything he can to ignore bringing up jewish power ans would rather divert attention to footsoldiers or random journo trannies, pilpul harder

>> No.22475156

>There's a reason you fags will never have power,
It's because they're all mentally ill and they think showing up to gay rallies for Nick Fuentes to rat them out to the FBI is the solution to the jewish menace. And don't forget about Ye24

>> No.22475157 [DELETED] 

you're talking to a extreme bapnigger who looks at richard spencer as "intellectual"

>> No.22475159

I don't give a fuck what BAP thinks and consider this guru cult a joke
>why doesn't he talk about the JQ?????
you have brain damage

>> No.22475161 [DELETED] 

>being against a gay jew (costin ALAMARIU) means you must have another e daddy
off yourself

>> No.22475167

I knew it was a toxic skinhead. The movement is getting stronger! Handsome Truth is waking the world up! Any day now!

>> No.22475173 [DELETED] 

oh tho toxic, the fag lisped

>> No.22475177
File: 573 KB, 1536x2048, media_Fse6NWRXwAEfnI-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAP = Jew

>> No.22475183 [DELETED] 

jew bros... i feel seen. thank you Costin! giving inspiration to Israel!

>> No.22475185

You don't give a fuck about bap yet you are in a thread about bap participating in a convo about bap
Fuck off schizo

>> No.22475186

No, Moses, Laura Loomer is not a key ingredient to saving the Aryan race.

I‘m not interested in any of your insane gatekeepers today, Moses.

>> No.22475188

just neck yourself

>> No.22475190

It's really funny that one side of this fight is "Nietzschean" and the other "Catholic", and it's the Catholic side who act like this. You won't ever win because you don't believe in your own god. You're fighting for the White Race or whatever but you don't even know what you mean by that.

>> No.22475191 [DELETED] 

juth neck yourthelf, the fag lisped

>> No.22475195 [DELETED] 

>being against a gay jew (costin ALAMARIU) means you must have another e daddy
off yourself. you sound like a broken record who has no idea to argue except with imaginary spooky strawmen e daddys

>> No.22475196

JQ fags are idiots who will never accomplish anything of value. I could come back in 10 years and still see the same rabid infighting from powerless neetsocs. The movement is a fucking joke, even Jazzhands Mcfeels left

>> No.22475199

Alright then, what are you about? What's your cause?

>> No.22475202

>yes goy jews with trillions in power running the country and economy to the ground while safe in their lobbies are not the problem
>promoting guatemala's putrid cuisine and fatso propaganda on ugly fagdidas and nkike ads is obviously the main problem goy this is what erodes western culture goy

>> No.22475206 [DELETED] 

and no, a gay jew (costin alamariu) would be exiled under such a regime

>> No.22475242

Degrowth, sure. Good luck with the new regime. BAP supports some eco stuff too of course, but the main thing is he knows it's not a policy debate. If you're not in power your "regime" is fake, it's just about aesthetics and vibe. You say you support something "when you take power" just for what that implies right now. So just say cool stuff like you want to free all the tigers, you want the return of Germanic warbands.

>> No.22475243

He talks about this stuff all the time? The ADL, the SPLC, the media, the zionists. The only thing is that he doesn't talk about the jews as if they're one monolithic hivemind, and only views them as a vital part of the wider Global Negro Communism apparatus

>> No.22475252

Fuentes and Woods are behind accusing him of being a zionist. You may not like it but you're repeating talking points birthed by bitchmales in the cesspits of twitter

>> No.22475253

Every disaster in the past ten years of WN was thinking we could feed energy into republican avenues, specifically Trumpism, and get something more in return than an embassy in jerusalem and the lowest black unemployment ever. I think we‘ll do better without the infiltrators.

>> No.22475255

This is based unironically
>inb4 BAPfags subvert Israel into being the Aryan paradise and wipe out all mudslimes

>> No.22475259 [DELETED] 

did this guy molest you or something? deranged mental gymnastics to "defend" a gay jew
it's already been established itt that Costin Alamariu is a gay jewish zionist in full throttle support of all zionists. the fact that you don't accept your own e-daddy's life and worldview is pretty sad. Are you diagnosed schizophrenic?

>> No.22475264

BAP's whole schtick is ecofascism, along with REN and Wheelwright? BAP talks constantly about wiping out the third world because they're polluters, and how needless cruelty to animals is a subhuman trait

>> No.22475268 [DELETED] 

Costin is a jewish neocon not an ecofascist retard
hope this helps

>> No.22475269

You need to read his book man, this is embarassing. He's an ecofascist in a big way

>> No.22475274 [DELETED] 

i have, it was trash
simp more for your e daddy who hitler would have thrown in the oven though

>> No.22475276

>it's already been established
Not outside your imagination

>> No.22475277

WN is dying. The only time it had any relevance was attaching itself to the Trump Phenomena, otherwise most of the key thinkers are nearing retirement and the new batch doesn't seem like an equal replacement. The Fuentes thing was the high water mark but it seems like none of these movements are capable of the message tailoring or discipline required to actually do politics

>> No.22475278

You haven't read his book or anything he's ever written have you?

>> No.22475279 [DELETED] 

the fact that you don't accept your own e-daddy's life and worldview is pretty sad. Are you diagnosed schizophrenic?

>> No.22475282

You clearly have not

>> No.22475283 [DELETED] 

i was in his cohort at yale retard
fuck Costin he's autistic and jewish
nuff said

>> No.22475287

The goal isn't to do politics. BAP is right, we must make our own mafias like the Dark Ocean Society and prepare to survive a collapse. We need to exploit it to the fullest when someone like Trump appears but we're largely not in a position to influence anything by showing up to rallies, let alone voting

>> No.22475293

You just said "I'm an ecofascist unlike Bronze Age Pervert" and then doubled down and claimed to have read his book when called out on it. You clearly haven't. You should check it out, if you're a genuine ecofascist you might like it

>> No.22475298

Playing at republicanism is categorically not being a WN—and that goes for Fuentes especially who has made it his schtick. Not that attempting to snap burger retards out of their spiritual sickness and consumer comforts isn‘t a problem which may take decades and the end of the empire to resolve; but the only lesson to take from the trump years is that attempting to cozy in with zionist politicians and hucksters can only end in your own movement becoming diluted while they take from your effort to keep promises to their jewish donors.

>> No.22475299

Unironically Costin filters most internet racists because they're stupid. They accuse him of being jewish because he doesn't screech about the jews autistically like they do when he's like 10 levels ahead on being redpilled on the way things actually work.

>> No.22475301 [DELETED] 

no, retard, it comes down to the fact that Costin is literally homosexual, autistic, a flunky who had to take extra years at Yale to finish his thesis, jewish, etc.
i don't give a fuck what a schizophrenic fanboy of his thinks. LOL at you thinking a 140 page book is so tough to read though

>> No.22475306

as true as that statement is, without a political face to draw in people these movements are dead in the water. The modern WN movement would hardly have attained relevance without the Trump phenomena, now that most have steered away they've become effectively inconsequential

>> No.22475309 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 600x404, kike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is jewish and you people need to accept him. it's anti semitic to downplay his origin.

>> No.22475332

This is clearly a joke come on now. Do you think his name is really Jamal? Do you think he really calls fat white women "white cavebitch?"

>> No.22475342

This more gay than anything he's posted on twitter. This is a textbook case of BAP Derangement Syndrome

>> No.22475343 [DELETED] 

you are being anti semitic. He is a bodybuilder, jewish, and fascist. and that's a good thing.

>> No.22475345

>138 replies
>16 posters
Wtf is going on in here

>> No.22475346 [DELETED] 

Show me on the doll where Costin touched you. I thought his thesis was actually decent though it took several years longer than normal to complete

>> No.22475352

actually no, that's just my birthday/nuddie magazine day

>> No.22475353 [DELETED] 

there's a schizophrenic BAPtard who is in denial of BAP being jewish lol

>> No.22475361

Before they called him jewish they called him gay because they didn't understand what he was trying to do with Handsome Thursday and the kind of propaganda he's trying to promote. Next it'll probably be something about how he's not white because he's from the Balkans. All you can do is ignore the schizo /pol/neets

>> No.22475364 [DELETED] 

he is jewish and you people need to accept him. it's anti semitic to downplay his origin.

>> No.22475372

You are mentally ill

>> No.22475374 [DELETED] 

? he is jewish and you people need to accept him. it's extremely anti semitic to downplay his origin.

>> No.22475414


>> No.22475418 [DELETED] 


>> No.22475461

The "dissident" right is a tiny subculture that fights about everything

>> No.22475496
File: 81 KB, 750x512, E0FA25D7-1E00-4BF1-8F0E-88729D020494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.22475498
File: 125 KB, 750x725, DCC10524-6635-4A55-8C0D-4D593A57EE98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would zionist agent Costin Alamariu tweet this?

>> No.22475502 [DELETED] 

>poster count remains the same
nice samefag bap shill
put a knife to your throat and pull

>> No.22475503
File: 101 KB, 750x478, 81B7DAAC-6893-4274-8D49-CFB2657B6B6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did the talmudic network have in mind when they told him to tweet this about scholarly Holocaust revisionism?

>> No.22475505 [DELETED] 

Costin is jewish and pro israel. and you people need to accept him. it's not even debatable, it's anti semitic to downplay his origin and beliefs

>> No.22475506 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 750x523, 4C631D10-F413-49AC-B36F-F4945D6B4C37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What could he possibly have meant?

>> No.22475509 [DELETED] 

samefag spamming phoneposter who got molested by Bap

>> No.22475513

desert eagle...

>> No.22475517

You are demonstrably mentally ill

>> No.22475518 [DELETED] 

you are untermensch slave meant to be a peasant if you thin bap is le bad because le jewishness, ethnicity is not black and white, and many jews are intellectually superior to many of you. bap is only half jewish, and the wrong half (jewish father, not mother) and he is firmly on the side of fostering vitality and greatness, physical and mental, among the ARYANS. Anyone who has listened to even a little bit of BAP's podcast knows that he is also extremely anti-semitic. Even Fuentes has eased off of the BAP hate.

>> No.22475520 [DELETED] 

samefag spamming phoneposter who got molested by Bap

>> No.22475523

you are untermensch slave meant to be a peasant if you thin bap is le bad because le jewishness, ethnicity is not black and white, and many jews are intellectually superior to many of you. bap is only half jewish, and the wrong half (jewish father, not mother) and he is firmly on the side of fostering vitality and greatness, physical and mental, among the ARYANS. Anyone who has listened to even a little bit of BAP's podcast knows that he is also extremely anti-semitic. Even Fuentes has eased off of the BAP hate.

>> No.22475527 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22475532


>> No.22475534 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 413x96, lol at u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bap shills btfo again

>> No.22475535

This is the same schizo

>> No.22475536 [DELETED] 

bap shills coping and seething, many such cases

>> No.22475542


>> No.22475543 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 413x97, u are a retard again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are unbelievably mentally ill
this is your brain as a bap fanboy

>> No.22475545

Yes that was all me, you're correct. Please post more delusions about the anonymous internet poster BAP because you're upset that he shits on fatties and mexicans

>> No.22475547
File: 634 KB, 2000x750, 1693068546878159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold how the natcon crypto-neolib tricks you. Reminder that instead of reading this deep state faggot's twitter account or listening to two aging sluts on a podcast you could be reading:
>Othmar Spann, The True State

Or about Codreanu and what actual effective organizing looks like:
>Codreanu’s most effective propaganda in these years was to be work, action, and [leading by] example. Hundreds of voluntary labor camps of the Legion, then called the TPT Party, dotted the map of Romania, repairing village bridges, roads, and churches, building dams, digging wells and working “for the collective and national solidarity.” In these camps, the boyar son worked side by side with the son of the laborer and the peasant, creating a powerful feeling of national unity and renovation. If the new intellectuals who graduated (or failed to graduate) in increasing numbers from the universities and joined the ranks of the Legion were strongly anti-Semitic because of the Jewish middle classes blocking their way, the lower classes came to the Legion because they hoped to fulfill their desires for a social justice on a national rather than a Russian Bolshevik platform.

>As the Legion increased in importance, it had to take a certain number of stands on practical issues of the day despite its acute revulsion to dealing with the problems of the sordid twentieth-century industrial age. These stands and attitudes were taken on an ad hoc basis when the Legion had to face them, and the result was a curious mixture of their ideology and more realistic considerations. Although it concentrated its activities in the villages, the Legion formed the Corps of Legionary Workers in 1936 and in addition to the dozens of labor camps, Codreanu ordered the Legion to enter a very new field for Romanians, commerce. He wanted to prove that not only Jews could be successful in this area. "In less than a year, the Battalion of Legionary Commerce founded a chain of Legionary restaurants, groceries, and repair shops covering Bucharest and the provincial towns. The income from these establishments financed vacations for underprivileged children and provided funds for the movement.” Besides the commercial establishments, there was a Legionary welfare organization, and steps were taken to organize Legionary cooperatives. At the opening of the Legionary sanatorium in Predeal, different payment rates were established. Everybody was to pay according to his conscience; the poor were not to pay at all.

Or about the time the most interesting post-Marxists collaborated with Alain de Benoist's Nouvelle Droite:

Or T.S. Eliot's Notes Toward a Definition of Culture:

>> No.22475549 [DELETED] 

when did bap molest you lil bud

>> No.22475552


>> No.22475555 [DELETED] 

Now this is based reading. Was going to Give Costin a shot but his schizophrenic fans in this thread mean I'm gonna read benoist instead
simple as

>> No.22475569
File: 83 KB, 850x400, honor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Codreanu's For My Legionnaires and realize how great Romania could be if it was not the judization it suffered under Communism. His quote is one of my favorites of all time.

>> No.22475570

The catboy army is back... but it's only 2 mentally impaired trannies

>> No.22475575


>> No.22475577

Benoist's recent book on populism has been translated piecemeal on Counter Currents for free:

They also have one of the best collections of Samuel T. Francis' essays for free (the "Powers and Principalities" series is especially good):

Also interesting for Catholic reactionaries, an introduction to Louis de Bonald, a compatriot of Joseph de Maistre:

Many articles and transcripts of Jonathan Bowden, hard to find elsewhere:

Anything is better than this shit.

Kill yourself you fucking faggot. Nobody cares about any twitter/streamer ecelebs except you.

>> No.22475579 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 640x431, img_6090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer my internet daddys jewish, schizophrenic, and gay. That's why my choice is Bronze Age Pervert.

>> No.22475585

You're mentally ill

>> No.22475592

>Anything is better than this shit
>Catholic reactionaries

>> No.22475598 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 275x183, 32241232135332124555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer gay jews from jewton myself, like Costin Alamariu. you have excellent taste friend

>> No.22475605

The reason Jewish men are always unathletic and scholarly is because they turn into this once they start lifting weights. G-d gave them the oral torah to prevent disasters like this.

>> No.22475607

Wait I thought he was a neocon? And a zionist? Why would he say these things? You guys have been telling the truth right??

>> No.22475610 [DELETED] 


>> No.22475621

Looks we've had ourselves another BAP Derangement Syndrome thread. What did we learn? Anti-BAP shills are lying schizos. Check. BAPchads are based and do nothing but tell the truth and drown in fertile white pussy? Yep.

>> No.22475624 [DELETED] 

i'm a kike troon btw

>> No.22475628

You're telling me that Bronze Age Pervert... might actually be a fascist white supremacist... and the people that swarm any mention of his name to call him a zionist... might be deranged? This is all too much to process.

>> No.22475630 [DELETED] 

samefaggin retard

>> No.22475641
File: 47 KB, 750x256, AB54475C-C0E3-49ED-AA5C-1D4C5C1A34ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the two making fun of you are me

>> No.22475644 [DELETED] 

nice admitting you're samefag retard
90 iq gay shills seem par for the course for Bronze Age Shills

>> No.22475645

Someone probably told him that maternal Jews wouldn't consider him a real Jew no matter how hard he tried to identify with that part of his background, so he had an identity crisis and turned into a neopagan antisemite to cope.

>> No.22475646

>but why aren't you naming the Jew?
>The JEW????
Told you these people were retards

>> No.22475648


>> No.22475654

Even if they're correct about his holocaust survivor granduncle he's less than 1/8th mischling and he said he was baptized as a baby. I don't think many of these people understand just how many average eastern europeans had at least one ancestor involved in the holocaust

>> No.22475658 [DELETED] 

suck the jew off harder, the jew might read this bro

>> No.22475664

so what fashy eceleb do you support?

>> No.22475666 [DELETED] 

kill yourself

>> No.22475668

You belong in a padded cell on lithium

>> No.22475670

hahahah, loser

>> No.22475671 [DELETED] 

he might read this bro... Suck just a little more... almost there....

>> No.22475677 [DELETED] 

kill yourself

>> No.22475679

He was still involved in Jewish and Zionist activism when he was younger. Even if it was a marginal part of his background, he must have identified with it until something disillusioned him.

>> No.22475680

Literally retarded, BAP for Hitler

>> No.22475682


>> No.22475683 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 317x524, bronze age jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready for you to dm me brave anon. hit me up on x

>> No.22475686 [DELETED] 

Gay shill syndrome

>> No.22475696

>I don't have a twitter daddy
>I'm just obsessed with labeling one as zionist despite all evidence to the contrary
It's a sad life for schizos

>> No.22475699 [DELETED] 

I'm sure this made sense as a burn in your mind
schizophrenic word salad like you read about

>> No.22475702 [DELETED] 

same fag again

>> No.22475706 [DELETED] 

jannies clean this garbage thread up

>> No.22475708

I don't know. I do know that he said he briefly identified with Marxism/Bolshevism as a teenager until he read Nietzsche, and only then realized he was just attracted to violence and not equality

>> No.22475709

Is he wearing rouge?

>> No.22475711 [DELETED] 

looks like it kek

>> No.22475782

no he is just 7/8th ARYAN GOD skin complexion.

>> No.22476147
File: 41 KB, 400x400, zerohp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22476170

How can it be required to understand Plato and nietzche if a retard wrote it

>> No.22476217

>jews are the number one threat
t. ADL shill
You're like of those ADL skinhead actors on the bridge, FAKE AND GAY.

>> No.22476222

I would like to put a bullet in his faggot face.

>> No.22476223

You know BAP is a literal Yale professor

>> No.22476232

I swear BAP's somatic Nietzscheanism is just an excuse for him to indulge in public homo-eroticism without admitting he's a gay exhibitionist.

>> No.22476234

Ceausescu was a much more based nationalist, compared to this flaming homo

>> No.22476355

Wouldn't be surprised if he actually looked like that.
Completely unrelated but that guy clearly didn't understand Borges if he thinks his stories are heavily inspired by Borges. Most of them are just low-level political goyslop, but I can enjoy some of it as a guilty pleasure.
One has to admit it is a little gay.
I have no idea why this guy thought it was a good idea to do this except I guess as a troll-op.
For all the power of anonaimiteh n'sheit talk quite a few of them like to be seen. But to be fair he had been doxxed a billion years ago.
As for the title, I assume it's going to be combining something eugenics, with the traditional dunking on Socrates that dates from the days of Neecher (PBUH), sucking off some Greek philosopher I'm too much of a pleb to know about. I read a passage about dualism among the Kalash or some shit. Make references to Aryan's. Nothing groundbreaking.

>> No.22476489

His book advocates white men banding into a "brotherhood of the damned" at the end, united by porn, drugs and gambling

>> No.22476497

And? What were you expecting, some cuckservative cotton candy?

>> No.22477567

I have read more from the "Western canon" (easy to spot a Bloomtard) than you, in more languages, and with a greater degree of attention and intelligence. I love the Bronze Age Pervert. Only good comedian of today, and probably the only "multimedia" artist whose art benefits from his using more than one format -- even Dylan Thomas, when he's reading out loud, makes me want grab his book and read him in silence, but with BAP I feel perfectly at home both with the voice, the tweets, and the long format, he achieves this by adding new and attractive form-specific contents to each of these: hence the funny accent and the whole fictional environment, Brennan and all, which he creates for himself in CR; hence the particular posting style in X feed, etc.
He's just lucky/talented enough to be quite a good writer, a supremely good poster, and a very good podcaster, and manages to use these abilities to create, enhance and make manifest the same pseudonym/heteronym, which on top of all is completely original in the sense that there really was nothing similar on the web before he appeared -- an East Block fascist scholar who enjoys posting pictures of nude men, talking about life in the tropics, posting pictures of rare foods, and quoting large passages from Yukio Mishima and Gobineau.
He has all the originality, vitality and, most of all, that magnificent capacity to completely elude his critics which your friend Harold Bloom would call simply "strangeness", that identifies a real artist. No wonder he is so hated by establishment conservatives, there's nothing they hate more than natural human vitality freely expressing itself.

>> No.22477653

average day on lit

>> No.22477714

wait this guy is actually romanian?
if so, bazat si rosupilat

>> No.22477851

I don't think he is the Bronze Age Pervert.

>> No.22477860

No joke. I read this dude BAP’s comments on the Republic after it was posted here and I had to stop half way because of how retarded and political brained it was. He didn’t at all touch on the spiritual aspects of the story.

>> No.22477956

That's actually really smart. We're all degenerates at this point and the hypocritical clean cut tradlarp is laughable.

>> No.22478291
File: 118 KB, 1042x1280, photo_2023-08-01_09-50-52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22478299

Most of the idea that Jews and Zionism are le bad is a psy op. The whole point is to make any right wing movement look like literally Hitler in the eyes of normies. BAP is making serious right wing ideology mainstream and you shills just want to tear that down

>> No.22478316

Fuck off rabbi, nobody believes that we need to tolerate more of your tricks for the approval of retards.

>> No.22478322
File: 193 KB, 475x501, 1667088433919000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its not the jews!

>> No.22478323
File: 162 KB, 1200x1586, shalom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22478343

What a goofy ass world you live in where telling people to make an honest political point is just like staging a hate hoax.

>> No.22478352
File: 184 KB, 1022x672, 1632056568512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its not the jews!

>> No.22478355
File: 888 KB, 1560x1832, England kikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22478360
File: 13 KB, 642x591, jewish involvment in bolshevik regime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22478362
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>> No.22478363
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>> No.22478366
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>> No.22478369

I now understand why moot axed /new/.
Stormniggers are the fucking worst and make any kind of right wing movement way harder than it should be. They're the right wing equivalent of trannies; fuckers can't go five seconds without screeching about jews and devolving into a purity spiral where everyone is a jewish shill.

>> No.22478371
File: 682 KB, 1024x697, 1630085888031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22478380

>le western canon
What you idiots need is more Eastern canon

>> No.22478383

>hedge funds are LE BAD!

>> No.22478384
File: 355 KB, 1600x2812, jewish-feminism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting you talk about trannies given that the proliferators of that strain of sexual deviancy (among many others) were all jews (frankfurt school)

>> No.22478385

it's just one guy who won't shut up about it. Without anonymity they wouldn't have a chance

>> No.22478388
File: 758 KB, 1608x1600, f9a2ef18c98d28f16bf065c6112d8a39-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22478393

Well that‘ll happen when you get a thread of shills claiming that zionism is fine and jews should be let into, or even that they are essential to, White Nationalism.

>> No.22478397

post skinhead

>> No.22478400 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22478401
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>> No.22478404

nowadays you can't fucking say anything that criticizes the system without being put into the same bucket with greek statues twitter profiles who spam jewish shit everywhere
>still 36 posters
nigger calm down, where're here to discuss literature
if you'd stop being such a annoying cunt maybe you'd get some traction

>> No.22478406
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>> No.22478410
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>> No.22478417

Imagine devoting so much time and energy seething about jews. Literal mental illness. If they didn’t exist it would be someone else

>> No.22478418
File: 108 KB, 1024x740, 1631358876753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this ones a bit out of date, for disney its (((bob iger))), And sony its (((anthony vinciquerra))) who are CEOs at the moment

>> No.22478427
File: 317 KB, 2300x940, life under the NSDAP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> . If they didn’t exist it would be someone else
patently not true. Hitler's Germany seemed like a very lovely place. After they banned the jews from banking and German language newspaper printing the Germans went on to continue implementing policies that improved the quality of life for the people of the nation

>> No.22478430
File: 918 KB, 2011x1716, 1640918850791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22478435
File: 337 KB, 1600x1076, 1643608908171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like once Hitler dealt with jewish power in media and banking he went on to lead a successful and prosperous government

>> No.22478438

JQ obsession is a reliable predictor of mental illness

>> No.22478439
File: 445 KB, 610x712, 1648903711994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22478441

Hitler and his followers ironically destroyed Germany and what is called the German spirit. It is gone and it wouldn’t be if Hitler didn’t exist. I know the jew is a convenient scapegoat for everything; if you can’t get laid, the jew poisoned the mind of women; you can’t get a job, the jew destroyed the economy; you are a bitter person with a miserable life, it is because of the jew. Wackos like yourselves hurt right wing movements more than they help to the point I wonder if fags like you are really false flagging to discredit the right wing. You should try to befriend some jewish people and then maybe your bias will change. They are one of the better ethnic groups to have friendships with. Many of them have gone above and beyond in my times of need far more than my le white nationalist brotherhood, who didn’t do shit. Every time you post the ADL gains power so I guess good on you for bringing about your own demise

>> No.22478445

It really is. Everyone involved has high levels of paranoia and is always a conspiracytard.

>> No.22478446

notice how all these faggots complain about me pointing out jewish power yet completely refuse to argue against its existence? if they were to try and deny jewish influence they'd be annihilated immediately because of just how undeniable it is.

>> No.22478452

It's because you insert it into everything and treat it like an M-theory that explains anything and everything. It's insane and annoying. It's just like when a die-hard neo-marxist says systemic racism and/or capitalism are to blame for everything up to and including tornadoes. It's a pathological fixation at this point.

>> No.22478453

fucking retard. you talk about scapegoating the jews for being a parasite on the ecconomy and poisoning the minds of the masses. Hitler oblitereated jewish influence in society and he took the impoverished degenerate weimar Germany and obliterated both degeneracy and poverty.

>> No.22478458

you continue to refuse to actually refute jewish influence in society? maybe you are pathologically afraid of controversial ideas and not fitting in with normalfags?

>> No.22478463
File: 98 KB, 204x200, 200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit you are so goddamned dumb. You aren't even listening to what's actually being said.

>> No.22478469

If you are seeing happy merchants lurking around every corner or behind everything you see as being negative in history, you are one step away from wearing a tin foil hat and seeing black helicopters. As the other anon said, replace jew with capitalist, or the white patriarchy, and it the exact same mindset every loony has

>> No.22478471

>Jews can’t be based because—they just can’t OKAY!

>> No.22478474

no i understand. you are trying to claim that the only reason someone would claim that there is a high degree of jewish influence in society is if they had some sort of pathological need to scapegoat the jews as the cause of their problems.
i am saying that the only reason people like you refuse to engage with the possibility of highly in group preferential jews influencing society through media and finance in order to advance to collective interests of the jews is if they had some pathological need to not engage in controversy

>> No.22478481

you're completely strawmanning what im saying. im not saying that everything bad in history is the fault of the jews
being based has nothing to do with it

>> No.22478482
File: 641 KB, 1800x1012, web_michigan_nsm_alamy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22478484

If they are as powerful and influential as you say then frankly there is no point bothering about it because they are playing 4d chess with schemes that take decades, centuries or millennia to totally unfurl. They would be 4 or 5 steps ahead of everyone to an unprecedented level. They would be clearly superior but somehow you perceive them as inferior. It makes no sense. They are that unbeatable boss yet subhuman and worse than you

>> No.22478487

>the superior genes of the white nationalist

>> No.22478489

maybe the scope ive tried to explain has been to large. just look at this list of the 20 most influential executives in hollywood and how 15 of them are jewish. how can you intelligently explain something like this without saying that jews have extreme influence over the media?

>> No.22478490

a parasite can infect a person. doesn't make the parasite superior to the person.

>> No.22478495

yeah these guys look retarded i dont really care for them

>> No.22478540

By virtue of its relationship to Jewish finance, yes.

>> No.22478546

>they are playing 4d chess with schemes that take decades, centuries or millennia to totally unfurl.
Whoever said this? They engage in ingroup preferential behavior and Whites don't. That's literally it.

>> No.22478613

>no i understand
you don't
the jews control the media, the governments, the money, and the rich
what the fuck can you even do about it? the only people who realize this are too far gone to not look like complete fucking schizos
if you tell normies that, they look at you as if you were some sort of lunatic
the fact that you start spamming your charts in every single thread doesn't help either
what will you even accomplish? form a legion of mental and physical cripples (the only people who are interested in your charts) who are going to overthrown the government, and the current money system?
that anon tried to explain to you that knowing that the jews/the rich run the economy is not a skeleton key and everyone is just tired of you shit spam

>> No.22478642


>> No.22478802

BAP recommends people read "Ordeal of Civility", you BAP haters should read to actually have a greater understanding of the JQ besides posting diagrams of jews infesting institutions everyone's seen thousands of times.

>> No.22478822
File: 2.74 MB, 5918x700, 1689106321374178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Politics of Nonassimilation by Verbeeten is also important. Sombart's The Jews and Modern Capitalism too.


>> No.22478857

He surrounds himself with mostly retards, but that's the nature of internet celebrity. His takes on Nietzsche are genuinely good and correct. His analysis of society as the synthesis of the struggle between the male and female spirits is unironically spot on. He's smarter than you and it makes you mad.

>> No.22478880

Thanks these look really good I haven't read them yet.

>> No.22478895
File: 64 KB, 761x296, bapp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22478901

I don't know if this is the full version but I'm pretty BAP posted it himself somewhere.

>> No.22478917

im team nick fuentes sorry gay jews

>> No.22478986

If I read his work will I become based?

>> No.22479007

how the fuck is this guy romanian?
he has the thickest russian accent I had ever heard

>> No.22479030

He enjoys funny accents he's been doing this for a very long time

>> No.22479105

do you have any video where he "doesn't have any accent"?
asking because the strongest romanian accent will still sound nothing like a russian one

>> No.22479121

this is the least accent i've heard him use

>> No.22479490

Not right now.
China probably.

>> No.22479521

>starving for 2 days while drinking and smoking
holy shit this guy has some artist caliber

>> No.22479525



>> No.22479658

the accent is on point, which means he's just a schizo of some sort (not necessarily a bad thing)
the russian accent made me think he's another poorly executed psyop

>> No.22480912

why does every 'academic' east coast bitch always elongate the last vowel in her sentence with a downward inflection and voice fry
god damn it's annoying

>> No.22481012

Lol this shill thread is still up?
I like reading these guys, their kvetching about chyna (silence about jews though...) gets me going. that retarded chinkjap masaki is the best, constantly crying about le ebul china hates le poor japan

>> No.22481020

I dont like chinese people either they're not white

>> No.22481023

What kind of attention does he bring to the actual and very real jewish lobbies and bank networks, using his platform?
0. He'd rather shitpost about afreaka or some other shithole. He's a zionist and intentionally redirects all attention from the actual cause of the decline of the west elsewhere. Unless you think he has 20 iq
Cope harder

>> No.22481029

Good. Now ask yourselves, would BAP say yes, and would he PROMOTE a yes among his followers?
(The answer is no)
I thought you knew tribalism is natural (and bap is jewish)

>> No.22481035

Doesn't mean shit. Universities are full of midwit rot. I dont take seriously the ideas of any professor after 1955.

>> No.22481049

well, what is bitching on twatter about immigration, chyna or guadelupe or haiti is going to accomplish? Nothing
Because the goal isn't to accomplish, it's to grift money.

>> No.22481179

>It's just a joke.
Is the book a joke meaning it's not coming out?

>> No.22481190

He is said by former classmates and professorers to be a real life troll. He would wear a IDF shirt to college gym and attack pro palatine advocates.

>> No.22481218

I like how you typed up all of this seethe and cope when it got RETROACTIVELY REFUTED by the post above it lol

>> No.22481789

this, same.

>> No.22481815

bro we get it, fuck off

>> No.22482145

I think that a little bit of his program is to somehow make anti-semitism kosher
Something like
>Actually Jews are bad because of XYZ that they do, not because they are Jews. You can actually make the Jews into übermenschen if you just take that XYZ away (A big tenet of old Zionism was the complete rejection of the old diaspora Jew, so that could be a link.)
Neitzche was an anti-antisemite so there's no surprise there but I do find it funny.
One could also argue that his investment into de gobineau raceology and hard aryanism is him trying to be more catholic than the pope so to speak. But that would be armchair psychology and a cheap blow.

>> No.22482373
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what did he mean by this? 1/2

>> No.22482378
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>> No.22482385

why do you care so much about this literally who intellectual?

>> No.22482421

Who is currently at this moment a more important thinker?

>> No.22482422

by this metric just about anyone with a twitter feed

>> No.22482429

Not really though. Can you identify a contemporary political thinker of more importance?

>> No.22482520

Land, Zizek, the list goes on...

>> No.22482528

Land has become a BAPist. Zizek tells jokes and says: "guys climate change is le bad and important". The list had two elements.

>> No.22482594

>Land has become a BAPist
Land's technological determinism is fundamentally incompatible with any form of vitalism

>> No.22482597

Read his twitter output. He agrees with everything BAP says. He seems to believe it is of vital importance to stop the bantuification of the world for technology to continue.

>> No.22482609

Why is there Tibetan on the cover

>> No.22482614

Aryan esotericism

>> No.22482616

He hates china and is into Buddhism.

>> No.22482741

Still waiting for Pleasureman’s book on SCALE, meanwhile BAP has published under multiple names and written for actual publications. Very sad.

>> No.22482781
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>that anon tried to explain to you that knowing that the jews/the rich run the economy is not a skeleton key

It's not the solution, but it is one of the fundamental components of understanding the world as it is today. If it was Scientologists running the show, that anon would be dumping infographics on Scientology, but they're Jewish, so it's a problem instead.

As regarding the thread, there is fundamentally nothing wrong with openly noting that BAP is a member of a paranoid, clandestine, and often hostile tribe and then weighing his words cautiously. Even if you didn't know he was Jewish, any seasoned reader would immediately suspect something is amiss when they notice that Alamariu's theses are not immediately and outright stated in his work but require the reader to commit time chewing through grugspeak nonsense until sunk cost fallacy takes effect, and they swallow his rhetorical load rather than spit it out and admit they've wasted their time.

All of his work is just circumlocution to get the dumb goyim to (for the ten millionth time) drink psychological poison and give his tribe more resources.

>> No.22483401

This is so fucking FAGGY lmao

>> No.22483482

>Is Israel's existence an existential threat to the West?
>Are Jews an existential threat to the West?
>Is Israel European?
>Are Jews European?
Only the European ones
>Would you support multiple policies that are beneficial to the West but an existential threat to Israel and Jews?
>Who has benefited individual less pozzed Western nations and has harmed globohomo entities like NATO more; China or Israel?
Illiteracy moment

>> No.22483486


>> No.22483965

it's just funny that the leader of the american right wing turns out to be part of the tribe, they are really over-represented everywhere

>> No.22483968

BAP is a Straussian Loro-tier take, you should go for a more decidedly wholesome chungus approach "BAP is a Satanist, a demon"

>> No.22484879

Don't they teach the western canon in most schools anyways? Everyone's already read it during their teenage years which is why they're looking for the newer books made by people on the right even if they're meme tier like Bronze Age Mindset. Telling someone to read Inferno and the Iliad as they didn't do it during class is a joke. Even in state schools here in England every kid has to learn at least one of Shakespeare's notable works in detail, a whole list of poetry, a relatively modern book on politics and one other usually 19th century work like the Great Expectations just to have the bare minimum to sit the English compulsory exams every kid does at 16.
Usually if someone's right wing at such a young age and in these spheres they've probably been exposed to at least a dozen notable works of the western canon within the confines of their classroom. Most probably read some of the extra books that were recommended on the reading guides in their spare time at home and/or at their boarding house. Add on the excerpts of Cicero's Pro Caelio we all got during Latin when we were 11, the possible extra content you had to go through during Classics if you did it at least as a GCSE and the books you'd find in the school library, and it's pretty much guaranteed you've covered at least the basics given all these opportunities.
I expect many, like myself, kept reading some of the more niche books during their late teens and early 20s so by the time they've begun shitposting on Twitter your comment is the equivalent of reminding a dentist to brush his teeth twice a day.
So no it's I who truly does not get you.

>> No.22484981

But the continued growth of technology in the hands of whites (and jews) resulted in bantuification...
Maybe Land stays true to his accelerationist ideas and promotes this as a distraction from doing anything to stop technology itself. He has understood that the systems that must be abolished is the west and he's working to abolish it in this way.
His alignment with BAP tells you a lot about BAPs endgame.

>> No.22484985

>Don't they teach the western canon in most schools anyways?
not well, if at all.

>> No.22484996

The online rw white leader is a half Jew homosexual who has no kids. His only competition is an autistic mexican with a white mother. Are white men incapable of leading anything? Why do they kowtow to two mutts who have no kids and openly joke about homosexuality?

>> No.22485007

>global negro communism
Eritreans are half breed arab niggers. There is no such thing as a black Jew. Israel’s first mistake was allowing Ethiopians in. Most Ethiopian jews are christian or muslim and larp as Jew so they can move abroad. Same with Eritreans. If Ethio Jews can live there why can’t their Eritrean brothers move in?

>> No.22485012

The far right is a movement that can’t be lead because it has little form and no direction or feasible plan. They mainly react strongly to the left.

>> No.22485023

Costin is also middle aged
And yes whites seem to have been dysgenically bred to be cucks in the past 200 years or so.

>> No.22485029

Kek white guys admitting they have to be led by a mutt

>> No.22485030

Well idk what exactly you do in other countries but at least here you get a taste even in the worst schools. If you just look at Shakespeare's works most people have went through 3 of the following 5 just in school.
>Romeo and Juliet
I'm pretty sure that as long as you're in the Anglosphere you're getting at least of the western canon as part of the compulsory education everyone goes through. Otherwise it's an absolute disgrace. What are they teaching you in English? We had a few modern books but it wasn't the core of our education system.

>> No.22485057

A middle aged jew who spends his time posting pictures of buff young white men is who is leading the modern right? What is his excuse for not having kids? Anyone who can’t see that he’s gay is a retard

>> No.22485068

>jewish leader has never been tried

>> No.22485117

Having children is not politics millions of losers and dysgenics freaks do it. Hitler had none.

>> No.22485135

Back to the original point if Nick Land is a BAPist then who is a more important political thinker? Just the fact that Nick Land seems to think some kind of political action is necessary not to destroy civilisation with Bantus seems to indicate he at least is not a technological determinist. If technological determinism was real there would be no politics, the style of government would be pre-arranged by our level of understanding of physics.

>> No.22485142

>millions of losers and dysgenics freaks do it.
They are better at propagating their genes than bap is, apparently

>> No.22485150

You can go to a spermbank or spend all your time working to pay for surrogacy. You have 1/16 of the DNA of you great great grandfather, in a couple more generations his DNA is barely a remnant.

>> No.22485154

Nick Lands's preferred political action is distraction from the west itself being the cancer that kills the west because he has understood that what destroys civilization is the west. Therefore the west must die and focusing on bantuification does not stop its death. Land being a BAPist means that BAPism is anti-western

>> No.22485163

>your dna will cease existing anyway bro
Insane cope from someone infatuated with childless middle aged jews.

>> No.22485170

Brown hands type this incoherent nonsense. Land is basically a white nationalist. He wants TND to stop global Zimbabwe.

>> No.22485174

It literally will. If you think the purpose of your existence is to pass on your genes you should come to terms with that.

>> No.22485190

You got filtered and you're raging like a confused ape that got caught with its guard down and scrambles to find a way to assert his lost dominance.

TND does not stop global Zimbabwe and Lands knows this. Which is why he talks about it. He's an accelerationist and wants global Zimbabwe.

It literally has not even as far back as Neanderthals. You can try any cope that takes the dread away though anon

>> No.22485192

Costin does not consider himself the leader of a movement. He’s said multiple times that his circle is just people posting memes/having fun and pointing out the truth

He has, however, states that he’s planning on forming a genuine movement

>> No.22485218

Filtered by what? I have children you mystery meat retard. In 5 generations their descendants will be hardly related to me. You’re so fucking stupid Land wants you dead too.

>> No.22485369

0HP (separately) countersignaling Joyce and McCarthy with "I didn't like it so everyone must be just pretending to" permanently soured me on him. Distinctively subhuman trait of being unable to mental model.
On top of that he's too self-important. Pretending he has to use a voice changer because his niche short stories are insightful enough to put him in mortal danger, sperging out at anyone who argues with him or brings light banter.

>> No.22485615

You mean when Bill Kristol publicly humiliated him by pointing out how USA has always been multicultural and how Japan is dying? He is still butthurt over that?

>> No.22485631

Mental illness isn’t real

>> No.22485638

Kristol squirmed like the worm he is

>> No.22485648
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for the groidpers ITT
there is no such thing as a "BAPist"
nobody ever viewed him as any kind of leader

>> No.22485672

Lmfao Japans population is slightly decreasing it will still be Japan. Your preferred faggot nations taking the immigrants are dying and being replaced and will be dead forever if they don’t go fascist soon. Japan even with its old population is one of the nicest countries in the world and will still be Japan in 200 years. Britain with its million migrants a year is becoming Europe’s Africa and has no real economic prize to demonstrate for it.

>> No.22485694

>japan is dying
two more weeks

>> No.22486041

Holy fuck who cares that he's a Jew? I'm sorry but if any of you are going on genuinely suggesting Jews are some insectoid hivemind where literally every Jew is somehow in cahoots or absolutely committed to annihilating gentiles, prepare to be considered a fucking moron by anyone with two brain cells to rub together. Yes there absolutely are people interested in this, but if you can't approach anything in a nuanced manner then you're simply not going to ever be taken seriously. Costin has been absolutely consistent for years on being for preserving European people, culture and self determination. He's been absolutely consistent in curtailing third world migration, which isn't something many of you faggots seem to be concerned with (so long as they're 'based' third world Christians). He has a profound knowledge of Greece, European folklore, myth and great European heroes. He has entire multi hour podcasts just dedicated to the lives of European adventurers and conquerors. Absolutely no one is going to be interested in anything you have to say if you're totally boring inflexible faggots harping on about 'degeneracy' and ranting schizophrenically about every last person with an ashk grandmother.

>> No.22486236

seems it normal to you for a person of a different ethnicity to be the leader of an ethnic movement? and why it always happens to be the same different ethnicity? sorry but this is just ultra-cope, all those guys might as well go back to being "skeptics" or "classical liberals"

>> No.22486255
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he's a subversive zionist

>> No.22486264

>pointing out the truth
weird how he forgets to mention jewish oligarchy over the west huh
Lots of words to say
>yes I go to a jew for spiritual guidance

>> No.22486269

We're reaching a new paradigm, bapoids will go from
>bap is the only valid alternative to modern bugmannery and his BAM is genuinely helpful, and can being change
>we're just posting le heckin ebin memes on twatter, he's not leading us anywhere!
once you point out BAP is an ethnic jew (with all the ingroup bias this entails)

>> No.22486270

>Yale trained academic
>spends his time pandering to dysgenic teens

>> No.22486314

I wouldn't call his knowledge all that profound. He was just a dork who indulged in his interests. He's obviously not that rigorous and doesn't care for the truth many times. His thesis is good, if too hard for audiences.
In any case, this sort of anti-semitism (BAP is a mischling anyway) is symptomatic of low IQ, resented losers. If these dudes actually had any chance of follwing BAP's advice of forming brotherhoods and infiltrating the state dept, military, etc., they wouldn't be screeching about him being a jew.

>> No.22486365

I don't care about a single thing in this thread. I don't care because I don't care.

>> No.22486542

wow, good thing that you are better than the rest of us, thanks for the reminder

>> No.22486586

BAPism in a nutshell
>raving about spics, nigs, goyslop and various things the rightwing is against for the 999999th time
>"fuck yeah costin, this is how we win frogbros! Stick it to the system haha!"
>point out how jews as the prime movers behind all of the things the rightwing is against are never brought by BAP

>> No.22486636

Low IQ autism in a nutshell
>spamming the jews and the same infographics for the 9999999th time
>"based! redpilled! we're heckin naming them!"
>point out that this is getting boring and repetitive and nothing is being accomplished and no ideas are being explored further - not even the jq is being explored further than joo bad

>> No.22486640

>where literally every Jew is somehow in cahoots or absolutely committed to annihilating gentiles

Schulcan Aruch & Talmud(s) contain material that would make Hitler blush. Baby dick ripping is intrinsically psychopathic. Judean chauvinism is the most insipid and venal creed imaginable, and while the average layman may remain ignorant of this not having sinecure to receive this training the culture of the hardcore orthodox priesthood nonetheless trickles down (even among seculars for whom socialism and communism and communitarianism and multifarious other do-goodery busybody-isms serve the same self-aggrandizing function). Tikkun olam isn't 'world healing', it's subjecting the world to law-- and the beasts of the field will toil while these erstwhile efendi eat grapes. But of course agitprop will gain no traction here while playing the heel, and apprising in the public interest is the only way to sidstep incitement these days; jews of good conscience can be accomodated where applicable.

>> No.22486724

>>point out that this is getting boring
sorry if not selling your "right wing movement" to foreign ethnicities sounds boring to you, i'll try to be more entertaining the next time

>> No.22486751

Can we just come to a comprise and agree Costin is the last Jew to get gassed?

>> No.22486760

As a passive observer, this is the truth

>> No.22486848

>seething strawman
Concession accepted. BAPism is just a (jewish led) hugbox to vent when you get buckbroken by the oligarchic jewish lobbies

>> No.22486863

bitching about the effect (that we can't prevent) and ignoring the cause is how we win frogbros!!

>> No.22486933

Is bap not paid by thiel who is also gay? Are there any prominent right wing guys that appeal to young men that are not gay or non-white? BAP is always posting photos of buff young men under the guise of encouraging his followers to work out when he’s really just lusting over them. Is everyone involved in this gay?

>> No.22487078

Many of the guys he posts are also on roids, which destroy your natural bodily functions for life.
>Is everyone involved in this gay?

>> No.22487390

Being gay just means you are immune to women.

>> No.22488148


>> No.22488168

He also messaged old classmate on FB to troll him after Trump won in 2016

>> No.22488188

This only backs up BAP being right, the only effective groups that didn't get immediately get infiltrated by feds are isolated but cooperative terror-cells like the FLQ & Tamil Tigers.