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/lit/ - Literature

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22507976 No.22507976 [Reply] [Original]

birthday edition

previous >>22502514

>> No.22507984

i have AIDS

>> No.22507986

must be nice to have free time

>> No.22507998
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consoomer boards like /a/ or /v/ are worst cesspools I have ever been to. Much worse than reddit, these people are beyond repair

>> No.22508013

It was fun when it was about trannies, gay faggots, mexicoons, nogs, joos.

>> No.22508014

I'm going to make it

>> No.22508020

Ahh the West

>> No.22508022

i'm not gonna make it

>> No.22508026

Don't forget your morning handle, Ivan.

>> No.22508029

Have fun, Mexicson.

>> No.22508044

Ever since the age of about 16 I've been jacking off almost daily with some exceptions here and there.
29 now and finally fixing that. Wouldn't be an issue if i stayed single but I have to stop now. For performance.

>> No.22508048

/co/ is one of the most appallingly hedonistic consumerist boards I've ever been to. At the very least, there still is a decent percentage of the userbase that are truly passionate about the medium of comic books and Western animation in general and enjoy spreading knowledge about niche releases and technical details..etc. But most of the posts are either aggressively coomer oriented, moreso than /gif/ could ever be since those guys don't get overly defensive about what they're doing, or subscribing to a retarded form of tribalism. Now I know that it's embodying the true original spirit of 4channel as opposed to the rest of nu-chan, but the difference is that when /b/ was on top there was this air of self awareness and fun to it all, when trolling was the main goal. These guys are for real, and they sure enjoy being dramatic about it. It's all about debasement and anti-reason over there.

>> No.22508055

>use new knife
>immediately cut my finger rather deeply
the blood sacrifice was made

>> No.22508057

Yeah, /co/'s performative coomer posts are tired and lazy, yet seem to never stop.

>> No.22508060


/b/ was never good, it was always a sea of shitposting, anime, and porn with a nugget of genuine humor or humanity if you doomscrolled for a couple of hours.

>> No.22508064

>moreso than /gif/ could ever be since those guys don't get overly defensive about what they're doing
Almost every thread on /gif/ is filled with arguing

>> No.22508066
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>Pants get too big, go down a pants size
>Pants starting to get loose again
>Have to go down to the last belt loop
>Going down another size again soon

>> No.22508073

Kafka's story about the mouse finding the walls narrowing as it is being chased by a cat resonates with me. As I build my life and living like a normal human being, all these things such as relationships, work and a career is narrowing me down til death. Also, is fucking whores soul destroying?

>> No.22508090

They argue about petty racial issues and relationship related beliefs, but they rarely ever go in depth about why masturbating to tranny porn for 8+ hours a day is a good idea. It also helps that the vast majority of posters are clearly underage, which makes their retardation somewhat palatable, whereas I really can't say the same about /co/.

>> No.22508105

>He doesn't turn on fappe time while gooning

>> No.22508118
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She seemed excited to go on a second date but now she hardly messages. What are the chances she just has a lot on her plate and she has a legitimate reason for the tardiness

>> No.22508122

Stop using this vile zoomerism.

>> No.22508138

Just rape her, what are you waiting for?

>> No.22508153

>they rarely ever go in depth about why masturbating to tranny porn for 8+ hours a day is a good idea
Fair enough. Thankfully people don't usually build their whole personalities around porn, or try to make their porn consumption into a moral thing like people tend to do with TV, books, etc.

>> No.22508159

What about homosexual gay faggots making their degeneracy a statal issue so consensual gay faggot sodomy can be called marriage?

>> No.22508161

you are in the closet

>> No.22508166

The closet doesn't exist, it's a lie created by faggots and libshits to make everyone insecure about their own sexuality and all homsexual faggot 'couples' should be sent to prison for degeneracy. The West would gain +5 respect points from the global opinion.

>> No.22508170

thirdoid detected

>> No.22508180

Lmao, have fun being a stay at home dad, you dumb and pathetic faggot hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.22508187

And have fun being sodomized in the ass by your 'husband' worthless subhuman kys

>> No.22508192

You tell me

>> No.22508198

>have fun being a stay at home dad
Is this meant to be an insult? This sounds like the dream to be honest. Not the guy you're replying to.

>> No.22508212

Most of /gif/'s userbase are unironically 40 year old perverts, usually married to ugly wives, which they post unsolicited

>> No.22508217

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha to faggots like you maybe it does lol and does having a providing husband sound like a dream too? Or having it everything and all for nothing? For being hot? Hahahahahabahhaabhahahahahsbhdjshabsjabshskwkandsoahahabhahahahah

>> No.22508222

Has anyone ever flirted with getting equipped and going to protest to smash some pig skulls?
I've flirted with the idea of buying 2 metal baseball bats (in case I lose one in the fray), a football helmet (spray paint "pig killer" on it) and shoulder pads, fashioning additional padding for my arms and even a shield to protect against baton blows. Bringing a large knife for coups de grace on the ground.
Mask and goggles for pepper spray.

>> No.22508261

>and does having a providing husband sound like a dream too?
No, I'm straight, having a providing wife sounds great though. Though I would probably feel guilty about not contributing financially since I don't like taking from people without giving back, the perks of growing up poor and guilty, I suppose.

>> No.22508263

People say that Sun Tzu's maxims are horseshit, and then people spout nonsense like this.
>where the enemy is strong, run - where the enemy is weak, fight
Why would one go to the specific appointed time and place where the enemy was most expecting conflict in order to defeat him? This is utter nonsense. Protests are literal containment zones.

>> No.22508273

> providing wife
The Bible has a story about a super strong woman who wouldn't take anyone as her husband except the one who won her in 1v1 battle.
That or a literal whore or porn actress that brings the bucks home by being fucked by other men.
Sorry to explain you reality newfag.

>> No.22508275

>Though I would probably feel guilty about not contributing financially
Not him, and there is no guilt in having the woman provide for her family. It is just not in the natural order. She would not respect you, and she would resent you.

>> No.22508287

If you're carrying actual weapons around at protest/riot, cops are gonna make you a priority target and either subdue and arrest or kill you as soon as possible

>> No.22508289

It doesn't occur less she gets it by being smashed by other men. Strong women desire even stronger men and if she earns big bucks make sure you're earning at least the triple amount else you're low value and she'll reject you.

>> No.22508292

listening to speed metal pretending to speed read your lame posts

>> No.22508293

Honestly I think a lot of you guys would be really happy if you took the stay at home dad-pill. The most constant complaint I see on here is that your work is meaningless. What could be more meaningful than raising your kids!

>> No.22508304

In reality you'll often see some high-earning lawyer chick with some loser underemployed sweatpants and sandals guy. People want different things, you only cling to these "biological" (as if net worth exists in the natural world) explanations to explain away your own failures

>> No.22508309

I expected as much.
I'm also flirting with the idea of convincing other guys to do the same, we'd go as a group and bust pig heads

>> No.22508310

>What could be more meaningful than raising your kids!
You still raise them as a providing father. Feel free to go against the natural order. Just be aware that there is an order and that going against it may have unintended consequences. There is no roadmap for you. There are unspoken truths.

>> No.22508312

Sorry, Jews won. I don't want to have kids

>> No.22508322

Whatever you say bud

You'll still have the same problem if there's a lot of you. If you're at all organized they might even try to infiltrate

>> No.22508359

Based and same, keep it up.

Give a time and place and see what she says. If she's still into it she'll either accept or suggest an alternative in the event of a scheduling conflict. If she's not, she'll ghost, flake or be generally vague and noncommittal. Don't spin yourself out here. We move onwards and upwards in any case and wish all sentient beings a surcease of suffering.

>> No.22508386

Poor concentration. Sudden aphasia. Significantly reduced recall on working memory.
A generally bad cognitive performance. No motivation. Dour outlook and hopelessness.

Sleep fine. No fatigue. No more headaches. Good nutrition. Good exercise. Very low tolerance threshold for exertion (mental as well as physical).

Where do i book an appointment for electroshock therapy?

>> No.22508388

Isnt that a Greek story

>> No.22508398

when i was in love back in january, I had no trouble recalling entire passages from the denial of death but i can't even remember a string of words now

>> No.22508434

It do be like that. I'm a KHHV but one of the very few times I was invited to a coworker meet up and there was a cute girl there (just there, we barely even interacted), when I went home later and read my book, there was color and life in the pages that usually isn't there.

>> No.22508469


Fair enough but I'm still skeptical

Anyways posting poll again


>> No.22508471

Not him, but I am just piecing this together. Is this ''kissless hand holdless virgin''.

>> No.22508472

newfags out

>> No.22508473

yeah second h from hugless

>> No.22508476

It's not newfaggotry. I am just not current with robotspeak, if that is what it is.

>> No.22508480

newfag pls

>> No.22508487
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How is it even possible to be a KHHV? I mean you must be larping surely

>> No.22508496

Alright, bro. I only see that on /lit/ and I thought that it was some religious sect for a while, because a lot of dudes using the term were talking about religion. Anyways, we all started there. Best of luck to you guys.

>> No.22508504

Which bands?

>> No.22508516

Nah, they just fuck it all up. They do not generally believe that the practical advice that they are given will work. Sometimes they apply it and are not patient enough and give up. They have no leadership, so everything is a cold start for them, and they get fed a bunch of lies by delusional broads. They are ripe for the picking by charlatans like Peterson or Tate. I heavily recommend Pickwick Papers for dudes to get some kind of reasonable picture of what women are really like in their full scope.

>> No.22508544

>you must be larping surely
yeah bro haha me being 31 year old khv is surely larping lmao

>> No.22508550

why are you replying to the basest of bait

>> No.22508562

>he has to read a book to get a reasonable picture of what women are like
Man a lot of you guys are really fucking weird. Are you an alien? Have you not been surrounded by women your entire life? Mothers, grandmothers, aunts, cousins, sisters, friends?? No? They're some rare artifact to you?

>> No.22508565

even the basest of baits sometimes is a genuine post

>> No.22508576

Having days off in the middle of the week are the fucking worst. All of my friends are at work so I have nothing to do except try to be productive, which leads it it feeling like a work from home day.

>> No.22508592

Do you really not have anything fun you can do on your own?

>> No.22508597
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>She messaged back
Thank ye!
Anon sweet prince. I was losing mine head until thee,
thy sweet basket weaving neighbour delivered her unto me.
One-thousand blessings are seldom in store.
So have one-thousand more

>> No.22508602

>They're some rare artifact to you?
That is not the point. When one is surrounded by women that are constantly presenting themselves in the best light, are generally supporting each other's facades, and do all of this under a veil of propaganda that convinces little boys that girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice, it is hard for boys to navigate without some kind of guidance. This is literally the purpose behind such works as Pickwick Papers. Yes, the main point was the debtor's prison, but consider how Pickwick got ensnared in the legal system to begin with.

>> No.22508642

surely people cannot be so ignorant?

>> No.22508721

Sometimes I entertain such thought

>> No.22508748

Surely, they can.

>> No.22508790

Greeks were Aryan, warlike women were Aryan for the most part; however, it is possible that when the Semites, a non-aryan white pleb, were still purely or almost purely white, also produced types that paralleled the Aryan warrior woman, although in a more humble and pleb-like manner.

>> No.22508867

"Dead dog" is better than "cellar door"

>> No.22508894
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not sure what the bigger lawl is; you insisting that that the Greeks were Sogdian Camel Merchants or that you yourself desire to be a Sogdian Camel Merchant.

>> No.22508905

I didn't know Tescos was closing on Wednesdays. Well, goodness, if your friends in their jeans and bomber jackets aren't there for you to stand around with drinking beer perhaps you could take a merry skip down to the local shelter and make some more friends?

when I'm alone I usually eat my kibble, tear open the kibble bag and eat until i'm sick, and trash the house and bark at my reflection until Sir and Madame returns.

i would highly recommend this as a pasttime

>> No.22508907

Do you mean because the Vayshias call themselves Aryan? Aryan means honourable man btw, a man worth of dignity and respect.

>> No.22508913
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I lost interest in talking to women.

>> No.22508920

Normi3s don't understand 4chan references.

>> No.22508934

desu we've never had clarity on what they mean by this; most of them seem to think Aryan refers to a specific area (trans-oxania sogdia) and its culture (camel merchants), sort of north of tibet and west of the "(sand)sea of death," and they believe this is where they came from. It's dumb. Germans didn't know what they were talking about in those days... it's like the impression people in the 1900's had of the romans; all wrong and costume theater tier.

Gudea of Lagash, incidentally, refers to those specific people of the far broader region, north of the gurgan wall, as having "the faces of men and the brains of dogs."

>> No.22508946

This contradicts mountains of data that indicate women are hypergamous.
Women don't date down, you talking about a high-earning lawyer shacking up with an unemployed loser is merely easily dsmissed anecdotal evidence

>> No.22508957

It is that when the great mass of Vedian peoples immigrated into the subcontinent, they all went under the endonym of Aryan. One can picture them as a fully white people with governmental, technological and scientific instincts somewhere in the jungle, realizing that they were fully surrounded by black and yellow peoples, and that their poorest members had already mixed with some of the non-white tribes. Perhaps they even saw the assumption of the throne by some half-black mongrel. Geniuses as they were, the plan of the castes was thought, sketched and drawn out to mantain the power in the hands of the Vedians. Then the first and the second caste, judged as whiter than the third caste of the Vayshia, received their own names and it's members abandoned the old appellation of Aryan, while the Vayshia masses, still judged as whiter than the Sudra class, still allowed to read the Vedas, maintained the old endonym of Aryan.

>> No.22508971

Cringe. This anon will then complain about the absolute state of women and western society on a literature forum

>> No.22508973

Post nose

>> No.22508974

>It is that when the great mass of Vedian peoples immigrated into the subcontinent, they all went under the endonym of Aryan
The sack of Akkad? Hahaha, you know what maybe. I never thought of it like that.

STRIKING problem with this theory of "them being us", however, is that we have statues and faces on coins of the Akkad and others of civilization and "they are us," so the other lot can't be us too.

> Perhaps they even saw the assumption of the throne by some half-black mongrel. Geniuses as they were, the plan of the castes was thought, sketched and drawn out to mantain the power in the hands of the Vedians. Then the first and the second caste, judged as whiter than the third caste of the Vayshia, received their own names and it's members abandoned the old appellation of Aryan, while the Vayshia masses, still judged as whiter than the Sudra class, still allowed to read the Vedas, maintained the old endonym of Aryan.
The real trouble with this is that it puts you into a dissonant contradiction; you are motivated by 'white peoples achievements' but you're led to the culture of 'non-white people' under the pretense that whites invented it. Whilst ignoring the real history of things at the same time.

So it's circular and goes nowhere, not unlike the wheel.

But I was never impressed with the Vedas and never saw the fascination with it; it's cool from a global polytheistic study I guess.

>> No.22508977

I fully believe i am the reincarnation of julius evola, assuming that he didnt already get out of samsara

>> No.22508979
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I actually lied, I want a woman in my life, I don't want to be a volcel

>> No.22508982

Cringe. He has no idea he's going to be the subject of her repetitive conversation for the next month, and that by the end of the cycle the exchange will have morphed into an elaborate conspiracy.

Cringe because this is how the anon thinks too.

>> No.22508995

Well you might think that I'm we-wuzzing but actually I'm just re-citing a book from the 19th Century and maybe it's racist if we ignore the fact that the history of Europe from this point of view is not very different, the moreso, the caste system of Middle Age Europe was due to the aristocracy being white than the serfs and bourgeois people.
No, I'm not trying to put India under 'our achievements', you are making a mistake in pretending that I equal white with European and vice versa. Rather, I'm trying to give a different picture of ancient history that it was based on nothing but the antagonism between whites and non-whites.

>> No.22508999

>>The real trouble with this is that it puts you into a dissonant contradiction; you are motivated by 'white peoples achievements' but you're led to the culture of 'non-white people' under the pretense that whites invented it. Whilst ignoring the real history of things at the same time.
This is what Devi did herself, making it identical to later modern era whites LARPing as chocolate faces to escape their terribly full dreary western society.

>> No.22509001

>Well you might think that I'm we-wuzzing
i definately do,
> I'm just re-citing a book from the 19th Century and maybe it's racist if we ignore the fact that the history of Eu
no no it's the opposite, it's this: >>22508999

> I'm not trying to put India under 'our achievements', you are making a mistake in pretending that I equal white with European and vice versa. Rather, I'm trying to give a different picture of ancient history that it was based on nothing but the antagonism between whites and non-whites.
well perhaps so, but still.

>> No.22509003

If heaven is real there is so much good to do with my life. If it is not, then the most I think I have to hope for is to try to keep my mother happy while she is alive. I don't know how to convince myself heaven is real.

>> No.22509006

It is an established fact that the Indians speak an Indo-Germanic language related to our own, so there's no reason to even pretend that there's no relationship between the two, far from pretending that the Indians are us or that we are the Indians. I don't say this to convince you that whites established Indian culture and civilization, I am discussing the idea that ancient history relates the antagonism of whites and conquered non-whites.

>> No.22509040

yes i know, linguistics is fucking lagging behind; you can also compare west african to find similar words in latin or arabic to latin or norse viking to indian or latin to chinese, or the word 'ma ma' being universal for mother.

Mankind has a vast shared history and a near identical psycho-linguistic-cultural development.

>> No.22509050

I guess a big part of the thing is that I can't seem to believe that I have a good shot at heaven, if I'm going to believe in it, unless I take on a rigorous, religious lifestyle. And I don't.. Like it seems to me like I can't achieve much of anything, and if I'm adding a "rigorous, religious lifestyle" on top of already failing at everything all the time, I go even further away from the world, I come to be of even less use. I ain't even making my mother happy that way-! I don't know, I think I'm forcing it, though on some level I think I believe in God and an afterlife, it still seems forced. It's not supposed to be difficult, I think it becomes difficult because on some level it isn't honest. Or maybe I want to larp religion in order to feel like there is something meaningful in my life, or so that I don't have to think about my life.

>> No.22509052

It's not in the words it's in the ability of both German and Sanskrit, diluted in Celt, almost non-present in Latin and English of COMPOSING THE WORDS INTO EACH OTHER. There are other paralellisms; the Greek God of Ouranus is the Hindu Varouna, archetypes like Heracles are as present in the Hindu pantheon, the half-God who later becomes God himself by merit, the Half-God who later becomes Devil by bad demeanor.
All this are ideas that work on a nature that herself is of a nature more complex than the ideas that work on her. In other words, it is the debris of the ancient culture of the whites, vanished in early antiquity and replaced by four mixed cultures: the Hindu, the Assyrian, the Egyptian and the Chinese; the fifth one, the Greek, was still developping.

>> No.22509078
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Virginal men are the most powerful group of people on the planet.

>> No.22509090

I haven't had a new creative thought since I stopped weed three months ago.

>> No.22509095

female authors love to write stories where men fall in love with women who treat them terribly and act arrogant rude

people say it's because they like being treated this way, but why don't they go out with people who troll them on social media? Like if you insult on instagram or write them DM saying that you would never want to fuck them, they won't go out with you. But in romances, that's exactly how heroines charm men in all stories written by women.

>> No.22509109

imo weed just tricks you into thinking your stupid ideas are creative. Kinda like how people on coke think they're super charismatic. When I look back on stuff I made while smoking vs not, there's more volume of output when I'm smoking, but for a good chunk of it I'm like, "What is this? Why did I bother?"

>> No.22509119

Is /lit& not a consumer board, tho?

>> No.22509136

The ideal wife is one that alternates as a surrogate mother, daughter, and bro depending on the situation.

>> No.22509151

which one do you bang

>> No.22509154

All of them.

>> No.22509173

A lot of people think this. For me, I have not had any creativity, good or bad, since I stopped

>> No.22509248

I wish I could go back to that time when I was young, super depressed, and taking occult literature really seriously.

>> No.22509249

Some sluts will fuck hot dudes regardless of the wealth disparity between the two parties.

>> No.22509260

Your course is the same either way. Get your shit in order.

>> No.22509279

Frazer makes a compelling argument that some civilizations have come to similar conclusions without having had contact with one another. Carry on.

>> No.22509304

They spoke those languages before they became civilized. They practiced agriculture, the wheel and their respective theologies before they became civilized.
Once all white tribes went their way, they thought themselves to be the only ones and ruthlessly enslaved and put to submission everyone they encountered, even if it was the question of other whites.
So what in India became the system of the castes, where even the Sudra and the Tchandala look at non-Hindus as inferiors to be despised, among the Greeks the ancient prerogatives of the white man became the privilege of the bourgeois, the inhabitants of the city proper, their inalienable right not to be slave to another. Thus, the idea of non-citizens or farmers to be inferior or uneducated is nothing but a poorly translated old idea of superiority attached to race.

>> No.22509311

>Alamarjew got everyone into Frazer again

>> No.22509312

Not him, but Frazer makes a compelling argument that greek traditions of both Maneros and Adonis can be traced to a common semitic root of Tammuz The argument follows that both greek traditions were incomplete transfers at different times. ''Adonis'' being a false name, being instead the word for ''lord'', and Maneros being a false name, being instead the word representing the phrase ''come back to us''.

>> No.22509327

You have it backwards. The Greeks of old stock were Aryan, the people they conquered however were Semites; and there is undeniable evidence of there having been Semitic kingdoms on Greece before the first Greek people to establish themselves, conquering the resident peoples, Finnish in Macedonia, Semite in the South. Needless to say that some Semitic ideas got themselves confounded with the properly Greek ones, not considering the political relevance that Assyria still had during those times, the epitome of old Semitic civilization.

>> No.22509328

>Like if you insult on instagram or write them DM saying that you would never want to fuck them, they won't go out with you
There is still the case of the physical attraction. She will generally not fuck the ugly dude no matter what. This falls in line with the ''girl's favorite haircut'' meme, wherein the same haircut on a man is both her most and least favorite, depending on the dude to which it is attached.
tldr; there is more to it.

>> No.22509350

Interesting. So, this idea counters the Indian civilization being already somewhat in its modern form and being overthrown and co-opted by Aryan interlopers?

>> No.22509355

I do not know who that is, but I read Frazer before the chans were even a thing. I have also read Wittgenstein's rebuttal and found it lacking.

>> No.22509372

You mean the Indus valley civilization?

>> No.22509380

>You have it backwards
If anyone ''has it backwards'', then it is Frazer. I am just relaying what I read. Can you address the false names? Would the semitic language present on the Peloponnesian Peninsula prior to the Greeks be similar enough to completely discount Frazer's need for Greeks to have stumbled across these false names while trading?

>> No.22509388
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I just finished moving apartments. My new one has a balcony and I have three times the space of my old one. It's also very easy to clean and I don't have to crouch anywhere like I used to. I know it's not much but I haven't felt this comfy in a very long time. Whenever I am comfy I think of sharing the moment with someone but I don't have anyone at all, so have picrel. I wish all anons could feel as free and unfettered as I am right now.

>> No.22509398

I have to assume so, my knowledge on this front is very thin.

>> No.22509404

It's hard to tell wether those are false names or Greek-ized Semitic traditions or wether the Semites inhabitant of the Greek peninsula had formed a slightly different tradition to the Assyrian Semites prior to the disfigurations furtherly done by the Aryan invaders.

>> No.22509425

OK. Where can I get a gestalt on this semitic presence on the peninsula prior to the Greeks?

>> No.22509426

Wikipedia says that Indus Valley civilization was egalitarian. This explains everything. When the Iranian and the Vedian peoples were still a single people, and naturally isolated from all the others, neither caste systems nor the division of professions was of interest to anyone. The proprietor of his house and land was as much patriarch, warrior, priest, noble, planter, hunter, freeman as was everyone else; later, the Vedians went to India and the establishment of the system of the castes was either a natural development or considered necessary to maintain power in the hands of the Vedians, while the Iranians, who spread westwards, in the environment of the Semites, saw the rigorousity of the Vedians not only as useless but as oppressive, and created a new religion blatantly opposed to Brahminism.

>> No.22509440

This (woman) friend of mine is moving to Paris soon to finish her studies and join with her boyfriend and I really, really like her. She's already displayed signs she could be into me but I'm not quite sure because women are weird as fuck and she's got a boyfriend (whom I met once). I love spending time with her and sometimes feel a lot of attraction towards her. Not sure what the correct course of action could be there, if I should do anything at all to begin with. We're both religious and she was basically planning to get married until very recently when she confessed she wasn't sure she wanted to stay with her boyfriend. I haven't tried anything and a friend we have in common told her I wasn't interested in dating my female friends so she could be thinking I'm just being goofy when I say I think she's beautiful.

This whole situation is stinky because even if she felt the same with me she's moving to the same city as her boyfriend in 2 months time and I'm not into long distance relationships. Shit sucks.

>> No.22509450

OK. So, start here?

>> No.22509458

>But most of the posts are either aggressively coomer oriented
/lit/ is quite guilty of this as well

>> No.22509460

Just say Vedic like literally everyone else you huge fucking pseud

>> No.22509461

Inachus, Phoroneus, Ogyges, Agenor, Danaus, Codrus, Cecrops.

>> No.22509464

You dug a hole for yourself. In your shoes, I would be willing to crash and burn the whole ''friendship'' in pursuit of further goals. In future, do not do this again. It is a tangled mess to unravel. Firstly, stop worrying about the friendship. In the great scheme of things, it is likely irrelevant, especially if she is planning to move away.

>> No.22509539

Sometimes I wish I was an entirely different person, with different traits, different life circumstances, a different life.

>> No.22509543

The correction action is to do nothing.

>> No.22509546

Lots of card players wish that they had been dealt different hands. So it goes.

>> No.22509548

Nice. I’ll be getting my own space again for the first time in a few years. My siblings might live with me but there’s a good chance it will be just me. Now, if I could only afford a decent apartment…

>> No.22509551

Bro has next to nothing to lose. He cannot save milk for next year.

>> No.22509555

Is left to right the best way to go about this list?

>> No.22509558

I drank a half pint of whiskey and a couple beers over the past half hour. Time for work.

>> No.22509572

He has no milk to gain either. The relationship would not last.

>> No.22509575

Wondering if I’m too old to go to graduate school and pursue a professorship.

>> No.22509577

shouldve kms a long time ago desu

>> No.22509584

I want to look beautiful.

>> No.22509659

I don't want to consoom and force a single career until I die, I want to be a Sage and befriend people I've never met

>> No.22509717

>The relationship would not last
Do you see a fatal flaw in it?

>> No.22509724

Write an epic about your regret.

>> No.22509727

That is still a career.

>> No.22509790


>> No.22509798

Write a meta epic about your regret where writing the epic itself becomes a regret and then becomes the regret.

>> No.22509800

I probably hurt that kid. or made him curse the world.
should demands bereave his soul?
the world is fucked up, but it's like the awareness of this ugliness and the fear it festers are what make it so. to be kind is to hurt. you need your thorns (or god wants them at least, and even if that's just another ugly layer of the world who are we to go against it?).
grow them while you're safe, be close.
I'm such a nasty fuckup

>> No.22509843

It's too windy to read outside and the lighting in my room is shit >:(

>> No.22509924

I know that there's a dark and there's a light but I don't know the difference

>> No.22510024

What did you do to him?

>> No.22510107

Im 23 and already feel like 80. I'm sore and have aches all the time all over. My legs crack getting up. When i breathe in deeply i wheeze for some reason.
I just reached into a box to grab a beer and twisted some muscle extremely painful. I wasn't even twisting my arm that much
No one told me getting older would be like this.
I don't know how actually old people manage to do it assuming it must get worse

>> No.22510109

I think more girls should put pictures of them with guy friends on their dating app profiles, it weeds out the insecure and untrustworthy guys.

Source: Used to be an insecure and untrustworthy guy.

>> No.22510113

Thread theme: https://youtu.be/TDyiREoBw0o?si=H_hBasv5BPyv_2xW

>> No.22510176

Do you thank Santa Claus for Christmas presents? You should.

>> No.22510228

This is very early onset. Not a good sign. It is degenerative and it does get worse. You might try some dietary changes to avoid inflammation.

>> No.22510234

>Im 23 and already feel like 80
>I just reached into a box to grab a beer
Don't worry, I'm sure there's no correlation.

>> No.22510240

Damn it's so over.
My chest hurts a lot too these days. And i got permanent eye shadow from countless sleepless nights

>> No.22510244

>Don't worry, I'm sure there's no correlation.
You're right time for another one.

>> No.22510245

I was a binge drinking alcohol when I was 22 and 23 and didnt feel like that. Anon has other issues

>> No.22510251

Hey, less typing and more pouring, sissy.

>> No.22510322

what are you implying?

>> No.22510348


>> No.22510359
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>> No.22510370
File: 63 KB, 850x400, 1486136050080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porn is used to destroy internet forums by making genuine discussion impossible. You mention /gif/ but easily half the threads on that board are made by bots.

It's so annoying seeing retards make this post over and over in response to the fate of /b/.

It doesn't have to have been "good" to have been vastly better than it is now. Currently /b/ is 98% porn threads, almost all low effort, half of which are bots.

>> No.22510378
File: 89 KB, 500x500, IMG_2943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i’m going to have sex this friday and I think I’m actually going to have a panic attack. I’m going to be so terrible and she’s going to laugh and I’m going to want to die.

>> No.22510381

>going to have sex this friday
lucky bastard

>> No.22510383
File: 123 KB, 640x412, IMG_2870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t want to go to work tomorrow. I just want Saturday to come.

>> No.22510385

Good on ya, anon. Make sure to keep it as warm and welcoming as you can, since it's what a proper home should be. I wish you the best of luck.

>> No.22510386

It’s better to be a pig satisfied than an unsatisfied Socrates. Only hope for Socrates is for some afterlife to save him.

>> No.22510391

Not if I embarrass myself!

>> No.22510393

I've noticed that /fit/ suffered from this immensely as well. It's a damned shame.

>> No.22510401

Being able to get a chance of doing it in the first place is way out of my league hence you being lucky.

>> No.22510407

I started out at /b/ around 07, left 4chan for 5 years or so and only used /lit/ since and it mildly irks me how some anons say a board was never good. Like you said, /b/ and /lit/ used to be much much better. Both boards are deformed now and little is left of their culture and spirit. In fact, the spirit and culture of 4chan is totally different of what it used to be and what made it great. The creativity, the self deprecating tone, the don’t-take-the-internet-seriously mindset is gone. Quality and creativity are almost gone. Nu-chan is now about disenchanted, alienated, young men who are bitter. They don’t bring anything to the table other than their screaming in the void, and tribalism. They are literally interchangeable. Anon actually suits them well because it is like a hive mind

>> No.22510411

We'll never have another place like old 4chan.

>> No.22510415
File: 42 KB, 597x559, Grizzled PI rat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22510418

Enjoy the wind anon, just step outside and pretend you're a plane! Write about it afterwards

>> No.22510420

womp womp

>> No.22510422
File: 53 KB, 800x782, person-nobody-at-3-morning-have-got-get-sexier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You remind me of this meme anon

>> No.22510430

There's no going back because the internet is now universal, before there was some small remaining filter to use computers at all let alone 4chan in particular. But now the internet is ubiquitous and centralized and every 12 year old has a smartphone and posts here and reddit. Before it required some kind of minimum specialization or knowledge.

>> No.22510445

Yet perhaps there is truth in sand-madness. there probably isn't

>> No.22510450

>just step outside and pretend you're a plane!
I've never been on a plane before but I assume you don't feel the wind when you're in a plane unless it's one of the older ones that they used in wars and shit.

>> No.22510454

I just remembered that for a while when I was 17 I had a kind of a plan to tattoo the words "No direction home" on my hand. Now this might sound ridiculous, but I remember I felt that way, it was supposed to communicate something to my family. The thing is I don't remember why.

>> No.22510466

Do you think it's harder to forgive other people or yourself? Maybe it's about equal. With yourself you know all the horrible shit you did and all your failings, and you know they aren't going away. At the same time- did you want to be the guy that did or didn't do all of that shit? How's about some mercy? I think a lot of the worst shit humans do comes from not being able to forgive yourself, cus it binds you, ties you up, cus you allow the horrible shit to happen again, it has to be controlled somehow, and this butchers you somehow, chops you up, doesn't allow you to interact fully with the world around you.

>> No.22510470

>s you allow
can't* allow
it's some kind of fucked up "learning" which is really j ust cruelty

>> No.22510485

>The thing is I don't remember why.
this may sound banal, but like half a year later I engaged in some pretty serious self harm in order to punish them. And I don't really know why I did that either.

>> No.22510491

I haven't had sex in over a week and I can't fucking concentrate on anything I need to fuck or do exercise (but I already ran 10km this morning)

>> No.22510506

I've never had sex, cry me a river.

>> No.22510511

Yeah, I’m the 07 anon and my friend who introduced me to /b/ was a computer type guy. He was probably pretty close to being an OG here. Sometimes I wonder if he still comes here. He was the type who would listen to conservative talk shows and religious fundamentalists as a type of masochistic ragebait. I found it weird. Oddly enough, I can see him fitting in with the zeitgeist here now. Like Nietzsche’s criticism of both Jews and antisemites, they are the same type of person with the same spirit. I think a few things go differently in the life of a sjw or poltard and one could easily be the other

Anyway I digress and reminisce. I agree the internet is too ubiquitous now. Oversaturation leads to homogeneity, just homogeneity of different shades. There are probably still some niche forums that are good. I think /lit/ would have been fine if it was disembodied from 4chan. Too many anons view here as a slower catch-all board, because hey, everything can be literature with “books for/about…”. It also hurts that some view /lit/ as the “intellectual” board. Haha.

>> No.22510512

That's your problem to solve, not mine. Update: texted an ex and getting laid on Friday (phew).

>> No.22510520

Well if I embarrass myself, I may want to kill myself even more. This could potentially kill me. So it might be better to never have the opportunity. Idk how lucky I am. You might be the lucky one.

>> No.22510531

I need to go get milk but it's really hot outside

>> No.22510535

Why do you need milk so badly?

>> No.22510539

Coffee. Cereal.

>> No.22510544

Jag ljög, det är den tredje sången jag skrev. Men den första sången jag skrev hade vägt ännu tyngre på henne.

>> No.22510545

Just be yourself man :^)

>> No.22510561

This makes me seethe so much.

>> No.22510749

I would think the same if I be the one getting laid soon.
>You might be the lucky one
I dont think that wizards like me can be called lucky.

>> No.22510825

I’m starting to not enjoy being around the person I used to enjoy being around the most.

>> No.22510844

Hehehe, I'm glad to hear it. Thanks for this, made me smile. Hope you have a nice time, lad.

>> No.22510850

>Too many anons view here as a slower catch-all board, because hey, everything can be literature with “books for/about…”
Mods need to remove every post that's not really about books.
Half the posts these days are just diary posts ending in "books for this feel?"
It's ridiculous.

>> No.22510857

>Nu-chan is now about disenchanted, alienated, young men who are bitter. They don’t bring anything to the table other than their screaming in the void, and tribalism. They are literally interchangeable. Anon actually suits them well because it is like a hive mind
Haven't been around that long, but nu-lit seems a lot more passive aggressive and annoying than I remember it even a couple years ago. Lots of 2 word snarky or catty replies that say nothing.
4chan has always been edgy, but even its past edginess was more creative.

>> No.22510860

> In his account, Strachey describes Pocahontas as a child visiting the fort at Jamestown and playing with the young boys; she would "get the boys forth with her into the marketplace and make them wheel, falling on their hands, turning up their heels upwards, whom she would follow and wheel so herself, naked as she was, all the fort over."

>> No.22510923

Its actually my birthday today, the only company I’ll have today is gravitys rainbow

>> No.22510943
File: 123 KB, 560x315, Happy birthday anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Birthday! Whatever age you are. May you live well

>> No.22510950

my employment insurance just ran out and i'm now living on my savings. im somewhere between:
1. acquire new office job (i wont do it)
2. live off savings until homeless
3. become more resourceful

>> No.22511007

Happy birthday, Mr. Virgo.

>> No.22511009


>> No.22511173
File: 31 KB, 300x464, IMG_1999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think /his/ and /lit/ are metaphysically becoming one board.

>> No.22511222

Not a fan of a twitter pic, flamewar, or ragebait topic with “books for/books about..”? Sometimes I wonder what passes through anons’ minds when they’ll make threads and even defend them

>> No.22511224

It was her first vaginal orgasm—with a cock inside of her, and hers—or rather his was no small, or even medium sized cock at that. Rather it was a true kingly rooster of the breed, and she was feeling the big fat head of the rascally bird, pecking at the very entrance to her womb, seemingly desirous of being in that room within a room, and laying its kingly eggs, like the self-generative male manticore, there. The mixture of pleasure and stretchy achy pain was beyond her powers of description, yet she would not have wished it any other way or for it to have ended, not for any of the fetishes she had seen or, albeit they were rather few, actually experimented with. Nor did they she think she would have gotten off him even if nurse Demarco or an army of other nurses had walked in at that very moment. She’d effectively been having a continuing unfolding roll of exquisite orgasms in her cunny proper (not the entrance, but the depths of it) since Donnie had placed her like a slight doll on top of him and during which with all the patience in the world he had managed to stick his cock or—perhaps one should say, sink her and all her innocence onto his stout tower-like cock. It filled her and stretched her and seemed to complete her potential for cuntal pleasure all in equal measure.

Donnie was pounding away all the while, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, but the whole time, it seemed, causing a great river of pussy juice to flow on to himself. Then he appeared to happen all of the sudden on the idea of sticking his thumb up her ass. At first it seemed like he just wanted to grab her ass, albeit in a way that came uneasily close to her puckered sweaty ‘ring,’ which was itself quite actively spasming on account of the constant vaginal drilling she’d been receiving. But then it became clear that he was aiming for her asshole itself, albeit with a certain slow and crab-wise slyness. She remembered thinking, “he’ll do what he’ll do, he knows more than me, and what he does won’t be embarrassing, because he chose to do it. And I desire him so much, and trust him, and know that he wouldn’t do anything to embarrass, let alone, hurt me, unlike that old perv, Dr. Pederhorn.”

>> No.22511227

“He’s been so good to me so far, so loving and so sweet and the tiny little prick I felt is now entirely forgotten. It’s like a dream within a dream, it seems so far away, so hazy so indescribably away: like a dream where I’m a beautiful little porcelain Chinese girl and I break and then awake.” She was indeed awakened from her own reverie within a reverie, however, when she felt his entire thumb sink inside of her back hole. And she let out a gasp and looked at him with genuine shock. “It’s ok,” he said, “I’m just poking about. It’s no big deal, it’s not like I’m gonna stick my dick up there too. Shhh, just relax, I’ll take it out soon enough. Though I bet it’s not the first time you had something up there, huh? I can tell because of the way your asshole is responding to my finger, but also because of the ease with which it went up there in the first place.”

Yet all Hilda could manage was a series of low moans, amidst the ongoing gripping and spasming of her vagina, which seemed tightly wound, like an octopus or squid around the monumental pole and pull of his rhythmically pummeling blunt-ended spear, upon which she felt so deliriously, deliciously and indeed voluntarily self-impaled. Then he pulled his thumb out and pressed her even more tightly against himself, and then he brought the offending hand up to her face and put that same thumb against her nose, against which she reflexively facially recoiled, while irresistibly getting a strong whiff of herself all the same. “What’s that smell like,” he asked lustily. “I don’t wanna say,” she said, blushing like a literal schoolgirl. “You better say, or next it’ll be two thumbs,” he said in a manner which he seemed to think was both imposing and humorous. With the ‘Thumb of Damocles’ perilously hanging over her asshole, she suddenly felt she had no choice and said, so very bashfully and quietly, but also somewhat sultrily, “It smells like poop, it smells like my poop, I guess.” “I’ll take your word for it,” he said, as he laughed, and his cock seemed to laugh from inside of her as well. He was in control both inside and outside of her and vice versa. He pressed her even tighter against himself, and though he really wasn’t that much taller than her, he was oh so much more powerful in all regards that seemed to really matter.

>> No.22511231

“Babe, I’ve been oozing cum inside of your tight-as-fuck pussy like you wouldn’t believe, and yet I haven’t even begun to cum at all, weird as that may sound. I sincerely hope they put you on the pill or whatnot because I’m gonna flood this creamy-as-cum pussy of yours soon.” “You can cum inside me,” she said, “I’m old enough to have a baby!” “No duh,” he thought, as he mentally rolled his eyes, all while tightly squeezing her ass (to which he seemed to experience a particular fascination). Nevertheless Donnie, who was definitely no Romeo, was sorta getting tired of babysitting this “little girl” while having his fat cock up her tight freshly deflowered twat. All while getting that feeling, quite common among petty criminals, of wanting to skidaddle and vamoose. That’s when he hit upon on an idea. “Babe, can you get off of me, for a second,” he said, even as his cock reflexively kept gently pummeling her still resistantly-tight pussy. “Why,” she asked, with an almost pained expression. “Oh, I just gotta pee,” he said, “sorry about that.” When he extracted his cock, it looked like someone had rubbed white lotion or merengue all over it. He himself, no rookie in sexual matters, was frankly surprised, as he had not only a look, but an actual lick at it (“not bad at all,” he thought).

When he returned from the bathroom he said to her, “here have a whiff of this,” and before Hilda could even respond he’d sprayed something up her nose, followed by him sticking his finger up her ass again, albeit smeared with what may have been an oily or slippery substance. Well it didn’t take long for Hilda’s libido, already still residually higher than just about any other time, to shoot up like a rocket, as Don felt her vaginal spasms reignite around his reinserted shaft, upon which he’d also smeared more than a slight bit of something or other. Again he heard the telltale “Oh, oh, oh,” that signalled her initiation to penile-cum-vaginal orgasms, and thought “now’s as good a time as any” and positioned her in the old missionary, in preparation for a thorough insemination, as near to the womb as he imagined he could get. “Fuck,” he said as the first of several jets, with his seemingly weeks’ worth reserves of cum, shot into her womb throughout what remained of the night. Julie had received a veritable mirror of the same treatment by Alf (who always tended to imitate with the greatest fidelity his best friend).

>> No.22511235

Not long after, Donnie himself butted in on the action—following the suspected effects of the spray on Julie—managing to leave a fair amount of his own cum in her as well. From the combination of sexual excitement, an exhausting regime of ongoing orgasmic events, and other, more mysterious, factors, both girls ended up all but fully exhausted, one might even say knocked out, by around three, no later than four, in the morning. “That was quite the work out,” Dan said to his buddy Alf. “Damn right it was. We aimed to please and dare I say achieved it with flying colors, in the case of four ladies in all tonight! But fuck if I do this again any time soon. Call me a hopeless romantic, but I sorta feel I owe these virgins something more than your regular girl on the street.” “I admit that’s something of a paternal concern, I discern,” said Don, with a snicker, who was only by a hair’s breath seventeen himself. “I sorta feel bad leaving these school girls all alone in their beds, you know, with no one to hug, with nothing of me but my cum dripping out of their cooches. When you fill a virgin to the hilt with cum, you sorta feel you owe them a bit more, you know.” “I feel you, Alf, I feel you, especially since I probably have a little bit of your cum on my penis myself,” he said with a great guffaw, “but what do we do? In any case, I checked my phone and it looks like we’ve been paid already, in bit coin per the usual, and I’m kinda feeling the urge to skidaddle, which is in any case our right. In fact I called Hans, and he’s ready to drive up here and pick us up at the drop of a hat.” “These babes, cum filled though they be, look so sweet, ruddy cheeked, and innocent. I know, why not put them to bed together so they don’t feel so lonely when they wake up, nor so cold? I think it’d also be nice if when they wake up they have someone to hug, talk to, kiss, and who knows what else? Because I’m guessing these two goody two pussies were kinda lezzing onto each other already, you know?” “Oh for sure,” said Don, “and that ain’t a half bad idea. Let’s do it and get out of this freaky place pronto, because, frankly, you know, it reminds me too much of some fascist juvenile hall. These self-important official types always betray you, especially when you’re really young.” “You said it,” said Alf, as he spit on the ground.

>> No.22511237

The two boys took a few pics of the naked sleeping “angels,” and then Don carried a limp, drowsily mewing Hilda over to Julie’s bed. However they were considerate enough to change the bedclothes with fresh ones they found in a cabinet, then they put the two floppy girls under the covers, back to back, but not before each spread “their own girl’s” legs one last time, kissing and licking them there, while the girls muttered incoherent sounds half-consciously. Then each showered quickly and consecutively, one and the other other keeping guard, in turn, out of old habit by the suite’s closed door. When they left, in non-descript clothes, Alf was carrying dorsally a Glock secured to the waist of his pants, concealed under his light coat. Hans picked them up right on time and then left down the mountain at the invisible speed of moderation itself, although to be sure the question of whether they’d done anything wrong was an altogether different matter, one doubtless as murky as the addled minds of the two freshly depucelated girls they left behind on the mountain.

When the two girls woke, around elevenish in the morning, they were groggy, but otherwise felt light and well-rested, a dopamine blanket or cloud of residual sexual and psychological pleasure seemed to protect them from the otherwise real possibility, indeed probability, of confusion, disorientation, and even acute disappointment. The two girls looked at each other. Hilda being the first to speak: “There were some boys here, I think. I think we had sex Julie. My pussy feels different.” “Mine does too,” Julie said, “I think that boy put his cum in mine. It feels weird, but also like good.” They hugged each and simultaneously got the urge to rub their pussies together all of a sudden, as though subliminally and instinctually they happened on the concept of rubbing their boy’s and the other boy’s cum against each other, as though they were inhabited by the ghostly physical, sexual, and even psychological presence of their respective ‘boys,’ and maybe even indirectly of the other boys presence vis a vis not only themselves (each of the two girls), but vis a vis maybe what the two boys felt for and meant to each other as well. As though they could serve as the incarnate-cum-ghostly presence of their respective but also the opposite or mirrored boy in turn. As if rubbing against each other, especially the other’s pussy, tribadistically, they could preserve and prolong the two, in themselves psychologically self-entwined and twinned, masculine presences for maybe a few hours more.

>> No.22511239

Meanwhile a discrete clinical camera was watching them all the while, from a communication center manned by one nurse, who truth be told had been watching since the night before, and who had managed to orgasm, without touching herself, several times during that night and early morning, but now urgently needed to take a break, take a shit, and most definitely change her panties. Not that there was anything wrong with any of that, at the physiological level, it was just a series of bodily functions that had a way of imposing themselves, in the manner of an improvised chain reaction, on a person, especially in moments of unusual/unforeseen emotional or otherwise psychological libidinal stimulation and/or stress.

A second, fresh looking nurse approached the first, to which the first nurse, a buxom blonde of some thirtyish years said, “Bout time you got here, Nina, you can’t possibly imagine how bad I have to take a shit.” To which Nina responded, “That’s why they need to have two nurses at this post during the night. You don’t know how many times I’ve had the urge to shit in a box while working the night shift here, at least once I came this close to doing it. Let the janitor get that surprise, I don’t care, especially since he seems to be at least moderately obsessed with my ass already,” she said with a loud and garrulous laugh. Like her friend, she was quite the buxom type, and her heavy breasts shook ponderously at her mirth. “Kisses,” said the first nurse, named Hanna, as she ran to the restroom, dropped her knickers, and with something approaching joyful exhalation let out a great chorus of farts, did her business in great plops, all while inspecting the gusset of her panties, which where so wet and slippery, that it appeared an entire jellyfish had melted into the gooey-slick puddle that had been serving as a sort of liquid coolant to her otherwise steaming pussy for several consecutive hours, until she’d finally been mercifully relieved by her colleague just then.

>> No.22511244

Indeed the tabulation or roster of her night vigil would have necessarily included several liquid grenade-like orgasms going off that night, with full spontaneous squirts included, as she lay mesmerized with her eyes stuck to the screen witnessing the sexual adventures of the two miss goody two shoes-cum-fetishistic miscreants, almost from start to finish. She hadn’t touched herself even once, as that would have gone against both her professional and personal codes. On the other hand, she had sat on various protuberant objects the whole voyeuristic time—though not before lifting and separating her skirt from her panty-covered ass—including a somewhat ripe banana placed on a paper plate, a sandwich idem, a large cooled plastic bottle of tea, her shod foot, her cellphone set to vibrate, an entire cooked sauerkraut on a paper plate (which she thoroughly flattened), and finally a full velvet bag of round Japanese Go pieces. She flushed the toilet, wiped her panties’ chilly gusset with multiple sheets of toilet paper and got ready to go home and head to a bar that very night, in the hopes of finding some passable young man to help her relieve an ongoing coil of clitoral tension she felt, whose range extended outwards towards her loins and upwards towards her ample breasts and Vienna-sausage like nipples. The younger the better she thought... ‘Last year of high school is the best vintage for a woman your age,’ someone told her this not more than a year ago, under the effects of absinthe or some other iridescent insect-colored drink of the Decadents.

>> No.22511374

What's everyone plans for the rest of the day/night? I'm gonna finish this Hootie and the Blowfish album which I'm thoroughly enjoying, read some more manga and then roleplay with an AI until I realise that it's too late and that I should've gone to bed twenty minutes earlier.

>> No.22511381

/lit/ is worse than both combined because in addition to being a consoomer board The product you're consooming Is the pretense that you're better than the other two because you can read 27,000 words of an old man being a shitty fisherman and think it's art

>> No.22511455

>For sale: shotgun, used once.
He should have written an epic wherein the old man fingers the trigger, but never pops off the round - instead, trudging through another decade of suffering through whatever tormented him, finally succumbing to whatever bodily ailment that chose him.

>> No.22511477


>> No.22511484

I will sit for a few minutes and consider the best use of my day, making a list, lest the day wither with nothing actually getting done. I'll wedge a few chapters of Moby Dick in there somewhere.

>> No.22511508

We pretty much had that happen when the trad larpers and incels took over the board, pretty much killed /lit/.

>> No.22511512

I've always toyed with thoughts of suicide but just then I had a real serious thought about it, holy shit, this stress is really getting to me.

>> No.22511529

me too, its like a cold sharp knife of realization going through you when you ponder on it for real

>> No.22511548

I just know that I'm not gonna do anything with my life and I'll only be taking up resources and space if I stick around so why not, y'know?

>> No.22511557

I know, only thing is relatives and family, the hurt you'll cause. Also, not having a purpose sucks.

>> No.22511562

I have a lot of regret regarding the places I’ve lived to date. That probably seems like a weird thing to regret but I do.

>> No.22511572

>the hurt you'll cause
Doesn't matter to me, I'll be dead, can't feel remorse if I'm dead.
>Also, not having a purpose sucks.
I feel that, I have no purpose because I lose interest in things very quickly, always have.

>> No.22511574

Alternatively, why end it early? If you’re experiencing profound suffering and you’ve got to the point where you’re so detached from life that you’re willing to end it, then you’re also detached enough to let go of the suffering contained within it and just do whatever. If you’re not experiencing suffering, then obviously there’s no rush. So there is basically no reason to commit suicide. Life is not even that long anyway. Just wait it out if you have to.

>> No.22511583

one needs to have their minds steeled enough not to fall for the light trap at the moment of death, I don't have enough will for that though. death is not the end, energy is neither created nor destroyed, you're not your physical body

not who you're replying to, but thats how i feel, sort of accepted the fact, just waiting for the inevitable...

>> No.22511594

>then you’re also detached enough to let go of the suffering contained within it and just do whatever.
I don't think that's true for me.

>> No.22511606

Then you haven’t thought through it enough. Either you’ve lost your attachment to life, which you would necessarily have to if you’re willing to commit suicide, and you’ve thus lost your attachment to all the suffering that life contains or you haven’t and you’re not ready to commit suicide. If you were really ready to commit suicide then the things which make you suffer wouldn’t make you suffer.

>> No.22511610

Now that I think of it, I’ve done it backwards. While everyone else was young and running into the big city, I was hanging out in the countryside and small towns enjoying life. Now that we’re older, they’re all exiting the city and moving to the countryside while I’m moving in looking to ramp up my career.

>> No.22511615

>the things which make you suffer wouldn’t make you suffer.
That doesn't even make sense, that's an oxymoron.

>> No.22511623

what makes you suffer then? for me, at this point, while there's bad stuff going on, I don't feel much, a sort of an indifference and acceptance, but no attachment to life

>> No.22511628

Lack of money, lack of opportunities, lack of trust for everyone and everything, lack of freedom, lack of passion, lack of hope, lack of many things, really.

>> No.22511632

has been the same for me for years, now its reached a level of acceptance. i think thats the direction of what that anon means

>> No.22511641

I like magic the gathering. I would play it but it's too expensive. also every card store I've ever walked into smells of nerd sweat

>> No.22511643

I've learnt to accept many things but there are some things that I'm yet to accept.

>> No.22511645

Play MTG Arena, it's really fun and free to play if you want it to be.

>> No.22511648

oh well, its bound to get worse (better)

>> No.22511653

If you suffer, you might have a reason to commit suicide. But in order to commit suicide, you must let go of an attachment to life. Attachment to life, or perhaps attachment to a particular sort of life, is what makes you suffer. Therefore, if you were truly ready to commit suicide, you would not have attachment to life, and thus, you would not suffer. And if you do not suffer, you have no reason to commit suicide. Clear enough?

>> No.22511657

I played it, it's fine but you can only really play draft as a F2P. and the sets come out so quickly I can't really be bothered learning them.

>> No.22511662

Nope. What I mean is that in order for suicide to not have been a hasty and misguided decision, you have to have overcome a want for life or anything within life. What you just said implies you haven’t done that. You have expectations for your life, wants, you have an attachment to a thing. Therefore, it doesn’t make sense to commit suicide. Committing suicide would at best be a sort of rage quit in that scenario, one you’d no doubt regret when you feel your life slipping away because as you just implied, you’re not actually ready to let go. If you were, you wouldn’t care about the lack of opportunities or whatever in the first place. That’s different than merely accepting a tragic fate. That’s a rational realization that suicide necessarily can’t solve your problems.

>> No.22511664

I get what you're saying now. Interesting, I'll think about it more.

>> No.22511679

My younger brother is failing to mature into adulthood. He is turning twenty-one soon and he’s just so damn lazy and unfocused. He’s a typical zoomer. He spends all day scrolling and gaming, putting off studies until the last minute. After being placed on academic probation, he seems to now be doing satisfactory work and has mostly turned his grades around, which is great. But in everything else, he behaves more or less like a child. His room is filthy, his diet is awful, his physiognomy is starting to be impacted by years of bad habits. I don’t think he dates, but I know he watches pornography. He doesn’t work or play sports. Last year, he convinced me to acquire a small library for him so he could start reading like I do. I spent a lot of money and a year later, he’s read nothing. That’s probably my fault since I bought him a new game station when he got taken off probation, but I believed at the time he deserved a reward. I don’t know how to encourage him to turn things around in a way that isn’t overwhelming, since he seems almost overwhelmed already by simply turning the grades around but I feel deeply that it’s crucial he do so and do so like immediately. This is a very important stage in his development into adulthood. If nothing else, I would like to see him get serious about his health and fitness and maybe just use the phone a little less. Honestly, I am feeling a bit overwhelmed myself because I’ve found myself in this advisor position to all five of my younger siblings, but having not been immensely successful myself yet I feel like I being hypocritical with them while at the same time ignoring myself. I sacrifice my own development for them. They just don’t see it.

>> No.22511697

I realized this in the throes of deep depression after I read Cioran. I read Cioran and I read Michelstaedter. I felt at the time, and still feel, like those two writers helped me come back to life in a sense. I tend to think reading those books is walking a tight rope because they could easy send you deeper into suicidal depression and ideation, but at the same time, there are certain implications which if thought through, take you off the rope. At least they did for me. Cioran helped me rationalize my romantic addiction to suicidal ideation away. Michaelsteadtder helped me realize that it’s possible to live a worthwhile life once you let go of certain things, that you can actually live in a way such that life is worth it despite suffering. I only say this to be honest with you in hopes that it helps like it helped me. I

>> No.22511701

As long as he gets a job and maybe starts eating a little better then you should have nothing to worry about, who cares if he likes playing games or doesn't care about dating?

>> No.22511707

I appreciate it, anon, hopefully, things start looking up for me soon, I'm glad they're looking up for you.

>> No.22511718

Note how he prattles on and on about navel gazing, yet when he needs to illustrate the importance of mindset, he discusses driving a car. Brian Enos wrote fairly extensively on mindset in Practical Shooting - Beyond Fundamentals. Rather than having meditation be some separate activity for which he makes time, he integrates it into activities where appropriate. Doing so allows one to pass directly from awareness of a problem to implementation of a solution, without ever processing the solution anywhere other than the amygdala.

>> No.22511721

Someone recommended a book to me ages ago but I can't remember what it's called, hopefully you guys can help me out. I'm pretty sure the cover had a silhouette of a guy with a hat on, I'm pretty sure the author is Brazillian, I'm pretty sure it's a long book, I'm pretty sure it's relatively famous and I'm pretty sure that it's an autobiography.

>> No.22511764

That fucking cat
Keeping me up all night
I work all day to feed the damn thing
And here he is, knocking shit over

That fucking cat
I clean up his shit
I saved him from a life of misery
Now he won't let me sleep

That fucking cat
I get home from work
He's broken the lamp
I sweep it up
And he purs and purs
That little shit knows what he did
And he purs and purs

That fucking cat
I sit down to eat
And he climbs on my plate
I get the spray bottle and chase him off
Ten seconds later
I have a wet cat jumping back on my plate

That fucking cat
My wife gets home
"Who's a good kitty?"

>> No.22511777

if you have a friend who only meets you when you hit him up but he himself never hit you up yet he's happy when he meets you.

what does this means? pretending or what?

>> No.22511780

No, he's happy that he's getting attention but he doesn't care for you, an actual friend will reach out and offer to hang out instead of just waiting for offers.

>> No.22511781

it's someone who isn't proactive? I wouldn't look think anything of it

>> No.22511783

I am that friend. Usually I feel too busy to make plans, don't enjoy the anticipation of social interaction, don't like disruption to my routine, but when I'm actually hanging out with people I have a good time.

>> No.22511888

Guy! My B-day was almost last month, and I still have a 5 Euro gift card which the bookstore gave. It's the last day to use it.
Please recommend something to me.

>> No.22511896


>> No.22511914

What books can you get for 5 euros?

>> No.22511918

dreaming of the love I wish I had but don't

>> No.22511939

It's gonna be a lonely Autumn and Winter again innit, lads? Autumn solstice is right around the corner and I feel it in my bones.
I feel compelled to write and paint more, it will be conductive for creative pursuits. However, a devil still sits on my shoulder and I have to take care it doesn't bite off more than I'd like.

>> No.22511943

Dont worry about being a hypocrite. Being a counselor is your real job. Keep encouraging and helping him. Maybe make a more tangible appeal and invite him to the gym or something. I know that making friends who are into sports and fitness really helped me take it more seriously. I couldnt drink all night if I wanted to make the soccer game in the morning. Whats his social life like anyway? See if you can get him into real world activities, like clubs or whatever

>> No.22511945

Your digits mandate mein kampf

>> No.22511950

Some people are just passive bro. Don't take it personally

>> No.22511954

>I couldnt drink all night if I wanted to make the soccer game in the morning.
Defeatist attitude

>> No.22511958

I tried playing hungover. Didnt go well

>> No.22511960

I have several friends like that. Don't take it personally. If he's good company, then that's the way he is.

>> No.22511961

Not many, and atm can only buy online, so delivery costs are a thing.
I see it as a stackable discount, and I want to make use of it (moreover the store is giving 20% off for books written in English, today only).

>> No.22511964

the entire academic job market is black and indigenous women's tranny penis studies fellowships for gay queer pedophile postdoctoral scholars with a preferred specialty in gay black women's indigenous alternative gay fuck off

>> No.22511965

>mein kampf
A good suggestion, but I don't want to be on a list.

>> No.22511973

the thing is, I'm always up to do something, but when I try to make plans no one ever wants to or can make it so I just stopped bothering writing any friends I had, now I barely have one, we maybe do something once or twice a month. I stopped drinking and smoking and thats also a big reason why I basically have no friends.

>> No.22511975
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>> No.22511980

>not realizing what 88 is
fkin lmao

>> No.22511986

oh shit nvm, misunderstood

>> No.22511988

? I know what 88 is, do you not know what 1945 is?

>> No.22511990
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>88 again

>> No.22512028

Tough situation. If they're drinking buddies then you're just a bit of backdrop for alchohol. Then again, I enjoy a drink with company so mayhaps they're at rue age where they need an activity not just company?

>> No.22512038

You know what? I think I know what I'm doing to purchase.
I'm getting Machiavelli's "The Prince" (with commentary by Napoleon Bonaparte), and "The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire".

>> No.22512056
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Went on a second hand book spree and the stores were always full of cute lit girls, you know the type, have their hair in some sort of ponytail, only use foundation make up, they like wearing jeans and tuck their sweaters in them. I instantly feel like a bug and become anxious, I would love to know what It's like being something that Isn't an ugly manlet with poor speaking skills.

>> No.22512066

Any resources for speaking more directly and authoritatively at work?

>> No.22512093


>> No.22512112
File: 121 KB, 353x544, the-book-of-disquiet-the-complete-edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Book of disquiet?Portuguese though.

>> No.22512135

Do you think people like accountants, bankers, lawyers, doctors, you know, professionals are able to take any pride in their work? It seems to me that if you miss the boat on a high-end professional career, you’re doomed to this sort of monotonous and irrelevant analytic make work jobs? I got bad undergraduate grades so I couldn’t go into high end careers or professional schooling and I tend to feel like I’m fucked because of it. I used to console myself by saying I planned to be a writer anyway so my job doesn’t matter, but less and less so I believe I have the natural talent to make that a reality. Neither do I believe we live in a time where that’s as feasible as it used to be.

>> No.22512136

Have you tried being born black or a darker shade? You just have to pull yourself up by your genetic bootstraps.

>> No.22512149

Moot stopping /a/ from bullying shounenfags like dragonball spics off the board was the beginning of the end of 4chan.

>> No.22512162

Teen hormones are crazy. Emotions are a spectrum and during your teen years that spectrum is the longest it will ever be in your life, with the extremes so far apart. In your adult years you will rarely ever experience the same extremes. As a kid you don't know how to handle or even interpret those feelings, like how something that causes anxiety for one is excitement for another.

>> No.22512171

as a teen I never had these extreme feelings

>> No.22512184

Bit of a complex issue.
My aunt is an accountant, she is good at her job, she's important in her company, and she's satisfied with her work. Afaik, she doesn't have other aspirations. She's fine with spending her time running with her husband, golfing, travel etc.
To contrast, I have been a professional programmer for the past 7+ years. I've been dissatisfied at every job I've had because I've wanted to work more as an artist and writer. No matter what job I get, I will hate it because it's not what I want out of life.
Ergo, if you have grander goals, you're gonna suffer the consequences if you do not or cannot follow your passion.

>> No.22512186

Every time Jane Austen writes a character that she describes as "well spoke" or "good conversationalist", she will never write their dialogue, however when she wants to write a character that's a boring talker, she will.
The characters that are "good talkers" are also always described as handsome, which makes me think she's just shallow. Or maybe she's just a boring conversationalist herself so she can't even imagine how someone well spoken would talk like.

>> No.22512314

I went from 400 pounds to 200 pounds 3 times already
By this point rapid weight gain/weight loss is tradition

>> No.22512360
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I have given up hope
God help me

>> No.22512363

Just be yourself bro.

>> No.22512425


>> No.22512429

Me from the future is an amazing person. He's calm, collected and joyful. Plus he has great posture, has many friends from all over the country who love and respect him because he is crazy smart and hardworking. I really like that anon and wish I could be like that too desu.

>> No.22512433

This is the furthest I've felt from God since first coming to some kind of belief. I'm really hoping that there was something fundamentally flawed about my relationship with Him that can be corrected by this wilderness. I don't expect I can live without Him.

>> No.22512461

>research some stuff for a book
>wonder why I didn't show interest in any of this stuff when I was younger
I knew I was sheltered, but I never realized how much.

>> No.22512483

What "stuff?"

>> No.22512662

What do you regret?

>> No.22512694

I miss cumming inside before my gf started worrying about pregnancy

>> No.22512698

>A world-class photographer owns a Nintendo Switch lite, as it was seen behind her in the background of a video conference call she was in.

>> No.22512839

It is interesting how it is so true that almost no one in the world other than (sometimes) parents will give you undivided, unjudging, full attention. It is interesting how it is also true that so much of our popular media shows the exact opposite. It's like we all have this painful feeling in our hearts, we all desparately want to be "seen" and loved, that we drink the fantasy portrayed in media by the gallon. The fact is receiving love requires someone to give it. Someone to make the sacrifice and do the work. Yet everyone seems to fucking think they deserve it without having to do anything themselves. We all want our mommy and daddy to love us. Fuck off. You want love be prepared to give it.

>> No.22512898

How do you help catgirls with nightmares? Mine keeps needing to come in my bed and be cuddled with me to sleep.

>> No.22512930

Bros, the more I read about substance dualism the more I'm convinced that the soul has to be material. I'm reading this cope that tries to overcome the interaction problem by positing "somatic dualism" which says the mind is immaterial but still extended and occupies space, specifically the brain. Like, what's even the fucking point?

>> No.22512935

Sex seems sexy until you actually think about what it really is, then you realize it’s disgusting.

>> No.22512937

Weird. When I think about how my juices penetrate and occupy a woman's cooch I get even more aroused

>> No.22512986

me too bro, I'm actually addicted. I've realised I've got to the point I look forward to getting home and cracking one out. I can't even cum from sex with girls anymore, not really with blowies either

>> No.22513008

My solution to this was seeing that fapping was one of the only things I looked forward to each day.
You have to have something you want to do instead. Something you would actually rather do instead of wasting 30 mins to an hour jerkin it. Of course this is hard if your life sucks. My fix to that is a dream. Something I really do want, and a plan where I can see things I think will actually get me there.

>> No.22513039

Why do people struggle to learn things? I've reached some proficiency in a thing, and occasionally I've tried to teach parts of it to other people studying it. But no matter how logically I break it down, or how succinctly I describe it, ultimately nothing changes for them even if they seem in the moment to understand. Assuming I get across at all. All it amounts to is me putting on airs. This shit with the intention of your words being lost during interpretation is infuriating. When I was still fresh I used to be upset at how nobody would ever explain things, but I'm beginning to get it. There's just no point. I don't even remember what it was like not to understand. I thought I would, but there it is.

>> No.22513051
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>tfw no abusive gf

>> No.22513072

I think my only regret is acting retarded and missing the opportunity to have a yandere gf back in uni. All the other potential relationships I could have had were just me looking for her everywhere and not being able to find her. I had my chance and I missed it.

>> No.22513147

Schizo BS. There’s no way you could verify the basic claims to truth which would imply this.

>> No.22513160
File: 12 KB, 200x322, 9780198831495_200x_are-we-bodies-or-souls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should read Are We Bodies or Souls? by Swinburn. He dedicates an entire chapter explaining how an immaterial mind interacting with a physical brain is in fact scientifically verifiable.

>> No.22513204

But are the presuppositions which would allow him to make such a claim scientifically verifiable? They are not.

>> No.22513222

Advice is worthless without experience. That's the rule

>> No.22513226

He says the presuppositions are necessary for scientific worldview at all

>> No.22513290

Why did you miss it?

>> No.22513296

Has anyone else noticed that images are loading really slowly lately?

>> No.22513310


>> No.22513349

You make decisions and you wait a few years, and you look in retrospect and you realize what you've done. And then it hits you that you were acting like an autist, and rejected hooking up with a girl who was actually perfect for you. And most of all, wanted you. That is something I won't experience again.

>> No.22513352

daamn bro I did the same rthing with a gurl in my church

>> No.22513360

Bro imagine having a girlfriend who locks you in a cage, keeps you like a pet periodically raping you.
A man can dream.

>> No.22513396

I'm sorry for your loss and share your pain. We made decisions and we have to live with the consequences.

>> No.22513471

Why don’t you try to reconnect with her now?

>> No.22513518

Which is nonsense because all worldview contains certain presuppositions. That those words have any meaning at all is a presupposition.

>> No.22513846

Trying to prevent children from ever experiencing suffering is abuse.