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File: 129 KB, 1400x2167, the-woman-in-me-9781668009048_hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22637582 No.22637582 [Reply] [Original]

this is the realest shit i ever read

>> No.22637591

If you are going to read celebrity gossip, at least read important celebrity gossip, like this:

>> No.22637595

Once upon a time she was prime fuck meat. You youngsters just view her as a joke now.

>> No.22637628
File: 1.50 MB, 3000x4500, fecabd093d41419cb843-15ee238cd686af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you actually watch her music videos from the 90s and listen to the lyrics you can tell right away that this shit was written by a Kahal- sorry, I mean cabal of dirty old men deliberately taking a random innocent white bitch and turning her into "fuckmeat." This is how they perverted America, and with it the modern world. It's not some slow, gradual, general slide into filth. It's all coordinated, it's deliberate.

Listen to any pop music on a 10-20 year time lag. It naturally defamiliarizes it, so you don't have to squint to see what's really going on between the lines. Basically, it makes the pop music automatically "cringe," preventing you from being intoxicated and entranced by it. Unlike modern day pop music, which is still "current" and able to dazzle you, you will be able to feel right away, like a sick smell emanating from the music video: "This was written by an adult male pedophile. A group of adult pedophiles wrote this. They deliberately picked a 14 year old girl who couldn't possibly have produced anything so horrifying, had her dance around a school, and made her talk about getting fucked." You will notice that the lyrics aren't even "just" filthy, they are also cringe, because it's not authentic pubescent sexuality, it's pubescent sexuality as interpreted by dirty old men putting words in the young girl's mouth.

Go listen to Madonna. Back at the time if you listened to it, it would feel organic, just like some "Cardi B" or "Ice Spice" song feels organic today, dazzling you and entrancing you so you can't get objectivity. But Madonna is "far away" enough that the glamor effect has worn off and you can SEE the filth and SMELL the dirty old men writing or guiding the writing of every line. What at the time felt like irreverent, spontaneous antinomianism against stodgy authority figures, is now defamiliarized and reveals itself as a dirty old man telling a young drug-addicted and confused starlet to say "I want money I want money I want money Cum cum cum Cum cum cum Cum cum cum" like a horny retard.

What they do to young women is the equivalent of taking a 13 year old boy and telling him you're going to make him an action hero admired by all. Then they literally rape him and make him say gay homosexual shit for 20 years, get him on drugs (don't even have to do this directly, just make him hang out with others like him who are already on the drugs and call these parties a "feature" and "benefit" of being famous).

The most potent defamiliarization occurs with boy bands. They literally took innocent boring young suburban boys with singing talent and raped them gay. All so that they could turn YOU gay. Try listening to boy bands from the 90s, it's like being raped by a clown.

>> No.22637653

>/pol/ tier rantings
Did Q tell you this?

>> No.22638465

She was so fine back then. Zoomers haven’t produced anything remotely comparable.

>> No.22638747

She’s so fucking hot, why didn’t that curly-haired faggot want to have babies with her?

>> No.22638765

20 years ago there was Britney Spears. Now there’s Zendaya. And I’m not supposed to think there’s a cultural decline? lol

>> No.22638778

What did he say this is wrong?

>> No.22638812

is this pasta?

>> No.22639279

actually kinda based

>> No.22639289

the prostitute equivalent to the whore Spears is Taylor Swift

Madonna was the whore before Spears and before Madonna there was the whore Monroe>>22637591

>> No.22639342

Only Monroe and Spears were hot. The other two look dull or diseased.

>> No.22639351

Britney Spears is a MtF tranny.

Note the subtle illumination and plausible deniability of the phrase 'the woman *in* me.'

>> No.22639482

>woman projects everything bad that happens on the world around her
>despite being a known bpd maniac and junkie
>dindu nuffin
>dates chad, he’s totally an asshole btw
>going on a journey, learned so much, finding myself, finally I can be who I was meant to blah blah
Most of the content is just made up by the ghostwriter to boot. Why do people bother.

>> No.22639486

But Britney is a girl's name.

>> No.22639588

Then how does 'she' Spears?

>> No.22639593
File: 49 KB, 709x143, 3535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But seriously, why does she still hates Christina Aguilera?

>> No.22639625

She is right. Christina had her hoe phase in full sight, Britney did it in privacy. Sort of.

>> No.22639631
File: 204 KB, 817x1024, IMG_1834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She’s so fucking hot

>> No.22639648

there isnt some long term strategy by a cabal of jews to enslave humanity and take over the world. its just businessmen who want to make money by exploiting people, in this case, a dumb girl who can sing pop songs, and the dumb fans who will pay for the CDs.

>> No.22639761

You have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.22639786

She cheated on him so he left her and upgraded to prime Jessica Biel.

>> No.22639814

> "This was written by an adult male pedophile. A group of adult pedophiles wrote this. They deliberately picked a 14 year old girl who couldn't possibly have produced anything so horrifying, had her dance around a school, and made her talk about getting fucked."
You mean like "You’re Sixteen" by Ringo Starr, "Jailbait" by Motorhead or "Aqualung" by Jethro Tull?

>Go listen to Madonna. Back at the time if you listened to it, it would feel organic
Ahahaha, oh wow.

>All so that they could turn YOU gay.
And definitely not to make hundreds of millions of dollars, correct? Those are just a side thing?

Jorgen Elofsson and David Kreuger did not invent the idea of selling sex. Just head over to /jp/ and go educate the Visual Novels general about how the are paying ludicrous money to import authentic Japanese slide shows was written by adult male pedophiles in order to make them gay.

>> No.22639818
File: 25 KB, 713x611, 1671642022153105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can't refute it

>> No.22640228

Good post.