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/lit/ - Literature

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22712181 No.22712181 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say you have 50 books that you want to read as fast as possible. You want to retain the maximum amount of information. Using pen/pencil and paper to take notes is permissible. You cannot use any other resources or tools to assist you.

What is your approach for tackling this task?

>> No.22712189


>> No.22712194
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I don't rush.

>> No.22712203

Humor me

>> No.22712227
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-Complet priorities first
-Choose titles I know I’ll enjoy/have the desire to read consistently
- take rest
- ensure I have the discipline to do so

>> No.22712298


>> No.22712307

I quit browsing this place immediately.

>> No.22713338


>> No.22713767

Speed-reading is a meme. If you want to read more, you'll have to find more time.

>> No.22714637

/lit/ - Literature moment

>> No.22714638

it's the same thing on every board

>> No.22714640

Nah, only /lit/ users can be this poetic

>> No.22714673


>> No.22714691

Chat-GPT the 50 books and prompt it to summarize all of their contents.

>> No.22714696

Take your time, reject everything else outside of reading and seek the utmost privacy.

>> No.22714704

Tedious thread which has been repeated numerous times by sophomores trying to overcome their laziness with "method", however, I will bite.

Retention of information is the lowest rung of learning and is fairly trivial to accomplish using a combination spaced retrieval and proper encoding (i.e mnemonics). The first thing I would do is organize the books by category/subject, then within those categories order them by perceived difficulty. I would then create a spreadsheet that contains the word counts of every book and, using my average reading speed, compute how long each book (in hours) will take to read, taking into account a scaling factor for difficulty. Then, given a certain number of hours of study per day, I can approximate how long it would actually take to complete the course. All this can be done by hand with pen and paper (though I don't know why such a restriction is necessary in the first place).

With these limits defined, I would begin reading the books, choosing the easiest one from each category and studying them concurrently. I would make flashcards for the major terms, concepts, abstractions and arguments, in form of question-answer pairs. I would review these using a simple spaced schedule (since I am restricted to pen and paper), something like 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 1 year should be adequate, with some record to keep track of which cards should be reviewed on a given day. In the course of doing this, inadequate encoding will be revealed via "difficult cards". These should be set aside and re-encoded using some kind of mnemonic or concrete personally relevant example (i.e things the brain has an easier time recalling). All this is already sufficient to remember nearly every detail of the 50 books but if I wanted to go further up on the learning ladder, I would also keep a daily journal which tried to do some elementary alchemy on the various things I'd learned. Combining them (possibly in a brute force combinatoric manner) to search for novel insights. I would also review this journal in a spaced schedule, not (necessarily) for the purpose of retention, but to revisit old understanding to either update or discard it.

In the course of all this, I would maintain a rigid sleep schedule, including short naps after every study session, a healthy diet free of processed foods and sugars, and a light cadiovascular exercise regimen.

>> No.22714723

Didn't read

>> No.22714737

>You cannot use any other resources or tools to assist you.
>I use ChatGPT

Expected reading comprehension level from /lit

>> No.22715387
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Whohohoho, i'd analyze that posterior

>> No.22715424

Read in 30-minute sessions with very light exercise in-between.
Deliberately subvocalize to 'hear' the words instead of thinking about them, which allows me to read faster.
Write down a summary after every session to the best of my ability, and review it before them.

>> No.22715826

Start with the cheeks

>> No.22715838

Without buzzwords or masturbatory highfalutin prose, explain how this is in anyway inferior to note-taking, when chances are the summaries will be concise yet poignant, and it'll save you a significant amount of time.
>inb4 well what if you read a phrase that really resonates with you
Are you a woman?

>> No.22715976

>Without buzzwords or masturbatory highfalutin prose, explain how this is in anyway inferior to note-taking
Not the same guy but I'll try
>OP make thread
>you NOT read GOOD
>OP say NO computer
>you make BAD post
>he make fun of YOU

>> No.22716429

Read them. Learn about the context of the book, as in the setting, the author, etc. Memory is reinforced by multiple connections. The extra details can be taken in using another medium.

If you come across a word, phrase or concept you don't know, look it up.

Why take notes? There's no test. You can always read a book again. Sit down for five or six hours and read a book. They're designed with things to help you remember them. Character names that are secretly descriptions, a rhythm and refrain is in many books which will repeat things you need to know, also emphasis with unusual wording.

Fifty books isn't that big of an accomplishment. I find an author I like, I read ask thier books. That might be less than 7 authors. Stop watching tv and YouTube. Read.

>> No.22716568

Fucking perfect ass

>> No.22716573

Post this same woman but without clothes

>> No.22717032

I'd really love to put the anal in analyze ifyaknowwhatI'msayin

>> No.22717762

do you guys think that women experience lust like we do? do they see a picture of a muscular man and feel their pussy twitch, as our cocks twinge when we see this picture? or are they oblivious to the stinging depths of our lust?

>> No.22718258

>pussy twitch
fucking vile

>> No.22718304

who is this semen demon

>> No.22718332


>> No.22718333

Shut up, sodomite.

>> No.22718335

>pussy twitch
fucking hot

>> No.22718337

>huge amazing ass
>no tits
Why is this so common?

>> No.22718421

Le stern pseudo-macho moralfag has arrive

>> No.22718922

You can build an amazing ass with squats and hip thrusts, but you have to be born with amazing tits

>> No.22718983


>> No.22719002

I don't like huge asses. I see them as fart amplifiers and nesting places for poop + sweat bacteria. Then again, that's the appeal for some people.

>> No.22719013

I guess they do but they will never tell us.

Big ass, big poops. Everyone knows that's how it works.

>> No.22719331
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>fart amplifiers
God just imagine the sound and the smell of those cheeks. Don’t just imagine, really feel it. You’re eye level with her ass. She giggles, and shakes her ass a little bit, and in a sultry voice says to you, “anon, are you ready?”, and you, being so hard that you can barely think straight can only nod in agreement. She continues to shake her ass, and then pauses for a second, and let’s out a “BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP” that escapes her shithole, reverberates off of her cheeks, and punches you in the nostrils like Mike Tyson.

>> No.22719438

beautifully put

>> No.22719514


>> No.22719548

what's your favorite book

>> No.22720112

Enjoy hell, sicko.