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/lit/ - Literature

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2274701 No.2274701 [Reply] [Original]

I hate that fantasy is treated like garbage unless it's either GRIM and EDGY or somekind of ironic fairy tale like the kind Neil Gaiman usually writes.

Modern American literary fiction is nothing but self-absorbed upper middle-class white people looking too far into themselves for imaginary problems.

Zizek is a comedian with a dictionary.

>> No.2274711

>I hate that fantasy is treated like garbage unless it's either GRIM and EDGY or somekind of ironic fairy tale like the kind Neil Gaiman usually writes.

I know. It's clearly garbage anyway.

>Modern American literary fiction is nothing but self-absorbed upper middle-class white people looking too far into themselves for imaginary problems.

That's not true. Only for DFW and Franzen.

>Zizek is a comedian with a dictionary.

Comedy is pedagogically useful.

>> No.2274709

I don't have any myself but I just want to thank you OP for specifying "American" when talking about your literary fiction hate.

>> No.2274722

I wish /lit/ would read more Asian, African, and Eastern European authors. I feel so lonely.

>> No.2274721

>Zizek is a comedian with a dictionary.

Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, plebeian.

>> No.2274726

Lewis was right, Joyce is a tryhard.

A Confederacy of Dunces, while funny, isn't as uproariously gut-busting as it's often made out to be.

>> No.2274733

Cortázar is to Spanish letters what Bukowski is to English letters: a reservoir of quotes for fucking hipsters.

>> No.2274970

I finally read one of the Dresdon Files books, it was shit.

>> No.2274978

If you don't read for enjoyment, you're doing it wrong.

Any author who feels the need to insert a deeper meaning into their text is a pretentious twit.

>> No.2274975

Anti-heroes are more boring and julienne kind of characters, and usually written for no other reason than wish fulfillment.

>> No.2274983

Reading James Joyce feels like work. I read for enjoyment.

>> No.2274989

I think the reason there are no Catholic authors on the level of Chesterton or Flannary O'Connor anymore is because Vatican II ruined Catholicism.

>> No.2274994

Morally ambiguous characters inherit the worst traits from both heroes and villains, making them the most despicable of all.

>> No.2274999

I'm an atheist who was raised Catholic and, if nothing else, comparing myself to my old-parents mom and dad definitely gives me the vibe that Vatican II robbed our tradition of the level of peculiarity and general crazymaking we needed to stay competitive with, say, The Jews.

>> No.2275004

>implying i could get any enjoyment out of shoddily written fantasy garbage

>> No.2275006

99% of people who criticise Zizek are just stupid. Sorry but it's true.

>> No.2275008

>feels like work
Your mind isn't up to it. You're the 99%.

>> No.2275009

I started reading Pride and Prejudice and found it to be the most awful thing.

>> No.2275015

Everybody I've met who dislikes the entire fantasy genre is a massive douche trying to flaunt their intelligence.

Actually, anybody who just reads some "deep and meaningful" book is wasting their time. Read for enjoyment, not to try and prove you have deep philosophy about the world.

>> No.2275016


then you shouldn't read it.

anyone who can, should.

see how easy that was?

>> No.2275018

But the thing is, most popular Jewish writers are secular/post-modern types. The only difference is that they have this tradition that can appropriate to claim some sort of "otherness" which they think makes them special or unique.

If you read Chesterton or Belloc or Evelyn Waugh, they weren't just another flavour of modernity, they opposed it my holding on to a parallel (but older) tradition in western thought.

Vatican II fudged that, and now Catholics are supposed to fit their philosophy into a system of thought that really began with the protestant reformation and is fundamentally opposed to this ancient Catholic tradition.

>> No.2275022

If you mean people who show off then fine. But I enjoy the knowledge or insight that I acquire through a text often more than I enjoy the text itself.

>> No.2275023

I've found that most "deep and meaningful" books are really just shallow introspection. Fantasy books, even "generic" high fantasy can deal with deep themes.

>> No.2275025

David Foster Wallace was a charlatan.

>> No.2275032

Read for enjoyment. Don't assume of course, that enjoyment is just passively soaking in the story of the book. But hey, if that's what you're into you might as well sit in front of the television.

>> No.2275033

Oh. Another that always gets me:

No fantasy author seems to put their story in Mesoamerica, or SE Asia, or Africa, or India.
Fuck that. I want elephants with howdahs full of warriors on their backs. I want a place where the wheel hasn't been invented yet. I want places full of mystery, wonder. I want a fantasy novel that brings back the "Oh, wow!" aspect that fantasy was supposed to invoke in the first place.

>> No.2275034

reading as a pastime is kind of in jeopardy of going the way of, like, fuckin croquet or zoetropes or whatever, and its horribly wrongheaded to try to make other readers feel bad about their choice of book

there's books i dont like, there's books you dont like, but we should all be supporting each other because at the end of the day we're all engaging in a cool practice that isn't as common as it should be

>> No.2275036

But the thing is, Medieval settings have this romance to them that most really don't associate with other settings.

It just inspires their imaginations more.

>> No.2275038

As desperately as pretentious wankers would like to believe otherwise, reading made-up stuff about made-up people is a fucking hobby and nothing else.

>> No.2275041


>> No.2275042


Please go away.

>> No.2275045

Medieval is just a time period, nothing more. I'm not saying GRIM AND DARK EDGY FANTASY ALL THE WAY. That would be the height of stupidity.

I suppose what I want is for fantasy writers to spend a bit more time researching other places/peoples before they decide on yet another pseudo-European setting.

>> No.2275052

All I'm saying is that Medieval Europe has a certain resonance and "otherness" associated with it that most people just don't see in other cultures, which can usually be reduced to "a bunch of brown people".

>> No.2275063


>Feudal Japan
>Motherfucking Samurai

>Ancient Greece
>A load of awesome shit

>> No.2275083

Siddhartha was boring and shallow; it occupies a place in literary canon slightly above The Alchemist.


>> No.2275088

The Samurai and Ancient Greece themes are already overdone in the media.

>> No.2275128 [DELETED] 

>Talking badly about Julio Cortazar.


Pero si tienes razon sobre el pendejo de Bukowski. Pero ni lo compares con Cortazar. El que culpa tiene que los hipsters se caguen el palo con sus grandes obras?

>> No.2275132

borges set stories in some of those places, theyre not fantasy though. inb4 magic realism is glorified fantasy.

>> No.2275134

People need to stop liking 'Othello' because the main character is black. Marlowe wrote a more radical play with 'Tamburlaine' anyway.

>> No.2275133
File: 31 KB, 500x368, Julio_Cortazar_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Talking badly about Julio Cortazar.


Pero si tienes razon sobre el pendejo de Bukowski. Pero ni lo compares con Cortazar. El que culpa tiene que los hipsters se caguen el palo con sus grandes obras?

>> No.2275141

Bukowski is better than average. People hate him for no reason, just like hipsters like him.

But holy fuck, I agree that even so you can't compare Cortazar with Bukowski. Cortazar is much different and in a sense much better. I really don't see how anyone could compare the two

(not the guy you are talking to. I can read spanish but can't write/speak it.)

>> No.2275151
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Fantasy is for manchildren.

I always remember this comic strip.
>they are not midgets dad, they are dwarves, they use their axes to avenge their race against the tiranny of the evil one, in a deep story set in a rich fantastical world

>> No.2275155

I didn't like "A farewell to arms" and i'm reluctant to read more of Hemmingway

>> No.2275156

Holy shit are you a fucking idiot? Julio Cortázar has actual depth and is aesthetically pleasing; Bukowski was a durnken imbecile.

1/10 made me reply.

>> No.2275171

For what it's worth, I've read the majority of Hemingway's work and A Farewell to Arms is my least favorite. Try his other novels (specifically For Whom the Bells Tolls or The Old Man and the Sea) or a short story collection.

>> No.2275174

McSweeny's is for manchildren.

>> No.2275190

/lit/ needs to broaden it's horizons.

>> No.2275193

>implying the characters are cut really thin for a pasta

>> No.2275194


You should broaden your fucking spelling, pleb

>> No.2275218

I agree. I'm pretty sick of the same couple dozen authors getting discussed again and again. I always make attempts to talk about the lesser known works I'm reading in hopes of helping that.

>> No.2275219

That's not an issue of spelling, it's an issue of punctuation. Stop throwing around the word plebeian if you don't have a basic understanding of language.

>> No.2275560

Mark Twain was a shit author and is given far too much respect in American Literature.

You want to read a great American author? You want to read the greatest fucking example of the American Novel? You read Frank Norris' "The Octopus".